24 November 2015

Dispensationalism—an overview



A1 Defined

B1 Bible Interpretation--the plain, normal sense consistently.

B2 Groups

C1 Jew--literal DNA descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

C2 Gentile--everyone other than literal DNA descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

C3 Church--those, Jew or Gentile, who believe and put their trust into Jesus Christ. Romans 1:17-18, John 3:36, Philippians 3:9, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4

B2 Dispensation--A period of time in which God reveals certain specific truths, then He tests the people to see if they will obey. This has nothing to do with saving grace or earning salvation. It is simply showing mankind that no matter what the situation, law, or environment, people will always rebel, disbelieve, and sin. Salvation, the Gospel, has been, is, and always will be the same. It is in believing God. It is through faith in God. Salvation has been, is, and always will be by grace. The importance of a dispensation is the test to show mankind that no matter what, people choose to sin. Sin has been dealt with by the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross and His resurrection. God has a purpose which He is going to fulfill. And He uses a progression of truths to build upon the truths already given.

B3 Dispensationalism--a system of interpreting the Bible consistently. It seeks to understand the different time periods recorded in the Bible.

B4 Messiah's coming--His physical appearance on earth and seen by many.

B5 Resurrection--a permanent rising from death.

B6 Judgment--facing the Lawgiver, who is the judge. He will judge all people and all angels.

B7 Law--things we must do or must not do. God is the lawgiver.

B8 Grace--receiving what we don't deserve. Romans 3:24, Romans 4:4, Romans 5:15, etc.

B9 Salvation--a deliverance from the penalty of spiritual death. The penalty was paid in full. Jesus died on the cross.

B10 Rewards--God gives rewards to the saints based on their faithfulness. These are rewarded at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

B11 Believers--those who have faith, believe, and trust in Jesus. This is the Jesus of the Bible in its plain, normal sense.

B12 False converts--these are those who say they believe but do not live (or even want to live it) the Christian life as it is taught in the New Testament.

B13 Covenants--an agreement based on God's promise. It is not conditional. It never ends.

A2 Explained

B1 Dispensationalism

C1 Normal

D1 An administrative period or type of administration

D2 God's type of administration in different periods of time

D3 Three main points

E1 Bible interpretation is in the plain, normal sense.

F1 Prophecy

G1 This is done to be consistent.

G2 This is because the prophecies about Messiah were fulfilled literally.

G3 Since the prophecies about Messiah were fulfilled literally, the prophecies about the second coming and actions of Messiah will also be fulfilled literally.

F2 Non-prophetic passages.

E2 Israel and the church are not the same.

E3 The Millennium is a literal period of 1,000 years.

E4 The main theme of Scripture for humans is the glory of God. Covenant theology understands the main theme to be the salvation of humans. See the Moody Handbook of Theology by Paul P Enns for the topic of dispensationalism.

D4 God gives each period of history (dispensation) a certain amount of revelation, certain required duties (regulations), the need to believe Him, a test from God to see if they obey, humans fail the test, judgment, and then advances to the next dispensation.

C2 Ultra/hyper dispensationalism

D1 Most of New Testament is not applicable to the Church.

D2 Some have the beginning of the church in mid-Acts or even at Romans 1

D3 The Book of Acts is a writing about the Jewish church. The epistles of Hebrews, James, Peter, John, and Jude were written to this Jewish church.

D4 Basically the only applicable epistles are the one that the Apostle Paul wrote.

D5 This Jewish church will be re-established in the Millennium.

D6 Water baptism and the Lord's Supper are for this Jewish church and not the church of Christ's body.

B2 Seven dispensations

C1 View One

D1 The dispensations

E1 Innocence (Genesis 1:1—3:7) Adam and Eve had not sinned, rebelled, or broken any of God's laws in thoughts, desires, words, and deeds.

E2 Conscience (Genesis 3:8—8:22) People had in their heart what is right and wrong. Romans 2:12-15

E3 Human Government (Genesis 9:1—11:32) Had leaders who would obey and enforce God's rules.

E4 Promise (Patriarchal) (Genesis 12:1—Exodus 19:25) Knowing that a time of blessing and forgiveness was coming. Despite the promise people still sinned.

E5 Law (Exodus 20:1—Acts 2:4) What God wants people to do and not do. A written standard of right and wrong.

E6 Grace (Acts 2:4—Revelation 20:3) Faith and trust into Jesus Christ.

E7 Millennial Kingdom (Revelation 20:4–6) Jesus rules as King of the World.

D2 The pattern

E1 Responsibility

E2 Failure

E3 Judgment

E4 Grace

E5 Moves on to next dispensation

B2 Messiah's Coming--comings or advent are defined as public appearances. Messiah made many appearances but most were private to one or a handful. His post resurrection appearance was not public but was seen by over 500 people. 1 Corinthians 15:6

C1 Two comings

D1 These are official appearances of Jesus Christ on earth where He is publicly seen.

D2 Other appearances would not be considered "comings" in this sense. Examples would be God talking with Adam and Eve, Enoch walking with God, Noah, Abraham, Moses, the prophets and prophetesses, and many others.

C2 First advent--This is the history recorded in the Gospels. It lasted about 33 years.

C3 Second advent--This is the time He reigns in Jerusalem over the whole earth for 1,000 years. It is mentioned in latter part of Revelation and some of the Old Testament prophets. Acts 1:9-11, Matthew 24:30, Matthew 25:31, John 14:3, Revelation 1:7, etc.

C4 Most understand that the second coming is in two phases. The first phase is the rapture for His saints. The second is His coming to earth with His saints

C5 The rapture

D1 True and will happen. 1 Thessalonians 4:17

D2 Differences between rapture and Second Coming of Christ. Below are a few. This is only a partial list.

