12 July 2015

Biblical Illiteracy

Biblical Illiteracy


bible illiteracy


A1 The problem

B1 Many have been noticing the difficulty of Christians in living and knowing the Christian life.

B2 Professors and teachers have also seen a great decline in Bible knowledge in their students and have to teach basic facts before advancing into deeper studies.

B3 Surveys have shown an increase in the lack of Bible knowledge and facts.

C1 The State of the Bible 2014, research conducted among US adults

C2 Biblical Illiteracy in US at Crisis Point, Says Bible Expert

C3 A Bible Literacy Quiz

A2 The reason

B1 Low priority

B2 The Bible is boring

B3 It takes too much time

B4 It was written by a bunch of ignorant ancient people

B5 I know it all

B6 The Bible is not relevant in today's society

B7 I don't understand it

B8 The reverend/priest is supposed to do that

B9 I'm too busy

B10 There are too many contradictions

B11 The Bible is confusing

B12 Reading makes me sleepy

B13 The main reason, however, is that they do not want to read/study the Bible.

A3 The Bible speaks of this, too.

B1 "Behold, the days are coming," says the Lord GOD, "That I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine of bread, Nor a thirst for water, But of hearing the words of the LORD." (Amos 8:11, NKJV)

B2 "But since I speak the truth you do not believe me." (John 8:45, WPNT)

B3 "Because the time will come when they will not tolerate the sound doctrine; rather, they will accumulate for themselves a great many teachers who will tickle their ears according to their lusts —yes, they will turn their ears away from the Truth and be turned aside to fables. " (2 Timothy 4:3-4, WPNT)

A4 The problem

B1 Laziness

B2 Sometimes we get discouraged because we don't understand the Bible. ("And Phillip, running up to it, heard him reading the prophet Isaiah, and said, "Do you understand what you are reading?" And he said, "How can I, unless someone helps me?" And he urged Philip to come up and sit with him." (Acts 8:30-31, EMTV)

A5 The solution

B1 Determine to make it a daily goal. We determine that we are going to eat food, sleep, or go shopping, so determine to read and study the Bible.

B2 Do this early in the morning or sometime when there are less people, distractions, and activities to lure you away from Bible study.

B3 Ask for God's help.

C1 Praying to God for help in preventing distractions.

C2 Pray to understand.

B4 Have some basic principles to study the Bible. ("Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who doesn't need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15, HCSB)

C1 The Bible is to be read in its plain, normal sense. Even passages as in Revelation. We may not understand or give perfect interpretation, but what is recorded by John the Apostle is what he saw and then wrote.

C2 Context. The 20/20 method is a very generalized help. It is to read the 20 verses prior and the 20 verses following the one you are studying.

B5 Have a good method.

C1 Hermeneutics

D1 Read/study the Bible in its plain, normal sense.

D2 Read the context.

E1 Horizontal

F1 This is scripture interpreting scripture. (An example can be found here)

F2 Find parallel verses.

F3 Find same/similar topics as the verse in question

E2 Vertical

F1 The verses preceding the one being studied.

F2 The verses following.

D3 Find and consider the historical background.

D4 Pay attention to grammar.

D5 Know definitions.

C2 Study methods

D1 Some on-line resources

E1 Basic Principles by Dr. Cooper Abrams (this is a .doc file)

E2 Biblical Hermeneutics and Inductive Study

D2 Godly meditation

E1 It is not going into the silence or by passing your brain or seeing visions, etc.

E2 It is actively thinking. It is thinking about each. Emphasize it as you think about it. For example

F1 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. " (John 3:16, EMTV)

F2 For God

F3 so loved

F4 Continue for each main word or phrase

B6 Some free Bible software

C1 The Word

C2 E-sword

C3 Bible Analyzer

C4 Sword Project

B7 On-line Bible study (there are many)

C1 Step Bible

C2 Blue Letter Bible

C3 Biblia

B8 Some ways to not study the Bible

C1 Seek your spirit guide.

C2 Go into the Silence.

C3 Read only commentaries or listen to videos.

A6 The need

B1 Our body needs food to live.

B2 Our soul needs food to live.

C1 "For indeed, although you ought to be teachers by this time, again you have need for someone to teach you what are the elements of the beginning of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food. For everyone who partakes only of milk is unacquainted with the word of righteousness, for he is an infant." (Hebrews 5:12-13, EMTV)

C2 "...as newborn babes, desire the genuine milk of the word, that by it you may grow," (1 Peter 2:2, EMTV)

B3 It really is that simple.


A7 Jesus's thoughts

B1 "Jesus said to him, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.'" (Matthew 22:37, EMTV)

C1 Love

D1 The Greek word is agapao

D2 This is the highest, greatest form of love.

D3 It is the love of choice.

D4 It is not the love of passion, sex, friendship, or kinship.

D5 It is the love of loyalty, consistency, steadfast, and never ending. Read 1 Corinthians 13

D6 A few parallel passages where the same word is used.

E1 "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor, and you shall hate your enemy.' But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and persecute you," (Matthew 5:43-44, EMTV)

E2 "For this reason My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it up again." (John 10:17, EMTV)

E3 "So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he that loves his own wife loves himself. "

(Ephesians 5:28, EMTV)

C2 Heart

D1 The Greek word is kardia

D2 It refers to the physical heart (the pumping machine inside our chest), the deepest thoughts, desires, and motives.

D3 Some parallel verses where the same word is used.

E1 'These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and they honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far away from Me." (Matthew 15:8, EMTV)

E2 "But because I have spoken these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart." (John 16:6, EMTV)

C3 Soul

D1 The Greek word is psuche

D2 It means literally "breath" but is used mainly in the sense of our feelings and emotions.

