Showing posts with label Sermon outline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sermon outline. Show all posts

27 February 2019

1 Timothy 6

1 Timothy 6:1-2

B1 Paul continues the pastoral responses to various congregational issues.
B2 Employers and employees
C1 Servants (I’ve already answered the question about slavery and the Bible).
C2 The application for most of us today is employee and employer relations.
C3 We are to give respect to our employer. The reason for this is that God will be honored and His teachings respected.
C4 If our employer is a believers, then we must not despise them. Even though they are our brother or sister we are to obey what they expect of us in our work.

1 Timothy 6:3-5

B2 Insist on these things
C1 What is the pastor or church to do when another member disagrees with these rules?
C2 They are described here as proud, ignorant, challenging words, and nitpicking.
C3 Their attitude and actions result in envy, discord, abusive verbal attacks, and evil suspicions. If a church member acts like this list, then it could be they are the person described in the first part of verse 4.
C4 Not only are they in a sick spiritual state, but they are also described as having corrupt minds, a total lack of truth, and have the wrong attitude that if he/she is rich, they are held in high regard by God.
C5 God advice Withdraw from this type of person. Put them out of the congregation, because they only cause trouble for the others.

1 Timothy 6:6-10

B3 Material wealth
C1 Even though many have the idea that being rich equals a person pleasing to God, God has a different thought—godliness with contentment is great gain.
C2 Money is not held in high regard with God.
C3 We were born naked and penniless, and whatever we have here, we will not take it with us when we die.
C4 We should be content if we have a place to sleep and clothes to wear (the clothing part of verse 8) and if we have food.
C5 Contentment:
D1 Hebrews 13:5 WEB Be free from the love of money, content with such things as you have, for he has said, “I will in no way leave you, neither will I in any way forsake you.
D2 Philippians 4:11-12 NRSV Not that I am referring to being in need; for I have learned to be content with whatever I have. 12 I know what it is to have little, and I know what it is to have plenty. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being well-fed and of going hungry, of having plenty and of being in need.
C6 Being materially rich in this life might be spiritually dangerous. Be careful. They face:
D1 Temptations that others do not
D2 Traps
D3 Harmful cravings/desires
D4 All of which results in destruction and eternal ruin.
C7 A very serious warning from God—do not love money. Loving money will result in:
D1 Straying from the faith
D2 Piercing pains with many heartaches

1 Timothy 6:11-16

B4 Live the Christian life consistently
C1 We are to run away from those hurtful things.
C2 We are to seek and cultivate righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance, and meekness.
C3 We need God’s grace to continue in the faith. Let us be mindful of that and be careful about temptations. Sin is addictive.
C4 We must always have a good confession, not being ashamed of the Lord Jesus, His teachings, and His way of life.
C5 The time WILL when all will know for sure—they will see it with their own eyes—Jesus reigning in power. He is King of kings and lord of lords. God alone has:
D1 Immortality
D2 Living in light (a clear mind, a clear conscious, and no evil)
D3 The light that is so bright, no one can stand in His presence
D4 Perfect and everlasting honor
D5 Omnipotence

1 Timothy 6:17-19

B5 Instructions to the rich
C1 It is not sinful to be rich, but the rich have certain temptations
D1 Arrogance, haughty, because of their money
D2 Trusting in money, instead of God
D3 Tendency to not depend on God
C2 Some helpful suggestions are given to help them keep perspective
D1 Do good
D2 Be rich in good works rather than money
D3 A readiness to donate
D4 A cheerful willingness to share
C3 Doing these will result in
D1 A good foundation (solid and sure of faith to stand the spiritual blows and temptations of this life)
D2 Eternal life The eternal life will not come from what they do, for it is only through grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. What it means is they will not lose their salvation.