RaptureSecond Coming
For the saints 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, Hebrews 9:28, 1 Thessalonians 4:14With the saints Jude 1:14
Secret 1 Corinthians 15:50-54, 1 Thessalonians 5:2Seen by all Revelation 1:7, Matthew 24:29-30
In air 1 Thessalonians 4:17To earth Zechariah 14:4
Without any notice or warning 1 Corinthians 15:50-54Many signs point to it 2 Thessalonians 2:4, Matthew 24:15-30

D3 Types

E1 Pretribulational (References: here,

F1 Pro

G1 Believers are not to face God's fierce anger. 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-9, Romans 5:9, Revelation 3:10

G2 The rapture will happen without any warning. It is imminent. Matthew 24:42-44, Matthew 25:13, Mark 13:33, Philippians 4:5, Titus 2:12-13, James 5:8-9, 1 Peter 4:7

G3 The whole tribulation is a time of God's wrath. Revelation 6:16-17, Revelation 14:19, Revelation 15:1, Revelation 16:1

G4 The whole world is involved and receiving God's wrath during the tribulation. Isaiah 24:1-6, Revelation 13:17 (no one will be able to buy or sell, so the whole world will be involved). But God does not want us to suffer His wrath. 1 Thessalonians 5:9

G5 The idea of imminence is very important. We are to be prepared and ready for the bridegroom who may come at any time. For a good description of imminence see here. 1 Corinthians 1:7 (eagerly waiting for the Lord Jesus), Philippians 3:20, Philippians 4:5, 1 Thessalonians 1:10, Titus 2:13, Hebrews 9:28, James 5:7-9, Jude 1:21, Revelation 3:11

F2 Con--I can't think of any. See below for other views arguments.

E2 Midtribulational

F1 Pro

G1 The first 3.5 years of the tribulation are not the wrath of God. It is only the last 3.5 years reveal the wrath of God.

G2 The seal and trumpet judgments come from humanity. Only the bowl judgments come from God.

G3 The trumpet of 1 Corinthians 15:52 is the same as the trumpet in Revelation 11:15.

G4 It seems to be an argument from philosophy rather than from Scripture.

F2 Con

G1 The whole tribulation period reveals and experiences God's wrath, not just the last 3.5 years.

G2 Christians are to be delivered from wrath. 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10

G3 Just because trumpets are mentioned doesn't mean that the trumpets mentioned above are the same.

G4 Most likely the last trumpet is mentioned in Matthew 24:31 is last. It is at the very end of the tribulation and after the 7 bowl judgments.

G5 The trumpets sounding in Revelation are related to judgment. The trumpet in 1 Corinthians 15:52 is the trumpet for resurrection.

E3 Posttribulational

F1 Pro

G1 The differing views here deal with a mix-up of the church with Israel, a nonliteral tribulation, missing the idea of the imminent return of Jesus. They all believe that the church goes through the tribulation.

G2 Matthew 24:29-31. This passage teaches

H1 Jesus returning and ALL see Him.

H2 This happens at the end of the tribulation.

H3 Angels gather the elect. Because the word elect is used, they take out of context and proof text Romans 11:7 to imply that the word elect cannot refer to Israel. But Isaiah 45:4, 2 Samuel 21:6 (King Saul was chosen/elect), 1 Chronicles 16:3, Psalms 105:43, and many other places.

F2 Con

G1 Mixing the church with Israel, not interpreting the Bible in its plain, normal sense, and not knowing the Bible teaches the imminent return of Jesus.

G2 Romans 11:7, the election, is the Jewish believers. The context is clear that there were before Messiah was born of the virgin Israelites who were believers and had faith. Those who did not were hardened.

G3 Romans 11:28, the election, is Israel.

G4 The Tribulation is a time of punishment for the world and for Israel. God's purpose for Israel at that time is for them to repent. Joel 3:12, Zechariah 14:2, Jeremiah 30:7, Daniel 12:1, Zephaniah 1:16, Revelation 6:16-17, etc.

E4 Prewrath

F1 Pro--this is somewhat similar to the mid-tribulation rapture. They teach that only the bowl judgments are the wrath of God.

F2 Con

G1 The whole tribulation period reveals and experiences God's wrath, not just the last 7 judgments (the seven golden bowls--Revelation 15).

G2 The rapture is seen as being as any time (imminent).

E5 Partial--only those who are worthy because of prayer, Christian living, and faithfulness will be raptured. The rest will have to go through the tribulation.

F1 Pro

G1 2 Timothy 4:8. It is interpreted that only those who love His coming will be raptured. (Problem--They are adding to the words of the passage. This verse is not speaking about who will and who will not be raptured. It simply states that those who love His appearing will receive a crown--the crown of righteousness).

G2 Hebrews 9:28. The words "...to those who eagerly await Him" have been interpreted to mean some will and some will not be raptured. The same problem of interpretation in 2 Timothy 4:8 is also used here. These who hold to this view simply read between the lines something that is not stated in the passage. I would understand the passage in its plain, normal sense and context to be stating that those who eagerly wait for His coming are those who believe the Gospel. All die (Hebrews 9:27) and are judged, but those who eagerly await His coming (believers) will be saved.

F2 Con

G1 Doesn't interpret the Bible in its plain, normal sense

G2 Is a type of protestant purgatory

G3 The cross of Jesus was not good enough for the believer. They must also do something to obtain a better salvation.

G4 Romans 5:1 teaches we are justified by faith and have peace with God. Colossians 2:13

G5 1 Corinthians 12:12-13 states that the body of Christ (the believers) are one body, not a divided body.

B3 Resurrections Acts 24:14-15.

C1 All humans will have a resurrection. Daniel 12:1-2, John 5:28, 1 Corinthians 15:22, Acts 24:15

C1 The blessed

D1 This is for believers who had died before the Rapture.

D2 It happens at the Rapture. This is called the First Resurrection. 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18, 1 Corinthians 15:22-23, John 5:29.

D3 The tribulation believers are raised before the Millennium. These believers are the ones killed by the antiChrist. Revelation 20:4.

D4 Thus the blessed resurrection is two phrase, but it is for believers only.

D5 Chronologically this is before the Judgment Seat of Christ (the bema judgment). This is for believers who will be judged and receive rewards.

C2 The cursed

D1 This is for unbelievers.

D2 It happens at the end of the Millennium.