D3 Some other verses

E1 "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." (Matthew 10:28, EMTV)

E2 "Behold, My Servant whom I have chosen, My Beloved in whom My soul is well pleased! I will put My Spirit upon Him, and He will announce justice to the Gentiles." (Matthew 12:18, EMTV)

E3 "Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Thessalonians 5:23, EMTV)

C4 Mind

D1 The Greek word is dianoia

D2 It means deep thought or the place of our intellect

D3 We are to use our intellect, our reason, for Bible study or a Biblical life

D4 Some other verses

E1 "This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you should no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, having been darkened in understanding, being estranged from the life of God, because of the ignorance which is in them, because of the hardness of their heart;" (Ephesians 4:17-18, EMTV)

E2 "And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled"

(Colossians 1:21, EMTV)

E3 "And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him that is true; and we are in Him that is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life." (1 John 5:20, EMTV)

A8 Some sources of Bible reading and Bible study

B1 Bible reading (There are many).

C1 Blue Letter Bible

Bible Gateway

C3 ESV plans

C4 Gideons

B2 Bible study

C1 Daily Bible Study from InterVarsity. (I'm not a great fan of IV, but the Bible study might be of some use. The study link is for 10 July 15.

C2 After searching for over an hour, I can't find any more. I think this is a need for some of us to fill. Praying.

08 July 2015

Paul's Journey to Rome


God's plans are perfect


paul's shipwreck


A1 Objectives

B1 Explain how God protected Paul on his journey to Rome.

B2 Explain how the gospel spread while Paul was under arrest in Rome.

A2 Scriptures

B1 Acts 27:9-44

B2 Acts 28:16-31

A3 Notes

B1 Outline

C1 Acts 27--Paul's journey to Rome--Rome to Malta

D1 The Peaceful Start--Acts 27:1-8

D2 Paul's Warning--Acts 27:9-11

D3 The Horrible Storm--Acts 27:12-20

D4 God's Promise--Acts 27:21-26

D5 Shipwreck--Acts 27:27-36

D6 On Malta--Acts 27:37-44

C2 Acts 28--Paul's journey to Rome--Malta to Rome

D1 Paul and the Viper--Acts 28:1-6

D2 Healing of Publius' Father--Acts 28:7-9

D3 Respect from the people--Acts 28:10

D4 Malta to Rome--Acts 28:11-16

D5 Paul speaks to the Jews at Rome--Acts 28:17-22

D6 Jews reject the message--Acts 28:23-29

D7 Paul under house arrest preaches the Gospel for 2 years--Acts 28:30-31

B2 Paul's warning

C1 Probably October

C2 Paul, of Tarsus, would know these times. He had also sailed on his missionary journey's many times.

C3 The pilot is the one who steers the ship.

C4 Note the ship's officers: "An inscription from the island of Cos, dated to the First Mithridatic War, provides us with a list of a ship's officers, the nautae: the gubernator (kybernētēs in Greek) was the helmsman or pilot, the celeusta (keleustēs in Greek) supervised the rowers, a proreta (prōreus in Greek) was the look-out stationed at the bow, a pentacontarchos was apparently a junior officer, and an iatros (Lat. medicus), the ship's doctor." Source.

C5 Phoenix is about 49 miles (from my measure on Google Earth Pro) from Fair Havens. ~34 miles from the cape straight to "Phoenix." At 6 mph, it would take about 6 hours.

D1 Fair Havens has no protection from east or southeast winds and essentially no protection from the sea.

Fair Havens would have been the westernmost harbor Paul's ship could reach while staying under the lee of Crete. Beyond the cape west of Fair Havens, the shore turns north dramatically, exposing the ship to the winds they were trying to avoid. The fact that the harbor was "unsuitable to winter in" was confirmed in 1853 by an explorer named Captain T. A. B. Spratt, who observed that winter winds from the east and southeast blow right into the harbor. (Source here).

D2 Phoenix does.

E1 Looking northeast and southeast (βλεποντα κατα λιβα και κατα χωρον — bleponta kata liba kai kata chōron). There are two ways of interpreting this language. Λιπς — Lips means the southwest wind and χωρος — chōros the northwest wind. But what is the effect of κατα — kata with these words? Does it mean "facing" the wind? If so, we must read "looking southwest and northwest." But κατα — kata can mean down the line of the wind (the way the wind is blowing). If so, then it is proper to translate "looking northeast and southeast." This translation suits Lutro, the other suits Phoenike. Ramsay takes it to be Lutro, and suggests that sailors describe the harbour by the way it looks as they go into it (the subjectivity of the sailors) and that Luke so speaks and means Lutro which faces northeast and southeast. On the whole Lutro has the best of the argument. (Robertson's Word Pictures in the New Testament. Source here).

