29 August 2018
James 4
15 January 2016
The Lord Told Me – I Think!
A good article to read and ponder. Is the Bible adequate for us today? The link to the whole article is on the title.
The Lord Told Me – I Think!
It seems the Lord has been quite busy lately speaking to His children. A few years ago Alistair Begg quoted a survey stating that one in three American adults say that God speaks to them directly.[1] And hearing the voice of God is not isolated to the common person either. A slew of evangelical leaders claim to hear from the Lord, some of them quite regularly. Henry Blackaby, an avid proponent of extrabiblical revelation of this type, when asked how he knew he was hearing from God and not from some other source, gives this answer, “You come to know His voice as you experience Him in a love relationship. As God speaks and you respond, you will come to the point that you recognize His voice more and more clearly.”[2]
Is God Speaking Today?
Of course, that leaves dangling the important question, “How does one know he is hearing the voice of the Lord in the first place?” Is it not possible...
07 January 2016
Conscience Toward God
Conscience Toward God
In the first installment of this topic, we covered in a few words what the Scriptures mean by an “evil conscience” and a “purged conscience”. But what is meant by the concept of a “good conscience before (or toward) God” in Paul’s testimonies and in Peter’s exhortations? Let’s look at these passages one at a time.
“And Paul, earnestly beholding the council (Sanhedrin), said, Men and brethren, I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day” (Acts 23:1). Many believe that Paul meant this introductory statement to refer to his past life as an observant and zealous, though yet unconverted, Jew. Likely he sought to appeal to their consciences, as to Jews who...
Click the link above to read the whole post
15 November 2015
Traders not traitors
In some ways these are traitors, too.
Some people in the Bible have made some horrible decisions. After the decision was made, it was too late. We can learn not to make the same type of decisions.
How about Adam?
Adam traded the position of prince of the world for a piece of fruit.
Adam traded a loving marriage for a piece of fruit.
Adam traded a perfect environment for a piece of fruit.
Adam traded life for death for a piece of fruit.
Bad decision Adam. Genesis 3:6-19.
How about Esau?
He traded all the rights and blessings of his heritage for a bowl of stew.
Some of the rights and blessing included
1. Financial inheritance--Isaac was very rich Genesis 25:5, Genesis 13:2, Genesis 24:35
2. God's blessings of family priesthood, inheritance of the Holy Land, and the blessing of being in the ancestry of Messiah.
How about Judas?
Judas traded a position as Apostle and a ruler in the Kingdom of heaven for a few dollars. Matthew 19:28
Some have estimated that the 30 pieces of silver would be about 15 ounces.
At $14.25 ounce it would be worth $427.50 at today's price.
The buying power of that though would be enough to buy a piece of land. Matthew 27:7
These are just three examples of people who traded wonderful blessings for some stupid piece of pleasure that only lasted a few minutes to a few days. The worst trade though is those who trade their soul for a few fleeting pleasures of this life. Compare Moses in Hebrews 11:24-25. See Luke 8:14, Titus 3:3, and Mark 8:36.
Need God?
06 May 2015
Tips on avoiding sin
How do we avoid sin?
Photo credit: I am marlon / Loveseat Deals / CC BY-NC-ND
We will be tempted.
Some tips:
- Read and study the Bible (2 Timothy 2:15)
- Reading the Bible should be no difficulty. Just read it. Need some help search for a reading plan. The YouVersion Bible app (or here) has many short, long, topical, chronological reading plans. Another is the Blue Letter Bible reading plans.
- Studying the Bible. The best is to use the cross references and a topical Bible as Nave's or Torrey's. Online there is Blue Letter Bible, Bible Hub, Precept Austin, and others.
- Reading the Bible should be no difficulty. Just read it. Need some help search for a reading plan. The YouVersion Bible app (or here) has many short, long, topical, chronological reading plans. Another is the Blue Letter Bible reading plans.
- Pray (Matthew 26:41)
- Praying is simply talking with God. Jesus prayed (Mark 1:35 and many other places).
- Some things to pray for are
- Things to be thankful for
- Others needs for spiritual health, emotional health, and physical health, etc.
- Leaders of your country, religious leaders, and all (1 Timothy 2:1-4).
- Things to be thankful for
- Praying is simply talking with God. Jesus prayed (Mark 1:35 and many other places).
- Encourage others (Galatians 6:2)
- "Don't give up." "We can make it with God's help."
- It is part of bearing one another's burdens.
- "Don't give up." "We can make it with God's help."
