Showing posts with label ordination questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ordination questions. Show all posts

16 November 2016

Ordination Questions

Ordination Questions

I'm including a link to a downloadable document outlining my answers to ordination questions. The questions are from a Christian Missionary and Alliance site and reflect their beliefs. Since I am a Free Will Baptist, there are some questions I didn't answer. I am not ordained. I wanted to answer the questions for my own sake, then thought I would share them.

Link to C&MA ordination questions.

Link to the Free Will Baptist Treatise

Link to the ordination questions as PDF

Link in case you want to view it as a gdocx

Here are the most Free Will Baptist related questions. The words to "see longer post" refer to the same questions in the C&MA post. (You might have to search as the C&MA document is ~50 pages.

1.       Do you believe without reservation that the Bible is the verbally inspired, infallible Word of God and that it is the only rule of faith and practice?
Yes, it is the only source of 100% truth. 2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21
2.       What do you believe about evolution and the Genesis account of Creation?
6, 24 hour days. God must be believed. Genesis 1 and 2, Exodus 20:11
3.       What is the gospel?
We have all broken God’s law. The sentence is hell. The Lord Jesus came, lived His life, died, buried, rose again, and ascended. We must place our trust into Him calling out to Him to have mercy and save us from our sins and punishment. 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, 1 John 3:5

What is salvation?
1.       How would you proceed to explain the way of salvation to a lost soul?
10 Commandments. Exodus 20
Judgment Hebrews 9:27, Revelation 21:8
Sentence Matthew 13:42
Hell Matthew 13:42, Luke 16:24, Revelation 20:14
Savior, who is the only one, Jesus Christ. Acts 4:12, 1 Timothy 2:5
2.       Explain your views on baptism.
Pouring, immersing, sprinkling makes no difference. Only believers may be baptized. Hebrews 10:22, Acts 2:17-18, Acts 2:33, Acts 10:45, Romans 6:4
3.       What is the meaning of the Lord’s Supper?
Remembering what the Lord Jesus did for us as Savior. 1 Corinthians 11
4.       Should feet washing be observed? Explain.
Yes, Jesus said so. John 13 especially John 13:14.
5.       What do you believe about apostasy and the perseverance of the believer?
A person came apostatize and thus lose salvation. The warning verses are to be taken at face value. Hebrews 6, Hebrews 10, and other passages as Revelations 3:5.

Give your interpretation of the following doctrines:
1.       -God
See longer post.
2.       -Deity of Christ
See longer post.
3.       -The Virgin Birth of Christ
See longer post.
4.       -The Work of the Holy Spirit
See longer post.
5.       -Repentance
See longer post.
6.       -Faith
See longer post.
7.       -Justification
See longer post.
8.       -Regeneration
See longer post.
9.       -Atonement
See longer post.
10.  -Sanctification
See longer post.
11.  -Final Judgment
See longer post.
12.  -Heaven
See longer post.
13.  -Hell
See longer post.
14.  -Satan
See longer post.
15.  -Second Coming
See longer post.
16.  -Resurrection
See longer post.
17.  What is the church?
See longer post.
18.  Who is eligible for membership?
Only those who are saved as outlined above.
19.  How should the church discipline a member?
See longer post.
20.  How should the work of the church be financed?
Gifts and offerings. Tithes are not required, but if those who want to, it is OK.
21.  What are the duties of a minister?
1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus.
22.  What is the mission of the church in the light of Matt. 28:19, 20?
Preach the Gospel, teach the disciples both doctrine and Christian life, live the Gospel in good works to all, and to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.


1.       Who is a Free Will Baptist?
2.       What is meant by the term “free moral agent?”
God has given a measure of free will. He has done this in His sovereignty. The Holy Spirit initiates salvation which allows us to have a freed will to resist or not resist. God is the only one with sovereign free will.
3.       Have you read the Free Will Baptist Treatise completely and do you subscribe to the doctrines and practices that are outlined in it?
Yes. I believe that humans are body, soul, and spirit. Regarding intoxicating beverages, see above.
4.       Is there anything in the treatise that you do not believe or would not teach?
As above.
5.       If you ever changed your views on any of these doctrines what would you do?
Let the congregation know, and let them decide if I should remain as pastor. If they have been taught doctrine and apologetics correctly, they will know.
6.       What are the grounds for relinquishing your ordination credentials?
Adultery, murder, porn, drunkenness, etc.
7.       What is the relationship for the local church to the denomination?
Support through prayer and money. Listen closely and take advice seriously.
8.       References: provide three character and three credit references.
On request.
9.       Do you solemnly pledge to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints and to faithfully uphold the Free Will Baptist doctrines outlined in the Treatise?