E2 βλέποντα κατὰ λίβα κ. κατὰ χῶρον] looking (literally) down the S.W. and N.W. winds; i.e. in the direction of these winds, viz. N.E. and S.E. For λίψ and χῶρος are not quarters of the compass, but winds; and κατά, used with a wind, denotes the direction of its blowing,—down the wind. This interpretation, which I was long ago persuaded was the right one, I find now confirmed by the opinion of Mr. Smith, who cites Herod, iv. 110, ἐφέροντο κατὰ κῦμα καὶ ἄνεμον, and Arrian, Periplus Euxini, p. 3, ἄφνω νεφελὴ ἐπαναστᾶσα ἐξεῤῥάγη κατʼ εὖρον. So also κατὰ ῥόον, Herod, ii. 96. And in Jos. Antt. xv. 9. 6, the coasts near Cæsarea are said to be δύσορμα διὰ τὰς κατὰ λίβα προσβολάς. See also Thucyd. vi. 104. In the reff., the substantive is not one of motion like λίψ, χῶρος, or ῥόος, but of fixed location, as μεσημβρία, σκόπος. The direction then is towards the spot indicated, just as in the present case it is in that of the motion indicated. The harbour of Lutro satisfies these conditions; and is even more decisively pointed out as being the spot by a notice in the Synecdemus of Hierocles, φοινίκη ἤτοι ἀράδενα· νῆσος κλαῦδος. Now Mr. Pashley found a village called Aradhena a short distance above Lutro, and another close by called Anopolis, of which Steph. Byz. says, ἀράδην πόλις κρήτηι· ἡ δὲ ἀνωπόλις λέγεται, διὰ τὸ εἶναι ἄνω. From these data it is almost demonstrated that the port of Phœnice is the present port of Lutro. Ptolemy's longitude for port Phœnice also agrees. See Smith, pp. 51 ff. Mr. Smith has kindly sent me the following extract from a letter containing additional confirmation of the view: 'Loutro is an excellent harbour; you open it unexpectedly, the rocks stand apart and the town appears within. During the Greek war, when cruising with Lord Cochrane, … chased a pirate schooner, as they thought, right upon the rocks; suddenly he disappeared, and when rounding in after him,—like a change of scenery, the little basin, its shipping, and the town of Loutro, revealed themselves.' See Prof. Hackett's note, impugning the above view and interpretation; which however does not alter my opinion. Dean Howson gives his solution thus: "The difficulty is to be explained simply by remembering that sailors speak of everything from their own point of view, and that the harbour (see chart in C. and H. ii. 397) does look—from the water towards the land which encloses it—in the direction of S.W. and N.W." But I cannot believe, till experience can be shewn to confirm the idea, that even sailors could speak of a harbour as 'looking' in the direction in which they would look when entering it. ( Greek Testament Critical Exegetical Commentary Source here).

E3 So it comes down to how we translate "kata." If it is translated one way, it refers to the old "Phoenix." It is translated the other way, it refers to Lutro.

B3 It is believed that the time from Paul's arrest to coming to Rome was about 3 years.

B4 Paul was in Rome (this time) for 2 years.

B5 Here is a handy timeline of Paul's life and how it corresponds to the various letters he wrote.

B6 For a discussion/explanation of God's sovereignty and man's responsibility see here, here, and here. Genesis 2:16, Deuteronomy 23:23, Matthew 15:19, Luke 7:30, John 6:67).

C1 God can do what He wants, how He wants, when He wants, and no one can resist Him (Psalm 115:3, Isaiah 46:10), yet there are some things God cannot do--sin (1 Peter 2:22, 1 John 3:5), lie (Titus 1:2), or deny Himself (2 Timothy 2:13).

C2 Some things that people think up and do have never entered God's mind (Jeremiah 19:5)

C3 He has chosen in His sovereignty to grant/decree a measure of true freewill to humanity (libertarian freewill). (Acts 14:16, 2 Peter 3:5).

C4 Any human does not have the same sovereign freewill than God has (2 Thessalonians 2:9-11).

C5 All humans are evil (Romans 3:23, Romans 5:12, 1 John 1:8-10).

C6 No humans seeks God (Romans 3:10-19)

C7 God opens everyone's heart at some point (John 1:9, Romans 1:19-21).

C8 After God initiates salvation, He calls and demands obedience. Humans can resist or not resist (Acts 7:51, Nehemiah 9:30, 2 Timothy 3:8). Salvation from beginning to end is all of God. He initiates, and He completes.

A4 Questions

B1 Paul was on his way to Rome according to his request, which was granted (Acts 25:10-12). Paul had been warned that in going to Jerusalem, he would be arrested (Acts 20:23). He was arrested, had spent time in prison, appealed to be tried by the Emperor, and was now on his way there. Since Paul was warned, should he have avoided going to Jerusalem? What should we do? Should we go or do something that we know we will be arrested or even killed for?

B2 Acts 27:9--What does "the Fast" refer to? (Atonement).

B3 Acts 27:9--Why time of the year is that? (September to October. Early October is mentioned as the latest possible for safe sailing).

B4 Acts 27:10--Why did Paul plead with the Centurion and the Captain?

B5 Acts 27:10--Paul said, "Men, I perceive this voyage is going to be with hardship and much loss, not only of the cargo and of the ship but also our lives." Why did Paul mention loss of life, even when we read later there was no loss of life? Is this a contradiction in the Scriptures? (No, Paul said this from good sense, natural, even perhaps, learned, but the actual no loss of life was by revelation (Acts 27:24-25).

B6 Acts 27:11--Why did the centurion believe the pilot and owner instead of Paul?

B7 Acts 27:24--Why did God spare everyone?

B8 Acts 27:25--What trait did Paul show towards God? (Faith, that is, he believed what God said).

B9 Acts 27:21-26--Why should all the people on the ship take courage?

B10 Why should they believe Paul?

B11 If all is hopeless in our life, is there any reason to be encouraged?

B12 How can we be encouraged?

B13 Does faith (believing God) make us strong or weak?

B14 In what way do we believe God today?

B15 Is there any time or any person we should speak them "words of cheer?"

B16 What is the greatest "word of cheer" we could give anyone? (The Gospel).

B17 Should we be discouraged at the state of affairs in today's church and in today's world?

