Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts

31 January 2021

A Few Thoughts about Luke 20:41-44

A Few Thoughts about Luke 20:41-44

Luke 20:41-44 WEL

41 He said to them, “How can it be said that Christ is David’s son?

42 “David himself says in the book of Psalms, ‘The Lord [Hebrew Yahweh] said to my lord,’ “Sit at my right hand,

43 “Until I make your enemies your footstool [Psalm 110:1],”’

44 “Therefore, David calls him, ‘lord,’ how is he then his son?

Jesus is speaking to the Jewish crowd in particular to the Jewish leaders—the priests, the scribes, and the influencers.

He has shown them for many months the proofs of His Messiahship authenticated by His miracles. They have rejected Him.

He asks a question of these experts in the Scriptures.

How can Messiah be David’s son? How can David’s son be David’s superior?

They never answered.

The quote is from Psalm 110:1.

The LORD is Yahweh. The lord is boss, a superior, one who has greater authority than King David. According to the context of Psalm 110, this “Lord” is greater than David.

Yahweh is saying to King David’s superior to sit at Yahweh’s right hand. This is the hand of greatest honor. The Messiah has greater honor than King David.

Messiah sits there until Messiah’s enemies submit to Messiah. Yahweh will accomplish this. Yahweh does not say how long Messiah was sit there before He begins to rule.

The greatest religious scholars of the day could not answer Jesus’s question because their method of Bible interpretation was incorrect.

In studying the context of the Psalm and Jesus’s message, it becomes clear that Psalm 110 is Messianic.

We learn

  • Jesus authenticates His credentials of Messiahship but fulfilled prophecy, message, life, and deeds.

  • Context is important.

  • Truth is important.

  • We can believe a lie or the truth. We can accept what is most reasonable or make excuses for the truth.

  • We can have confidence that Jesus is Messiah.

The Jewish interpretation is here. (Note how they miss the context).

The Christians interpretation is here and here.

A Few Thoughts about Luke 20:41-44

Bible study, David’s son, Jesus

06 April 2020

Devotional Notes Psalms 113, John 1


Psalm 113

B1 What does this mean?
C1 The Psalmist is excited. He praises God. Note how God is described as the God, not just a local god (...From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised)! Compare: Malachi 1:11 NIV My name will be great among the nations, from where the sun rises to where it sets. In every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to me, because my name will be great among the nations," says the LORD Almighty.
C2 There is only one God. He is described at being greater than all things that exist. Compare Isaiah 66:1. Isaiah 44:8 NLT Do not tremble; do not be afraid. Did I not proclaim my purposes for you long ago? You are my witnesses--is there any other God? No! There is no other Rock--not one!"
C3 Even though God is so high (exalted), He is still mindful and caring for us, animals, and all His creation.
C4 God has the ability to help us and does. He answers all prayers (yes, no, wait, or this instead). God knows best. His ways and decisions are done in wisdom, love, and holiness.

B2 How do I apply this to my life?
Let us count the many ways God has blessed us.