D3 This happens just before the Great White Throne Judgment (the judgment time for unbelievers only). Revelation 20:5, John 5:29, Daniel 12:1-2

C3 Some hold to the view that Israelites will be raised at a later time (the end of the millennium). Daniel 12:1-2

C4 The resurrection of Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:4

D1 The was prophesied. Psalms 16:10, Isaiah 53:9-11,

D2 After resurrection, He was seen by over many people including one time over 500 people. 1 Corinthians 15:3-8

D3 Called the first fruits. 1 Corinthians 15:20-23

B4 Judgments

C1 It is true. Psalms 96:13, Acts 17:31, Hebrews 9:27

C2 The judge is Jesus Christ. John 5:22-23, John 5:27, 2 Timothy 4:1, Acts 17:31, etc.

C3 The judgments

D1 Regarding believers--this is Jesus dying, paying the penalty for sins. Jesus's death is for all (unlimited atonement) but applied only to those who believe. 1 Peter 2:24, 1 Peter 3:18, Galatians 3:13, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Hebrews 9:26, Hebrews 1:3, Romans 8:1

D2 Regarding believers who sin--this is chastisement of believers. 1 Corinthians 11:31-32, Hebrews 12:7

D3 Judgment Seat of Christ

E1 This is for believers only. 1 Corinthians 3:10-17, Romans 14:10-12, 2 Corinthians 5:9-10

E2 This is for rewards or no rewards of how we lived in our life on earth.

E3 The five crowns--Life (James 1:12, Revelation 2:10), glory (1 Peter 5:24), rejoicing (1 Thessalonians 2:19-20, Philippians 4:1), righteousness (2 Timothy 4:8), incorruptible (1 Corinthians 9:25-27)

E4 It is NOT to judge sin but to determine rewards.

E5 Takes place in heaven.

E6 It is after the rapture.

D4 Great White Throne Judgment Revelation 20:11-15

E1 This is for the unsaved only.

E2 The unsaved are resurrected.

E3 It happens on earth.

E4 It happens at the end of the Millennium.

E5 The resurrection of believers has already happened.

F1 The saints at the rapture. 1 Thessalonians 4:17, etc.

F2 The tribulation saints at the end of the Tribulation. Revelation 20:1-5

D5 Separation of sheep and goats Matthew 25:31-46

E1 Also called the Judgment of the Nations.

E2 Deals with the judgment of the gentile nations just after the end of the Tribulation.

E3 It happens at Jerusalem on earth.

E4 Messiah examines how they treated "My brethren," which is probably Israel.

E5 The saved gentiles go into the Millennium.

E6 The unsaved go to Hades.

D6 Of Israel Ezekiel 20:33-44 and Psalms 50:16-22

E1 Just after the end of the Tribulation

E2 In Israel

E3 The saved of Israel (Jews) will enter the Millennium.

D7 Regarding angels. 1 Corinthians 6:3, Jude 1:6, 2 Peter 2:4

B5 Difference between law and grace

C1 Law

D1 This is understood as Mosaic law especially as seen in the summary commonly called the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20).

D2 This law was required. Deuteronomy 10:12, Luke 10:27-18. (However no one can obey the law perfectly, except for the Savior, Jesus).

D3 It was not designed to make people right with God. Galatians 3:24-25

D4 It was for a nation--Israel. Romans 9:4

D5 Salvation was still by faith. Habakkuk 2:4, Deuteronomy 21:8-9 (one had to believe, which was proved when they looked).

D6 Was to show humanity that no one is righteous and no one can obey God's laws perfectly in thoughts, desires, words, and deeds.

C2 Grace

D1 Nothing we can do.

D2 Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone.

D3 God gives something that someone does not deserve. It is free and undeserved. Romans 4:4-5 (a gift is not given because we earned it), Ephesians 1:7 (we do not deserve redemption or forgiveness), 2 Thessalonians 2:16 (we do not deserve, nor have we earned, eternal hope and comfort), 1 Peter 1:10 (we have not earned, nor deserved, salvation. It is a gift).

B6 Difference between the believer's standing and state

C1 Standing--this is salvation. 1 Corinthians 6:11, Romans 3:26, Romans 8:33, 1 Peter 1:18-19, 2 Corinthians 5:17

C2 State--this is the current situation as we live our Christian life. Romans 8:5-6, 1 John 3:4, Galatians 5:16-26

B7 Difference between salvation and rewards

C1 Salvation--this is passing from death to life, having no forgiveness to forgiveness, not reconciled to reconciled.

C2 Rewards--has nothing to do with being saved. These are given in response to how we lived our lives after we became Christians.

B8 Difference between believers and professors

C1 Believers--those with a true heart change. 2 Corinthians 5:17, James 2:14-26

C2 Professors--those who say they are believers, but their lives show otherwise. Matthew 7:20-23, Matthew 12:33-35, Matthew 23:25-28

B9 Seven covenants

C1 Covenant defined

D1 An agreement between two parties. It is a very formal, legal agreement.

D2 Types

E1 Conditional--the only conditional covenant is the Mosaic covenant. The Scriptures state, "Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice, and keep my covenant, then you shall be my own possession from among all peoples; for all the earth is mine; and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation.' These are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel." (Exodus 19:5-6, WEB)

E2 Unconditional--all the other seven. No conditions, just promises given by God.

C2 Adamic Genesis 3:14-19

D1 Adam and Eve had sinned.

D2 God passes judgment and sentence on the serpent, Adam, Eve, and all creation.

D3 God gives an unconditional promise of a coming redeemer, a savior, a descendant of Eve (Adam is not mentioned). This is singular.

D4 This redeemer will destroy the serpent, even though the serpent will injure the descendant.

D5 This has been mostly fulfilled. Galatians 4:4. Complete fulfillment when all the works of the devil and sin are destroyed is still future at the end of the Millennium and just beyond it.

D6 Jesus was tempted by the devil, (Matthew 4:1-10), but Jesus did not sin.

D7 The reason Jesus came was to destroy the works of the devil. 1 John 3:8

D8 The complete fulfilling of the covenant does not depend on us or anything we do or do not do. God has promised and will do it.

C3 Noahic Genesis 8:20-9:27

D1 God had destroyed every living thing that breathed air except for what was on the ark.