C1 (Yes, except--"Many are in distress about the spread of error. The signs of the times are very bad, and the would be prophets say that a dreadful storm is coming on. But God is not dead, and He will beat the devil yet. It is true it is a hard time for Christianity, and infidels are fighting us with new arguments; but when I think of them I feel inclined to say what the Duke of Wellington said at Waterloo to the generals, "Hard pounding, gentlemen! hard pounding! but we will see which will pound the longest." (Quoted from the Biblical Illustrator (published in 1849) note on Acts 27:25)).

C2 "Those who are labouring for Christ. Sometimes workers for the Lord get cast down. "I have taught a class for years," says one, "and seen no fruit." "I have been preaching for months, but have never heard of a conversion," says another. Well, do you think that you have preached Jesus Christ, and nothing has come of it? I do not believe it for a moment. I believe God, that it shall be even as He has told me, and He has said, "My word shall not return unto Me void." Be not so cowardly as to say, "I will leave the work." You are not to win a battle in a moment, or reap a harvest as soon as you sow the seed. Keep on!" (C. H. Spurgeon).

B18 What is faith good for?

B19 Acts 27:27--How many nights have they endured the storm? (14. It has been estimated that the ship drifted at about 1.25 mph in the storm. See here)

B20 Acts 27:27--How did the sailors suspect/sense they were near land?

C1 There is a point (see Resources/St Paul's Bay/View 3) that is believed to have been near enough the ship that the sailors could hear the waves on the shore.

C2 The waves' sound would be louder than usual because of the storm.

C3 They really didn't know where they were, so they feared they would wreck at any minute.

B21 Acts 27:28--How deep is 20 fathoms? (About 120 feet).

B21 Acts 27:30--Why were the sailors trying to escape? (They thought they would die otherwise). But what was the truth? (They had to stay on the ship to be saved).

B22 Acts 27:31--Why would the sailors have to stay aboard ship for them to be saved? There are different opinions.

C1 God told Paul more than what Paul told all the people. It was a conditional promise. God would save them, if they all stayed on board ship.

C2 If the sailors had abandoned ship, there would be only soldiers and passengers, who would not have the necessary skill and training to handle a ship in such a storm.

C3 Both views are true.

B23 Acts 27:33-36

C1 What is Paul's motive? (Compassion)

C2 What did he do before eating? (Prayed. He gave thanks to God).

C3 Can we thank God in trying situations?

B24 Acts 27:39--What did the sailors notice? (A sandy beach)

B25 Acts 27:45--How many of the crew and passengers survived the wreck? (All)

B26 Acts 28:17--What did Paul do the first week in Rome? (Called together the Jews to explain why he was there and preach the Gospel).

B27 Acts 28:19--Who wanted Paul to be imprisoned and killed? (The unbelieving Jews).

B28 Acts 28:25-27--What did the Holy Spirit say about unbelieving Israel? (They are rejecters of God's grace).

B29 Acts 28:27--What was wrong with their heart? (For this people's heart has grown dull, and their ears are hard of hearing, and they have shut their eyes; so that they might not look with their eyes, and listen with their ears, and understand with their heart and turn--and I would heal them.' (Acts 28:27 NRSV). Who opens the heart and minds of people? (God. God initiates salvation and completes salvation. After opening someone's heart, He commands them to repent and believe the Gospel. We can resist or not resist. See here, and here).

A5 Resources

B1 Roman Merchant Ship

B2 St Paul's Islands (the traditional site)

C1 View 1

C2 View 2

C3 View 3 Picture#13 (at the time of this writing) shows the point to the traditional site of the wreck, which is about 2 miles away).

C4 View 4 The little white building in the distance is St. Paul's Chapel. This is the traditional site of the wreck and shows the area to be quite rough.

02 July 2015

Paul’s Third Journey

Sunday School Lesson




"Ephesus Curetes street" by Rita1234 - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ephesus_Curetes_street.jpg#/media/File:Ephesus_Curetes_street.jpg


God provides salvation from sin through Jesus.


A1 Objectives

B1 Describe how Paul's teaching was received in Ephesus.

B2 Describe how Paul encouraged the elders of Ephesus.

A2 Scriptures

B1 Acts 19:1-20

B2 Acts 20:17-38

A3 Notes

B1 Acts 19:1-20

C1 Paul at Ephesus Acts 19:1-12

D1 Setting

E1 Apollos at Corinth

E2 Paul travels to Ephesus

D2 At Ephesus

E1 With John's disciples

F1 Finds disciples

F2 Questions their theology--"Did you receive the Holy Spirit, having believed?"

F3 Answer--"We have not even heard whether there is a Holy Spirit."

F4 Questions their baptism--"What baptism were you baptized in?"

F5 Answer--"Johns"

F6 Teaches

G1 John

H1 Baptized with a Baptism of Repentance

H2 Taught that Messiah is whom they should believe in.

H3 Messiah was coming after him.

H4 Jesus Christ is Messiah.

G2 Baptism

H1 They want to be baptized in Messiah's name.

H2 Holy Spirit came upon them.

H3 They spoke in languages.

H4 They prophesied.

H5 Twelve men were baptized.

E2 In the synagogue

F1 Spoke boldly.

F2 Three months of speaking, debating, and persuading about the Kingdom of God.

F3 Results

G1 Some believed

G2 Some did not believe

H1 Hardened first

H2 Disbelieved

H3 Spoke evil to the Ephesians about the Christians and their faith.

G3 Paul withdrew from the unbelievers.

G4 Paul separated the unbelievers from the believers.

F4 Actions

G1 Met in Tyrannus' school.

G2 Debated

F5 Time there was 2 years.

