The easiest marriage life is when people are friends with much in common. The more in common the easier it is. Looks have very little value, because you have to live with this person. The most beautiful person in existence may have a road kill personality. Marrying such a person would make life difficult.
How much melanin is in their skin is meaningless. It has no bearing on whom to marry. There are no races. We are all one race.
Culture may be different but is an opportunity to learn and appreciate others. It should have no bearing on marriage choice.
A spiritually born again person must not marry a non-born again person. A born again person should marry a born again person, and a non-born again person should marry a non-born again person. Confused? See here--Need God.
Beware of the psychopath! See article at the bottom.
A1 Similar
B1 Lifestyle
C1 This would include
D1 Dress
D2 Music
D3 Food
D4 Daily habits as bedtime, etc.
D5 Clean or sloppy house and/or personal habits
D6 Helps in house cleaning, etc. or not
D7 Partier or not
D8 Involved in politics or not
E1 Conservative
E2 Progressive
E3 Libertarian
E4 Communist, Marxist, Nazi
E5 Anarchist
D9 Environmental concerns
D10 Business ideas
E1 Capitalist
E2 Socialist
E3 Biblical (I don't agree with everything in these articles, but it does give us something to think about)
F1 Creating a Company Code of Ethics: Using the Bible as a Guide
F2 Biblical Best Practices: The Call for Christian Excellence
C2 A country lover or a city lover
D1 Country
E1 Animal smells
E2 Animal sounds
E3 Hunting, fishing, etc.
D2 City
E1 Neighbors
E2 Activities
E3 City sounds and smells
E4 What type of neighborhood
C3 Animals
D1 Inside animal status
D2 Outside animals
D3 Animal lover or not
B2 Personalities
C1 Introvert
C2 Extrovert
C3 Pet peeves
B3 Financially
C1 Work
C2 Bank accounts
C3 Investments
C4 Amount of time working
C5 Work related activities as parties, meetings, brand/business promotions, traveling
C6 High spender versus low spender
C7 Savings or spending
C8 Credit
C9 Wife/husband working while partner stays home
C10 Charity
B4 Spiritually
C1 Religion
D1 Serious or not
D2 Daily Bible reading and prayer or not
D3 Church attendance--regular or not
D4 Giving to charity or not
D5 Evangelizing or not
D6 Lots of church activities, some, or none
D7 What is modest and not modest
D8 What is the final authority
E1 Bible
E2 Theology book
E3 Religious leader
E4 Emotions
E5 Experiences (as dreams, visions, premonitions, etc.)
C2 Irreligious
C3 Doesn't care
B5 Emotionally
C1 Happy
C2 Melancholic
C3 Good listener or not
C4 Talker or more quiet
C5 Thoughtful or not
C6 Compassionate or not
C7 Sympathetic or not
C8 Helpful or not
C9 Needy or not
C10 Gentle or not
C11 Whinny or not
C12 Responsible or irresponsible
C13 What do they do when depressed
D1 Want to be alone
D2 Want to sleep
D3 Wants to yell
D4 Whinny and needy
D5 Big spender
D6 Big eater
C14 Mature or immature
C15 Not looking for a wife but a mama
C16 Self-control or not
C17 Gossiper or not
C18 Busybody or not
C19 Peaceable or not
C20 Humble or arrogant
C21 Appreciative or not
C22 Sensible or stupid
C23 Loves others or themselves (especially children and elders)
C24 Smiles or not
C25 Laughs or not
C26 Forgiving or not
C27 Joyful or not
B6 Marriage Life
C1 You are the one and only or looks around
C2 Flirts or not
C3 Views on sex life
D1 Gentle and caressing
D2 Fast and painful
D3 How often
D4 Birth control and abortion
C4 Who handles the money
C5 Romantic or not
C6 Eat out often, rarely, or never
C7 Where to eat out
D1 Expensive and formal
D2 Cheap and fast
D3 Grocery store
D4 Picnic
C8 Likes big gifts, small gifts, tokens, or none
C9 Enjoys your company a lot or rarely
C10 Looks and a person's weight mean a lot, little, or don't care
C11 Helps around the house or not
C12 Children or not
C13 How to discipline children
C14 How to educate the children
D1 Home school
D2 Public school
D3 Private school
D4 Tutor
D5 College important
E1 Child pays for most
E2 Parent pays for most
D6 Career choices important
E1 Professional
E2 Technical
E3 Labor
E4 Doesn't make any difference as long as they are productive, self-supporting, and happy in their career
C15 Vacations
D1 At home
D2 Elsewhere
E1 Expensive (as in a cruise)
E2 Less so (as in camping)
E3 Local or far away
C16 Retirement
D1 When
D2 Where
D3 What type of lifestyle
C17 Who is the boss in the family
D1 Wife or husband
D2 Both
D3 Neither (each does their own thing)
C18 Argues or not
C19 How they handle conflict (conflicting views)
C20 How they handle difficulties
C21 How they handle disappointments
C22 Their definition of love
D1 My way only
D2 1 Corinthians 13
C23 Boosts their spouses self-esteem or is critical and belittles them
C24 Critical, complaining spirit or not
C25 Wife is a nagger
C26 Concerned with spouse's emotional, physical, spiritual needs
A2 Some rules
B1 Husbands
C1 Be understanding of wife (1 Peter 3:7)
C2 Treat them respectfully (1 Peter 3:7) If not then God may not listen to your prayers.
