Showing posts with label foot washing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foot washing. Show all posts

01 May 2020

Devotional Notes Psalm 125+John 13

Blogging will be rather sporadic as we are selling the house and moving.

Psalm 125
B1 What does this mean?
C1 Two topics
D1 Trusting in God
E1 2 Kings 18:5-6 GNB Hezekiah trusted in the LORD, the God of Israel; Judah never had another king like him, either before or after his time. 6 He was faithful to the LORD and never disobeyed him, but carefully kept all the commands that the LORD had given Moses.
E2 Isaiah 28:16 GNB This, now, is what the Sovereign LORD says: "I am placing in Zion a foundation that is firm and strong. In it I am putting a solid cornerstone on which are written the words, 'Faith that is firm is also patient.'
E3 Verse 3, Clarke writes: Rod, here. may be taken for persecution, or for rule; and then it may be thus interpreted: "The wicked shall not be permitted to persecute always, nor to have a permanent rule."
D2 A contrast between the believer and the rejecter in life and the after life.
E1 Believer will receive good from God. Good is defined by God as perfect, so compare creation.
F1 Good, that is perfectly good, is a character trait of God. With the grace given by the Holy Spirit, we also are to be and do good.
F2 Contrasted: Psalms 52:3 GNB You love evil more than good and falsehood more than truth.
F3 Example of one who is enemy of good: the magician in Acts 13:10 GNB and said, "You son of the Devil! You are the enemy of everything that is good. You are full of all kinds of evil tricks, and you always keep trying to turn the Lord's truths into lies!
F4 Good is not something in our human nature: Paul writes: Romans 7:18 GNB I know that good does not live in me—that is, in my human nature. For even though the desire to do good is in me, I am not able to do it.
F5 God does the preparing, we do the work: Ephesians 2:10 GW God has made us what we are. He has created us in Christ Jesus to live lives filled with good works that he has prepared for us to do.
E2 The rejecter
F1 Will be rejected by God.
G1 Proverbs 11:20 GNB The LORD hates evil-minded people, but loves those who do right.
G2 Proverbs 6:16-19 NRSV There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to him: 17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that hurry to run to evil, 19 a lying witness who testifies falsely, and one who sows discord in a family.
F2 Has no peace and no future goodness: Isaiah 57:21 NRSV There is no peace, says my God, for the wicked.
C2 1 Corinthians 1:9 NIV God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
B2 How do I apply this to my life? Believe and serve Yahweh.

John 13
B1 What does this mean?
C1 Jesus Washes the Disciple’s Feet
D1 Most Christians do not take this passage in its plain, normal sense. I certainly will not argue. It is a memorial and is humbling, and serving our fellow believers with love. But, the question should be asked, “Am I willing?”
D2 It also shows the attitude we must have for all. Some take advantage of this serving and love to abuse. We are not to serve this type of person. God will serve them with justice at judgment.
D3 Ryle commenting on this passage writes:
Well would it be for the Church if this very simple truth was more remembered, and real humility was not so sadly rare. Perhaps there is no sight so displeasing in God's eyes as a self-conceited, self-satisfied, self-contented, stuck-up professor of religion. Alas, it is a sight only too common! Yet the words which John here records have never been repealed. They will be a swift witness against many at the last day, except they repent.
C2 Jesus Predicts His Betrayal
D1 100% fulfilled prophecy is truly an authentication of one’s credentials. Jesus is Messiah, the I AM.
D2 Verse 21, again the emotions of Jesus. The word distress (troubled in KJV) has the idea of being disturbed. It is the opposite of being calm.
D3 Verse 22, those who followed Jesus the closest did not know who Jesus was speaking of. Judas must have been an awesome fake. How many of our church people might be the same. We should at least be aware of the fact.
D4 Verse 26, as others have pointed out, this was the last appeal to Judas.
C3 Jesus Predicts Peter’s Denial
D1 Ryle commenting on verse 33 writes:
Of course the words applied to the Jews meant that Jesus was going to a place where spiritually and morally the Jews were unfit to go, and in their impenitent state could not go. The words applied to the disciples only meant that Jesus was going into a world where they could not follow Him till they died. They were remaining on earth, and He was going to heaven.
D2 Jesus showed love to His disciples in thoughts, desires, words, and deeds. He expressed these in many speeches, many miracles, many fulfilled prophecies, etc.
B2 How do I apply this to my life?