- Allow others to encourage you. Have another person you can talk to. You don't need to tell all, just ask for prayer and for the person to listen and for you to listen in return. (Galatians 5:13-14)
- Not only are we to be an encouragement to others, but we are to let others encourage us.
- It is OK to ask for help.
- Not only are we to be an encouragement to others, but we are to let others encourage us.
- Confess failures and sin (James 5:16)
- All of us from Peter to us today have sinned and need to confess our sins and ask God for forgiveness.
- If we sin and only God knows, confess it to Him alone.
- If we sin against one, then confess to God after you have gone to the other person, confessed your sin, and ask for their forgiveness. When we forgive others, we then allow God to handle it. That others person still needs to confess and ask God for forgiveness.
- All of us from Peter to us today have sinned and need to confess our sins and ask God for forgiveness.
- Know your weaknesses, so then you can flee temptation, avoiding it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)
- Have the addiction gene? Then stay away from any addiction as gambling, alcohol, drugs, etc.
- Always and everyone needs to stay away from porn.
- Have the addiction gene? Then stay away from any addiction as gambling, alcohol, drugs, etc.
- Resist, so leave the area, start doing something else, etc. (James 4:7)
- If tempted, then leave the area and get busy with something—work, exercise, helping others, washing dishes, anything to occupy your time.
- Walk away and memorize Scripture, pray, go out and help someone.
- If tempted, then leave the area and get busy with something—work, exercise, helping others, washing dishes, anything to occupy your time.
- When you sin, do not blame others but take the responsibility. Compare Adam who failed by blaming his wife and God (Genesis 3:12). Compare Aaron who made the golden calf (Exodus 32:24).
- Be persistent and consistent. (Colossians 1:23 and James 1:12)
- People are not just tempted once. It will happen again and again.
- If we give in, it will be easier to give in the second time.
- People are not just tempted once. It will happen again and again.
- When you sin, do not be discouraged or give up. Consider Peter who denied Jesus. He was forgiven and still used of God (John 18:25-27 and John 21:17).
- All of us sin.
- All of us are forgiven.
- All of us need God's help.
- Peter sinned a grievous sin and still was used by God (see the verse above).
- All of us sin.
- Remember that Jesus himself was tempted, and how He resisted. (Hebrews 2:18, Hebrews 4:15)
- He knew the Scriptures.
- He applied the Scriptures.
- He lived the Scriptures.
- He knew the Scriptures.
- Do the Scriptures, that is, obey God's rules. (James 1:22)
- If we busy ourselves obey God's laws, we will know what they are and be practiced in obeying them.
- There are over 1,000 rules in the New Testament.
- If we busy ourselves obey God's laws, we will know what they are and be practiced in obeying them.
- Stop sinning (Ephesians 4:28)
- Avoid evil people who may encourage you to sin (Proverbs 1:10, 2 Corinthians 6:14)
- There are rewards for not sinning.
- First, you don't sin.
- Secondly, a crown from God. This is something we receive on our judgment day. (James 1:12)
- First, you don't sin.
- Be aware that the devil wants you to sin and will try anything to get you to sin. (1 Peter 5:8)
Sin is a constant danger. God knows we are frail. God will help us. Don't give up, that's what the Tempter, the devil, wants.
30 April 2015
Photo credit: JFXie / Foter / CC BY
Doublethink--the acceptance of two contradictory ideas or beliefs at the same time. (doublethink. (n.d.). Dictionary.com Unabridged. Retrieved April 27, 2015, from Dictionary.com website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/doublethink)
Nancy Pearcey writes an article in Evolution News entitled Darwin's Robots: When Evolutionary Materialists Admit that Their Own Worldview Fails. A couple of quotes from her article are telling
- In What Science Offers the Humanities, Edward Slingerland, identifies himself as an unabashed materialist and reductionist. Slingerland argues that Darwinian materialism leads logically to the conclusion that humans are robots -- that our sense of having a will or self or consciousness is an illusion. Yet, he admits, it is an illusion we find impossible to shake. No one "can help acting like and at some level really feeling that he or she is free." We are "constitutionally incapable of experiencing ourselves and other conspecifics [humans] as robots."
A dual consciousness is a signal that contrary evidence from general revelation is being suppressed.
Slingerland acknowledges that his reductionist view of humans as essentially robots is contrary to ordinary experience. Gesturing toward his own daughter, Slingerland writes, "At an important and ineradicable level, the idea of my daughter as merely a complex robot carrying my genes into the next generation is both bizarre and repugnant to me." Such a reductionistic view "inspires in us a kind of emotional resistance and even revulsion." - Marvin Minsky of MIT is best known for his pithy phrase that the human brain is nothing but "a three-pound computer made of meat." Obviously, computers do not have the power of choice; the implication is that neither do humans. Surprisingly, however, Minsky then asks, "Does that mean we must embrace the modern scientific view and put aside the ancient myth of voluntary choice? No. We can't do that."
