23 September 2020

A Few Thoughts About Colossians 1:9


Colossae is in the area of modern Turkey and was an important Roman city.

Epaphras visited, preached, and started a church there (Colossians 1:7) in the early 60s A.D. It is one of the prison epistles. Paul was in near-by Ephesus at the time (Acts 19).

Colossians 1:9 WEL Also, for this reason, since we heard, we do not stop praying for you and asking that you might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding,

Paul is thankful to God for the Colossians for several reasons.

B1 The first reason is in verse 4—they believed the gospel.

B2 The second is love for fellow believers.

B3 Thirdly, they are producing fruit honoring God. Fruit that comes from living and thinking God’s ways. For example, Galatians 5:22-23 NIV But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

B4 Love is the fourth. This is God’s version of love.

This is the reason for Paul and his assistants praying for them. They pray for the Colossians to be filled with the knowledge of God’s will. This knowledge is in wisdom and spiritual understanding.


B1 Filled is the word πληρόω plēróō. It means to fill a container to the very top and ready to run over. It cannot be filled any more liquid. It also has the ideas of completing a task, prophecies that come true, and perfect obedience to God’s rules.

B2 Knowledge is the word ἐπίγνωσις epígnōsis. It means correct and precise knowledge. It is truth.

B3 Will is the word θέλημα thélēma. It means what a person wants to do and is able to do. It also has the idea of what we must be doing or not doing.

B4 Wisdom is the word σοφία sophía. It means using knowledge is the most efficient and honorable way. This wisdom is successful, a blessing to others, and honors God. It helps others to be successful. It is based on the knowledge of experience.

B5 Understanding is the word σύνεσις sýnesis. It is a spiritual understanding of everything, that is, God’s perfect plan. It is a greater, more successful, and blessings of emotional joy to us and others. It is different than knowledge in that understanding connects the dots, puts the pieces together. It is more than facts. It is a knowledge of why.


B1 Answering questions as what occupation should I prepare for.

B2 God has given us various means of knowing His will:

C1 Prayer—James 1:5

C2 Things we must do—work is good (Genesis 2:2), to have a job (1 Thessalonians 4:11), pay taxes (Romans 13:7)

C3 Things we must NOT do—be a workaholic (Proverbs 23:4), not to love money (Ecclesiastes 5:10), laziness (Titus 1:2)

C4 Principles we must do—working diligently and highest quality possible (Titus 2:9-10), leaders who help with the work (or at least willing to do so) (Luke 22:26)

C5 Principles we must NOT do—dishonorable work (thief (1 Peter 4:15), cheating tax collector (Luke 3:12-13)), a leader listening to lies (Proverbs 29:12)

C6 Examples of people blessed by God—Oholiab the son of Ahisamach (Exodus 38:23), the honorable woman in Proverbs 31, Boaz in the book of Ruth

C7 Examples of people not blessed by God—laziness (Titus 1:2), lazy servant (Matthew 25:26), harlots (Deuteronomy 23:17-18)

B3 If we want to do a particular occupation, we have a standard of measure.

Paul prays for them to not only know God’s will but why and how. God is the master teacher but once we learn, we need to teach others.

Whether it is our earthly work (occupation) or our spiritual work (ministries), all can work (if they healthy) both types of work.

20 September 2020

Warning about False Logic

 1 Timothy 6:20-21

1 Timothy 6:20-21 WEL O Timothy, carefully keep safe what was committed to your trust, avoiding ungodly and fruitless babblings and oppositions from, what is falsely called, knowledge, 21 Which some claiming expertise have turned away from the faith. Grace be with you. Amen.

B6 Warnings

C1 To preserve

D1 What has been given

D2 Personal as gifts from the Holy Spirit, a calling to be a minister, and prophecies.

D3 Teaching as to doctrine, Christian lifestyle and worldview, church planting and organization.

D4 Preserve means to continue in what Jesus wants. What He wants is best because Jesus is omniscience, omnisapient, omnipotent, etc. Everything and every decision is done in wisdom, love, and holiness.

