Showing posts with label Galatians 6:2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Galatians 6:2. Show all posts

25 March 2015

Contradiction Galatians 6:2 and 6:5?

Bear one another's burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2, EMTV)

For each one shall bear his own load. (Galatians 6:5, EMTV)

Is there a contradiction?

The Skeptics Annotated Bible says "yes."

When I am faced with a problem, I am not to seek people to tell them my problems. You know, seek lots and lots of people—spread the news. We are to bear our own problems.

Yet, when if someone sees me and thinks that I am burdened, then they are to step up and listen, help, or encourage me.

Adam Clarke's comment on this verse:

" Verse 5. Every man shall bear his own burden.] All must answer for themselves, not for their neighbours. And every man must expect to be dealt with by the Divine Judge, as his character and conduct have been. The greater offences of another will not excuse thy smaller crimes. Every man must give account of himself to God."


College Press's comment on this verse:

""Burdens" (baros—BAR oss). At first glance there seems to be a contradiction between Gal. 6:2 and Gal. 6:5. First we are to "bear one another's burden," and then, each man is to "bear his own burden." The solution lies in the two different Greek words for "burden." The burden of Gal. 6:2 which must be shared is baros, which means "heavy, having great weight." The burden of Gal. 6:5 which each one must carry for himself is phortion (for TEE on), which is a common word for freight or cargo.

Thus, we must all help one another in the oppressive burdens of life, but we also each have certain things for which we alone are responsible.

Thus the first would deal with sympathy and the other responsibility. We need to help each other, yet we cannot pass the blame or excuse ourselves to others.