F6 The Gospel spread throughout Asia (Eastern Turkey). Both Jews and Gentiles heard the Gospel.

F7 Miracles done through the Apostle Paul

G1 Laying on of Paul's hands, handkerchiefs, or aprons.

G2 Results

H1 Sick healed

H2 Evil spirits left those who were possessed.

C2 Seven Sons of Sceva Acts 19:13-20

D1 Exorcising demons

E1 Wandering Jews, not Christians, using the name of Jesus to cast our demons.

E2 Seven sons of Sceva

D2 Result

E1 Failure--Evil spirit

F1 Speaks, "Jesus I know, and Paul I know, but who are you?"

F2 Beat the seven up badly, won the fight, stripped their clothes off, and chased them out of the house.

E2 Success--The news spreads about this and the Ephesians understand the Jesus is a very special person. They

F1 Feared Jesus

F2 Praised Jesus

F3 Collected all their occultic manuscripts and books

F4 Burned all of it.

F5 Worth of books equaled 50,000 pieces of silver.

F6 Word of the Lord grew powerfully and prevailed.

B2 Acts 20:17-38 The Ephesian Elders Exhorted

C1 Setting

D1 At Miletus

D2 Sends message to Ephesian elders

D3 They arrive

C2 Message

D1 Rehearses history

E1 Preached the Gospel from the very first day in Ephesus

E2 Served the Lord in

F1 Humility

F2 Tears

F3 Trials from Jewish plots

F4 Spoke

G1 The whole truth

G2 Publicly

G3 From house to house (personally)

G5 To Jews and Gentiles

G6 Repentance toward God

G7 Faith toward our Lord Jesus

D2 Now

E1 Going to Jerusalem

F1 Bound in the spirit

F2 Knowing (by the Holy Spirit) that I would be

G1 In bonds

G2 Tribulations

E2 Attitude

F1 I'm not what is important, Jesus and His message is important.

F2 I wish to

G1 Complete

H1 My course with joy

H2 My ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus

G2 Bear solemn testimony to the Gospel of the grace of God

E3 Announces that he will not see them anymore in this life

E4 I will not be punished for anyone's rejection of the Gospel, because I preached it.

E5 I told you (Elders) the whole counsel of God.

E6 Warning

F1 About the Christians. Take heed

G1 For yourselves

G2 For the Christians in your flock, because the Holy Spirit has placed you as overseers.

F2 About your ministry. Shepherd this flock.

G1 The church of the Lord.

G2 The church of God, which He purchased with His own blood.

F3 About false teachers

G1 They

H1 Are savage wolves

H2 Will come into the church

H3 Will not spare the flock

H4 Will arise from even yourselves

H5 Will speak distorted things so they will have their own followers

G2 You

H1 Must be alert

H2 Must remember me that for 3 years day and night I warned you.

F4 About the elders

G1 Entrust you to

H1 God

H2 Word of His grace

I1 Will build you up (in the faith)

I2 Will give you an inheritance about the sanctified.

F5 About me

G1 I have coveted nothing.

G2 I have worked to provide for my needs and those with me.

G3 I have helped the weak.

G4 I have remembered the words of the Lord Jesus that it is more blessed to give than receive.

F6 He prays for them.

F7 A tearful goodbye.

G1 He has to leave.

G2 They will see hum no more.

G3 They accompanied him to the ship.

B3 Commentary

C1 Time--54-58 AD

C2 Distance--about 2,700 miles

C3 Main importance to Ephesians--Temple

C4 Worship

C5 Population at that time--~300,000

A4 Questions

B1 Why is Paul in Ephesus? (To preach the Gospel)

B2 Acts 19:2--what did Paul find in Ephesus? (Some disciples)

B3 Were these Christians? How do you know? (They were not because by believing in John the Baptist's message and having been baptized by him were still looking for Messiah to come).

B4 What is the Baptism of Repentance? Is it needed today?

C1 Baptism of Repentance

D1 Repentance--that they acknowledged that they were sinners and did not want to sin any more

D2 Baptism--water by immersion or poured showing

E1 Authority under the Messiah

E2 God is the one who cleanses from sin

E3 A dedication of one's self to God and His ways

D3 This baptism was preparatory for the coming Messiah about whom John preached was coming soon.

C2 Is it needed today?

D1 No, as we seen in Paul's answer to these disciples

D2 We have Messiah now and look forward to His return

D3 The Gospel is always the same it is by faith.

B5 Acts 19:4--what did Paul preach? (That Jesus was the Messiah that John the Baptist said to believe in).

B6 Acts 19:5--what did these men do? (They believed and were baptized in the name of Jesus).

B7 Acts 19:5--Jesus said to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Why did Paul baptize in the name of Jesus?

C1 Some believe (as Calvin) that this baptism refers to the Spirit's Baptism as recorded immediately after. This was to counter the idea of re-baptism. This baptism refers to water is clear.

C2 Some believe (Roman Catholic) that this is a different baptism. There is the baptism of John and this is the baptism of Jesus. Two different ones pointing to two different things.

C3 Some believe that the baptism of John is a Jewish baptism while the baptism of Jesus is Christian baptism.

C4 Being baptized in Jesus's name shows our submission to Him and so is emphasized.

B8 Acts 19:6--Baptized in the Holy Spirit. Does that happen today?

C1 Happens to all Christians at time of conversion

D1 "in whom you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the possession, to the praise of His glory. " (Ephesians 1:13-14, EMTV)

D2 "But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His. " (Romans 8:9, EMTV)

C2 The special Baptism of Holy Spirit as found 4 times in Acts.