John 1
B1 What does this mean?
C1 Jesus is the Word
D1 The beginning refers to creation. Jesus was already there.
D2 He was in the beginning with God (that is the Father). The Trinity (Godhead) is one essence with 3 persons.
D3 Everything that had a beginning of existence was created by Jesus, God the Son.
D4 He had the principle of life. He can give life; He can take life. He gave life to all that is living is it planned way whether plants, animals, humans, or angels.
D5 This life was the light for people, not animals or plants. He gave light to us, but Adam despised it and deliberately sinned. Light is equated with truth, revelation, God's works, etc. Here most likely the idea that we can only find forgiveness, fellowship, reconciliation, etc. only through Jesus Christ, the Light of the world.
D6 The principle of life is in God. The light that shines from God cannot be extinguished. He has no beginning and no end. Nothing can overcome God. In the same way, nothing can overcome Jesus, God the Son, unless He allowed it (as He did in His passion).
C2 John the Baptist
D1 Is the forerunner who announces and prepares people (especially Israel) for the earthly ministry of the Messiah, Jesus.
D2 John was not the light (though many thought so). John witnessed about the Light, especially at Jesus's baptism, where John saw the likeness of a dove (the Holy Spirit) alight on Jesus, the Passover Lamb for the sins of the world.
D3 Many people have preconceived ideas about what God looks and acts like, but this is wrong. It takes revelation to reveal Him. John gave this revelation plus Jesus's life was authenticated by prophecy, miracles, His teaching, His death, His burial, His resurrection, and His ascension.
D4 The new birth (think of John 3) is not from physical as birth or a nationality (Jew). It is only from those who believe.
D5 We realize God's law through Moses. We realize grace and truth through Jesus Christ only. Grace is receiving what we do not deserve. Truth is reality. Both are only under in the perfect sense through Jesus's life and teaching.
D6 The bosom of the Father refers to the oneness of God, not literally coming out of God's chest.
C3 John's testimony.
D1 He is not Messiah.
D2 He is not Elijah.
D3 He is the forerunner as spoken of by Isaiah, the prophet. See Isaiah 40:3.
D4 Robertson, in his notes, writes: The early writers note the differences between the use of Λογος — Logos (Word) for the Messiah and πωνη — phōnē (Voice) for John.
D5 John baptized with water because people repented of their sins. Jesus baptized with the Holy Spirit because people believed in, trusted in, and called upon Jesus for salvation.
D6 Many of John's disciples (followers) followed Jesus because of John's testimony. One of those who followed John, then Jesus was Andrew. Andrew went and told his brother Peter about Jesus. Peter went to Jesus to see for himself and followed Jesus, too. We are to be witnesses.
D7 Come and see is a good testimony. We can read the Scriptures. Did Jesus exist? Yes, it is reasonable for Jesus's enemies wrote about Him, for example, Tacitus and early Jewish writers who were enemies of Jesus (or at least, not followers). It is reasonable to believe the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were written in the first century CE, because of other late first century writers and early second century writers. See Cold Case Christianity and search for “Are the Gospels Reliable?” So so other Christian apologists.
D8 Phillip believes in Jesus because of the testimony of Jewish prophets. He tells Nathanael about Jesus. Jews for Jesus have a good article about the prophecies about Jesus here.
D9 Verse 51 probably refers to the Ascension of Jesus (Acts chapter 1 and see John Wesley note on this passage). Compare Isaiah 64:1, Acts 7:56 (Stephen's testimony concerning seeing Jesus), Mark 14:62 (Jesus's coming at the end of the Millennium), John 20:12-13 (His resurrection with the angels message at the empty tome), and Genesis 28:12 (Jacob's dream).

B2 How do I apply this to my life?
I have a reasonable faith in Jesus.

hope to have a devotional every day on John’s Gospel starting with the last chapter of Luke’s Gospel. This is the way I do my devotions. You may notice grammatical and spelling errors. It is my hope you will also start or continue in your daily reading and thinking about the Scriptures. I do this Monday through Friday. It is a 3 year plan of reading and thinking on 1 chapter in the Old Testament, which takes 3 years, and reading and thinking on 1 chapter in the New Testament once a year for a total of 3 times. So, I read through the Old Testament 1 time and the New Testament 3 times over a period of 3 years.

