"Ephesus Curetes street" by Rita1234 - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ephesus_Curetes_street.jpg#/media/File:Ephesus_Curetes_street.jpg
God provides salvation from sin through Jesus.
A1 Objectives
B1 Describe how Paul's teaching was received in Ephesus.
B2 Describe how Paul encouraged the elders of Ephesus.
A2 Scriptures
B1 Acts 19:1-20
B2 Acts 20:17-38
A3 Notes
B1 Acts 19:1-20
C1 Paul at Ephesus Acts 19:1-12
D1 Setting
E1 Apollos at Corinth
E2 Paul travels to Ephesus
D2 At Ephesus
E1 With John's disciples
F1 Finds disciples
F2 Questions their theology--"Did you receive the Holy Spirit, having believed?"
F3 Answer--"We have not even heard whether there is a Holy Spirit."
F4 Questions their baptism--"What baptism were you baptized in?"
F5 Answer--"Johns"
F6 Teaches
G1 John
H1 Baptized with a Baptism of Repentance
H2 Taught that Messiah is whom they should believe in.
H3 Messiah was coming after him.
H4 Jesus Christ is Messiah.
G2 Baptism
H1 They want to be baptized in Messiah's name.
H2 Holy Spirit came upon them.
H3 They spoke in languages.
H4 They prophesied.
H5 Twelve men were baptized.
E2 In the synagogue
F1 Spoke boldly.
F2 Three months of speaking, debating, and persuading about the Kingdom of God.
F3 Results
G1 Some believed
G2 Some did not believe
H1 Hardened first
H2 Disbelieved
H3 Spoke evil to the Ephesians about the Christians and their faith.
G3 Paul withdrew from the unbelievers.
G4 Paul separated the unbelievers from the believers.
F4 Actions
G1 Met in Tyrannus' school.
G2 Debated
F5 Time there was 2 years.
F6 The Gospel spread throughout Asia (Eastern Turkey). Both Jews and Gentiles heard the Gospel.
F7 Miracles done through the Apostle Paul
G1 Laying on of Paul's hands, handkerchiefs, or aprons.
G2 Results
H1 Sick healed
H2 Evil spirits left those who were possessed.
C2 Seven Sons of Sceva Acts 19:13-20
D1 Exorcising demons
E1 Wandering Jews, not Christians, using the name of Jesus to cast our demons.
E2 Seven sons of Sceva
D2 Result
E1 Failure--Evil spirit
F1 Speaks, "Jesus I know, and Paul I know, but who are you?"
F2 Beat the seven up badly, won the fight, stripped their clothes off, and chased them out of the house.
E2 Success--The news spreads about this and the Ephesians understand the Jesus is a very special person. They
F1 Feared Jesus
F2 Praised Jesus
F3 Collected all their occultic manuscripts and books
F4 Burned all of it.
F5 Worth of books equaled 50,000 pieces of silver.
F6 Word of the Lord grew powerfully and prevailed.
B2 Acts 20:17-38 The Ephesian Elders Exhorted
C1 Setting
D1 At Miletus
D2 Sends message to Ephesian elders
D3 They arrive
C2 Message
D1 Rehearses history
E1 Preached the Gospel from the very first day in Ephesus
E2 Served the Lord in
F1 Humility
F2 Tears
F3 Trials from Jewish plots
F4 Spoke
G1 The whole truth
G2 Publicly
G3 From house to house (personally)
G5 To Jews and Gentiles
G6 Repentance toward God
G7 Faith toward our Lord Jesus
D2 Now
E1 Going to Jerusalem
F1 Bound in the spirit
F2 Knowing (by the Holy Spirit) that I would be
G1 In bonds
G2 Tribulations
E2 Attitude
F1 I'm not what is important, Jesus and His message is important.
F2 I wish to
G1 Complete
H1 My course with joy
H2 My ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus
G2 Bear solemn testimony to the Gospel of the grace of God
E3 Announces that he will not see them anymore in this life
E4 I will not be punished for anyone's rejection of the Gospel, because I preached it.