D2 God now gives an unconditional covenant to never destroy every living thing again. Genesis 8:21

D3 Seasons were established and never will end. Genesis 8:22

D4 There is also the relationship between God and Shem. Genesis 9:26

D5 Japheth was to be enlarged. Genesis 9:27

D6 Canaan was to be the servant of servants (Genesis 9:25). This was fulfilled when Joshua conquered the land (Joshua 23:1, Psalms 44:1-3).

C4 Abrahamic Genesis 13:4-18, Genesis 15:1-21, Genesis 17:4-8, Genesis 22:15-24, Genesis 26:1-5, Genesis 28:10-15

D1 The establishment of the nation of Israel.

D2 The ownership of that land in the Middle East that God promised.

D3 This covenant is unconditional. It has and will happen. Psalms 105:8-11

D4 There was the promised seed, descendant. This is singular, not plural, and it refers to Messiah--Jesus. Galatians 3:16

C5 Mosaic Exodus 19:5-8, Exodus 19:25

D1 This is the only one that is conditional. Do it and live. Luke 10:28

D2 The summary of this covenant is the Ten Commandments. Exodus 20:1-17, Hebrews 9:1-7

D3 The reason that this is conditional is found in Galatians 3:19-29. It is to show all humanity that we are not good enough for heaven and fellowship with God. Romans 3:19 and Romans 7:7-13

D4 Jesus fulfilled this law perfectly (Matthew 5:17) and was sinless (Hebrews 4:15, 1 John 3:5, 1 Peter 2:22-24).

D5 Yet Jesus died, being sinless, because He was the sacrificial lamb. He became sin in our place (Romans 5:8, 2 Corinthians 5:21,

C6 Palestinian Deuteronomy 30:1-20

D1 The nation of Israel will be scattered. Deuteronomy 30:1 This happened because they sinned and God gave Israel the curses as they knew He would. (Deuteronomy 27)

D2 The repentance and return of Israel to worshiping God. Deuteronomy 30:2

D3 The regathering of Israel to its land. Deuteronomy 30:3-5

D4 Israel converted 2 Corinthians 5:17, Deuteronomy 30:6, Ezekiel 36:25

D5 God judges Israel's enemies Deuteronomy 30:7

D6 God's blessing on the repentant Israel. Deuteronomy 30:9

C7 Davidic 2 Samuel 7:8-17

D1 David would have a son who would sit on the throne of Israel and reign forever.

D2 This descendant would be God and man. Isaiah 7:14 and Isaiah 9:6-7

D3 The reality of this wonderful reign is peace in the universe. Isaiah 11:6-9

D4 This son has been born Luke 1:31-33

D5 Part of this is still future Acts 3:20-23

C7 New Hebrews 8:6-10:39. Read Hebrews 8:6-13

D1 This starts at Pentecost. Acts 2:1

D2 Israel can be part of it and will. Jeremiah 31:31-34

D3 The sacrificial death of Messiah is the base of this covenant. Matthew 26:28

D4 Is composed of believers in Messiah Jesus. Ephesians 2:11-15

B Summary, as I understand it.

C1 The Bible is to be interpreted in its plain, normal sense.

C2 Israel and the Church are separate.

C3 There is a true, literal 1,000 year reign of Messiah, Jesus, in the future

C4 The Gospel is always the same.

C5 The difference between law and grace

C6 The difference between the Old Testament and New Testament

C7 God is different periods in history had different situations to extinguish all complaints of people who were falsely accuse God of being unjust in punishment.

D1 Everything was perfect when Adam and Eve were created. They needed to believe. Proof of their faith would be tested. They failed when they disobeyed God. God judged them by a curse on the land and their relationship to God and each other.

D2 The first descendants of Adam and Eve, up to the flood, still had weather, etc. and understanding, but still failed. God judged them by the flood.

D3 So it happened after the flood, then there was failure.

D4 Then with Israel being chosen and the Law given. Failure happened again.

D5 In this day of grace, people have preached a false gospel much too often, which will also result in failure and judgment.

D6 So it will happen in the Tribulation and the Millennium.

A3 Resources


B2 The following accurate and helpful statement has been formulated by the men of the New England Bible Conference and is entitled "A Clarification Regarding Dispensationalism."

When God's Word, the Bible, is taken in a consistent, literal manner it will result in dispensationalism. Dispensationalism is the result of a consistently literal, normal interpretation.

A dispensation is a unique stage in the outworking of God's program in time, whereby some or all of mankind are to have a believing response, being responsible to be good stewards of the particular revelation which God has given (Eph. 3:2,9; Col. 1:25; Exodus 34:27,28; Gal. 3:10–12; 1 Tim. 1:4; Eph. 1:10; etc.).

We believe that in order to be "rightly dividing the Word of truth" it is essential to distinguish things that differ and to recognize certain basic Biblical distinctions, such as the difference between God's program for Israel and God's program for the Church (Acts 15:14–17; Rom. 11:25–27), the separation of 1000 years between the two resurrections (Rev. 20:4–6), the difference between the various judgments which occur at various times (2 Cor. 5:10; Matt. 25:31–46; Rev. 20:11–15), the difference between law and grace (John 1:17; Rom. 6:14–15; Rom. 7:1–6) and the difference between Christ's present session at the right hand of the Father as the Church's great high Priest and Christ's future session on the restored Davidic throne as Israel's millennial King (Heb. 1:3; 10:12–13; Acts 15:16; Luke 1:32).

We believe the Church is a distinct body of believers which was not present on earth during the Old Testament period and which was not the subject of Old Testament prophecy (Eph. 3:1–9; Col. 1:25–27). In accord with God's program and timetable, the Church is on earth between the two advents of Christ with the beginning of the Church taking place after Daniel's 69th week (on the Day of Pentecost, Acts 2) and with the completion of the Church's ministry on earth taking place at the rapture before the commencement of Daniel's 70th week (Dan. 9:24–27). During this interval of time God is visiting the nations to call out a people for His Name (Acts 15:14–16; Eph. 3:1–11; Rom. 11:25). Indeed, the Church is God's called–out assembly.