1 Timothy 6:20-21

B6 Warning about false logic
C1 A warning to be careful, to be steadfast, and to be faithful to Jesus Christ.
C2 A warning to avoid ungodly and fruitless discussions
C3 A warning to avoid leaning and depending on philosophy for life. Philosophy is useful, and God bless those brothers and sisters who study and use it for apologetics. The idea here is that faith might be lost if one depends and puts their trust in human knowledge ALONE.
B7 Applications
C1 We are to treat our employees God’s way.
C2 We are to respect our employers God’s way.
C3 We are not to trust in money or philosophy.
C4 We are to trust in God.
C5 We are to be content.

20 February 2019

1 Timothy 5

1 Timothy 5:1-2

B1 This chapter gives instructions to church leaders for various classes of people and situations in the congregation.
B2 Respect the brethren
C1 The word rebuke is the Greek word ἐπιπλήσσω epiplēssō (G1969). It is used 1X in the New Testament. It has the idea of getting in someone’s face and yelling at them for being so stupid. God does NOT wants us doing it.
C2 We are to plead. The Greek word is παρακαλέω parakaleō (G3870). It is used many times in the New Testament. It has the idea of a gentle, calm approach.
C3 So we do to brothers and sisters in the congregation
C4 Proverbs 25:15 WEB By patience a ruler is persuaded. A soft tongue breaks the bone.

1 Timothy 5:3-16

B3 Widows
C1 Most widows can be and must be assisted by family.
C2 Some widows have no family or that family will not help because the widow is a Christian.
C3 Qualifications for the congregation to help.
D1 60 or greater is age.
D2 One woman wife. This is only one husband at a time.
D3 Has and doing good works. For example, raised children, hospitable to strangers, washed the feet of God's people, helped the afflicted, and diligence in doing so. These examples are to family first, Christians second, and non-Christian last. That is the order of priorities.
C4 Younger widows must be rejected, in most cases, because they might give a pledge, a promise, of serving others full time. If and when they want to get married, they forsake their promise.
C5 Be careful. Because a widow is accepted in the registry, they might, for whatever reason, turn against God and follow satan.

1 Timothy 5:17-21

B4 Support the ministry
C1 Elders and honorarium
D1 Unless agreed upon, there should be some honorarium given for the time serving.
D2 Especially for those laboring in word (Scriptures) and teaching.
D3 It takes time to prepare and time to present.
D4 Scripture supports this:
E1 Deuteronomy 25:4 NRSV You shall not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain.
E2 Luke 10:7 NRSV Remain in the same house, eating and drinking whatever they provide, for the laborer deserves to be paid. Do not move about from house to house.
D5 An honorarium is not to make the elders rich.
D6 It needs to be known to the congregation.
C2 Elder misdeeds/sins
D1 This deals with the leaders, not individual Christians as Matthew 18.
D2 The accusation needs to be 2 or more witnesses.
D3 This would include pastors, deacons, and deaconesses.
E1 Would need to be adults.
E2 Pastoral abuse is rampant.
F1 These fake pastors love money.
F2 And love power.
F3 When people start questioning what they are doing, they abuse to shut them up.
F4 They have a certain respect, so they love to cover up their evil. John 3:19-21 "This is [the reason for] the judgment, because light is come into the world and people loved darkness rather than light, because their actions were evil. 20 "Everyone who does evil hates the light and doesn’t come to the light, so that his actions may be discovered and reproved [discovered and reproved is one word in Greek]. 21 "But the one who does the truth comes to the light, so that his actions may be plainly seen that they are done for God."
F5 Imagine an abused person or even a child coming to meet their sexual molester, rapist, or abuser in private (Matthew 18). This would be a very great evil, and it MUST not be allowed.
D4 This needs to be public, not private. Public means to everyone in the congregation and outside it.
D5 Rebuke is needed.
D6 Fake pastors will not be ashamed or in godly fear.
C3 Both of these activities must be without prejudice or favoritism.
C4 God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels are watching and will testify against us if we do otherwise.

1 Timothy 5:22

B5 Ordain carefully
C1 Be careful in whom we ordain. Use background checks and have them be a part of the congregation for awhile.
C2 If they are ordained when they are unqualified in God’s sight, it will be a sin that is remembered by God. We will have to give an account.
C3 We are to be pure. Purity is God’s definition, so personal, how the spouse and children are treated, money, sex, work, criminal record, etc.

