Showing posts with label John Baptist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Baptist. Show all posts

06 April 2020

Devotional Notes Psalms 113, John 1


Psalm 113

B1 What does this mean?
C1 The Psalmist is excited. He praises God. Note how God is described as the God, not just a local god (...From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised)! Compare: Malachi 1:11 NIV My name will be great among the nations, from where the sun rises to where it sets. In every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to me, because my name will be great among the nations," says the LORD Almighty.
C2 There is only one God. He is described at being greater than all things that exist. Compare Isaiah 66:1. Isaiah 44:8 NLT Do not tremble; do not be afraid. Did I not proclaim my purposes for you long ago? You are my witnesses--is there any other God? No! There is no other Rock--not one!"
C3 Even though God is so high (exalted), He is still mindful and caring for us, animals, and all His creation.
C4 God has the ability to help us and does. He answers all prayers (yes, no, wait, or this instead). God knows best. His ways and decisions are done in wisdom, love, and holiness.

B2 How do I apply this to my life?
Let us count the many ways God has blessed us.


John 1
B1 What does this mean?
C1 Jesus is the Word
D1 The beginning refers to creation. Jesus was already there.
D2 He was in the beginning with God (that is the Father). The Trinity (Godhead) is one essence with 3 persons.
D3 Everything that had a beginning of existence was created by Jesus, God the Son.
D4 He had the principle of life. He can give life; He can take life. He gave life to all that is living is it planned way whether plants, animals, humans, or angels.
D5 This life was the light for people, not animals or plants. He gave light to us, but Adam despised it and deliberately sinned. Light is equated with truth, revelation, God's works, etc. Here most likely the idea that we can only find forgiveness, fellowship, reconciliation, etc. only through Jesus Christ, the Light of the world.
D6 The principle of life is in God. The light that shines from God cannot be extinguished. He has no beginning and no end. Nothing can overcome God. In the same way, nothing can overcome Jesus, God the Son, unless He allowed it (as He did in His passion).
C2 John the Baptist
D1 Is the forerunner who announces and prepares people (especially Israel) for the earthly ministry of the Messiah, Jesus.
D2 John was not the light (though many thought so). John witnessed about the Light, especially at Jesus's baptism, where John saw the likeness of a dove (the Holy Spirit) alight on Jesus, the Passover Lamb for the sins of the world.
D3 Many people have preconceived ideas about what God looks and acts like, but this is wrong. It takes revelation to reveal Him. John gave this revelation plus Jesus's life was authenticated by prophecy, miracles, His teaching, His death, His burial, His resurrection, and His ascension.
D4 The new birth (think of John 3) is not from physical as birth or a nationality (Jew). It is only from those who believe.
D5 We realize God's law through Moses. We realize grace and truth through Jesus Christ only. Grace is receiving what we do not deserve. Truth is reality. Both are only under in the perfect sense through Jesus's life and teaching.
D6 The bosom of the Father refers to the oneness of God, not literally coming out of God's chest.
C3 John's testimony.
D1 He is not Messiah.
D2 He is not Elijah.
D3 He is the forerunner as spoken of by Isaiah, the prophet. See Isaiah 40:3.
D4 Robertson, in his notes, writes: The early writers note the differences between the use of Λογος — Logos (Word) for the Messiah and πωνη — phōnē (Voice) for John.
D5 John baptized with water because people repented of their sins. Jesus baptized with the Holy Spirit because people believed in, trusted in, and called upon Jesus for salvation.
D6 Many of John's disciples (followers) followed Jesus because of John's testimony. One of those who followed John, then Jesus was Andrew. Andrew went and told his brother Peter about Jesus. Peter went to Jesus to see for himself and followed Jesus, too. We are to be witnesses.
D7 Come and see is a good testimony. We can read the Scriptures. Did Jesus exist? Yes, it is reasonable for Jesus's enemies wrote about Him, for example, Tacitus and early Jewish writers who were enemies of Jesus (or at least, not followers). It is reasonable to believe the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were written in the first century CE, because of other late first century writers and early second century writers. See Cold Case Christianity and search for “Are the Gospels Reliable?” So so other Christian apologists.
D8 Phillip believes in Jesus because of the testimony of Jewish prophets. He tells Nathanael about Jesus. Jews for Jesus have a good article about the prophecies about Jesus here.
D9 Verse 51 probably refers to the Ascension of Jesus (Acts chapter 1 and see John Wesley note on this passage). Compare Isaiah 64:1, Acts 7:56 (Stephen's testimony concerning seeing Jesus), Mark 14:62 (Jesus's coming at the end of the Millennium), John 20:12-13 (His resurrection with the angels message at the empty tome), and Genesis 28:12 (Jacob's dream).

B2 How do I apply this to my life?
I have a reasonable faith in Jesus.

hope to have a devotional every day on John’s Gospel starting with the last chapter of Luke’s Gospel. This is the way I do my devotions. You may notice grammatical and spelling errors. It is my hope you will also start or continue in your daily reading and thinking about the Scriptures. I do this Monday through Friday. It is a 3 year plan of reading and thinking on 1 chapter in the Old Testament, which takes 3 years, and reading and thinking on 1 chapter in the New Testament once a year for a total of 3 times. So, I read through the Old Testament 1 time and the New Testament 3 times over a period of 3 years.