Showing posts with label family abuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family abuse. Show all posts

19 July 2016

Can Abusers Change?

When dealing with narcissists, psychopaths, and various types of abusers, it is important to know truth. The false truth that they spout is to be recognized and resisted. The abused must leave. In this short piece, some good advice is given.

Can Abusers Change?

To say that abusers cannot change removes responsibility for sin. They can change, but the vast majority choose not to, which is what the experts state. When God punishes them, their punishment is just. Abusers have options for treatment and are accountable.
Once the marriage covenant is broken through abuse, the abused partner does not need to stay in the marriage waiting for the abuser to change. The abuser's recovery is a separate issue and his change is his own responsibility, not his wife's. This is the mistake most churches make. These churches have over-sentimentalized marriage and are legalists.
The article is short but to the point. The web site is Crying out for Justice.  They are on Facebook as well.

If you or a member of your family, or if you are in a church situation where the pastor or other leaders are abusers, this is a helpful site. Again one must leave abuse.

God bless.