We believe God will literally fulfill His covenant and kingdom promises to the nation of Israel just as the prophets foretold (Gen. 12:2–3; 15:18–21; Deut. 30:3–10; 2 Sam. 7:4–17; Jer. 31:31–37; 33:15–26). We believe that the promises of the Abrahamic Covenant (Gen. 12,15, 17), the Palestinian Covenant (Deut. 30), the Davidic Covenant (2 Sam. 7) and the New Covenant (Jer. 31) were made unconditionally to national Israel and that the thousand–year kingdom will include the literal fulfillment of these covenant promises to ethnic Israel (Jer. 31:31–37; 33:14–26; Ezek. 36:25–28; 40–48; Rom. 11:23–32). The church is not the "new Israel" or the "spiritual Israel," but rather "one new man" created of two groups, saved Jews and saved Gentiles (Eph. 2:15; 1 Cor. 10:32). The terms "Israel," "Israelite," and "Jew," are used in the New Testament to refer to national ethnic Israel. The term "Israel" is used of the nation or the people as a whole or the believing remnant within. It is not used of the Church in general or of Gentile believers in particular. Saved Gentiles of this present age are spiritual sons of Abraham who is the father of all who believe (Rom. 4:12,16; Gal. 3:7,26,29), whether Jews or Gentiles; but believing Gentiles are not Israelites [that is, they are not the sons of Jacob]. The Israelites are carefully defined by Paul in Rom. 9:4–5.

We believe that in every dispensation God's distinctive programs are outworked for His great Name's sake and that in every dispensation persons have always been saved by grace through faith (Eph. 2:8; Gen. 15:6; Heb. 11:4–7; Rom. 4:1–8). We believe that the glory of God is the determining principle and overall purpose for God's dealings with men in every age and that in every dispensation God is manifesting Himself to men and to angels so that all might redound to the praise of His glory (Eph. 1:6,12,14; 3:21; Rom. 11:33–36; 16:27; Isa. 43:7; 1 Tim. 1:17).


B3 The Seven Covenants

B4 The Moody Handbook on Theology by Paul P. Enns and many others.

Daily Bible Study—1 John 2:13

I am writing to you, fathers, because you have come to know Him who is from the beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. I am writing to you, little children, because you have come to know the Father. (1 John 2:13, EMTV)


A1 Outline

B1 Fathers

B2 Young men

B3 Children

A2 Notes

B1 Fathers are those who have been Christians longer.

B2 Young men are those who have been Christians for a short time.

B3 Children are those who have just believed.

C1 The Greek word in verse 13 is παιδίον paidion.

D1 "A little child," a diminutive of No. 1, is used only figuratively in the NT, and always in the plural. It is found frequently in 1 John, see 1Jo 2:1, 12, 28; 3:7, 18; 4:4; 5:21; elsewhere, once in John's Gospel, John 13:33, once in Paul's Epistles, Gal 4:19. It is a term of affection by a teacher to his disciples under circumstances requiring a tender appeal, e.g., of Christ to the Twelve just before His death; the Apostle John used it in warning believers against spiritual dangers; Paul, because of the deadly errors of Judaism assailing the Galatian churches." Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, by Vine

C2 It is different from the Greek word for children in is τεκνίον teknion in some of the other 1 John verses.

D1 Vine writes "It is used...by the Apostle John to the youngest believers in the family of God, 1 John 2:13, 1 John 2:18; there it is to be distinguished from teknia, which term he uses in addressing all his readers (1 John 2:1, 1 John 2:12, 1 John 2:28"

B4 These terms may also be used for believers who are that chronological age as in Titus 2:1-8.

B5 The verb know as it is used here signifies came to know and still know. It is the growth process for the Christian.

B6 The verb overcome (subdued) also signifies have overcome and still are overcoming (subduing).

B7 The beginning usually refers to creation but here it could also refer to the start of Jesus's ministry or even the start of these believer's faith. John 1:1-4, Psalms 90:2, Genesis 1:1, Isaiah 41:4, Matthew 19:4

B8 How do we overcome the evil one?

C1 Knowing he wants to overcome us.

C2 Knowing that he can overcome us.

C3 Being alert at all times. This would include not taking substances that cloud our mind (overdoing alcohol, using mind alerting drugs, etc.) and religious practices that silence our mind. Colossians 4:2, 1 Peter 5:8, 1 Thessalonians 5:6, 1 Peter 1:13, 1 Peter 4:7

C4 Wearing the armor of faith. These are word pictures that describe methods of protection that God gives us. Ephesians 6:10-18

C5 Know verses as "Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to present you faultless Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy," (Jude 1:24, NKJV)

B9 The children have come to know.

C1 Salvation is initiated by God and brought to completion by God. Humans do not seek God or even want to, since we are dead in sins and trespasses and desire to do what our flesh (body, mind, and spirit) wishes. Matthew 11:27, John 1:18, Luke 19:10

A3 Questions

B1 Is the Christian life one of growth through many circumstances or sudden and complete?

B2 What is the importance of belief?

B3 What is faith? (Faith is believing God, so when Jesus states that He is coming again, He will).

B4 Have we overcome the devil? How do we do this? Is it in our own strength or with the strength of God?

B5 What is the importance of being alert at all times?

17 November 2015

Why would a good God allow evil to exist?

Why would a good God allow evil to exist?

hard questions

A1 Definitions

B1 Good

C1 Something comfortable

C2 Something that eases pain

C3 A lack of disasters

C4 Something that relives sorrow and unrest. We might have to call this happiness and peace.

C5 Something that is pleasant

C6 Something that obeys God's laws

C7 Something that I like or approve of (this would be the real life daily application to ourselves)

B2 God

C1 Something or someone who is better or stronger than us.

C2 An imaginary being that has complete control

C3 Someone who is excellent in what they do as in looks, sports, music, etc.

C4 Something or someone who is admired by us as money, etc.

C5 Yahweh

D1 Attributes (a few. for more see here or here

E1 Eternal

E2 Faithfulness

E3 Foreknows

E4 Good

E5 Holy

D2 Some more attributes

E1 Omnipotent

E2 Omnipresent

E3 Omniscient

B3 Allow--give permission

B4 Evil

C1 Something uncomfortable

C2 Something painful

C3 A disaster as a powerful storm, fire, trauma

C4 Something that causes sorrow and unrest

C5 Something unpleasant

C6 Something that breaks God's laws

C7 Something that I don't like or approve of (this would be the real life daily application to ourselves)

B5 Exist--The state or fact of being objectively real. WordWeb definition for existence.

