26 September 2019

Thoughts on Discipling Part 3 Doctrine Part M

E9 Self-existence
F1 Definition:
G1 This is also known as aseity.
G2 God has no beginning and no end, He is always. He has no needs. He is dependent on nothing; all are dependent on Him.
G3 Because He needs nothing and is dependent on nothing, His word is true. His promises are true. His doings are true.
F2 God existed before anything else existed. He created all things: Psalms 102:24-27 GNB O God, do not take me away now before I grow old. O LORD, you live forever; 25 long ago you created the earth, and with your own hands you made the heavens. 26 They will disappear, but you will remain; they will all wear out like clothes. You will discard them like clothes, and they will vanish. 27 But you are always the same, and your life never ends.
F3 He is dependent on nothing and no one, for everything is dependent on Him: Isaiah 40:28-31 GNB Don't you know? Haven't you heard? The LORD is the everlasting God; he created all the world. He never grows tired or weary. No one understands his thoughts. 29 He strengthens those who are weak and tired. 30 Even those who are young grow weak; young people can fall exhausted. 31 But those who trust in the LORD for help will find their strength renewed. They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will walk and not grow weak.
F4 God does not to be made alive, for He is the one who gives life: John 5:26 GNB Just as the Father is himself the source of life, in the same way he has made his Son to be the source of life.
F5 He is the giver, not the receiver: Acts 17:23 GNB For as I walked through your city and looked at the places where you worship, I found an altar on which is written, 'To an Unknown God.' That which you worship, then, even though you do not know it, is what I now proclaim to you.
F6 God needs nothing, ever. He gives, always. He does not get old, grow tired, run out of supplies, etc. Psalm 23:1 NET The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
E10 Self-sufficiency
F1 Definition: not dependent on anything or anyone to exist.
F2 He has no emotional needs, physical needs, spiritual needs, or financial needs. He has no need for worship or for worshippers.
F3 He has no need for a life giver, for He is the life itself.
F4 In the past, He needed nothing. In the present, He needs nothing. In the future, He will need nothing.
F5 Some verses:
G1 John 14:6 WEL Jesus explains to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
G2 Isaiah 40:28 BSB Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will never grow faint or weary; His understanding is beyond searching out.
G3 John 1:3-4 WEL Everything was made through him, and without him was nothing made that was made. 4 In him was life, and the life was the light for people.
G4 Isaiah 40:28-29 GNB Don't you know? Haven't you heard? The LORD is the everlasting God; he created all the world. He never grows tired or weary. No one understands his thoughts.  29  He strengthens those who are weak and tired.
E11 Sovereignty
F1 Definition: It is usually defined as complete freedom from any control. That would be any control in any area. Pain might control me. I cannot go without sleep, for that would control me. The same could be said about breathing. There is no superior being that can control God in any way.
G1 Jerry Walls defines it thusly:
H1 So what is the sovereignty of God? Simply put, it is the truth that God is in control, that he has supreme power. It is the truth that he is the Lord of the Universe and of everyone and everything it contains. He gives Nebuchadnezzar as an example of God’s sovereignty.
H2 In the same article, Walls states: ...the sovereignty of God is everlasting, and his kingdom endures from generation to generation.
H3 Finally, he contrasts the Calvinist view with the Wesleyan view: 
Now here is a good place to highlight the difference between the Calvinist view of God’s sovereignty and the Wesleyan view. According to classic Calvinism, God’s sovereignty means that he determines literally everything that happens in the sense that he specifically causes everything to happen exactly as it does.
This can sound like a very pious thing to say, and at first it might seem to glorify God. But on closer inspection, it has very troubling implications. On this view, God caused Nebuchadnezzar to be proud, caused him to boast, and then caused his downfall, as well as his subsequent repentance. This is a troubling view because it means God actually caused his sin as well as his punishment.
The Wesleyan strongly disagrees. In the Wesleyan view, God did not cause or will Nebuchadnezzar to be proud. Rather, he became that way by his own free choices, by taking undue pride in his accomplishments. God then punished him to bring the truth home to him in order to move him to repentance. When he acknowledged the truth about God, he was restored to his kingdom.
G2 Another article explaining the difference: Kevin RK David, “Does God Need Ultimate Control to be Ultimately Sovereign?”
F2 God can do anything He wants, at any time, in any way, and no one can stop Him.
F3 God is sovereign over His sovereignty. He is not like the kings of Media/Persia. God is totally free. Nothing stops or hinders His freedom.
G1 Daniel 6:8 CSB Therefore, Your Majesty, establish the edict and sign the document so that, as a law of the Medes and Persians, it is irrevocable and cannot be changed.
G2 Daniel 6:12, 15 CSB So they approached the king and asked about his edict: "Didn't you sign an edict that for thirty days any person who petitions any god or man except you, the king, will be thrown into the lions' den? " The king answered, "As a law of the Medes and Persians, the order stands and is irrevocable."  ... Then these men went together to the king and said to him, "You know, Your Majesty, that it is a law of the Medes and Persians that no edict or ordinance the king establishes can be changed.
F4 Other verses
G1 1 Timothy 6:14-16 BSB Keep this commandment without stain or reproach until the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ 15, which God will bring about in His own time—He who is blessed and the only Sovereign One, the King of kings and Lord of lords. 16 He alone is immortal and dwells in unapproachable light. No one has ever seen Him, nor can anyone see Him. To Him be honor and eternal dominion! Amen.
G2 Revelation 4:11 NRSV You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.

