Becoming Like Jesus
Theme: God works in believers to accomplish His purpose.
A1 Objectives
B1 Describe Jesus as the standard for our holiness of life.
B2 Explain the connection between the "armor of God" and holy living.
A2 Scriptures
B1 1 Peter 1:13-16
B2 Matthew 22:34-40
B3 Ephesians 6:10-20
A3 Notes
B1 1 Peter 1:13-16
C1 Therefore
C2 Three actions
D1 Gird up loins of mind
D2 Be sober
D3 Rest
E1 Two things for our rest
F1 In hope
F2 On grace
E2 In a future blessing/promise--the return of Jesus Christ
C3 Two contrasts
D1 Obedient children
D2 Disobedient children
E1 Natural state of all humans which is to be conformed to our fleshy lusts
E2 Natural state of all humans done because of ignorance
C4 God's character/our character
D1 God is holy
D2 God's will is for us to be holy in the same way/conduct
B2 Matthew 22:34-40
C1 But (showing contrast with what was said preceding this).
C2 When (showing timing of what is to follow).
C3 Pharisees (who were they and what they believed).
C4 Heard (showing the action that happened).
C5 That He had silenced the Sadducees (dependent clause showing what they had heard).
C6 They gathered together (fulfills the time word "when" and shows the result of the previous words).
C7 The lawyer's question--"Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?"
C8 Jesus answer
D1 The first and great commandment
E1 You
E2 Shall love
E3 The LORD your God
E4 with all
F1 Your heart
F2 Your soul
F3 Your mind
D5 The second
E1 You
E2 Shall love
E3 Your neighbor
E4 As
E5 Yourself
D6 All the Law and Prophets are based on that foundation
B3 Ephesians 6:10-20--The Armor of God, or God's provision for our protection (mainly spiritual).
C1 Command
D1 Be strong in the Lord
D2 Be strong in the power of His might
D3 Put on the whole armor of God
C2 Reason
D1 Be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
D2 The spiritual fight
E1 We do not wrestle against flesh and blood
E2 We do wrestle against
F1 Principalities
F2 Powers
F3 Rules of darkness of this age
F4 Spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly.
C3 Equipment
D1 We need the whole armor
E1 To be able to stand in the evil day
E2 After doing everything to still stand
D2 Truth
D3 Righteousness
D4 Prepared with the Gospel of Peace
D5 Faith
D6 Salvation
D7 Word of God (Scriptures)
D8 Prayer
E1 Alertness
E2 Perseverance
E3 Supplication
F1 All Christians
F2 Paul
G1 To preach Gospel
G2 To preach boldly and as he ought
A4 Questions
B1 1 Peter 1:13-16
C1 Therefore
D1 What does the word therefore indicate/ask of us? (The Scriptures preceding have given material/teaching on a topic. Because of that material we are not called to applied it. It would indicate "because of what has been said, we are not required to..."
D2 What are the three actions we are not required to do? (Gird, be sober, and rest)
D3 What are loins of the mind? (There is no such thing, so it is a word picture of something physical. Physically it refers to picking up the bottom edge of the robe/tunic and tuck it in so we will not trip over it/stumble while we are doing some demanding work or action. Applying this to the mind would mean to be ready for action without something getting in the way).
D4 What are some ways we can "gird up the loins of our mind?"
C2 What is being sober? (Not drunk)
C3 What do this imply? (Our minds must be clear and ready for action).
C4 What about those who say we must use centering prayers, still the mind, quiet, empty the mind and other such terms? (The mind is not active in these situations. Those types have an inactive mind and are disobedient to God's teaching/will in this passage).
C5 What are we resting in? (The return of Jesus Christ).
C6 Why is this a rest?
C7 How does being sober affect our mind? How does not being sober affect our mind?
C8 What is the difference between an obedient and disobedient child?
C9 What type of children are described here? (Spiritual children)
C10 In what ways are Christians spiritual and physically disobedient?
C11 What kind of obedience is God's calling us to?
C12 What is holiness?
C13 Does God ever sin?
B2 Matthew 22:34-40
C1 What had the Pharisees heard? (Jesus's clear teaching about the resurrection to the Sadducees).
C2 Why did the Pharisees gather together?
C3 What is a lawyer? (See here. "The work of the "lawyers," frequently spoken of as "scribes," also known as "doctors" of the law (Lk 2:46 margin), was first of all that of jurists. Their business was threefold: (1) to study and interpret the law; (2) to instruct the Hebrew youth in the law; (3) to decide questions of the law. The first two they did as scholars and teachers, the last as advisers in some court." From "Lawyer" in ISBE.
C4 Why would a question test Jesus?
C5 Why would the lawyer want to know if Jesus know the first and great command?
C5 How do we love God?
C6 How do we love ourselves?
C7 How does this apply to loving our neighbor?
C8 What is the foundation for all the Law and Prophets? Why?
C9 Why would the Pharisees want to "test" Jesus?
B3 Ephesians 6:10-20
C1 Why do we need protection?
C2 How will this armor help us be successful or a failure in the Christian life.
C3 Let us look at some people in the Bible and see how they were successful/unsuccessful in God's eyes.
D1 Lucifer/Satan (Isaiah 14:12 (Some say this refers to the "King of Babylon" or since the title refers to Messiah, the anti-Christ usurped it, but can such a description here refer to any man?), 2 Peter 2:4, 1 John 3:8, Zechariah 3:1, 1 Thessalonians 2:18).
D2 Adam
D3 Eve
D4 Cain
D5 Able
D6 Noah
D7 The world before the flood
D8 Abraham
D9 Lot
D10 Citizens of Sodom/Gomorrah
D11 King David
D12 King Solomon
D13 Zachariah (father of John the Baptist)
D14 Mary
D15 Joseph
D16 Peter
D17 Judas
D18 Paul
D19 You