A2 Notes

B1 The formal statement

C1 The common version

D1 If an all-good, all-knowing, all-loving, all powerful God exists, then evil (suffering) does not exist.

D2 Evil exists.

D3 Therefore, an all-good, all-knowing, all-loving, all powerful God does not exist. (Reference)

C2 The detailed version (Reference)

D1 God exists.

D2 God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent.

D3 An omnibenevolent being would want to prevent all evils.

D4 An omniscient being knows every way in which evils can come into existence, and knows every way in which those evils could be prevented.

D5 An omnipotent being has the power to prevent that evil from coming into existence.

D6 A being who knows every way in which an evil can come into existence, who is able to prevent that evil from coming into existence, and who wants to do so, would prevent the existence of that evil.

D7 If there exists an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent God, then no evil exists.

D8 Evil exists (logical contradiction).

B2 Adam in his sinlessness states might have thought it evil to not be allowed to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

B3 But in our normal usage of the word we would understand that God pronounced a curse upon creation, because Adam disobeyed God.

B4 This curse resulted in

C1 Death

C2 Pain

C3 Guilt

C4 Fear

C5 Lying

C6 Blaming

C7 Hate

C8 Sorrow

C9 Marital troubles

B5 Who and what suffers?

C1 Everything in the universe

C2 All humans including Messiah Himself, Jesus, who suffered under Pontius Pilate and was nailed to a cross.

B6 Even knowing all this, the question still remains why would God allow such suffering if He was good and loving?

C1 Free will

D1 Negative

E1 Evolutionist, naturalists, and others do not believe in free will. They essentially believe that we are a bag of chemicals with sensors to the environment. We respond to stimuli from the environment differently, uniquely, which makes us different.

E2 The Calvinist believes much the same way. God is such a sovereign that He allows no free will (that is, an alternate choice or even to resist). He decrees all things and all things come to pass. There is no alternative. There is no resistance (unless God decreed resistance). Calvinist view. Arminian view. Calvinist view of compatibilism.

D2 Positive

E1 Typically a person believes in real free will, that is, one can make a true choice, can resist, and can change their mind.

E2 The Bible teaches a true free will that can make contrary choices and can resist. This free will is limited, not complete. There are many things we want but cannot. Explained better here and here.

C2 Love

D1 Defined

E1 General

F1 tender and passionate affection for another person--Wordsymth

F2 a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.--Dictionary dot com

E2 Bible

F1 Hebrew

G1 אהב / אהב 'âhab / 'âhêb This is love for people as family and sexual. It is also love for objects as food etc. Song of Solomon 1:7 and Genesis 27:9 as examples. H157

G2 חשׁק châshaq This is love as in desire. Deuteronomy 7:7, Psalm 91:14, and 1 Kings 9:19 as examples. H2836

F2 Greek

G1 ἀγαπάω agapaō This is the highest love, the love of choice. John 3:16 and Ephesians 5:25 as examples. G25

G2 φιλέω phileō This is the love of friend for friend. Matthew 6:5 (love standing where all can see them praying) and John 21:17 G5368

G3 ἔρως érōs This is sexual love whether God blessed or God cursed.

G4 ἄστοργος astorgos This is in the negative. (στοργή storgē is the word natural affection). Natural affection would be a parent's love for their children. 2 Timothy 3:3 G794

D2 Articles here and here

C3 Faith

D1 Defined

E1 What it is.

F1 It is believing God.

F2 When Jesus states that He is coming again (John 14:3), so He will. Paul believed this (2 Thessalonians 2:1).

E2 What it is not.

F1 Believing what we want to believe.

F2 "God told me so." "I feel in my spirit that it will happen." These things are based on our wants and physical experiences.

D2 Examples--Genesis 15:6, Jonah 3:5, Matthew 21:32, etc.

C4 Test

D1 Why? To see if they really do believe God. God knows, but people do not know until we are tested.

D2 Results

E1 Failure

E2 Success

B7 Atheist

C1 First reference

D1 Definition of evil

E1 Philosophically speaking, let's define evil in one of two ways. Evil could be defined as the opposite of good or as the absence of good. (Problem--what is the definition of good?--editor).

E2 That third definition of evil that I alluded to earlier addresses this issue. I talk about it more in depth in here. But to make a long story short, good and evil are human constructs. When we are talking about evil in this context we are not talking about some supernatural force. We are not talking about the character of Satan or his plans. Good and evil are not actual forces in the world acting on human beings. These are concepts create by people to help us interact with each other and the world around us. There are no all-powerful gods who are willing or able to stop suffering. We as human beings must stop suffering on our own. (Problem: what is the definition of good. Evidently by this author every human being will have their own definition or some world political/philosophical body will define good and evil. He still does not answer the question of what is evil and why is there evil--editor).

E3 Human compassion is the atheist solution to the problem of evil. (Problem--there still is no answer of why there is evil. There is only a response to a problem. A Christian would offer the same solution--editor).

C2 Second reference The author and other authors (links on the page to other responses to the problem of evil) no definition of evil or good is given. There is no answer to the question of why? There are only responses to theists positions or arguments. (I did not read each article that is linked, so there may be an author who does define good and evil. Judging by the articles titles, the only answer they have is "theists are wrong").

B8 Theists

C1 Plantinga's Free Will Defense

D1 Argument

What might God's reason be for allowing evil and suffering to occur? Alvin Plantinga (1974, 1977) has offered the most famous contemporary philosophical response to this question. He suggests the following as a possible morally sufficient reason:

(MSR1) God's creation of persons with morally significant free will is something of tremendous value. God could not eliminate much of the evil and suffering in this world without thereby eliminating the greater good of having created persons with free will with whom he could have relationships and who are able to love one another and do good deeds. (reference)

D2 Problem

E1 No answer to the question, "Why did God create free will," nor "what is free will?"

E2 No answer to the question, "Why is there evil and suffering?" The solution offered assumes good and evil just exist.

B9 Defining good and evil

C1 Most define good and evil as the above (A1 B1 and B4)

C2 God's definitions

D1 Good Micah 6:8, Deuteronomy 10:12, Matthew 19:17,

D2 Evil. This would be not doing in thoughts, desires, words, and deeds what God requires. What God requires is the way He lives His life.