D5 We need to do the same. We need to read the Bible, study it, apply it, and teach it. We need faithful church leaders and members who to the same. We need the fellowship of each other to accomplish this goal.

C2 To avoid

D1 Unspiritual vanities

E1 Unspiritual vanities is what is profane.

E2 Profane (Greek word βέβηλος bébēlos) and means to defile what is sacred. God’s wisdom and plans are holy. When we teach and live something else, we defile it. God will punish. Choices have consequences.

E3 We sometimes begin to follow our heart, our mind, our intellect, false teachers, etc. because of our heart: Jeremiah 17:9 MEV The heart is more deceitful than all things and desperately wicked; who can understand it?

E4 God’s words, decisions, rules, etc. are perfect. Any change is a defilement. Christianity does not to be reimaged. Psalm 19:7-9 MEV The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; 8 the statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes; 9 the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.

E5 Faithfulness:

F1 1 Corinthians 4:1-4 GNB92 You should think of us as Christ's servants, who have been put in charge of God's secret truths. 2 The one thing required of such servants is that they be faithful to their master. 3 Now, I am not at all concerned about being judged by you or by any human standard; I don't even pass judgment on myself. 4 My conscience is clear, but that does not prove that I am really innocent. The Lord is the one who passes judgment on me.

F2 Matthew 7:24-25 GNB92 So then, anyone who hears these words of mine and obeys them is like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain poured down, the rivers flooded over, and the wind blew hard against that house. But it did not fall, because it was built on rock.

D2 False logic

E1 Knowledge is the Greek word γνῶσις gnōsis. It means knowledge.

E2 Essentially, we know nothing until taught by experience or others.

E3 We do not the truth of God or ourselves until the Holy Spirit teaches us.

E4 What God teaches is perfect, good, wholesome, blessing, and best. This is THE standard of true and false. Colossians 3:9 MEV Christ in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

E5 Any other knowledge is false.

E6 People in general are liars. That doesn’t mean everyone lies in everything they do, but that we do lie.

E7 God doesn’t change

F1 Hebrews 13:8 GNB92 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

F2 James 1:17 GNB92 Every good gift and every perfect present comes from heaven; it comes down from God, the Creator of the heavenly lights, who does not change or cause darkness by turning.

E8 It begins with truth. Truth about ourselves, our family, our friends, our society, our philosophies, our world, etc. John 14:6 GNB92 Jesus answered him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one goes to the Father except by me.

E9 John Gill writes on this passage:

the truth he is not only true, but truth itself: this may regard his person and character; he is the true God, and eternal life; truly and really man; as a prophet he taught the way of God in truth; as a priest, he is a faithful, as well as a merciful one, true and faithful to him that appointed him; and as a King, just and true are all his ways and administrations: he is the sum and substance of all the truths of the Gospel; they are all full of him, and centre in him; and he is the truth of all the types and shadows, promises and prophecies of the Old Testament; they have all their accomplishment in him; and he is the true way, in opposition to all false ones of man's devising.

C3 A warning to avoid ungodly and fruitless discussions

C4 A warning to avoid leaning and depending on philosophy for life. Philosophy is useful, and God bless those brothers and sisters who study and use it for apologetics. The idea here is that faith might be lost if one depends on and puts their trust in human knowledge ALONE.

B7 Applications

C1 The importance of truth.

C2 The importance of faithfulness.

C3 The importance of thinking this, teaching this, and living this


18 September 2020

Instructions to the Rich

B5 1 Timothy 6:17-19

C1 Verse 17

D1 Riches.

E1 Note this refers to the riches of this world. It does not refer to spiritual riches/treasure.

E2 It is not sinful to have riches.

E3 The Greek word for riches is πλούσιος ploúsios. It means having many things as money, land, businesses, etc., wealthy, and rich.

D2 The dangers

E1 Proud, being arrogant.

F1 The Greek word is ὑψηλοφρονέω hypsēlophronéō. It means to think of ourselves better than other. It is thinking themselves to have more of God’s blessings and favor than others, better abilities, smarter, etc.

F2 Credit is not given to God but to themselves for their success. See Psalm 52 for an example.