1 Timothy 5:23

B6 For your health: wine is for health and medicine. Whiles some can use without problem, many cannot. Think, seek counsel, and act wisely. God is watching.

1 Timothy 5:24-25

B7 Good deeds
C1 Whether it be elders or others:
D1 Some sins are public, so all know about.
D2 Some are hidden.
D3 God judges both. He knows everything in thoughts, desires, words, and deeds.
C2 Again, whether it be elders or others:
D1 Some good deeds are public, so all know.
D2 Some are hidden but it will be know eventually.
D3 Let us do all to the glory of God.

B8 Applications
C1 These are God’s wishes and instructions for elders and the congregation. We must do them. We are God’s servants.
C2 Those members of the congregation who need help, need to receive it first before we give to outsiders.
C3 God knows who is sinning and what they are doing.
C4 Thank God for His mercy and instruction.

13 February 2019

1 Timothy 4

Three Outlines Today

1 Timothy 4:1-5

B1 Warning of Apostasy
C1 This is for the latter times
D1 End of the church age
D2 Just before the Tribulation
D3 Society falls apart
D4 Like the days of Noah and the times of Sodom and Gomorrah
E1 The sins of society are NOT any special sins.
E2 They are the breaking of God’s Commandments as summarized in the 10 Commandments.
E3 Every law is broken in thoughts, desires, words, and deeds.
E4 Truth changes from the correspondence theory (reality) to the Narcissistic theory (what I say is truth, is truth).
C2 Characteristics of those times
D1 Depart from the faith—leaving the Gospel and doctrine as taught by the Lord Jesus and the Apostles.
E1 The main doctrine modified concerns the Gospel. Works or something else become necessarily.
E2 Then the doctrine of God, the Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are changed.
E3 Christianity departs from evidence and a reasonable faith to one of experience and mysticism.
D2 Turning to seducing spirits and teachings of demons.
E1 Lifestyle is determined by whatever a person decides.
E2 Doctrine and messages come from meeting God(?) in the silence. The people are deceived to think it is Yahweh who gives these messages, but the messages come from the false. 2 Corinthians 11:13-14 CSB - For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
D3 Lies and hypocrisy
E1 What these false teachers say and do are not the same.
E2 They love to cover up and hide.
E3 Many fake pastors hide various abuses and financial documents from the faithful.
D4 Conscience seared—people do all these things and do not feel any guilt.
D5 Forbid marriage.
D6 Teach the necessity to avoid certain foods.
E1 These are not foods related to health, but to spiritual progress. Some teach that Christians must follow the dietary laws outlined in the New Testament. If someone wants to follow them, so be it, but if they teach it is spiritually necessarily for the Christian, it is false teaching. I am a Christian not a Jew. God bless the Jews.
E2 The truth is Christians can eat. The reason? God created these foods to be partaken with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. So if a teacher teaches the necessity of not eating something for spiritual reasons, they are teaching lies. Beware! We have been warned.
E3 These foods are spoken by the Holy Spirit to be good and not to be refused. We are to be thankful for them, when we eat any food.
E4 These foods are sanctified.
F1 Because God said so.
F2 Because of prayer.
E5 We can also worship on Sunday or any other day: Colossians 2:16-17 WEL So then don't let anyone condemn you in food, drink, religious festivals, new moon, or the Sabbath. 17 These are a shadow of things to come, but the real substance is Christ.
E5 A link about Torah observance by Jews for Jesus.