D3 Both good and evil demand a standard.

E1 Breed standards for animals, for example, the Labrador Dog and here For cattle here for example.

E2 God has standards, too. Consider the summary of the 613 Old Testament commandments is the Ten Commandments. In the New Testament that are over 1,000 rules. Here are some examples. We are NOT to

F1 Tempt the Lord (Matthew 4:7; Luke 4:12)

F2 Kill (Matthew 5:21; 19:18; Luke 18:20; Romans 13:9)

F3 Commit adultery (Matthew 5:27-28; 19:18; Luke 18:20; Romans 13:9)

F4 Pray to be seen of men (Matthew 6:5)

F5 Steal (Matthew 19:18; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; Romans 13:9)

F6 Bear false witness (Matthew 19:18; Mark 10:19; Luke 18:20; Romans 13:9)

F7 Covet (Romans 13:9)

C3 Can God only do good?

D1 Depends on how one defines good.

D2 Omnipotency in God is defined by many as all powerful in the sense that God can do anything as "can god create a rock so heavy than he cannot lift it" and other omnipotent paradoxes.

E1 Some demand this according to their definition of omnipotence. God is a being, not an abstract thought, force, superman, or alien.

F1 Be a liar, but cannot lie.

F2 Be a murderer, but cannot murder.

F3 Can do a and not a at the same time.

E2 Some things God cannot do.

F1 He cannot lie. Numbers 23:19, Titus 1:2, Hebrews 6:18

F2 He cannot deny Himself. 2 Timothy 2:13, James 1:17 (The idea of deny Himself is we may apostatize, but He is consistent and does not turn away from what He is).

F3 God has some characteristics, personality traits, that are consistent and cannot be otherwise.

B10 Why does God allow what we consider evil, bad, uncomfortable, pain, sorrow, death, loss, destruction, etc.?

C1 What God says is in the Bible.

C2 The first use of the word evil is And out of the ground the LORD God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Genesis 2:9, NKJV)

C3 Evil existed before, however, because the devil has already rebelled. Ezekiel 28:12-19, Isaiah 14:12-14 (No earthly could ever be described as such).

C4 Why did the devil do evil? (Evil here is defined as rebellion against God. Ezekiel 28:15). He was proud. His business or merchandise is slander. Some people's occupation is an evil activity. For example an assassin. Pride was the downfall. He thought he was better than he really was.

C5 God wants volunteers to serve Him. Exodus 25:1-2, 1 Corinthians 9:17, 1 Peter 5:2, Philemon 1:14, etc.

C6 God makes resistance possible. Acts 7:51, 2 Timothy 3:8, James 4:7, etc.

B11 It should be noted that God is so powerful, so sovereign, that He CAN decree, allow, a libertarian free will. This is not a sovereign free will but a limited free will. Some use the illustration of a pasture where the cattle can roam wherever they wish but cannot go out of the fence. Some use the illustration of a dog on a rope tied to a stake or tree. The dog can go wherever he will but is limited in extent by the rope. A libertarian free will allows for genuine resistance in choices.

B12 Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, also suffered evil from being tired, to being thirsty, to being mocked, hit, and crucified, but there was a reason.

B13 The book of Job shows the problem of suffering, trying to understand why, and God's solution.

A3 Other's articles

B1 How can a good God allow evil?

B2 The problem of evil

B3 The problem of evil

B4 Why the problem of evil is a problem

15 November 2015

Traders not traitors


judas leaving last supper carl bloch

In some ways these are traitors, too.

Some people in the Bible have made some horrible decisions. After the decision was made, it was too late. We can learn not to make the same type of decisions.

How about Adam?

Adam traded the position of prince of the world for a piece of fruit.

Adam traded a loving marriage for a piece of fruit.

Adam traded a perfect environment for a piece of fruit.

Adam traded life for death for a piece of fruit.

Bad decision Adam. Genesis 3:6-19.

How about Esau?

He traded all the rights and blessings of his heritage for a bowl of stew.

Some of the rights and blessing included

1. Financial inheritance--Isaac was very rich Genesis 25:5, Genesis 13:2, Genesis 24:35

2. God's blessings of family priesthood, inheritance of the Holy Land, and the blessing of being in the ancestry of Messiah.

How about Judas?

Judas traded a position as Apostle and a ruler in the Kingdom of heaven for a few dollars. Matthew 19:28

Some have estimated that the 30 pieces of silver would be about 15 ounces.

At $14.25 ounce it would be worth $427.50 at today's price.

The buying power of that though would be enough to buy a piece of land. Matthew 27:7

These are just three examples of people who traded wonderful blessings for some stupid piece of pleasure that only lasted a few minutes to a few days. The worst trade though is those who trade their soul for a few fleeting pleasures of this life. Compare Moses in Hebrews 11:24-25. See Luke 8:14, Titus 3:3, and Mark 8:36.

Need God?

Daily Bible Study—1 John 2:12

I am writing to you, little children, because your sins have been forgiven you on account of His name. (1 John 2:12, EMTV)


A1 Outline

B1 Action

B2 Reason

A2 Notes

B1 Action

C1 One of the reasons the Apostle John wrote to the believers.

C2 Taking time out for brotherly and pastoral duties.

B2 Reason

C1 Sins

D1 Sins are serious.

D2 Sins show rebellion.

D3 Sins show disobedience.

D4 Sins deserve punishment.

D5 God will punish.

D6 Sins can be in thoughts, desires, words, and deeds.

C2 Have been forgiven

D1 The payment has been paid, because Jesus suffered for our sins.

D2 Forgiveness is because of mercy. God is merciful, if we meet His conditions for it (repentance and faith). Titus 3:5

D3 Only through Jesus Christ.

D4 Only by faith. Works or anything we do cannot.