E2 Misplaced trust

F1 We are specifically commanded to not gloat and trust in riches.

F2 Psalms 62:10 GNB Don't put your trust in violence; don't hope to gain anything by robbery; even if your riches increase, don't depend on them.

F3 Example: The rich landowner in Luke 12.

F4 Love of money is declared to be idolatry. Colossians 3:5 EMTV Therefore put to death your members on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and greed, which is idolatry.

D4 The challenge

E1 To trust God instead of riches. Psalm 40:4 CSB How happy is anyone who has put his trust in the LORD and has not turned to the proud or to those who run after lies!

E2 Who gives us what we NEED. Psalms 107:9 Complete Apostles' Bible For He satisfies the empty soul, and fills the hungry soul with good things.

C2 Verse 18-19

D1 What the rich should be doing.

E1 Do good

F1 This is doing good to other people. Things that God approves of. Some things: edify the brothers and sisters, listen, provide physical, emotional, and/or spiritual needs, visit, pray, etc. Matthew 5:16 NASB77 Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

F2 Example: The Good Samaritan

F3 Matthew 5:43-48

F4 Compare: Proverbs 26:18-19 NRSV Like a maniac who shoots deadly firebrands and arrows, 19 so is one who deceives a neighbor and says, "I am only joking!"

E2 Do good works

F1 This is doing good towards God. Compare: Ephesians 4:28 EMTV Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working that which is good with his hands, in order that he may have something to share with him who has need.

F2 Luke 12:21 NRSV So it is with those who store up treasures for themselves but are not rich toward God.

F3 Not rich towards God. See Clarke: This is the essential characteristic of a covetous man: he desires riches; he gets them; he lays them up, not for the necessary uses to which they might be devoted, but for himself; to please himself, and to gratify his avaricious soul. Such a person is commonly called a miser, i.e. literally, a wretched, miserable man.

Some helpful suggestions are given to help them keep perspective

D1 Do good

D2 Be rich in good works rather than money

D3 A readiness to donate

D4 A cheerful willingness to share

D5 Be content with what you have

D6 Give God the credit for His blessing

C3 Doing these will result in

D1 A good foundation (solid and sure of faith to stand the spiritual blows and temptations of this life)

D2 Eternal life: The eternal life will not come from what they do, for it is only through grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. What it means is they will not lose their salvation. Eternal life is more important than earthly life, and eternal, heavenly treasure is more important that temporary, earthly treasure.

C4 Questions:

D1 Why do people love money?

D2 Name some evils in society come from the love of money?

D3 How do people and/or businesses control people by money?

D4 What is the Christian understanding about money?

15 September 2020

Signs of Salvation

 A great article from a number of years ago by Roy Ingle

Signs of Salvation

While we often are quick to stress the Reformation emphasis that salvation is by grace through faith apart from works of righteousness (Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5-7), we also must equally emphasis that there are signs that will come forth that reveal a genuine salvation. Too often we evangelicals (and especially us Arminians) are too quick to declare that someone is saved simply because they said a prayer, raised a hand, or came down front and knelt at the altar. We must be careful to preach the true gospel of repentance unto salvation and not just an emotional experience. If we equate salvation with mere emotionalism then we will quickly see the Church become a dying force. We must base salvation not just on emotions (although they may be legitimate) but we must base true salvation upon the inerrant Word of God.

I can well remember my years in youth ministry where I saw many teenagers “come to Christ” but hardly any remain Christians today. Call them false converts or simply that they lost their salvation but one way or another they are not walking with Jesus today and in fact some of them are anti-Christian. Why? Was it my fault? I believe that with all the good that comes out of youth ministry, too often some youth events were so emotionally driven that the teenagers would have joined Amway if given the chance at that point. With kicking music and lights and the room full of their peers, those teenagers were not falling under the conviction of the Spirit but the positive peer pressure of “getting high on the Most High.” The youth evangelist could have song “The B-I-B-L-E” and the teens would have ran down front ready to go to China for Jesus.

But where was true repentance? Where was the emphasis...

Read the rest here.