D1 Fulfillment of promise in prophecy. Joel 2:28

E1 Acts 2:4 to show fulfillment to Jews

E2 Acts 8:17 to show that Samaritans are included.

E3 Acts 10:44 to show that Gentiles are included.

E5 Acts 19:6 to show that the disciples of John the Baptist are included.

D2 Apostles present.

D3 Spoke in languages

D4 No Apostles today to lay hands on or be present for.

D5 Tongues

E1 Greek word

F1 Is glōssa

F2 Means tongue

F3 Used in different ways. It all depends on the context

G1 Tongue as in the physical thing inside our mouths.

H1 Mark 7:33, Mark 7:35, Luke 1:64, Luke 16:24

H2 Revelation 16:10

G2 Tongue as in everyone, everyone who speaks, speaker

H1 Philippians 2:11 (referring to everyone (every speaker), not just every language)

H2 Romans 14:11, Revelation 5:9, Revelation 7:9

G3 Tongue as the organ of speech, thus what we say (Acts 2:26, Romans 3:13, James 1:26, James 3:5, James 3:6, James 3:8, 1 Peter 3:10, 1 John 3:18

G4 Tongue as in a language

H1 Mark 16:17,

H2 Acts 2:4, Acts 2:11, Acts 10:46, Acts 19:6, 1 Corinthians 12:10, 1 Corinthians 12:28, 1 Corinthians 12:30, 1 Corinthians 13:1, 1 Corinthians 13:8, 1 Corinthians 14:2, 1 Corinthians 14:4-6, 1 Corinthians 14:9, 1 Corinthians 14:13-14, 1 Corinthians 14:18-19, 1 Corinthians 14:22-23, 1 Corinthians 14:26-27, 1 Corinthians 14:39

H3 Revelation 5:9, Revelation 7:9, Revelation 10:11, Revelation 11:9, Revelation 13:7, Revelation 14:6, Revelation 17:11

G5 Tongue as in tongue shaped (Acts 2:3)

F4 See special topic below (A5)

C3 What did these men do when the Holy Spirit was poured out on them? (Languages and prophecy).

B7 Acts 19:8--What were the 3 things that Paul did in the synagogue? (Spoke boldly, debated, and persuading things about the Kingdom of God). The idea of debating is not a formal debate but holding a discussion asking and answering questions.

B8 Acts 19:9--What happens to some people when the refuse to believe? (Start telling lies about how evil the teachings and Christians are). Does this happen today?

B9 Acts 19:14--Who is Sceva? (He is the chief priest in Ephesus. It is possible that he had a high rank among all priests being the head of one of the 24 courses/ranks of priests for Temple service).

B10 Acts 19:15-16--What happens when non-Christians use the name of Jesus to cast out demons?

B11 Acts 19:18-20--What shows the changed lives of the Christians? (They gathered all there occultic literature and burned them).

B12 Acts 20:17-24--What were the two main things that Paul told the Ephesian elders?

C1 "I preached the Gospel. I did not hold back any thing."

C2 "I'm going to Jerusalem."

B13 Acts 20:25-31

C1 What are the two main points of Paul's words?

D1 Be alert for yourselves and others.

D2 Some of yourselves will fall away and start teaching false doctrine to have a following.

C2 Acts 20:28--

D1 What are they to shepherd? (The church)

D2 Who is it who bought the church with His own blood? (Jesus)

D3 What is Jesus referred to in this passage? (Lord and God).

B14 Acts 20:32-38

C1 What is the "word of His grace?" (The Gospel and the Scriptures)

C2 What can the "word of His grace" do?

D1 Build you up--make your faith stronger by knowing the Scriptures and doctrine better.

D2 Finally at the end give you the inheritance.

B15 Acts 20:33--Did Paul covet anything of the Corinthians? (No) What is covetousness? (Wanting what another has. "I want Joe's bank account).

B16 Acts 20:34--Did Paul work? (Yes, he worked and provided for all his needs). Did he have to do this? (No, what wanted to be an example to the people. Acts 20:35).

B17 Acts 20:36--After saying these things what did Paul and the elders do? (Had a prayer meeting).

B18 Would the elders ever see Paul again? (Not in this life).

A5 Special topic--1 Corinthians 14. Most of the meanings are covered already.

B1 In Acts it is a real language and an Apostle is present and involved.

B2 In 1 Corinthians it is a real language as well.

C1 1 Corinthians 12:10--the Holy Spirit gives the ability to speak a language unknown to them.

C2 I don't know Russian, so if I started speaking in Russian to spread the Gospel, it would have to be the Holy Spirit helping me.

C3 I read of a Bible smuggler who pulled up to a check point. All cars and trucks previously had been taken apart and checked for illegal materials, especially Bibles. This man and his partner had lots of Bibles in their car and knew there was no hope of getting through the check point without the Bibles being seen. They prayed. They pulled up to the check point, spoke to the guard in an unknown language, and he waved them through. The driver did not know the guard's language at all, so whatever was said in that conversion was unknown to the driver. This would be a modern day gift of the Holy Spirit and languages. The noises made by modern day tongues speakers are very lacking.

C4 1 Corinthians 12:28 and 30 would is the same idea as verse 10.

C5 1 Corinthians 13

D1 Verse 1 refers to real spoken, human languages

D2 Verse 8 has to refer to a real languages as well.

E1 Love, prophecies, languages (tongues), and knowledge are Gifts of the Holy Spirit as we know from 1 Corinthians 12:8-11.

E2 Love is said to never end.

E3 Prophecies are said to katargeo, that is, become idle, cease, stop, etc. The gift will not be operative any more.