D5 Hebrew words

E1 kaphar which means to cover as in Deuteronomy 21:8 and Psalms 78:38

E2 nasa which means to lift as in to take away guilt as in Genesis 50:17 and Psalms 25:18

E3 salach which means to forgive and refers to the forgiveness that only God gives as in Leviticus 4:20 and Daniel 9:19

D7 Greek words

E1 ἄφεσις aphesis which means freedom, dismissal as in pardon used in Acts 26:18 and Acts 10:43

E2 χαρίζομαι charizomai which means a unconditional favor, forgive as in Colossians 3:13 and Ephesians 4:32

D8 Some benefits of forgiveness

E1 Fellowship with God Acts 26:18

E2 Life (eternal life and spiritual life) Colossians 2:13

E3 The blessing of forgiving others Mark 11:25

E4 Peace Isaiah 48:22 with Matthew 11:28-30, Luke 7:48-50

C3 You--John is writing to Christians

C4 On account of--this indicates that if it wasn't for Jesus, there would be no forgiveness.

C5 His name--this represents Jesus. John 20:31, Acts 3:6 with Acts 3:16, 1 Corinthians 6:11, etc.

A3 Questions

B1 Whose sins have been forgiven?

B2 What is the significance of the verb tense "have been" forgiven? Why is that important?

B3 How many of our sins have been forgiven?

B4 If we sin today, who can forgive our sins?

B5 Praise God!

12 November 2015

Daily Bible Study—1 John 2:12-14

How we live and think, and what we love show our spiritual condition. 1 John 2:12-14


I am writing to you, little children, because your sins have been forgiven you on account of His name. I am writing to you, fathers, because you have come to know Him who is from the beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. I am writing to you, little children, because you have come to know the Father. I wrote to you, fathers, because you have come to know Him who is from the beginning. I wrote to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one. (1 John 2:12-14, EMTV)

A1 Outline

B1 Children

C1 Sins forgiven

C2 Know the Father

B2 Fathers

C1 Know Him who is from the beginning

B3 Young men

C1 Overcome evil one

C2 Because

D1 You are strong

D2 The Word of God abides in you

D3 You have overcome the evil one

A2 Notes

B1 Children, fathers, and young men

C1 Some understand these to be spiritually understood, thus fathers are those who became Christians when the Gospel was first preached, the young men are not recent converts but those who have been Christians for a while, and children are those who have become Christians recently.

C2 Others view these as stages in the Christian life.

C3 Others view these as who they are--fathers, young men, and children.

B2 Four things

C1 Sins have been forgiven.

C2 Know God.

C3 Overcome evil one.

C4 Word of God lives in you.

A3 Questions

B1 How does a Christian overcome the evil one (satan)?

B2 Why are the young men strong?

B3 What is the importance of Bible reading and study?

B4 Why the change in tense from active present indicative (am writing) to past (wrote)?

B5 Which of the four things written about here is a new Christian to be aware of?

09 November 2015

Daily Bible Study—1 John 2:11

But he who hates his brother is in darkness and walks in darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes. (1 John 2:11, EMTV)


A1 Outline

B1 Actions betray the inner truth about a person. Hating brother shows that this person's

C1 Heart is in darkness

C2 Spirit is in darkness

C3 Life--does not know where he is going

B2 Actions are a result of wrong (in God's view) choices

A2 Notes

B1 Hates

C1 The Greek word for hate is μισέω miseo

C2 It means hate, detest. Had deeply this hate is depends on the text. Here it appears to be a very strong dislike. How can this be? It is because the work of the Holy Spirit is nonexistent in his life. Hate is an evidence of darkness.

C3 The solution to this is to repent (a total change of mind, attitude, and actions), confess the sin to God, believe God, and ask for His help.

C4 Cross references--Matthew 5:21-26, John 3:20, Titus 3:3, Hebrews 1:9 (sin is a good thing to hate).

B2 Darkness

C1 An evidence of not being a Christian.

C2 The Greek word is σκοτία skotia.

C3 It means darkness literally and figuratively.

C4 Cross references John 12:35, Isaiah 59:9-10, John 3:19-20

C5 There is hope for human though--I have come into the world as light, so that everyone who believes in me should not remain in the darkness. (John 12:46, GNB92)

B3 Walking

C1 Walk = living our daily lives. It is to be as the New Testament teaches us. To know these things we must read and study the Bible. Matthew 11:29, Philippians 2:5, Ephesians 5:1-2, 1 Peter 1:15-16

C2 We need to walk as Jesus walked which is the thoughts, desires, words, and deeds how Jesus lived. Obviously, we are not God, so we cannot do miracles as He did, but we can have the same attitude towards others, honor God, obey the Scriptures, and so on. Consider 1 Kings 6:12, 2 Kings 20:3, Ephesians 2:1-2, Ephesians 2:10, Ephesians 5:8 (walking in darkness is having our thoughts, desires, words, and deeds in the world's way instead God's way of living Galatians 5:16-26).

B4 Does not know where he is going

C1 We do need guidance. We must learn from somewhere. We naturally choose the wrong. There are teachers who teach how to do wrong, just as there are teachers who teach how to do right. The Bible, especially the New Testament, teaches us how to live right.

C2 See Psalms 25:5, Psalms 25:9

C3 For guidance we need

D1 Humility (we need to ask/pray for it) James 1:5, 2 Chronicles 1:10, John 16:24

D2 Trust/believe that He will guide and lead Proverbs 3:5-6

D3 Know the Bible and study it.

E1 The New Testament is for Christians. The principles in the Old Testament are also taught in the New Testament

E2 We must do some things

E2 We must not do some things.

E3 Principles are taught.

E4 Examples are given of failure and success

E5 Bible verses

F1 6 Things to lay aside

G1 Wickedness (James 1:21)

G2 All malice (1 Peter 2:1)

G3 All guile (1 Peter 2:1)

G4 All hypocrisies ((1 Peter 2:1)

G5 All envies (1 Peter 2:1)

G6 All evil speaking (1 Peter 2:1).

F2 Follow things of peace (Romans 14:19)

F3 Follow things that edify (Romans 14:19)

F4 Please neighbor for good (Romans 15:2-3

F5 Matthew 16:1 is an example of doing wrong when plenty of signs had already been seen.

A3 Questions

B1 What effect does hate have on people whether friends, enemies, family, or strangers?

B2 Why does showing hate so strongly condemned?

B3 Why is it important to read and study the Bible?

B4 Why do people need guidance?