pastors, church leaders, and many people counsel(?) the abused,
molested, the hurt, etc. people to forgive and forget. The quotes are
from one source, but similar can be found in many places. Consider
Redeemed: Though my
siblings NEVER apologize and continue the same abusive behaviors
toward me, and sometimes my husband, I am expected to be a good
Christian and forget about it almost immediately.
Thank you so much
for this. I have had people tell me I need to forgive my offender
and no matter how much I say I have it doesn’t seem to be the
answer they were looking for. Now I see that they were pushing for
reconciliation of the forgive-and-forget kind. My offender told me I
was playing the victim when I kindly but firmly tried to explain the
hurts he had done.
He said he was
sorry, so I need to give him a fresh start.We hear this in religious
circles quite often. “Forgive and forget.” “Turn the other
cheek.” “Love covers up a multitude of sins.”
does the Bible teach us?
B1 There is no such thing as
forgive and forget.
B2 Sin has consequences.
C1 Adam was forgiven, yet
still died.
C2 David sinned but still
suffered punishment. His sin also brought about the death of his son
and grief to Bathsheba. 2 Samuel 12
C3 Paul still had bad memories
and sorrow for his sins. Galatians 1:13-16 NET For
you have heard of my former way of life in Judaism, how I was
savagely persecuting the church of God and trying to destroy it. I
was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries in my
nation, and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my ancestors.
But when the one who set me apart from birth and called me by his
grace was pleased to reveal his Son in me so that I could preach him
among the Gentiles, I did not go to ask advice from any human being.
C4 Manasseh
Sinned greatly: 2 Chronicles
33:9 NET But
Manasseh misled the people of Judah and the residents of Jerusalem so
that they sinned more than the nations whom the LORD had destroyed
ahead of the Israelites.
Punished: 2 Chronicles
33:10-11 NET The
LORD confronted Manasseh and his people, but they paid no attention.
So the LORD brought against them the commanders of the army of the
king of Assyria. They seized Manasseh, put hooks in his nose, bound
him with bronze chains, and carried him away to Babylon.
Repented: 2 Chronicles
33:12-13 NET In his
pain Manasseh asked the LORD his God for mercy and truly humbled
himself before the God of his ancestors. When he prayed to the LORD,
the LORD responded to him and answered favorably his cry for mercy.
The LORD brought him back to Jerusalem to his kingdom. Then Manasseh
realized that the LORD is the true God.
Showed reform: 2 Chronicles
33:15-16 NET He
removed the foreign gods and images from the LORD's temple and all
the altars he had built on the hill of the LORD's temple and in
Jerusalem; he threw them outside the city. He erected the altar of
the LORD and offered on it peace offerings and thank offerings. He
told the people of Judah to serve the LORD God of Israel.
Still Judah received
punishment: 2 Kings 23:26 NET Yet
the LORD's great anger against Judah did not subside; he was still
infuriated by all the things Manasseh had done.
And 2 Kings 24:3 NET Just
as the LORD had announced, he rejected Judah because of all the sins
which Manasseh had committed.
C5 What a person sows in sin
will be punished. Sin has consequences. God is not made a fool.
Galatians 6:7 CSB Don't
be deceived: God is not mocked. For whatever a person sows he will
also reap.
B3 Forgiveness
C1 Teaching: Luke 17:3-4 GNB
So watch what you
do! "If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents,
forgive him. 4 If he sins against you seven times in one day, and
each time he comes to you saying, 'I repent,' you must forgive him."
C2 Some notes about
D1 Only God can forgive sin:
E1 The Jews understood this:
Mark 2:7 NET "Why
does this man speak this way? He is blaspheming! Who can forgive sins
but God alone?"
E2 Jesus paid the penalty for
sin: 1 John 4:10 NLT This
is real love--not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent
his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.
D2 When God forgives someone
of their sins, conditions must be met.
E1 Confession, that is,
admitting one’s sin. “Yes, I sinned. Yes, I did do that.” 1
John 1:9 NLT But if
we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our
sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.
E2 Repentance, that is,
turning around from the attitude of sin, the acts of sin, and the
thoughts of sin. They do not do this sin anymore. It must be noticed
both in public and in private. 1 Kings 8:47 NLT But
in that land of exile, they might turn to you in repentance and pray,
'We have sinned, done evil, and acted wickedly.'
Note: they agreed with God’s evaluation of their attitudes and
deeds, then ask for God to forgiven.
F1 Repentance is not just
saying, “I’m sorry.” There needs to be contrition and a change
publicly and privately. Matthew 3:8 NLT Prove
by the way you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to
F2 The Greek word for repent
(μετάνοια metánoia, G3341) means to turn around, a change.
It would to agree with God’s opinion, rules, and decisions.
F3 Being sad, being caught,
being confronted is not repentance: 2 Corinthians 7:10 NET For
sadness as intended by God produces a repentance that leads to
salvation, leaving no regret, but worldly sadness brings about death.
E3 Asking. Luke 18:13 NLT "But
the tax collector stood at a distance and dared not even lift his
eyes to heaven as he prayed. Instead, he beat his chest in sorrow,
saying, 'O God, be merciful to me, for I am a sinner.'
E4 Forsaking them. This
includes thoughts, desires, words, and deeds both in public and in
F1 2 Timothy 2:19 NLT But
God's truth stands firm like a foundation stone with this
inscription: "The LORD knows those who are his," and "All
who belong to the LORD must turn away from evil."
F2 1 Peter 3:11 NLT Turn
away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain
D3 Forgiveness is not seeking
revenge. Turning the abuser over to God, to law enforcement, to the
public’s knowledge, is not revenge. When a crime is committed, it
must be reported.
B4 Scars remain after abuse:
C1 Recognition: After leaving,
there has to be recognition that there was abuse.
C2 Shock
C3 Anger
C4 Depression
C5 Bargaining
C6 Acceptance
C7 It takes time. Everyone is
different. You probably should seek counseling.
Do not hesitate if you need immediate help. If you are in danger,
C1 1-800-4-A-Child
C2 Same number 1-800-422-4453
B3 Or (USA) 911