Showing posts with label Christian attitudes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian attitudes. Show all posts

14 November 2019

A Few Thoughts About Women in 1 Timothy 2

The Scripture:
1 Timothy 2:8-15 WEL Therefore, I want men to pray wherever they are, lifting up holy hands without anger and doubt. 9 Likewise, that women dress themselves in modest clothes, inclined to avoid notice, and be in self-control, not with embroidered hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly clothes, 10 But with what is proper for women professing godliness along with good works. 11 Let a women learn quietly in humble gentleness. 12 Now, I do not allow a woman to teach or domineer a man but to be quiet, 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 Adam was not deceived, but the woman, being deceived, was in transgression. 15 Nevertheless, she will be saved through the childbearing, if they continue in faith, love, and holiness with self-control.

B1 Paul left Timothy with the congregation in Ephesus due to some problems they were experiencing. 1 Timothy 1:3-4 WEL As I encouraged you to remain in Ephesus, when I was going to Macedonia, so that you would tell certain [individuals] not to teach any other doctrine, 4 Or pay attention to fables and endless genealogies, which leads to controversy rather than godly growth in faith.
C1 Certain people
D1 Were teaching wrong doctrine
D2 Paying attention to fables
D3 Paying attention to genealogies
C2 Results
D1 The congregation was being taught error
D2 The congregation was in controversies
D3 The congregation was not experiencing “...godly growth in faith.”
B2 Background
C1 Paul was in Ephesus 2 times, once for a few months and later for about 2 years about 54 AD. (Acts 19:8,10; 20:31)
C2 Paul wrote 1 Timothy about 63 AD.
C3 The people of Ephesus
D1 Were dedicated to Diana (Artemis, etc.)
D2 A good number of the citizens believed the Gospel.
D3 Were by tradition a city founded by the Amazons (warrior women, domineering, brutal, aggressive, etc.)
D4 It is believed that women in Ephesian society, due to the influence of Artemis, had powerful positions, high rank as priestesses, and influence regardless of who their husbands were. (Source)
D5 The sisters in the congregation evidently were domineering, controlling, and forceful in their teaching, speaking, actions, etc. They were rebuked for this.
C3 The Lord Jesus gave a message to the Ephesian congregation in Revelation 2:1-7. There was no rebuke like Paul instructed Timothy to give, so the work of Timothy, with God’s grace, helped the Ephesian church for a number of decades at least.
B3 Our passage
C1 The brothers and sisters of the congregation had some problems.
D1 The men were not praying
E1 1 Timothy 2:8 WEL Therefore, I want men to pray wherever they are, lifting up holy hands without anger and doubt.
E2 Paul wanted Timothy to instruct the men start praying.
D2 The women were not modest (attitudes, actions, dress, etc.)
E1 1 Timothy 2:9-11 WEL Likewise, that women dress themselves in modest clothes, inclined to avoid notice, and be in self-control, not with embroidered hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly clothes, 10 But with what is proper for women professing godliness along with good works. 11 Let a women learn quietly in humble gentleness.
E2 Paul wanted Timothy to instruct the women to
F1 Act modestly in attitudes, actions, dress, etc.
F2 Cease from seeking recognition
F3 Start doing good works (as God defines it)
F4 Start to listen rather than domineering
C2 Paul gives some remarks for the brothers and sisters in the congregation
D1 The sisters
E1 1 Timothy 2:12 WEL Now, I do not allow a woman to teach or domineer a man but to be quiet
E2 Are not to be domineering and teaching in such a manner that the men have little or no say, cannot question their teaching, must be in compliance to them. Much like some male dominated congregations today where nothing is to be questioned. The elders are to be obeyed. The people, especially the sisters, are expected to sit in the pew, give their money, feign respect (my sarcasm), and shut-up.
E3 This verse does not mean that the sisters do not have the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, or any ministry in the church.
E4 These sisters must learn meekness instead of domineering, so not to be arrogant. That is why they must learn to be quiet. These domineering women needed to do the opposite to learn God’s ways.
D2 All
E1 1 Timothy 2:13-14 WEL For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 Adam was not deceived, but the woman, being deceived, was in transgression.
E2 The sisters must have had an evil attitude of believing they are right, correct, to be believed, etc. because of culture and being raised such.
E3 Sisters can be deceived. These sisters must have had an attitude that they did not think they were not deceived and perhaps could not be deceived..
E4 We learn that Adam had the greatest sin.
F1 He deliberately, willfully, cravenly wanted to commit this sin.
F2 Adam knew what he was doing.
F3 Eve was deceived.
F4 Adam, as many understand it, being present did not stop Eve from eating.
F5 When exposed to sin
G1 Eve told the truth and confessed her sin (Genesis 3:16).
H1 Her punishment was pain in child birth.
H2 Her promise was of the coming Messiah through her.
G2 Adam covered up his sin, practiced blame shifting, and accused God and Eve as the source of his sinning. Because of his sin:
H1 Romans 5:12 NET So then, just as sin entered the world through one man and death through sin, and so death spread to all people because all sinned
H2 1 Corinthians 15:21-22 NET For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead also came through a man. 22 For just as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive.
H3 Adam had no promise given him.
D3 1 Timothy 2:15 WEL Nevertheless, she will be saved through the childbearing, if they continue in faith, love, and holiness with self-control.
E1 She refers to Eve in the context.
E2 She will be saved because she is the distant ancestor of Messiah. The Messiah, Jesus, was promised to come through a woman. This hints at the virgin birth.
E3 These sisters in Ephesus would be saved if they continue in faith, love, and holiness with self-control.
E4 If they continue to be domineering, they will suffer loss at judgment.
B4 Our Christian sisters have
C1 The Holy Spirit as all believers do
C2 Spiritual gifts given by the Holy Spirit
C3 Gifts that are to be used in the congregation
C4 Some notable examples are Philip's daughters, Phoebe, a deaconess, and the Virgin Mary.
B5 This passage has nothing to do with women preachers or no women preachers.