13 September 2020

A Few Thoughts About the devil Our Adversary


1 Peter 5:8-11 in NKJV 

1 Peter 5:8-11 WEL Be clear headed. Be alert, because your enemy, the Devil, like a roaring lion, walks around seeking whom he can devour. 9 Resist him, [be] immovable in the faith, realizing that the same kind of afflictions are being faced by your brothers who are in the world. 10 But the God of all grace, who has called us into his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, will mend you, make you resolute, give you strength, and support you. 11 To him [be] glory and supremacy forever and ever. Amen.


B1 1 Peter 5:1-11 deals with the topic of living out our salvation specially dealing with the church family. 

B2 We are to be clear headed. Many translations use the word sober or sober-minded. A clear mind is one not clouded by anything that slows our thinking or hinders our judgment. A person with a clouded mind would be dangerous driving a vehicle or doing surgery. God lets us know our need to be clear headed. There are many Christians who believe in a passive approach to prayer and worship. I’ve heard it termed as by-passing the brain, silencing the brain, entering the silence, etc. Those Christians are deliberately disobeying God and setting themselves up for spiritual danger. 

B3 Be alert. A person is always more alert when there is danger around them. 

B4 The danger we face is the devil and his agents. They are roaming seeking those who they can deceive. If deceived, then they hope to destroy their Christian faith. 1 Timothy 5:6 NIV but the widow who lives for pleasure is dead even while she lives. 

B5 God helps us by 

C1 Giving us three helpful things 

D1 Resist. We resist, because we know the truth. We learn the truth from reading and study the Scriptures. The devil will stir up our memories of failures, or when we didn’t resist in the past, so why should we now. He will accuse us of being evil. He will offer excuses we can use to justify our bad choices. He can stir up emotions and make sins look pleasant. But knowing the truth we can resist. Freedom starts with knowing and acknowledging the truth. If we have a little skepticism we can question and then recognize error. 

D2 Be immovable in the faith. We have been taught (hopefully) by our church leaders and self-study. We know the truth. We know basic doctrine. We must stubbornly hold on to our faith. 

D3 The family of God. We suffer together. We need support each other in prayer, encourage each other to continue, assist each other in other ways. We are a family, so let us support each other. 

C2 God gives us grace to know truth, to apply wisdom, to remember what we have studied and learned, past victories, etc. He gives us the strength to resist and be unmovable. 

B6 God restores us 

C1 He mends. The idea of the Greek word is to repair. After we suffer awhile, we have hurts that need healing. God provides that healing. Two principles for us to know. See Psalm 23. 

D1 Suffering is used by God to build endurance. We cannot learn much if there is no resistance. Romans 5:3-5 GNB We also boast of our troubles, because we know that trouble produces endurance, 4 endurance brings God's approval, and his approval creates hope. 5 This hope does not disappoint us, for God has poured out his love into our hearts by means of the Holy Spirit, who is God's gift to us. 

D2 God is the one who heals. Psalm 23:3, Psalm 147:3, 2 Thessalonians 2:17. 

C2 Make you resolute. God builds up our spiritual muscles through troubles. Our faith is stronger. Our determination to live and think as Christians is stronger. Our love for God and desire to obey the Scriptures is stronger. We need to emphasize the truth in thoughts, desires, words, and deeds. Psalm 1:1-3. 

C3 Give you strength. We are weak. Problems are often greater than we are. God gives the grace to be stronger. We become more mature as Christians through trials. God uses afflictions and troubles to perfect us. Hebrews 2:10 CSB for in bringing many sons and daughters to glory, it was entirely appropriate that God—​​for whom and through whom all things exist—​should make the source of their salvation perfect through sufferings. 

C4 Support us. He gives us strength. God’s strength in us is seen best when we are suffering. 2 Corinthians 12:7-9. Luke 7:48 GNB He is like a man who, in building his house, dug deep and laid the foundation on rock. The river flooded over and hit that house but could not shake it, because it was well built 

B7 Praise God. The Psalmist has gone through much suffering. He shares his thoughts. 

