26 April 2016

Hard Questions--Is Christianity a less intelligent worldview than atheism?

Is Christianity a less intelligent worldview than atheism? Why or why not?


A1 Problem (according to the atheist)

  • B1 Atheism is based on reason and logic.

  • B2 Christianity is based on blind faith in imaginary beings.

  • B3 Many modern day scholars have questioned the reliability of the Gospels and the real intentions of Jesus and what He wanted to do. Many have stated that Jesus did not intend to establish a new religion and himself as Messiah. These scholars offer suggestions of reforming Judaism to over throwing the Romans. (For a discussion of this from a Roman Catholic view see here).

A2 Answers

  • B1 Christianity is a reasonable faith, not blind faith.

  • B2 Jesus is a real, historical being.

    • C1 First century Christians (the Bible and early church fathers) and non-Christians write about a historical Jesus. See here and here

    • C2 The Gospels in particular and the whole of the New Testament was written when witnesses pro and con were still alive and could refute these writings.

  • B3 The scholars mentioned above accept some sayings and teachings of Jesus and reject others. They accept those sayings and teachings that lend credence to their views. It is best to take it all as real history or simply reject it as fiction.

  • B4 J. Warner Wallace offers the view of the chain of evidence from his book (Cold Case Christianity) and regarding the reliability of the New Testament here.

A3 Sources


21 April 2016

Daily Bible Study--1 John 2:18-23

1 John 2:18-23


"Little children, it is the last hour; and just as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out in order that they might be made manifest, that none of them were of us. But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things. I did not write to you because you do not know the truth, but because you know it, and because no lie is of the truth. Who is a liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son. Anyone who denies the Son does not have the Father either. " (1 John 2:18-23, EMTV)

daily bible study

A1 Outline

  • B1 Antichrist is coming

  • B2 Antichrist description

  • B3 Antichrist defeated by truth in the believers

  • B4 Antichrist theology

A2 Notes

  • B1 Antichrist and antichrists

    • C1 The Greek word is ἀντίχριστος antichristos. The "anti" means both instead of and against.

    • C2 The person, Antichrist, is not yet ruling his kingdom.

    • C3 The persons, antichrists, are working in the world.

  • B2 Antichrist description

    • C1 Is coming, so it is a future event

    • C2 Were in the church

    • C3 Left the church. The reason they left is that they were not of us.

    • C4 Most likely a very likeable person. Consider Judas Iscariot, an Apostle of Jesus Christ. He was so trusted that he was the treasurer of the group.

    • C5 Other things

      • D1 The same individual is described in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12.

        • E1 Man of sin--a person who plans to sin and carries it out. This is the opposite of the true Messiah, Jesus, who was sinless in thoughts, desires, words, and deeds.

        • E2 Son of perdition--a person who is so evil that he is compared to satan himself. This person is evil, thinks evil, and does evil.

        • E3 Opposes God

        • E4 Exalts himself to even sit in God's Temple as god.

        • E5 Lawless--he does not obey any of God's laws in thoughts, desires, words, and deeds.

        • E6 Will be destroyed by the true Messiah, Jesus by a word and the brightness of His coming.

        • E7 Empowered by satan so that he can

          • F1 Do acts of power

          • F2 Do signs (miracles)

          • F3 Do lying wonders

          • F4 Do everything and anything in order to deceive people to rebel against God and follow him.

        • E8 A master of deception who will be followed because people do NOT love truth. For if they would love truth and receive it, they might be saved. Since they do not love truth, want truth, or hear truth, God will send strong delusion as punishment. Then they will believe Antichrist's lie and will be judged.

        • E9 An encourager of unrighteousness

        • E10 Does not teach that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, that is, had flesh as his body. (2 John 1:7). This is the so-called "christ spirit" that can come on someone.

        • E11 Other passages referring to him are Daniel 7:25, Daniel 9, Mark 13:14 (Daniel 9:27), Revelation 13, and his final end in Revelation 19:20 and Revelation 20:10.

  • B3 Antichrist defeated

    • C1 The real Messiah will defeat the fake messiah at the end of the Tribulation. Read Revelation 19 especially Revelation 19:19-21.

    • C2 These others, the antichrists, are defeated by knowing truth. We need to know true doctrine and know the true Messiah.

A3 Questions

  • B1 How did these antichrists get into the church? (A misunderstanding of the Gospel, deception, emotional reasons, etc.).

  • B2 Were these antichrists ever believers in the first place? (It appears that they were not).