E5 I told you (Elders) the whole counsel of God.
E6 Warning
F1 About the Christians. Take heed
G1 For yourselves
G2 For the Christians in your flock, because the Holy Spirit has placed you as overseers.
F2 About your ministry. Shepherd this flock.
G1 The church of the Lord.
G2 The church of God, which He purchased with His own blood.
F3 About false teachers
G1 They
H1 Are savage wolves
H2 Will come into the church
H3 Will not spare the flock
H4 Will arise from even yourselves
H5 Will speak distorted things so they will have their own followers
G2 You
H1 Must be alert
H2 Must remember me that for 3 years day and night I warned you.
F4 About the elders
G1 Entrust you to
H1 God
H2 Word of His grace
I1 Will build you up (in the faith)
I2 Will give you an inheritance about the sanctified.
F5 About me
G1 I have coveted nothing.
G2 I have worked to provide for my needs and those with me.
G3 I have helped the weak.
G4 I have remembered the words of the Lord Jesus that it is more blessed to give than receive.
F6 He prays for them.
F7 A tearful goodbye.
G1 He has to leave.
G2 They will see hum no more.
G3 They accompanied him to the ship.
B3 Commentary
C1 Time--54-58 AD
C2 Distance--about 2,700 miles
C3 Main importance to Ephesians--Temple
C4 Worship
C5 Population at that time--~300,000
A4 Questions
B1 Why is Paul in Ephesus? (To preach the Gospel)
B2 Acts 19:2--what did Paul find in Ephesus? (Some disciples)
B3 Were these Christians? How do you know? (They were not because by believing in John the Baptist's message and having been baptized by him were still looking for Messiah to come).
B4 What is the Baptism of Repentance? Is it needed today?
C1 Baptism of Repentance
D1 Repentance--that they acknowledged that they were sinners and did not want to sin any more
D2 Baptism--water by immersion or poured showing
E1 Authority under the Messiah
E2 God is the one who cleanses from sin
E3 A dedication of one's self to God and His ways
D3 This baptism was preparatory for the coming Messiah about whom John preached was coming soon.
C2 Is it needed today?
D1 No, as we seen in Paul's answer to these disciples
D2 We have Messiah now and look forward to His return
D3 The Gospel is always the same it is by faith.
B5 Acts 19:4--what did Paul preach? (That Jesus was the Messiah that John the Baptist said to believe in).
B6 Acts 19:5--what did these men do? (They believed and were baptized in the name of Jesus).
B7 Acts 19:5--Jesus said to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Why did Paul baptize in the name of Jesus?
C1 Some believe (as Calvin) that this baptism refers to the Spirit's Baptism as recorded immediately after. This was to counter the idea of re-baptism. This baptism refers to water is clear.
C2 Some believe (Roman Catholic) that this is a different baptism. There is the baptism of John and this is the baptism of Jesus. Two different ones pointing to two different things.
C3 Some believe that the baptism of John is a Jewish baptism while the baptism of Jesus is Christian baptism.
C4 Being baptized in Jesus's name shows our submission to Him and so is emphasized.
B8 Acts 19:6--Baptized in the Holy Spirit. Does that happen today?
C1 Happens to all Christians at time of conversion
D1 "in whom you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the possession, to the praise of His glory. " (Ephesians 1:13-14, EMTV)
D2 "But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His. " (Romans 8:9, EMTV)
C2 The special Baptism of Holy Spirit as found 4 times in Acts.
D1 Fulfillment of promise in prophecy. Joel 2:28
E1 Acts 2:4 to show fulfillment to Jews
E2 Acts 8:17 to show that Samaritans are included.
E3 Acts 10:44 to show that Gentiles are included.
E5 Acts 19:6 to show that the disciples of John the Baptist are included.
D2 Apostles present.
D3 Spoke in languages
D4 No Apostles today to lay hands on or be present for.
D5 Tongues
E1 Greek word
F1 Is glōssa
F2 Means tongue
F3 Used in different ways. It all depends on the context
G1 Tongue as in the physical thing inside our mouths.