1 Timothy 4:6-10

B2 Remind brethren
C1 These are for the pastors/leaders
C2 We are being good, that is, pleasing servants of the Lord Jesus.
D1 We remind our fellow believers of these things. Thusly, we must not do these things.
D2 We have to remind ourselves through Bible reading, Bible study, prayer, and fellowship.
D3 We have to be open and listen when our fellow believers remind us.
C3 We have to be nourished in the faith. This is knowing the Gospel and Biblical doctrine.
C4 We have to follow them carefully. We do not follow them to be saved or to be better Christians than someone else. We do follow them because we want to be good servants of Jesus Christ.
C5 We are not to follow crude myths or old wives’ stories. These are not doctrine. They are religious myths and stories. None of them are something Christians need to believe. Some examples are
D1 An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
D2 Breaking a mirror will bring you seven years bad luck.
D3 Cleanliness is next to godliness.
C6 We need to be in training for living a godly life.
D1 We must know the Bible.
D2 We must know what we believe.
D3 We must know how to live a Christian life.
D4 We must be able to answer questions challenging our faith (apologetics).
C7 Physical exercise is OK but will not enhance our faith.
C8 We need to be ready for living tomorrow with God’s standards stronger in us then today.
C9 Believing that Jesus is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe is offensive to many people. The Gospel is offensive. Jesus is offensive. A Christian life is offensive to many. God’s standards are offensive to many.
B3 Applications
C1 Christians are different. Saving faith is different. Jesus is different. Jesus suffered, so will we.
C2 God gives us grace and strength for whatever we face.
C3 We need to be taught and to teach each other.
C4 We need to encourage each other in the faith.
C5 We need to pray for each other.

1 Timothy 4:11-14

B3 More pastoral advice.
C1 Paul is speaking under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, so all these words are not suggestions, they are required.
C2 Command and insist on these things
D1 This is not elder or pastoral abuse.
D2 A controlling pastor is either miseducated or more likely, evil.
D3 The word command has the idea of emphasizing the importance.
D4 The command is from the Holy Spirit.
D5 Teach has the idea of letting people know.
D6 Whatever we teach and emphasize MUST be followed by us. We cannot be someone who says but does not do. That is a hypocrite, and God will judge.
C3 All Christians need to be an example.
D1 Those who have been a Christian for many years better be an example.
D2 Those who have not been a Christian for many years can be an example to those who have.
D3 The idea is be an example.
D4 We are to be an example in our thoughts, desires, words, and deeds especially in love, attitude, faith, and purity. There are too many abusing pastors. They are not pure.
C4 Read, exhort, and teach.
D1 We are to do these things to ourselves.
D2 We are to encourage these things to others.

1 Timothy 4:15-16

B4 Be steadfast in your belief
C1 We need to think. We need to deeply think. We need to carefully.
C2 The things of God are most important to our life today and in the future life.
C3 We are to be dedicated to God’s ways.
C4 We need to grow in the faith.
C5 We need to be careful what we to and teach.
C6 We need to continue in the faith.
C7 We need to encourage all the brothers and sisters to continue, and they to encourage me.
B5 Applications
C1 There is a Christian life for our thoughts, desires, words, and deeds.
C2 We need to study, teach, and life the Christian faith.
C3 We need to actively think about God’s teachings.
C4 God will give us grace to do these things.
C5 Do not quit.