  • B3 What was the proof that they were not of us? (They left).

  • B4 What will prevent people from following the Antichrist?

  • B6 Who is the one who defeats the Antichrist?



19 April 2016

Sunday School Lesson--The Perfect Father

The Perfect Father

sunday school

Theme: God is the Father

Scripture: John 17:1-26

A1 Outline

  • B1 Jesus's Prayer

    • C1 Jesus prays for Himself John 17:1-5

    • C2 Jesus prays for His disciples John 17:6-19

    • C3 Jesus prays for all believers John 17:20-26

A2 Notes and questions

  • B1 God is Father

    • C1 Who is His only begotten Son? (Jesus)

    • C2 How is He father to believers? (Adoption. Romans 8:15-23 and Galatians 4:5-6).

  • B2 What are some of the responsibilities of fathers? (Some things)

    • C1 Compassion, Psalm 103:13

    • C2 Not to make angry, Colossians 3:21

    • C3 Instruction and discipline, Proverbs 3:11-12

  • B3 The Trinity

    • C1 God is one.

    • C2 God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

    • C3 God is of one essence.

    • C4 God is 3 persons, not 3 modes.

    • C5 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have been from timeless, eternal past.

  • B4 In what is called "The Lord's Prayer" we notice a pattern.

    • C1 "Now it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, that one of His disciples said to Him, "Lord, teach us to pray, just as John also taught his disciples." So He said to them, "Whenever you pray, say: Our Father in the heavens, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us day by day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." " (Luke 11:1-4, EMTV) Cross Reference is Matthew 6:9-13.

    • C2 The pattern is different in John 17 where Jesus prays for himself then others, though He praises and thanks His Father throughout.

    • C3 When we pray are we supposed to follow a formula?

    • C4 Do we use a formula to converse with our spouse or a good friend?

  • B5 As He prays where does Jesus look? (Up, "...He lifted up His eyes to heaven...").

  • B6 John 17:1

    • C1 What hour is Jesus speaking of? (The hour of His trial and crucifixion).

    • C2 Jesus asks the Father to glorify Him. Did the Father glorify Him? How?

    • C3 What was Jesus's purpose for God to glorify Him?

  • B7 John 17:2

    • C1 How much authority does Jesus have?

    • C2 What is eternal life? How does this differ from eternal death? Which lasts longer? (Both are eternal).

    • C3 Who can have eternal life?

    • C4 How is God justified to give eternal life? (1 Corinthians 5:7 also because of His resurrection).

  • B8 John 17:3

    • C1 Why does Jesus say is eternal life?

    • C2 What are we to know? (The only true God and Jesus Christ).

    • C3 The idea of know is to recognize. Compare John 17:23, John 10:38, 1 John 5:20, and 1 John 4:7-8. It is also used in a continual sense that we keep on knowing and know better. Compare Hosea 6:3 and Jeremiah 9:24.

  • B9 John 17:4, what was God's work for Jesus? (God's plan for salvation, God's plan for belief, God's plan for the Christian life).

  • B10 John 17:6-8

    • C1 What were the things that Jesus did?

    • C2 What were the ways the disciples responded to Jesus's message?

    • C3 What was absolutely essential? (Received my words, believed, and surely known).

  • B11 John 17:9

    • C1 Why does Jesus exclude the "world" (the unbelievers)? They are rejecters. Can they become believers? Yes. A note in Handfuls of Purpose on this passage reads, "I pray for them: I pray not for the world" (John 17:9). As soon as we become separated in spirit from the world, we come under a new set of laws in the Kingdom of grace. We are dealt with as children of God, not as the mere offspring of His creative power. Christ loves His own with a love which is peculiar to His own. While He has the love of pity for the world, He has the love of pleasure for His own. Because they are in heart for Him, He in heart and power is for them; so all things work together for good to them that love Him."

    • C2 Compare Luke 22:32, Luke 23:34, Hebrews 7:25

  • B12 John 17:11, what does it mean that Jesus prays for them to be one? Does "one" mean a unity regardless of doctrine? There must be a standard of faith to which we agree. See here.

  • B13 John 17:12

    • C1 Who is the "son of perdition?"

    • C2 Why was he not kept? (He never was a believer).

    • C3 Why is the term "son of perdition" used to describe Judas Iscariot? It is for a certain type of unbelieving rebel who has had great light and understanding but rejected it to follow the evil one. Compare 2 Thessalonians 2:3, John 13:2, John 13:27, John 6:70.