13 November 2019

A Few Thoughts About the Gospel of Mark

Notes: Mark deals with Jesus the Servant.
B1 Example 1: Mark 10:45 NET For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
C1 It was prophesied: Isaiah 42:1-4 ESV Behold my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights; I have put my Spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations. He will not cry aloud or lift up his voice, or make it heard in the street; a bruised reed he will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will not quench; he will faithfully bring forth justice. He will not grow faint or be discouraged till he has established justice in the earth; and the coastlands wait for his law.
C2 It was fulfilled: Philippians 2:6-7 WEB who, existing in the form of God, didn’t consider equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men.
Commenting on this passage Marvin R. Vincent, D.D writes: Taking the word ἁρπαγμὸν (A.V., robbery) to mean a highly prized possession, we understand Paul to say that Christ, being, before His incarnation, in the form of God, did not regard His divine equality as a prize which was to be grasped at and retained at all hazards, but, on the contrary, laid aside the form of God, and took upon Himself the nature of man. The emphasis in the passage is upon Christ's humiliation. The fact of His equality with God is stated as a background, in order to throw the circumstances of His incarnation into stronger relief. Hence the peculiar form of Paul's statement Christ's great object was to identify Himself with humanity; not to appear to men as divine but as human. Had He come into the world emphasizing His equality with God, the world would have been amazed, but not saved He did not grasp at this. The rather He counted humanity His prize, and so laid aside the conditions of His preexistent state, and became man.
B2 Example 2: Mark 3:1-6 NLT Jesus went into the synagogue again and noticed a man with a deformed hand. Since it was the Sabbath, Jesus' enemies watched him closely. If he healed the man's hand, they planned to accuse him of working on the Sabbath. Jesus said to the man with the deformed hand, "Come and stand in front of everyone." Then he turned to his critics and asked, "Does the law permit good deeds on the Sabbath, or is it a day for doing evil? Is this a day to save life or to destroy it?" But they wouldn't answer him. He looked around at them angrily and was deeply saddened by their hard hearts. Then he said to the man, "Hold out your hand." So the man held out his hand, and it was restored! At once the Pharisees went away and met with the supporters of Herod to plot how to kill Jesus.
C1 His enemies’ solution is to kill: Psalms 37:32 WEB The wicked watches the righteous, and seeks to kill him.
C2 These Jews learned true religion, but they refused it, preferring their own teaching to God’s. Psalm 107:11 NET because they had rebelled against God's commands, and rejected the instructions of the sovereign king.
C3 They rejected God’s Laws and made God angry. This is definitely not wise. Let us beware! Isaiah 5:24-25 NLT Therefore, just as fire licks up stubble and dry grass shrivels in the flame, so their roots will rot and their flowers wither. For they have rejected the law of the LORD of Heaven's Armies; they have despised the word of the Holy One of Israel. That is why the LORD's anger burns against his people, and why he has raised his fist to crush them. The mountains tremble, and the corpses of his people litter the streets like garbage. But even then the LORD's anger is not satisfied. His fist is still poised to strike!
C4 Manser (Themes 5764 ) identifies 10 evil attitudes (The following 8 points are quotes):
D1 5764 — attitudes, negative to God
D2 Scripture identifies a range of negative attitudes towards God, which believers are encouraged to avoid.
D3 Rejection: Isaiah 53:3 See also Leviticus 26:15-16; 1 Samuel 8:7; Ezekiel 5:6; 20:15-16; John 1:11
Example: John 1:11 NLT He came to his own people, and even they rejected him.
D4 Lack of faith: Mark 4:40 pp Matthew 8:26 pp Luke 8:25 See also Matthew 13:58 pp Mark 6:6
Example: Mark 6:6 NLT And he was amazed at their unbelief. Then Jesus went from village to village, teaching the people.
D5 Pride: Deuteronomy 8:14 See also Leviticus 26:19; Luke 1:51; James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5; Proverbs 3:34
Example: James 4:6 NLT But he gives us even more grace to stand against such evil desires. As the Scriptures say, "God opposes the proud but favors the humble.
D6 Stubbornness: Jeremiah 5:23 See also Psalm 78:8; Isaiah 48:4; Mark 3:5; 16:14; Romans 2:5
Example: Mark 3:5 NLT He looked around at them angrily and was deeply saddened by their hard hearts. Then he said to the man, "Hold out your hand." So the man held out his hand, and it was restored!
D7 Rebellion: Psalm 78:40 See also Deuteronomy 1:26; Isaiah 1:2; Jeremiah 2:29; Ezekiel 2:3; Hosea 7:13; Titus 1:10; Hebrews 3:16
Example: Hosea 7:13 NLT What sorrow awaits those who have deserted me! Let them die, for they have rebelled against me. I wanted to redeem them, but they have told lies about me.
D8 Hostility: Romans 8:7 See also Leviticus 26:21, 23-24, 27-28; Hosea 9:7
Example: Hosea 9:7 NLT The time of Israel's punishment has come; the day of payment is here. Soon Israel will know this all too well. Because of your great sin and hostility, you say, "The prophets are crazy and the inspired men are fools!

Let us beware. Let us pray to not have any of these traits. Let us encourage fellow believers to not have any of these traits. Let us repent, if we find we have these traits.

13 April 2017

Death Defeated

Theme: The Risen King

Objectives (from the D6 Fusion study guide)
Know: An angel rolled back the stone, revealing that Jesus was not in the tomb. He had risen from the dead.
Think: Be confident in my faith, knowing there is solid evidence for the Resurrection.
Do: Worship the risen Savior and spread the good news.