06 February 2019

1 Timothy 3

1 Timothy 3:1-13

B1 God’s Undershepherds, His leaders
C1 Jesus is Supreme in the church: Ephesians 1:22-23 WEL He has put everything under his feet and given him to be the head of everything in the church, 23 Which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything of everything.
C2 Jesus is supreme teacher and leader: Matthew 23:8-12 WEL But you are not to be addressed as Rabbi, because one is your Teacher, the Messiah, and you are all brothers. 9 "Do not address anyone as your "Father" on this earth, because one is your Father, who is in heaven. 10 "Also do not be addressed as "Teachers", because one is your Teacher, the Messiah. 11 "Instead he who is greatest among you will be your servant. 12 "And whoever will exalt himself will be humbled, but he who will be humble will be exalted.
C3 Jesus’s rules/commands are supreme: John 14:15 WEL If you love me, obey my commandments.
C4 Jesus appoints the offices: Ephesians 4:11-12 WEL He gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, 12 For the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.
C5 Jesus has plurality of elders in every church:
D1 Acts 14:23 WEL After they had chosen elders in every church and after praying with fasting, they committed them to the Lord on whom they had believed.
D2 Acts 20:17 WEL At Miletus he sent to Ephesus and called for the elders of the church.
B2 Pastors, Deacons, and Deaconesses
C1 Qualifications
D1 A true believer (this is different than just a believer, for some might be able to say or teach the correct doctrine but their life is not matching the New Testament)
D2 The list is further things beyond salvation. I count 18 in the list. Another person may count differently.
E1 First grouping is character traits. These are desire, blameless, vigilant, self-controlled, good behavior, not quarrelsome, not greedy, gentle, not contentious, not covetous
E2 Second is marital status. He is to be a one woman man. He does not HAVE to be married, though.
E3 Third is  abilities. He is to be hospitable, able to teach, and a good manager at home.
E4 Fourth is addictions. He is not to be addicted to wine. He is also not to be addicted to porn, gambling, drugs, sports, work, etc. It is the addiction that is evil.
E5 Fifth is length of time he has been a Christian.
E6 Sixth is standing in society. He has to have a good reputation in society, with Christians, non-Christians, government, education, etc.
D3 Even though many might have these qualifications, if the calling of God is present, the person will show pastor like desire and actions.
C2 Responsibilities
D1 Preach the Gospel: 1 Corinthians 1:17 WEL For Christ didn't send me to baptize but to preach the Gospel, not with wisdom in words lest the cross of Christ be ineffective.
D2 Read, exhort, and teach. The teaching would be teaching the Bible, doctrine, and how to live Christian life : 1 Timothy 4:13 WEL Until I come apply yourself to reading [of Scripture], exhortation, and to teaching.
D3 Teach the doctrines of the faith: 1 Timothy 4:6 WEL If you remind the brethren of these things you will be a good servant of Jesus Christ, nourished in the words of faith and good teaching to which you have carefully followed.
D4 Assist in the congregation’s direction in Christian life and outreach: 1 Peter 5:2 WEL Feed the flock of God, which is among you. Take the oversight voluntarily, not by being forced, not for money's sake but with a willing heart.
D5 Be examples. We have to live the same life we teach others to do: 1 Peter 5:3 WEL Do not lord it over God's heritage, but be examples to the flock.
D6 Practice shepherd leadership. This is seen in the example and life of the Lord Jesus Christ. There are many who say they provide this, but by their life, words, and actions are controlling. The controlling pastor is most likely a false convert to Christianity (Read 3 John about Diotrephes). 1 Peter 5:3 WEL Do not lord it over God's heritage, but be examples to the flock.
D7 Teach other qualified men: Acts 14:23 WEL After they had chosen elders in every church and after praying with fasting, they committed them to the Lord on whom they had believed.
D8 They need to use discernment: 2 John 1:10 WEL If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take him into your house, nor greet him.
C3 The qualifications for deacons and deaconesses are similar.
D1 Character traits are respectable, not deceitful, not addicted to substances, and not greedy for money.
D2 Spiritual traits are known and fully believe the doctrines of the Christian faith in such a way to be consistent in their words and lifestyle.
D3 Also, they need to be tested (examined, evaluated) as to their spiritual traits.
D4 A blessing from God for faithful service is boldness (to live and preach the Gospel) and respect from others (reputation).
D5 The example is Stephen in Acts 6-7.

1 Timothy 3:14-16

B3 Reasons for church conduct
C1 We learn from this that our fellow Christians are family members with us. We are together as family in God’s family.
C2 We are not together for a similar purpose, reason, or goal, but we are together as a family.
C3 The church is to be the light in this world in thoughts, desires, words, and deeds. We are to honor God by obeying His rules in the New Testament.
C4 Our religion is a mystery to the unsaved.
C5 The Lord Jesus was revealed in the flesh. He is the God/man. Many translations foul this Scripture. Wilbur Pickering PhD states in his Bible notes: Instead of 'God', 1% of the Greek manuscripts read 'who', and most modern versions follow this 1%. But 'who' is nonsensical (in the context), so most of them take evasive action: NEB and NASB have "he who"; Phillips has "the one"; NRSV, Jerusalem, TEV and NIV render "he". Berkley actually has "who"! In the Greek Text the relative pronoun has no antecedent, so it is a grammatical 'impossibility', besides being a stupidity—what is so mysterious about someone being manifested in flesh? All human beings have bodies. The pronoun can be accounted for as an easy transcriptional error, a simple copying mistake, so why not stay with the 98.5%? "God was manifested in flesh"—now there you have a mystery!
B4 Applications
C1 There are to be pastors, deacons, and deaconesses.
C2 There are requirements in order to be one. Being a great business person or leader in society counts for nothing in God’s church.
C3 We must be consistent in our thoughts, desires, words, and deeds.
C4 We are a family. We are to love and live as a family, The house we live in is God’s house. This is not referring to communal living.