  • B14 John 17:13, what is Jesus's joy? See John 15:11.

    • C1 "The Spirit of the Lord GOD is on Me, because the LORD has anointed Me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and freedom to the prisoners; to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor, and the day of our God's vengeance; to comfort all who mourn, to provide for those who mourn in Zion; to give them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, festive oil instead of mourning, and splendid clothes instead of despair. And they will be called righteous trees, planted by the LORD to glorify Him. " (Isaiah 61:1-3, HCSB)

    • C2 Jesus prayed for these to have the same joy that Jesus has. Jesus has great joy and wants others to have it as well. We can have Jesus's joy if we love Him, we will keep His commandments (John 14:15). Compare Daniel 9:4, John 14:23, John 15:10, and 1 John 5:2-3.

  • B15 John 17:15. Jesus prays for us to be keep from the evil one (satan and his deception and lies). See Luke 22:31-32, Zechariah 3:1, and 1 Peter 5:8.

  • B16 John 17:16-19

    • C1 Our loyalties and home is heaven. We love that King, His laws, and rules.

    • C2 Sanctify means a separation for use from what is ordinary. It is to make us holy as He is holy. What does Jesus say sanctifies us? (Truth). Remember that the Bible is the ONLY source of 100% truth.

  • B17 John 17:20-23

    • C1 Who does Jesus include in His prayer? Us.

    • C2 There was no unity in the early church or today (3 John 9-12, Luke 22:24-27, Philippians 4:2), but Jesus's prayer will be answered in the future.

    • C3 True unity is a unity brought about by God. It is not something that humans bring about in rallies, etc.

    • C4 True unity is a unity centered around truth and Scriptures.

    • C5 Unity cannot be around false teaching or additions or subtractions concerning the Scriptures.

  • B18 John 17:24, what are the 2 things that Jesus asks His Father for?

  • B19 John 17:25-26, how do these verses show the deep and sincere love of Jesus?

18 April 2016

Atheism advances


Atheism advances

I had a discussion with an atheist once, and he concluded that the only purpose for life is to pass on our genes and try to make the world a better place.

I told him you have no hope but to be a pile of compost.

He finished by saying goodbye "from one pile of compost to another."

He was a nice guy, not like some who are snarly and condescending.

Al Serrato over at please convince me has an article concerning purpose from the atheist's viewpoint.

He starts the article:

There are asedno atheists in foxholes.” Or so the saying goes. Today, that probably has more to do with the scarcity of foxholes than it does with the scarcity of atheists. Indeed, the growing ranks of atheists include some who would like the military to allow them to designate “humanist” on their dog tags and official records. Just as a Catholic would wish to be specifically labeled and not bunched with other “Christians,” they argue, so too the “humanist” wants his “positive philosophy” to properly reflect what he believes."

Later he adds:

"Atheism posits that we are accidents of evolution, with no transcendent or lasting purpose. The universe just happens to exist and we just happen to be the unintended byproduct of a string of events which were set in motion randomly untold billions of years ago. We pass our brief moments in the sun, and in the end, we simply return to dust. The quality of the lives we lived, and our desire to continue thinking and growing and… being…count for nothing. There is no ultimate arbiter of right and wrong, neither punishment for evil deeds nor rewards for the good that was done."

Truly life's purpose is pretty bleak by their view.

You can read the whole article here.

14 April 2016

Emotional abuser

Emotional abuser

What is the solution?

Repent and believe the Gospel. Mark 1:15. See Need God.

What is the Christian to do if he/she finds themselves doing this?


"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. " (2 Corinthians 5:17, EMTV)

"But thanks be to God, that though you used to be slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from your heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered. And having been freed from sin, you became enslaved to righteousness. I speak in human terms on account of the weakness of your flesh. For just as you presented your members as slaves to uncleanness, and to lawlessness resulting in more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness resulting in sanctification. For when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness. So what fruit did you have then of which things you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death. But now having been freed from sin, and having become enslaved to God, you have your fruit resulting in sanctification, and the outcome, eternal life. " (Romans 6:17-22, EMTV)

This reminds me of a situation that D. L. Moody faced in his ministry. There was a woman who had a bad habit of lying. She came to Mr. Moody and asked his advice. He told her that every time she told a lie to go to the people that she had lied to and tell them that she had lied. She did this and shortly thereafter lost her habit.

