A1 Outline
B1 Action
B2 Reason
A2 Notes
B1 Action
C1 One of the reasons the Apostle John wrote to the believers.
C2 Taking time out for brotherly and pastoral duties.
B2 Reason
C1 Sins
D1 Sins are serious.
D2 Sins show rebellion.
D3 Sins show disobedience.
D4 Sins deserve punishment.
D5 God will punish.
D6 Sins can be in thoughts, desires, words, and deeds.
C2 Have been forgiven
D1 The payment has been paid, because Jesus suffered for our sins.
D2 Forgiveness is because of mercy. God is merciful, if we meet His conditions for it (repentance and faith). Titus 3:5
D3 Only through Jesus Christ.
D4 Only by faith. Works or anything we do cannot.
D5 Hebrew words
E1 kaphar which means to cover as in Deuteronomy 21:8 and Psalms 78:38
E2 nasa which means to lift as in to take away guilt as in Genesis 50:17 and Psalms 25:18
E3 salach which means to forgive and refers to the forgiveness that only God gives as in Leviticus 4:20 and Daniel 9:19
D7 Greek words
E1 ἄφεσις aphesis which means freedom, dismissal as in pardon used in Acts 26:18 and Acts 10:43
E2 χαρίζομαι charizomai which means a unconditional favor, forgive as in Colossians 3:13 and Ephesians 4:32
D8 Some benefits of forgiveness
E1 Fellowship with God Acts 26:18
E2 Life (eternal life and spiritual life) Colossians 2:13
E3 The blessing of forgiving others Mark 11:25
E4 Peace Isaiah 48:22 with Matthew 11:28-30, Luke 7:48-50
C3 You--John is writing to Christians
C4 On account of--this indicates that if it wasn't for Jesus, there would be no forgiveness.
C5 His name--this represents Jesus. John 20:31, Acts 3:6 with Acts 3:16, 1 Corinthians 6:11, etc.
A3 Questions
B1 Whose sins have been forgiven?
B2 What is the significance of the verb tense "have been" forgiven? Why is that important?
B3 How many of our sins have been forgiven?
B4 If we sin today, who can forgive our sins?
B5 Praise God!