E4 Languages (tongues) are said to pauo, that is, stop, quit, and come to an end.

E5 Knowledge is also said to katargeo, that is, become idle, cease, stop, etc.

E6 So of these 4 only love will continue to this day.

E7 The speaking of languages (unknown tongues) is to be with an interpreter present. The message of the tongue speaker is revelation, a message from God. Since there are no Apostles or prophets in this day, there is no one to authenticate it for us. We simply would not know if it is from God, from man, or from a demon.

C6 1 Corinthians 14

D1 General Comments

E1 Corinth was a messed up church. There were many problems (The following 19 points are from the book Spiritual Gifts by John MacArthur Chapter 1) The article is well worth your time to read.

F1 Divisions (1:10-11)

F2 Human wisdom (1:18-25)

F3 Human personality cliques (1:12-17)

F4 Carnality (3:1-9)

F5 Sexual perversion -- fornication and incest (5:1-8; 6:12-20)

F6 Worldliness (5:9-13)

F7 Lawsuits (6:1-8)

F8 Rebellion against apostolic authority (4:1-21)

F9 Marital conflict (7:1-40)

F10 Unmarried conflicts (7:1-40)

F11 Abuse of liberty (8:1-13; 10:23-33)

F12 Idolatry (8:4-13; 10:1-22)

F13 Pride (8:1-3; 10:12)

F14 Selfishness (11:17-22)

F15 Demon worship (10:19-22)

F16 Insubordination of women (11:2-16)

F17 Abuses of God's intended roles for men and women (11:2-16)

F18 Abuses of the Lord's Supper and love feast (11:17-34)

F19 Abuses and perversions of spiritual gifts (12:1-14:40)

E2 Many citizens of Corinth practiced the "Mystery Religions" where the Delphi would get a message from the gods telling the people by speaking in an unknown language. The priest then would interpret the message. Further info here and here.

E3 The Corinthian church took it a step further by some who had the gift of languages to pretend they were more spiritual.

E4 Paul writes 1 Corinthians 14 in particular to correct their false doctrine.

E5 In contrast to the false gift the real gift of languages

F1 Is given to some, not all

F2 Is a real language. The word "unknown" is not in Greek.

F3 Is spoken to God

F4 Is a message from God

F5 No one understands what is being said

F6 Does need an interpreter

F7 Not all are to speak at once

F8 If no interpreter is present, then they must keep quiet

F9 It comes down to this that the church service is to be in the language of the people unless there is an interpreter.

F11 Languages, as this gift is, will stop

F12 Prophecy is better, because people will learn and be edified. They understand those words

D2 Summary

E1 The Apostle does not forbid speaking or praying in languages other than the native language.

E2 If no one knows the language, there is no benefit to the church

E3 God wants the people of the church to understand and be edified.

E4 There is to be order in the church

E5 Tongues (languages) are going to come to an end in time. We see this in the history of the church.

30 June 2015

Don’t be suckered by a psychopath

avoid psychopaths

In light of two high profile prison escapes involving insiders, it is obvious that the insiders were overwhelmed by the prisoners emotionally. We must be ready. We must be alert to prevent our having relationships of any type. If we are not alert, we may be used, manipulated, by the psychopath.

The Hare Personality profile is the most common (also see here and here). The diagnosis from the DSM that are usually used are antisocial personality disorder and dissocial personality disorder. The Triarchic model lists three main characteristics.

  1. Boldness—as in a lack of fear regardless of the situation. This is coupled with an over confident attitude.

  2. Disinhibition—as in poor impulse control, lack of foresight, and demand for instant gratification.

  3. Meanness—as in a lack of empathy, lack of closeness to others, use of cruelty to gain what they want, and defiance of authority.

The most telling is the overwhelming charm and (supposed, perceived) personal interest in you. If you or I fall for this, we will be used, manipulated.

The Bible has an example in the person of Nimrod. See here, here, and here
(see notes on verse 8). He is self-seeking, rebellious, and self-glorifying.

  1. Cush fathered Nimrod, who became the first fearless leader throughout the land. He became a fearless hunter in defiance of the LORD. That is why it is said, "Like Nimrod, a fearless hunter in defiance of the LORD." (Genesis 10:8-9 ISV)

  2. Cush fathered Nimrod. He became the first powerful ruler on the earth. (1 Chronicles 1:10 ISV)

The person the Bible labels as the Anti-Christ is also such a person. He is both against Christ (Jesus) and a pretender (that he is god). Read more here.

  1. The people living at that time will, in general, be looking for a military, financial, social leader to conquer the chaos that exists in the last days.

  2. He will have a plan. He will preach a message, "The world will be destroyed. The only hope for the earth and its inhabitants is to follow my plan. Everybody must follow my plan or we will be destroyed. Everyone must follow my plan for it to be successful." Naturally those who do not follow his plan must be destroyed.

We must be alert. Somebody might try to manipulate us.

  1. "Be sober; be on the alert. Your adversary the devil walks around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. " (1 Peter 5:8, LEB)

  2. "So then, we should not be sleeping like the others; we should be awake and sober." (1 Thessalonians 5:6, GNB92)

  3. "The end of all things is near. You must be self-controlled and alert, to be able to pray. " (1 Peter 4:7, GNB92)

It seems that these traits are nothing more than a very thick façade for the real person inside. The inside person, the real person, must continuously be hidden and suppressed. One might learn this manipulation as a child who found they could use the charm to get what they want. Being that every person is evil. Other characteristics of the child is in their personality, namely, fearlessness and impulsivity. See here for a personal testimony/advice from a psychiatrist (this view-point is not necessarily Christian).