C1 Psalm 119:49-51 Remember your word to your servant, for you have given me hope. My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life. The arrogant mock me without restraint, but I do not turn from your law. 

C2 Psalm 119:107 I have suffered much; preserve my life, O LORD, according to your word. 

C3 Psalm 119:152-154 Long ago I learned from your statutes that you established them to last forever. Look upon my suffering and deliver me, for I have not forgotten your law. Defend my cause and redeem me; preserve my life according to your promise.

Thank God that He does not harm us. We see a wonderful difference in God, His kingdom, His worldview, and His lifestyle. Let us imitate His ways and reject the enemy and his ways.

Be at peace brothers and sisters. God watches over us. We are in this life together

12 September 2020

A Few Thoughts About Priorities



This is assuming that spouses are believers.

Believers know the Gospel as follows 

B1 God’s law 

C1 God is THE King of all kings. 

C2 God has laws for His kingdom. 

C3 Summary is the 10 Commandments: Exodus 20:1-21 and Deuteronomy 5 

B2 Disobedience 

C1 All disobey 

C2 All cannot earn salvation 

B3 Prevenient grace 

C1 God initiates salvation. 

C2 If God did not initiate salvation, then NO ONE cannot and would not ever be saved. 

B4 Understanding of our condition and punishment 

C1 Spiritual death, that is, no fellowship with God—Ephesians 2:1-3, Colossians 2:13, 1 Timothy 5:6 

C2 Physical death because we break God’s laws, which is sin, for which we die. Romans 3:23, Romans 5:12, James 1:15 

C3 Eternal death, which is conscious, never-ending torment—2 Thessalonians 1:9, Revelation 21:8 

B5 Understanding Jesus 

C1 100% God and 100% man See Athanasian Creed 

C2 Substitute—Passover Lamb. See 1 Corinthians 5:7, Isaiah 53:7, John 1:29, 1 Corinthians 15:3 

C3 Offer of salvation—Come to me. See Matthew 11:28-30, Revelation 22:7 

C4 Repentance—180o change in attitude and actions. See Matthew 3:2, Acts 3:19, Acts 8:22, Revelation 2:5, Jonah 3:10, 2 Timothy 2:24-26 

C5 Faith and trust—Salvation is by grace along through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. Call on His name (ask for forgiveness and believing). See John 3:36, John 3:16, Acts 4:12, 1 John 5:11-12, Luke 18:13 


B1 God first 

C1 Honor 

D1 Attitude 

E1 Compare 

F1 Honoring God correctly—1 Corinthians 10:31, Mark 12:30, Matthew 6:33 

F2 Honoring God incorrectly or not at all—Matthew 15:8, Revelation 2:4 

E2 Actions—Luke 18:9-14, Genesis 4:3-5, 1 Corinthians 6:20, Matthew 5:16 

D2 Time. Compare Daniel 6:9 (both times and actions in the face of a threat), 2 Timothy 2:15  

D3 Belongings. Compare Proverbs 3:9, Matthew 6:21, 2 Corinthians 9:11 

D4 Fellowship with God and other believers 

E1 Fellowship is being together, enjoying others company, helping each other, teaching each other, worshiping God in song, prayer, etc. 

E2 Some verses—Acts 2:42, 1 John 1:3, 2 Corinthians 6:14 

C2 Faith 

D1 Believe. The Christian faith is not blind faith. It is reasonable faith. Compare Hebrews 11:1 and James 2:21-24 with Abraham’s faith and actions in Genesis 15:1-6. Also see John 9:38. 

D2 Actions, which are proof. See James 2:14-26, Matthew 7:26, the examples in Hebrews 11. 

C3 Obey. We learn by reading, studying, listening, practicing, then teaching. 

D1 Read Bible—2 Timothy 3:16-17, Psalm 119:105 

D2 Study Bible—Psalm 19, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 

D3 Study Apologetics—Colossians 4:6, 1 Peter 3:15 

D4 Practice—James 1:22, Psalm 119:9, Luke 11:28 

B2 Spouse 

C1 Spiritual oneness 

D1 Worshiping together 

D2 Praying together 

D3 Bible time together 

C2 Emotional oneness 

D1 Sharing feelings, so listening is important. 