Why not? Minsky goes on: "No matter that the physical world provides no room for freedom of will; that concept is essential to our models of the mental realm." We cannot "ever give it up. We're virtually forced to maintain that belief, even though we know it's false." False, that is, according to Minsky's materialist worldview.
Now think of some of these doublethink statements.
- Bruce Jenner, "I am a woman."
- Unnamed patient I took care of, "I am Jesus Christ."
- Unnamed patient I took care of, "I am the Virgin Mary."
- Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland, "I am god."
- Unnamed physician who called me at work, "This is god speaking." I did know who he was, and he was not being funny, Trust me.
We could name many others, but you have met these people yourself. They claim one thing but live another.
- The Calvinist (TULIP) who believes in exhaustive determinism who writes that people believe in the doctrine of God's sovereign but balk at determinism, he becomes angry at his wife for something she does/does not do.
- The prophetic healer(?) who becomes sick and requests prayer, or teaches on physical healing in the atonement, the sick are healed, and the dead rise, has glasses, dentures, pacemaker, wheelchair, etc.
- The one who believes in speaking reality and God cannot do anything until we speak it, speaks it and nothing happens.
- The person who believes in miracle healers today go a healer for healing and nothing happens but still believes it.
- The person who thinks they are worthless but have many gifts for the church and society.
- The person who thinks they are ugly but miss the obvious beauty that others see.
- The person who thinks they are stupid when they are not.
There are times when we all have experience some of these, but where is the reality?
We should be facing reality.
Another false belief is that we are good. We do not obey any of the Ten Commandments perfectly. We have all lied, stolen, coveted, etc.
We might as well as face reality. The so called healer, prophet, or teacher that believes in healing, seed faith, "blessings," etc. are wrong, for where is the reality?
10 March 2015
Is It Right to Shame People?
Is It Right to Shame People?
People have the tendency to want revenge. They may seek revenge by physical, emotional, verbal, or financial means. They may use sarcasm or shade the truth by emphasizing those details they want to prove their point.
There is, however, a down side to it.
There article shows the downside of shaming customers who give a negative review or perhaps a low tip. 5 Reasons Restaurants Should Think Twice About Shaming Bad Customers. Reasons like "The satisfaction is usually temporary, and often not worth it" as this may lead to backfiring when more details are known.
An application can be made to Christians. Do we seek revenge by shaming someone?
There are some problems.
- What are the facts (truth)?
- Why do you/I want to do this?
- Is it right in God's view?
What does the Bible say?
- It is not our place. "Never take revenge, my friends, but instead let God's anger do it. For the scripture says, "I will take revenge, I will pay back, says the Lord." (Romans 12:19, GNB92)
- We should one for that person to repent, so we are to treat our enemies with kindness. "But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you. If anyone hits you on one cheek, let him hit the other one too; if someone takes your coat, let him have your shirt as well." (Luke 6:27-29, GNB92)
- It smacks of pride as if we are the Judge. Maybe they will repent. "So watch what you do! "If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him. If he sins against you seven times in one day, and each time he comes to you saying, 'I repent,' you must forgive him." (Luke 17:3-4, GNB92)
- We might ourselves guilty of bad behavior ourselves. "Why, then, do you look at the speck in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the log in your own eye? How dare you say to your brother, 'Please, let me take that speck out of your eye,' when you have a log in your own eye? You hypocrite! First take the log out of your own eye, and then you will be able to see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." (Matthew 7:3-5, GNB92)
- We need to make things right with our brethren. "So if you are about to offer your gift to God at the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar, go at once and make peace with your brother, and then come back and offer your gift to God. (Matthew 5:23-24, GNB92)
Shaming people is a form of manipulation and is wrong. We must not do it. There are better ways of dealing with conflicts. "Do everything possible on your part to live in peace with everybody." (Romans 12:18, GNB92)
27 January 2015
Animal Cruelty
The righteous know the needs of their animals, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel. (Proverbs 12:10)
The meaning of this verse is to treat animals with gentleness and meet their needs as best as possible.
This article shows what one person is alleged to have done. It is the absolute opposite of the Bible. It is the breaking of God's law.
Cops: Woman Drowned Puppy In Airport Toilet After Not Being Allowed To Board Plane With Animal
After Nebraska airport workers refused to allow her to board a plane with a three-week-old puppy, a woman allegedly went into a nearby bathroom and drowned the animal in a toilet bowl, police allege.
Compassion is a Christian virtue. If it is not present in a person's life, one must one about that person's commitment to Jesus Christ.
As God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. (Colossians 3:12)
The times compassion is not seen in God is in judgment. When His law has been broken, He punishes. When someone crosses His line, then the time for mercy has been exhausted.
Let us show compassion to the animals.
08 January 2015
What Is Biblical Ethics?
This is a topic of a bigger work that I am laboring on.
What is Biblical Ethics
A1 Ethics is
B1 the study of moral values and rules.
B2 the study of right and wrong
A2 The philosophical study of ethics refers to people coming up with a rational (scientific) arguments for a code of right and wrong.
B1 Three broad views
C1 Virtue ethics has to do with the character of the person, not the act or deed.
C2 Deontology refers to strict adherence to rules, not necessarily character or deed.
C3 Consequentialism deals with rightness or wrongness from the outcome/result of the act or deed.
B2 Examples
C1 Virtue ethics would say it depends on whether the lie helps or hurts one's character or the group's character.
C2 Deontology would hold that lying is always wrong.
C3 Consequentialism would believe that lying is wrong if it hurts someone.
B3 Source of the rules
C1 Virtue ethics would rely on what would make the being of a person the best.
C2 Deontology has a number of theories one being the divine law and moral absolutes from these laws.
C3 Consequentialism bases its rules on what the outcome would be thus would be flexible or changing depending on the circumstances.
B4 What is desirable
C1 Virtue ethics would hold to desirable virtues or characteristics of one's being, however, how they derive their list of what is virtue is debated among them.
C2 Deontology would point to meeting a standard, an absolute standard. Murder is always wrong.
C3 Consequentialism often bases what is desirable on the principle of the greatest happiness. Murder would be wrong it the outcome is not for the happiness of a person, a group, a family, or society.
B5 Famous examples
C1 Virtue ethics--Aristotle taught that the greatest happiness comes from practicing virtues. Probably in the sense of having good, virtuous habits based on reason. Some of these would be reason, wisdom, justice, temperance, etc. The most common example is to meet a mean between two extremes, thus courage is the mean between cowardice and rashness.
C2 Deontology
D1 Augustine taught that humans are to seek the highest good for personal and societal happiness. This is done by loving God. If one loves God then he/she will do what God commands. God always does things according to love. Moral truth exists only in dependence of what God says, so his commands are mortality (right and wrong).
D2 Robert Adams teaches
E1 Two theorems
F1 It is wrong to do X.
F2 it is against God's laws to do X.
E2 God's laws do not explain what is moral (right or wrong) but the laws themselves show and teach what is right or wrong, thus why God made those laws.
E3 Laws and actions would have to be in agreement with God's character especially His characteristic of love.
F1 An action is wrong if and only if it defies God's character of love.
F2 God cannot command cruelty for instance because it is against His character of love. Cruelty is not loving. God is loving, thus cruelty is against God's character and is wrong.
D3 The Euthyphro dilemma
E1 Offered by Plato as, "Is X good because God commands it, or does God command it because it is good?"
E2 The first would imply that everything that God commands is good.
E3 The second would imply that God is subject to a law, a standard, greater than Himself.
C3 Consequentialism
D1 Basically is the end justifies the means
D2 Forms
E1 What is best for the state (government) is what is morally good. (State Consequentialism).
E2 What is best for maximum pleasure is morally good, and what is painful is morally bad. (Utilitarianism, Hedonism)
E3 What is best for me is morally good; everything else is morally bad. (Ethical egoism)
E4 What is best for others is morally good; what is best for me that might hurt others is morally bad. (Ethical altruism)
E5 What is best may be mistaken, but if the motive was good then it is morally good. (Motive Consequentialism)
E6 What is most loving (as defined by the individual) is morally good, and what is not loving is morally bad. It all depends on any given situation. (Situational Ethics)
E7 And many others.
D3 Many different adherents from Milton Friedman to Sam Harris, Peter Singer, and others.
A3 Biblical ethics is the study of what the Bible teaches on what is right and wrong.
B1 Philosophically Biblical Christians would be considered to be believers in some form of deontology.
B2 My view
C1 The Bible is God's revealed words.
C2 God is accurately portrayed in the Bible.
C3 God is good.
C4 God created all things good.
C5 Creation needed laws and regulations for everything to operate smoothly.
C6 Therefore, God's rules are good. (because the results are good according to the operator's manual).