H1 Mark 7:33, Mark 7:35, Luke 1:64, Luke 16:24
H2 Revelation 16:10
G2 Tongue as in everyone, everyone who speaks, speaker
H1 Philippians 2:11 (referring to everyone (every speaker), not just every language)
H2 Romans 14:11, Revelation 5:9, Revelation 7:9
G3 Tongue as the organ of speech, thus what we say (Acts 2:26, Romans 3:13, James 1:26, James 3:5, James 3:6, James 3:8, 1 Peter 3:10, 1 John 3:18
G4 Tongue as in a language
H1 Mark 16:17,
H2 Acts 2:4, Acts 2:11, Acts 10:46, Acts 19:6, 1 Corinthians 12:10, 1 Corinthians 12:28, 1 Corinthians 12:30, 1 Corinthians 13:1, 1 Corinthians 13:8, 1 Corinthians 14:2, 1 Corinthians 14:4-6, 1 Corinthians 14:9, 1 Corinthians 14:13-14, 1 Corinthians 14:18-19, 1 Corinthians 14:22-23, 1 Corinthians 14:26-27, 1 Corinthians 14:39
H3 Revelation 5:9, Revelation 7:9, Revelation 10:11, Revelation 11:9, Revelation 13:7, Revelation 14:6, Revelation 17:11
G5 Tongue as in tongue shaped (Acts 2:3)
F4 See special topic below (A5)
C3 What did these men do when the Holy Spirit was poured out on them? (Languages and prophecy).
B7 Acts 19:8--What were the 3 things that Paul did in the synagogue? (Spoke boldly, debated, and persuading things about the Kingdom of God). The idea of debating is not a formal debate but holding a discussion asking and answering questions.
B8 Acts 19:9--What happens to some people when the refuse to believe? (Start telling lies about how evil the teachings and Christians are). Does this happen today?
B9 Acts 19:14--Who is Sceva? (He is the chief priest in Ephesus. It is possible that he had a high rank among all priests being the head of one of the 24 courses/ranks of priests for Temple service).
B10 Acts 19:15-16--What happens when non-Christians use the name of Jesus to cast out demons?
B11 Acts 19:18-20--What shows the changed lives of the Christians? (They gathered all there occultic literature and burned them).
B12 Acts 20:17-24--What were the two main things that Paul told the Ephesian elders?
C1 "I preached the Gospel. I did not hold back any thing."
C2 "I'm going to Jerusalem."
B13 Acts 20:25-31
C1 What are the two main points of Paul's words?
D1 Be alert for yourselves and others.
D2 Some of yourselves will fall away and start teaching false doctrine to have a following.
C2 Acts 20:28--
D1 What are they to shepherd? (The church)
D2 Who is it who bought the church with His own blood? (Jesus)
D3 What is Jesus referred to in this passage? (Lord and God).
B14 Acts 20:32-38
C1 What is the "word of His grace?" (The Gospel and the Scriptures)
C2 What can the "word of His grace" do?
D1 Build you up--make your faith stronger by knowing the Scriptures and doctrine better.
D2 Finally at the end give you the inheritance.
B15 Acts 20:33--Did Paul covet anything of the Corinthians? (No) What is covetousness? (Wanting what another has. "I want Joe's bank account).
B16 Acts 20:34--Did Paul work? (Yes, he worked and provided for all his needs). Did he have to do this? (No, what wanted to be an example to the people. Acts 20:35).
B17 Acts 20:36--After saying these things what did Paul and the elders do? (Had a prayer meeting).
B18 Would the elders ever see Paul again? (Not in this life).
A5 Special topic--1 Corinthians 14. Most of the meanings are covered already.
B1 In Acts it is a real language and an Apostle is present and involved.
B2 In 1 Corinthians it is a real language as well.
C1 1 Corinthians 12:10--the Holy Spirit gives the ability to speak a language unknown to them.