Scriptures: Matthew 28:1-15

Notes and questions
B1 Outline:
  • Jesus rises from the dead Matthew 28:1-10
  • Soldiers are bribed by chief priests Matthew 28:11-15
B2 Timeline
  • Jesus is crucified (Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday--probably Thursday)
  • Friday is special Sabbath, the Day of Preparation
  • Saturday is Regular Sabbath
  • Time runs from 1800 to 1800 the next day (“...evening and morning were the first day.” Genesis 1:5).
B3 Facts about Messiah’s Resurrection
  • Sources
    • Bible
      • Four Gospels
      • Epistles of Paul
    • Secular: The Toledoth Jesu, a compilation of early Jewish writings, is another source acknowledging this. It acknowledges that the tomb was empty, and attempts to explain it away. Further, we have a record of a second century debate between a Christian and a Jew, in which a reference is made to the fact that the Jews claim the body was stolen. So it is pretty well established that the early Jews admitted the empty tomb. Link.
    • On the eve of the Passover Yeshu was hanged. For forty days before the execution took place, a herald went forth and cried, 'He is going forth to be stoned because he has practiced sorcery and enticed Israel to apostasy. Anyone who can say anything in his favor, let him come forward and plead on his behalf.' But since nothing was brought forward in his favor he was hanged on the eve of the Passover! Link.  Search the document for the word “Yeshu.”
  • Prophecy
    • "For You will not leave my soul in Sheol, Nor will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption." (Psalm 16:10 NKJV) Compare Acts 2:25-28.
    • "O LORD, You brought my soul up from the grave; You have kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit." (Psalm 30:3 NKJV)
    • For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. (Matthew 12:40 [ESV]). So also Matthew 16:4, Matthew 16:21, Matthew 17:23, Matthew 20:19, Matthew 26:32, etc.
  • New Testament teaching
    • "...whom God raised up, having loosed the pains of death, because it was not possible that He should be held by it." (Acts 2:24 NKJV)
    • "This Jesus God has raised up, of which we are all witnesses." (Acts 2:32 NKJV)
    • “He was holy and good, but you rejected him, and instead you asked Pilate to do you the favor of turning loose a murderer. You killed the one who leads to life, but God raised him from death—and we are witnesses to this.” (Acts 3:14-15).
    • Shows
      • He is God. He is sinless. He has the principle of life in Him. “...and declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead.” (Romans 1:4, NKJV)
      • Fulfillment of Scripture. See the prophetic verses above. Also, “For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4, NKJV).
      • He has conquered death. Romans 6:9 with Ephesians 2:6
      • Proof and promise of our resurrection. The promise of a new body like Jesus’. Romans 6:5, 1 Corinthians 15:12-13, 21, 42.
      • We are justified. Proves His authority to forgive sin. Romans 4:25, 1 Corinthians 15:17
      • Gives us hope. 1 Corinthians 15:19
      • Is a picture of our new life. Romans 6:4, Colossians 2:12
      • He is King of the Universe (and all). Revelation 1:17-18
  • Proofs
    • Many witnesses, the more the better. Among many passages--Thereafter He appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time, of whom the majority remain until now, but some have fallen asleep. (I Corinthians 15:6 [EMTV])
    • Hostile witnesses-- Now while they were going, behold, some of the guard came into the city and reported to the chief priests everything that had happened. When they had assembled with the elders and taking counsel, they gave sufficient silver coins to the soldiers, saying, "Tell them, 'His disciples came at night and stole Him away while we were sleeping.' "And if this reaches the governor's ears, we will influence him and make you secure." So they took the silver and did as they were instructed. And this saying has been widely spread among the Jews until this day. (Matthew 28:11-15 [EMTV])
    • Recorded close as possible to the event. The Gospels were written in the first century.
    • It was well known. “Now when some days had passed, King Agrippa and Bernice arrived at Caesarea, and greeted Festus. As he stayed there many days, Festus laid Paul’s case before the king, saying, “There is a certain man left a prisoner by Felix; about whom, when I was at Jerusalem, the chief priests and the elders of the Jews informed me, asking for a sentence against him. To whom I answered that it is not the custom of the Romans to give up any man to destruction, before the accused has met the accusers face to face, and has had opportunity to make his defense concerning the matter laid against him. When therefore they had come together here, I didn't delay, but on the next day sat on the judgment seat, and commanded the man to be brought. Concerning whom, when the accusers stood up, they brought no charge of such things as I supposed; but had certain questions against him about their own religion, and about one Jesus, who was dead, whom Paul affirmed to be alive[Emphasis--edit]. Being perplexed how to inquire concerning these things, I asked whether he was willing to go to Jerusalem and there be judged concerning these matters. But when Paul had appealed to be kept for the decision of the emperor, I commanded him to be kept until I could send him to Caesar.” Agrippa said to Festus, “I also would like to hear the man myself.” “Tomorrow,” he said, “you shall hear him.” So on the next day, when Agrippa and Bernice had come with great pomp, and they had entered into the place of hearing with the commanding officers and principal men of the city, at the command of Festus, Paul was brought in. Festus said, “King Agrippa, and all men who are here present with us, you see this man, about whom all the multitude of the Jews petitioned me, both at Jerusalem and here, crying that he ought not to live any longer. But when I found that he had committed nothing worthy of death, and as he himself appealed to the emperor I determined to send him.” (Acts 25:13-25 [WEB])