D2 Time together. This is more than sleeping. 

D3 Problem solving together. Your spouse is God’s gift of the best human counselor. 

C3 Physical oneness 

D1 Chores together 

D2 Pleasures together 

D3 Enjoying each other’s physical beauty together. Read the Song of Songs. 

C4 1 Peter 3:7 WEL Likewise, you husbands live together with an understanding attitude, giving honor to your wife since [she is] more delicate [than you] and [you are] heirs together of the grace of life, [do this] so that your prayers are not hindered. [The Greek word for giving has the idea of recognizing and acknowledging her gifts, talents, abilities, accomplishments and giving proper honor of these to her]. 

B3 Children 

C1 Spiritual care 

D1 Teach them.  

E1 This is by instruction, by living it, letting them observe us in good times, troubling times, stressful times, etc.  

E2 They want to see how we react. We have the opportunity to show them the way a Christian handles a problem. 

D2 Pray with them and for them. 

D3 Sing with them and for them. 

C2 Emotional care 

D1 Parents are not to provoke their children to anger. 

E1 Punishment for a child’s frustration is 100% wrong. Help them. 

E2 Punishment for a child’s mistake is 100% wrong. Teach them. 

E3 Punishment when they are acting out for attention. Spend time with them. 

E4 Use wisdom. 

E5 Remember: James 1:20 EMTV for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God. 

D2 Children do not know how to deal with abuse, neglect, etc. We are to help them. 

C3 Needs care 

D1 This would be food, clothing, education, etc. 

D2 It is the responsibility of parents to prepare a child for adulthood. 

B4 Parents 

C1 Spiritual concerns 

D1 One of the greatest problems for the elderly is loneliness. Visit them. 

D2 Another is help with chores they have trouble with. Assist them. 

D3 Another is times they cannot attend fellowship. Worship with them. 

C2 Respect/honor. See Exodus 20:12, Luke 2:41-49 , John 19:29-27. 

B5 Other family 

C1 Spiritual concerns 

C2 Other concerns 

B6 Friends 

C1 Spiritual concerns 

C2 Other concerns 

B7 Acquaintances 

C1 Spiritual concerns 

C2 Other concerns


B1 God first 

C1 Honoring God 

D1 Time—Isaiah 1:18, James 4:2&8, Revelation 2:2-5 

D2 Money 

E1 Give as God has prospered—1 Corinthians 16:2, 2 Corinthians 8:12 

E2 Privately—Matthew 6:1 

E3 Right attitude—Matthew 6:21, Ecclesiastes 5:10, Hebrews 13:5  

C2 Honorable work 

D1 This is work that is not against God’s law.  

E1 Honorable work examples are farming, engineer, education, blue collar trades, etc. 

E2 Dishonorable work examples are prostitution, sex trafficking, hacking, etc. 

D2 Being a Christian witness. 

C3 Honorable rest 

D1 God worked 6 days and rested 1. A day or 2 is needed for spiritual, emotional, and physical rest. Mark 6:31-32, Psalm 23:2 

D2 Rest for our soul is a good rest. See Jeremiah 6:16 

B2 Spouse 

C1 Priorities as listed above 

C2 Other financial care 

B3 Family 

C1 Time Compare Deuteronomy 6:7, Ecclesiastes 9:9. 

C2 Togetherness 

D1 Work 

D2 Recreation 

C3 A time to chill out. 

D1 Take them to the park, the lake, the woods, the fields, for ice cream, etc. 

D2 Pray with them. Listen to them.  

D3 Everybody has a bad day. Help them. Don’t discipline them for a bad day. 

C4 Remember:  

D1 Jesus is the counselor of all counselors. Isaiah 9:6 KJ2000 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. 

D2 Luke 4:18 EMTV The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed. 

D3 We are to imitate Jesus’ way of life. Seek Luke 9:23, 1 Corinthians 11:1-2. Seek God’s wisdom and help (James 1:5).

Matthew 6:33 EMTV but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you

1 Peter 1:3 NLT All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by his great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation.