Showing posts with label intelligent design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label intelligent design. Show all posts

22 January 2015

What are the odds?

Evolution happens by just plain luck or happenstance. There is no reason, no intelligence, or guidance. So what are the odds that a functioning protein would just happen to be formed?

This article, Comparing the Odds: The Seahawks Game Versus...Evolution? explains.

"Even the most die-hard Seattle fans would agree that the odds of last week's Seahawks win were quite small. They had to come back from a 12-point deficit in the last three minutes of the game. At that point the odds for a win were only 0.1 percent.

CBS Sports said:

According to the win probability graph from, the Seahawks only had a .70 percent chance of winning the game after Wilson's pick [interception at 5:04 to go] -- that's less than one percent.

Believe it or not though, things actually got worse after that. Seattle's chances of winning fell to .10 percent at the 3:07 mark after Wilson threw an incomplete pass to Jermaine Kearse.

So what won the game? For the Seahawks to take the championship a combination of intelligence, skill, and luck had to come together. But I'm betting it was mainly intelligence and skill that gave the breathtaking win to the Seahawks. It would be highly unlikely to have happened by chance alone.

Why? A chance of 0.1 percent…"

This is essentially improbable. To win the game took intelligence, not random happenings. Even though the Sea Hawks won against seemingly impossible odds, it was not just a random happening.

The same can be said for evolution.