I think that this would some advice to follow. Every time you abuse someone emotionally confess it and repent, that is, don’t do the emotional abuse anymore.

Some points

  1. Recognize that you abuse.

  2. Realize that you do not understand love.

  3. Confess that you enjoy causing pain.

  4. Realize that you are a coward. (I say this because most abuse occurs privately. Abuser fear that they may be arrested, fired, dealt with, etc. if they are caught publicly).

  5. Recognize that you are a bully.

  6. Realize that respect is earned and recognized by others. It cannot be demanded or commanded. Someone who demands it will be hated.

  7. Stop making excuses about your behavior.

  8. Confess that you have and are causing deep pain in others.

  9. Pray for empathy, because you have none.

  10. Pray for sympathy, because you don’t have that either.

  11. Confess your sin to God and ask forgiveness.

  12. Have a number of prayer partners. When you feel this addiction coming on stop right there call this person.

  13. Encourage those you have abused and do abuse to tell you when you are abusing. When they tell you, then stop. Remember that you are EVIL and need to quit.

  14. You will need a life time of help and assistance, because of your addiction.

  15. You also have a need to control. This is wrong. You are evil. You need to confess that you are evil (and not be proud of it).

  16. Take a walk and yell at a tree or something to get that controlling anger urge out.

Unity at all costs?

Most Christians today want unity of believers. What is the criteria to being a believer? I have heard many times that the criteria of being a believer is "the cross." By this they mean they believe that Jesus was on a cross. They believe this and are thus believers, that is, Christians.

Is this true?

Can one imagine Peter calling Simon the Magician brother? See Acts 8:14-24

Can one imagine Polycarp calling Marcion brother?

  • But Polycarp also was not only instructed by apostles, and conversed with many who had seen Christ, but was also, by apostles in Asia, appointed bishop of the Church in Smyrna, whom I also saw in my early youth, for he tarried [on earth] a very long time, and, when a very old man, gloriously and most nobly suffering martyrdom, departed this life, having always taught the things which he had learned from the apostles, and which the Church has handed down, and which alone are true. To these things all the Asiatic Churches testify, as do also those men who have succeeded Polycarp down to the present time, a man who was of much greater weight, and a more stedfast witness of truth, than Valentinus, and Marcion, and the rest of the heretics. He it was who, coming to Rome in the time of Anicetus caused many to turn away from the aforesaid heretics to the Church of God, proclaiming that he had received this one and sole truth from the apostles, that, namely, which is handed down by the Church. There are also those who heard from him that John, the disciple of the Lord, going to bathe at Ephesus, and perceiving Cerinthus within, rushed out of the bath-house without bathing, exclaiming, "Let us fly, lest even the bath-house fall down, because Cerinthus, the enemy of the truth, is within." And Polycarp himself replied to Marcion, who met him on one occasion, and said, "Dost thou know me? "I do know thee, the first-born of Satan." Such was the horror which the apostles and their disciples had against holding even verbal communication with any corrupters of the truth; as Paul also says, "A man that is an heretic, after the first and second admonition, reject; knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself." There is also a very powerful Epistle of Polycarp written to the Philippians, from which those who choose to do so, and are anxious about their salvation, can learn the character of his faith, and the preaching of the truth. Then, again, the Church in Ephesus, founded by Paul, and having John remaining among them permanently until the times of Trajan, is a true witness of the tradition of the apostles. Source

The Bible, specifically the New Testament, is the truth for the church. Let us read and study that. Further here

Are there prophets today?


Today there are many prophets and prophetesses. How do we respond to this?

What is a prophet?

A1 Old Testament

  • B1 God gave a message to the prophet/prophetess. This message might be to repent, what to do, what not to do, guidance for someone seeking God's wisdom, a message about the future, or of judgment.

  • B2 In our passage here, God gives a message to Ezekiel to tell the leaders of Israel of judgment because of their sins.

  • B3 They are confirmed by encouraging the worship of Yahweh only and their words come true (Deuteronomy 13:1-5, Deuteronomy 18:20-22).

A2 New Testament

  • B1 The same as the Old Testament except there were apostles to certify that they are true.

  • B2 No prophets are mentioned after the last apostle--John.

  • B3 The prophets in the New Testament era and dispensation are Agabus and the daughters of Philip.

  • B4 The so-called prophets of today are either self certified or confirmed by apostles who are self certified.

  • B5 The Bible is the only source of 100% truth and has all that we need.

Some other sources: here and here.