If a psychopath truly repents and puts their trust into Jesus, they need to go to all those whom they have hurt and make things right. This must be done in a brief encounter because these victims will think you are still trying to manipulate them. One of the important things they would need to pray and learn about is empathy. These two links have somewhat non-Christian approach—here and here.

My opinion—

For parents

  1. It is especially important for the first two years of life to have a close and time investing relationship between mother and infant. This isn't "quality" time of 30 minutes a day. It is more like hours a day. The baby and mother spend a lot of time (hours) together bonding in smiling, laughing, talking, touching, etc. together. Dad is important and needs to spend time as well, but he is not as important at this time.

  2. Dad and mom taking time to be together with the child present. Dad and Mom need to treat each other with love, kindness, and empathy.

  3. Dad needs to take the child with him on errands and chores. Mom needs to do the same. The child can learn by seeing and feeling togetherness, successes and failures. How do Mom and Dad deal with these things?

  4. Dad, especially, needs to read, study the Bible, and pray with the family consistently and with meaning (it is not just a boring chore/requirement).

For adults who did not have this empathy training as children

  1. Learn to listen, not just hear. Stop what you are doing and really listen. Take the time it needs to listen to the other person. It may be 10 minutes or more. Shut up and listen. Don't form opinions and start to give your advice. Wait and listen.

  2. Try to relate to what the other person is going through (being in their shoes idea).

  3. Keep quiet. Do not offer advice. Just listen. When the other person is done, work together to solve the problem or at least, deal with it.

  4. Don't start judging the other person or thinking you are better than them (as in "I would never be as stupid as this"). Don't label someone. Look at them as a person, not a label (as in "welfare mom" or "terrorist."

  5. Read the life of Jesus in the Gospels starting with Mark. See how He shows empathy, sympathy, and kindness. Read how He dealt with persecution, false witness, and verbal and physical abuse. Then imitate Him in what you face and live with. Show others the same kindness and compassion that Jesus showed and lived in His life on earth.

  6. Purposefully go out of your way to help someone. Maybe visit a nursing home or some other place where people might be lonely.

  7. Pray for God to help you. Talk with someone else who will listen, too.

  8. Resist bullying, impulsiveness, arrogance, and self-destructive behavior. God will bring it to your mind that you are doing this. So quit, walk away, get away from it, and avoid it. It will be hard, but each time you do this, it will be easier and eventually become a habit.

  9. This won't happen in a day. It takes practice. With God's help you can do it.

How to handle a psychopath.

  1. Be aware of charm. Be aware of their story telling, their wonderful deeds, and their answer to humanity's pressing needs.

  2. Be aware of false contrition. They may show remorse, but it is only to get out of trouble.

  3. Deal and know the truth. Be skeptical. It might take some research to see if that person is telling the truth. It is not what they say is truth, but truth is truth. Study truth.

  4. Deal with reality. One may live their life telling people that they are Jesus or the Virgin Mary. They truly believe it. But where is reality? The person you are talking with might make claims of doing famous things or being a famous person or knowing famous people. It is also called fact-checking. Check it out!

  5. When you present evidence of their exaggerations with the truth, beware that they will not accept your findings. Instead they will attack you—your character, your mentation, your facts, your nose, whatever. You cannot talk a psychopath out of their lies, but you don't have to give in and believe them. They want power over you, so resist the temptation to wilt under their talk and actions.

  6. Don't tell them anything about your family, your friends, your finances, your weaknesses or temptations. They will use that information against you, to manipulate you.

  7. Remember they are evil.

  8. Remember that they look out for themselves and only for themselves.

  9. Point out to them that what they are saying is a lie (if it is). Then when they try to berate you, stay firm, do not given in. They will eventually find someone else.

  10. If they continue to harass and try to manipulate you, document everything and report it to authorities if you need to. Don't tell the psychopath you are doing the documentation.

  11. If they lie, break a promise, or neglect a responsibility (work, pay bills, etc.), forgive them the first time, but if it happens again. Leave and stay away.

  12. If they tell you that they can leave, that it will crush them, that they can't handle being without you, then realize they have no compassion, they cannot be hurt. Their feelings and compassion is dead and nonexistent.

  13. Avoid them. They will find someone else. As said before you cannot hurt their feelings, because they don't have any.

  14. Don't give in to them about money, sex, or doing something for them. They will blackmail you and control you.

  15. Don't feel sorry for them and give in to them even one time. They will use that against you next time.

  16. Live your life consistently. Do NOT talk how to live but live differently. Let your talk and walk match.

  17. Be compassionate and defensive of animals, the sick, the elderly, children, and the poor.

  18. If you are sucked in by a psychopath and realize it, forgive yourself. Don't beat yourself up. You wised up and got out. You now have experience. Use your experience to help others and remind yourself that you could be suckered in again.

  19. Remember that Jesus is the good shepherd. The psychopath is a raging wolf.

    1. "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. " (John 10:11, EMTV)

    2. "He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, And carry them in His bosom, And gently lead those who are with young." (Isaiah 40:11, NKJV)

    3. "Jesus got out of the boat, and when he saw the large crowd, his heart was filled with pity for them, and he healed their sick." (Matthew 14:14, GNB92)

  20. "For let not anyone of you suffer as a murderer, or a thief, or an evildoer, or as a meddler in other people's affairs; " (1 Peter 4:15, EMTV)

  21. "Let your way of life be without loving money, being satisfied with what you have. For He Himself has said, "By no means shall I desert you, nor in any way shall I forsake you;" so that being confident, we may say: "The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?" " (Hebrews 13:5-6, EMTV)