  • Excuses
    • Swoon theory
      • Jesus didn't die. He passed out. The soldiers thought he was dead.
      • In the tomb He revived, moved the heavy stone out of the way, overpowered the Roman guards, and walked nearly a mile after being dehydrated for over 4 days, wounded, beat, bruised, etc.
      • Not exactly good logic or reason any victorious celebration.
      • Totally false
    • Hallucination theory
      • Jesus died and was buried.
      • The disciples believed so strongly that over 500 people had a mass hallucination of seeing him alive and victorious in Jerusalem.
      • The first mass hallucination that included followers and non-followers.
      • The list of witnesses (from “The New Evidence the Demands a Verdict” by Josh McDowell)
        • To Mary Magdalene: Mark 16:9, John 20:14
        • To women returning from the tomb: Matthew 28:9-10
        • To Peter later in the day: Luke 24:34, 1 Corinthians 15:5
        • To the Emmaus disciples: Luke 24:13-33
        • To the Apostles without Thomas: Luke 24:36-43, John 20:19-24
        • To the Apostles with Thomas present: John 20:26-29
        • To the seven by the Lake of Tiberias: John 21:1-23
        • To a multitude of 500+ believers on a Galilean mountain: 1 Corinthians 15:6
        • To James: 1 Corinthians 15:7
        • To the eleven: Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 16:14-20, Luke 24:33-52, Acts 1:3-12
        • At the ascension: Acts 1:3-12
        • To Paul: Acts 9:3-6
        • To Stephen: Acts 7:55
        • To Paul in the Temple: Acts 22:17-21, Acts 23:11
        • To John on Patmos: Revelation 1:10-19
      • Totally false
    • Substitute theory
      • Jesus didn't die
      • The substitute died
      • A few days later Jesus shows up and proclaims that He has risen from the dead.
      • Pilate and the religious leaders didn't have a clue what Jesus looked like.
      • Jesus had a twin who volunteered to be crucified.
      • Totally illogical and false
    • Stole the body theory
      • The scared and cowardly disciples overpowered the Roman guards by showing up and scaring them.
      • After the guards fled from the disciples, the disciples removed the dead body of Jesus and proclaimed that He had risen.
      • Nobody saw Jesus walking around after the resurrection.
    • The dogs ate Jesus body theory.
      • After Jesus died, his body was thrown out into a ditch were some wild dogs ate his body.
      • No one could find Jesus body, so the disciples decided that Jesus has risen from the dead.
      • Eleven of the Apostles were put to death in the first century believing this lie.
      • This theory is not even good fiction. There is no proof, no witnesses, and no argument.
    • Resurrection was not physical; it was a spiritual resurrection.
      • Jesus died and was buried.
      • He rotted in a few hours and could not be found.
      • The disciples wanting a good story said that Jesus raised from dead and went to heaven.
      • No one saw Jesus do this including God.
      • No evidence, not even a little bit of thinking.
    • The wrong tomb theory.
      • Joseph of Arimathea, his servants, and the women were clueless to get around Jerusalem.
      • Joseph didn't even know where his tomb was.
      • The Romans guards or Jewish leaders didn’t know where the tomb was either.
      • When the disciples came looking for Jesus, they got lost, and found some grave that was empty, and decided that Jesus had raised from the dead.
      • The Roman soldiers, Jewish leaders, and Joseph of Arimathea became disoriented and couldn't find the grave with the dead body. They wanted to show everyone that Jesus body was in the grave, but no one knew where that grave was.
B4 Matthew 28:1-15

  • Parallel passages
    • Mark 16:1-8
    • Luke 24:1-12
    • John 20:1-10
  • When did the Sabbath end? (The previous sunset).
  • When did the two women journey to the tomb?
  • Who were the two women? (Mary and probably Mary the mother of James and Joseph. Matthew 27:56)
  • Who is already at the tomb? (The Roman guard. It was not the Temple Guard. The religious leaders had asked Pilate for a guard (Matthew 27:62-66).
  • What was happening at the tomb before the women arrived?
  • What happened to the guards?
  • Why was the stone rolled away?
  • What is the significance of holding Jesus’ feet? (Proves He is a real body, not a ghost/spirit).
  • Why did the Roman guards go to the chief priests and not Pilate? (Pilate would have had them killed for letting the “prisoner” go. These guards knew the chief priests could help them out).
  • Why did the priests give the guards this particular message?
  • How does the resurrection of Jesus Christ affect you today?