Showing posts with label grief. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grief. Show all posts

19 September 2018

On Grief

The Bible has much on grief:

Job 3:10  Curse that night for letting me be born, for exposing me to trouble and grief.
Job 7:3  Month after month I have nothing to live for; night after night brings me grief.
Job 14:22  We feel only the pain of our own bodies and the grief of our own minds.
Job 17:7  My grief has almost made me blind; my arms and legs are as thin as shadows.
Psalm 6:6  I am worn out with grief; every night my bed is damp from my weeping; my pillow is soaked with tears.
Of the Lord Jesus it is written A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. Isaiah 53:3
Grief is a communicable trait of God. He grieves and understands grief, so do we.
There is loss of joy and sometimes hope.
It is a pain of mind affecting the body.
It is real.
A few things:
A promise for believers: Revelation 21:4 NKJV “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”
A source you may need: Stephen Ministries.
Grief is real. Seek for a friend who will listen even professional help may be needed.
Maybe Psalm 13 will be of comfort. There are other Psalms for Emotions, too.
Psalms 13:1-6 GNB  How much longer will you forget me, LORD? Forever? How much longer will you hide yourself from me?  2  How long must I endure trouble? How long will sorrow fill my heart day and night? How long will my enemies triumph over me?  3  Look at me, O LORD my God, and answer me. Restore my strength; don't let me die.  4  Don't let my enemies say, "We have defeated him." Don't let them gloat over my downfall.  5  I rely on your constant love; I will be glad, because you will rescue me.  6  I will sing to you, O LORD, because you have been good to me.