08 March 2016

The Humble Savior


Theme: The humble Savior

Scriptures: John 13.1-20

A1 Outline

B1 Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet John 13.1-17

B2 Jesus Predicts His Betrayal John 13.18-30 (we will only deal through John 13:20)

sunday school

A2 Notes and questions

B1 Passover

C1 Link for more information

C2 Jesus celebrated

C3 This was the day before Passover. (so Thursday by most commentators)

B2 John 13.1.

C1 How did Jesus know that His hour (time) had arrived?

C2 Who are those whom He loves? (His own. I take this to mean those who follow and believe in Him who were alive at that time. The principle would be that He loves all His own past, present, and future. This verse does not address the Calvinist view of God loving the elect only).

C3 The word for love here is agape. We shouldn't make a theological point from this word.

B3 John 13.2

C1 How did the devil influence Judas? Did Judas have some weaknesses to sin? (Covetousness and stealing).

C2 How did Simon Iscariot, Judas' dad, feel about his son? (The text doesn't tell us). How would you and I feel about a son like this?

C3 Why, what, would lead Judas to betray a man who only did good? (He loved other things more and was not interested in the truth).

B4 John 13.3. Why does John write about Jesus knowing these things?

B5 John 13.4-5. Why did Jesus humble Himself this way? Does this tell us something about God's character/personality?

B6 John 13.6-7.

C1 Why did Peter ask the obvious question?

C2 Why didn't Jesus say just "yes?"

C3 Jesus told Peter that he would understand this later. When is later?

C4 Is Peter just asking a question or being obstinate?

B7 John 13.8.

C1 Did Peter understand what a king is supposed to be like? Did he understand God's (Jesus's) view?

C2 Why did Peter reply to Jesus that Jesus would never wash his feet?

C3 What did Jesus tell Peter? What is the significance of this?

B8 John 13.9.

C1 Why did Peter answer this way?

C2 What concern did Peter have that he would want the Lord Jesus to wash more than his feet?

B9 John 13.10-11

C1 The word for bathe (first wash with KJV) is to wash the whole body.

C2 The word for wash (second wash with KJV) refers to washing a part of the whole body, rarely the body itself, so, as here, feet, hands, eyes, etc.

C3 What does the word clean mean here? (Clean from sin. See 2 Corinthians 5.21, 1 Peter 1.22, and John 15.3 (Jesus renders a judgment based on their faith. He is The Judge)).

C4 Who is the one who was not clean? (Judas)

C5 At this meal who were the ones who knew that Judas would betray Jesus?

B10 John 13.12-17

C1 Should we take foot washing literally or figuratively? (Literally, if our teacher and Lord did it, so should we. It doesn't seem to be the idea that only these disciples would be doing foot washing to other Christians. Even if one takes it figuratively, it would be good practice to humble ourselves to wash the feet of other believers. Some object to this practice by labeling it a sacrament. Washing feet does not help earn or retain salvation. It is an ordinance of practice just as remembering the Lord's death with communion and obeying the Lord in baptism. I'm not Church of God in any sense, but this article about foot washing covers the topic and objections well).

C2 Is Jesus just teaching humility or helping others? Which would be harder to do—wash someone's feet or help them cross the street or some other good deed?

C3 We will be blessed if we do _____?

C4 Nevertheless, we are to help others. How can you or I help our neighbor, the grouchy person, the person who cut us off in traffic, the one who cheated us, or the one who lied to us?

C5 How did the Lord Jesus treat the betrayer?

B11 John 13.18-20

C1 Why did Judas turn against Jesus?

C2 What would make anyone turn against Jesus?

C3 Is there anything that would make us turn against Jesus? How can we avoid this?

C4 Does Jesus genuinely know the future, guess the future, or decree the future?

C5 Fulfilled prophecy shows what about Jesus?

C6 What is the principle taught in John 13.20?