C3 No adultery (Hebrews 13:4)
C4 Not to be harsh (Colossians 3:18-19)
C5 Not to remain a mama's boy and a responsibility to start own family and not live at home forever (Ephesians 5:31)
C6 Love wife likes he loves and treats himself (Ephesians 5:28)
C7 God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16)
C8 Practices the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)
C9 Only one wife (1 Timothy 3:12)
C10 Live joyfully with your wife (Ecclesiastes 9:9)
C11 Have an enjoyable and gentle sex life (Proverbs 5:12-13)
C12 Teach children, especially truth about the Bible. (Deuteronomy 6:7, Psalm 78:5, Proverbs 22:6, Isaiah 38:19)
C13 Provide for family (2 Corinthians 12:14)
C14 To nurture children (Ephesians 6:4). Nurture has to do with correcting children and educating them.
C15 Try not to force your children to be angry (Colossians 3:21)
C16 Don't be an evil influence (1 Kings 22:52)
C17 Be a good influence (2 Chronicles 27:2)
B2 Wives
C1 Concentrate on inner beauty rather than outer beauty. (1 Peter 3:5)
C2 The final voice (authority) is the husband (1 Peter 3:5)
D1 Not a dictator
D2 Listens closely to wife's view
E1 Wife may have more common sense than husband (Judges 13:22-23)
E2 Wife may see things from a different angle. (Matthew 27:19)
E3 Wife may be gifted in that area while husband doesn't have a clue (for example wife is a physician and husband knows nothing about medical) (Daniel 5:10-12)
D3 Final voice as in any business, work, or government situation. Someone does have the final say.
C3 No adultery (Hebrews 13:4)
C4 Interested in helping younger women (Titus 2:4)
C5 Not to make fun of her husband (nor husband make fun of his wife)
C6 Practices the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)
C7 Only one husband (1 Timothy 3:12)
C8 Have an enjoyable and gentle sex life (Proverbs 5:12-13)
C9 Teach children, especially truth about the Bible. (Deuteronomy 6:7, Proverbs 22:6, Isaiah 38:19)
C10 To nurture children (Ephesians 6:4)
C11 Don't be an evil influence (1 Kings 22:52, Matthew 14:8)
C12 Be a good influence (2 Timothy 1:5)
B3 Children
C1 Encourage others to follow God (Psalm 34:11)
C2 Praise God (Psalm 148:12)
C3 Be wise, not foolish (Proverbs 10:1)
C4 Listen to what your father and mother tell you (Proverbs 23:22)
C5 Remember your Creator (Ecclesiastes 12:1)
C6 Respect your parents and do not curse them. (Mark 7:10)
C7 Obey parents (Ephesians 6:1). This would obviously be for good things not evil. If your dad tells you to rob a bank, you must disobey.
C8 Be aware, willing, and help your elderly parents especially the widowed. (1 Timothy 2:4)
Avoiding the psychopath and the abuser.
Make sure before you marry that the person is NOT an abuser. They will appear and act charming only to control you. If you do not or will not of anything they want, they will truly hurt you. That hurt may be financially, emotionally, physically, verbally, or other. Avoid, run, do anything to get any from that person.
I think there are almost always red flags waving high and clear, but very few young people are willing to acknowledge them when passions are waving higher. We've all experienced this either in our own lives or as we've observed the lives of other young people. It's all about the "here and now." The FEELINGS. The romance. The dream. The excitement. The longings fulfilled.
Nobody wants to be practical. How dull.
The hard, stone-cold fact is, if a young person refuses to look carefully at the other person from all the angles, taking time to observe objectively and get the input of other objective observers, the feelings, romance, dream, excitement, and fulfilled longings will all end in a shocking and abrupt ending at the altar.
And then there's the long "and they lived…horribly ever after."
I'm not talking about the normal transition from the amazing drama of the dating days to the daily grind. Everyone goes through that and GROWS through that. I'm talking about when you wake up and realize with horror that you are married to an abusive spouse.
How can you avoid this? An abuser doesn't introduce himself like this, "Hello – it's nice to meet you. I'd like to take you on a whirlwind romance, sweep you off your feet, marry you, and then abuse you until death do us part." Tweet This They follow in the footsteps of their father, the devil. They enter your world like an angel of light. A thing of beauty and wonder.
They are super-de-duper nice. Like Barney.
They worship the ground you walk on.
They are very religious. Think Ghandi.
They tell you that you COMPLETE them. (Watch out with that one.)
They do good deeds. Like Mother Theresa.
They are charming. Attractive. Kind. Thoughtful. Spiritual.
Often (not always) you will find them in or jockeying for leadership positions.
Often (not always) they are very confident.
Often (not always) they live generously.
This is where time is your ally. Take advantage of TIME in order to see what the potential mate is like under pressure. For example:
1. What happens when you give him negative feedback about something he has done?
An abusive person cannot accept negative feedback.
They will... Read the rest at the above link.