C2 I don't know Russian, so if I started speaking in Russian to spread the Gospel, it would have to be the Holy Spirit helping me.
C3 I read of a Bible smuggler who pulled up to a check point. All cars and trucks previously had been taken apart and checked for illegal materials, especially Bibles. This man and his partner had lots of Bibles in their car and knew there was no hope of getting through the check point without the Bibles being seen. They prayed. They pulled up to the check point, spoke to the guard in an unknown language, and he waved them through. The driver did not know the guard's language at all, so whatever was said in that conversion was unknown to the driver. This would be a modern day gift of the Holy Spirit and languages. The noises made by modern day tongues speakers are very lacking.
C4 1 Corinthians 12:28 and 30 would is the same idea as verse 10.
C5 1 Corinthians 13
D1 Verse 1 refers to real spoken, human languages
D2 Verse 8 has to refer to a real languages as well.
E1 Love, prophecies, languages (tongues), and knowledge are Gifts of the Holy Spirit as we know from 1 Corinthians 12:8-11.
E2 Love is said to never end.
E3 Prophecies are said to katargeo, that is, become idle, cease, stop, etc. The gift will not be operative any more.
E4 Languages (tongues) are said to pauo, that is, stop, quit, and come to an end.
E5 Knowledge is also said to katargeo, that is, become idle, cease, stop, etc.
E6 So of these 4 only love will continue to this day.
E7 The speaking of languages (unknown tongues) is to be with an interpreter present. The message of the tongue speaker is revelation, a message from God. Since there are no Apostles or prophets in this day, there is no one to authenticate it for us. We simply would not know if it is from God, from man, or from a demon.
C6 1 Corinthians 14
D1 General Comments
E1 Corinth was a messed up church. There were many problems (The following 19 points are from the book Spiritual Gifts by John MacArthur Chapter 1) The article is well worth your time to read.
F1 Divisions (1:10-11)
F2 Human wisdom (1:18-25)
F3 Human personality cliques (1:12-17)
F4 Carnality (3:1-9)
F5 Sexual perversion -- fornication and incest (5:1-8; 6:12-20)
F6 Worldliness (5:9-13)
F7 Lawsuits (6:1-8)
F8 Rebellion against apostolic authority (4:1-21)
F9 Marital conflict (7:1-40)
F10 Unmarried conflicts (7:1-40)
F11 Abuse of liberty (8:1-13; 10:23-33)
F12 Idolatry (8:4-13; 10:1-22)
F13 Pride (8:1-3; 10:12)
F14 Selfishness (11:17-22)
F15 Demon worship (10:19-22)
F16 Insubordination of women (11:2-16)
F17 Abuses of God's intended roles for men and women (11:2-16)
F18 Abuses of the Lord's Supper and love feast (11:17-34)
F19 Abuses and perversions of spiritual gifts (12:1-14:40)
E2 Many citizens of Corinth practiced the "Mystery Religions" where the Delphi would get a message from the gods telling the people by speaking in an unknown language. The priest then would interpret the message. Further info here and here.
E3 The Corinthian church took it a step further by some who had the gift of languages to pretend they were more spiritual.
E4 Paul writes 1 Corinthians 14 in particular to correct their false doctrine.
E5 In contrast to the false gift the real gift of languages
F1 Is given to some, not all
F2 Is a real language. The word "unknown" is not in Greek.
F3 Is spoken to God
F4 Is a message from God
F5 No one understands what is being said
F6 Does need an interpreter
F7 Not all are to speak at once
F8 If no interpreter is present, then they must keep quiet
F9 It comes down to this that the church service is to be in the language of the people unless there is an interpreter.
F11 Languages, as this gift is, will stop
F12 Prophecy is better, because people will learn and be edified. They understand those words
D2 Summary
E1 The Apostle does not forbid speaking or praying in languages other than the native language.
E2 If no one knows the language, there is no benefit to the church
E3 God wants the people of the church to understand and be edified.
E4 There is to be order in the church
E5 Tongues (languages) are going to come to an end in time. We see this in the history of the church.