30 January 2019

1 Timoty 2

1 Timothy 2:1-7

B1 Encourage prayer
C1 1 For everyone
D1 Petitions
E1 A petition, supplication, is a request to an authority.
E2 Proverbs 30:7-8 NIV - Two things I ask of you, LORD; do not refuse me before I die: Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread.
D2 Prayers
E1 Prayers is a more formal, respectful talking with God.
E2 Luke 6:12 NIV - One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.
E3 1 Timothy 5:5 NIV - The widow who is really in need and left all alone puts her hope in God and continues night and day to pray and to ask God for help.
D3 Requests
E1 The word has the idea of coming together to converse.
E2 It is used in our passage and also 1 Timothy 4:5 NIV - because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.
D4 Thanksgivings
E1 According to the old Webster’s Dictionary, it means an acknowledgment expressive of a sense of favor or kindness received;
E2 1 Timothy 4:4 NIV - For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving.
D5 We ARE to pray. Prayer is not hard. It is talking with God. It is worship and fellowship.
C2 2 For leaders
D1 One of the many reasons we pray to God concerning our political leaders is so we (all) can live in peace and safety.
D2 For Christians must live a Christian life. This is sometimes hard, because the government is against Christians.
D3 Regardless, we must always pray for our leaders whether we like them or not.
D4 (Jeremiah 29:7 MKJV And seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be exiled, and pray to the LORD for it. For in its peace you shall have peace.
D5 2 Kings 8:3 NIV - At the end of the seven years she came back from the land of the Philistines and went to appeal to the king for her house and land.
C3 3-7 For everyone to be saved
D1 The text clearly says all. Don’t let anyone fool you out of the plain, normal sense. Compare:
E1 2 Peter 3:9 NIV - The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
E2 (Isaiah 53:6 MKJV All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, each one to his own way; and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
E3 2 Corinthians 5:14 NIV - For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.
D2 All whether poor, rich, or in between. All whether employed in medical, legal, government, agriculture, retired, unemployed, education, etc. All means all.
D3 Either people are saved by Jesus Christ and Him alone or they are not.
D4 He is the only mediator.
D5 Works are worthless. Philippians 3:7-8 NIV - But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ.

1 Timothy 2:8-15

B2 Encourage members
C1 8 Men
D1 What does God want the Christian man to do?
D2 God wants men to pray, not fight and argue.
D3 God wants men to pray, not doubt.
C2 9-15 Women
D1 What does God want from Christian women?
D2 God wants Christian women to dress modestly, not seductively.
D3 Instead of investing in expensive clothes, etc., God wants women to invest in doing good, doing good not for salvation but to honor God.
E1 2 Peter 1:5-8 NIV - For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
E2 There are spiritual works like preaching the Gospel, encouraging other believers, praying for others, etc.
E3 There are practical works, too, like teaching, giving, helping a neighbor, visiting widows, etc.
D4 About teaching (I’ve spoken about this in another article, so to summarize):
E1 Men teach, woman teach, parents teach, pastors teach. We teach each other.
E2 Thus, a dictator, someone with supreme authority who is not to be questioned but obeyed.
E3 That TYPE of woman must not teach.
B1 Pray
B2 Pray for leaders and everyone else but especially for our Christian brothers and sisters.
B3 God wants all to be saved.
B4 Jesus is the ransom paid for all humans.
B5 Men are to pray and not argue and fight.
B6 Women are not to dress seductively.
B7 A dictator type woman must not teach.