25 September 2019

A Few Thought About an Active Mind State or Passive Mind State

Passive mind
B1 Some other terms:
C1 Bypassing the brain
C2 Meditating on God
C3 Being contemplative
C4 Meeting god
C5 Seeing god
C6 God’s guidance
C7 Breath prayers
C8 Mantra
C9 Mysticism
C10 Altered state of consciousness
C11 Silencing, shutting down, and turning off the mind
C12 Contemplative prayer
C13 Thoughtlessness
C14 Blank mind
C15 Practicing god’s presence
C16 Spiritual formation
B2 Some names
C1 Meister Eckhart
C2 Teresa of Avila
C3 John of the Cross
C4 Julian of Norwich
C5 Willigis Jager
C6 Mike Bickle
C7 Richard Foster
C8 Ann Voskamp
C9 Etc., etc., etc.
B3 A person will meet god, experience god, receive counsel, wisdom, guidance, peace, etc. from god.
B4 It’s spiritual for sure. It is real.
B5 Being passive is NOT thinking with an active mind, but it is experiencing the spiritual, mystical, etc. by NOT thinking.
B6 Been there, done that.

Active mind
B1 Some terms
C1 Thinking
C2 Studying
C3 Mulling
C4 This is activity using the mind to think about something.
B2 Bible verses on alertness
C1 Matthew 24:42-43 NET Therefore stay alert, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have been alert and would not have let his house be broken into.
C2 Matthew 25:13 NET Therefore stay alert, because you do not know the day or the hour.
C3 Matthew 26:38, 40-41 NET Then he said to them, "My soul is deeply grieved, even to the point of death. Remain here and stay awake with me." ... Then he came to the disciples and found them sleeping. He said to Peter, "So, couldn't you stay awake with me for one hour? Stay awake and pray that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
C4 Mark 13:34-35, 37 NET It is like a man going on a journey. He left his house and put his slaves in charge, assigning to each his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to stay alert. Stay alert, then, because you do not know when the owner of the house will return - whether during evening, at midnight, when the rooster crows, or at dawn - ... What I say to you I say to everyone: Stay alert!"
C5 Mark 14:34, 37-38 NET He said to them, "My soul is deeply grieved, even to the point of death. Remain here and stay alert." ... Then he came and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, "Simon, are you sleeping? Couldn't you stay awake for one hour? Stay awake and pray that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
C6 Luke 12:37-38 NET Blessed are those slaves whom their master finds alert when he returns! I tell you the truth, he will dress himself to serve, have them take their place at the table, and will come and wait on them! Even if he comes in the second or third watch of the night and finds them alert, blessed are those slaves!
C57 Luke 21:36 NET But stay alert at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that must happen, and to stand before the Son of Man.
C8 Acts 20:31 NET Therefore be alert, remembering that night and day for three years I did not stop warning each one of you with tears.
C9 1 Corinthians 16:13 NET Stay alert, stand firm in the faith, show courage, be strong.
C10 Ephesians 6:18 NET With every prayer and petition, pray at all times in the Spirit, and to this end be alert, with all perseverance and requests for all the saints.
C11 Colossians 4:2 NET Be devoted to prayer, keeping alert in it with thanksgiving.
C12 1 Thessalonians 5:6 NET So then we must not sleep as the rest, but must stay alert and sober.
C13 1 Peter 5:8 NET Be sober and alert. Your enemy the devil, like a roaring lion, is on the prowl looking for someone to devour.
C14 Revelation 16:15 NET Look! I will come like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays alert and does not lose his clothes so that he will not have to walk around naked and his shameful condition be seen.
C15 Some of the above are parallel passages.
B4 The word alert
C1 The Greek word is γρηγορεύω grēgoreúō. It means to be alive (literally) to be alert, to be vigilant, to be awake, etc.
D1 Thayer’s:
1. properly: Matthew 24:43; Matthew 26:38, 40; Mark 13:34; Mark 14:34, 37; Luke 12:37, 39 R G L Tr text WH text. As to sleep is often equivalent to to die, so once, 1 Thessalonians 5:10, γρηγ. means to live, be alive on earth.
2. Metaphorically, to watch i. e. give strict attention to, be cautious, active: — to take heed lest through remissness and indolence some destructive calamity suddenly overtake one, Matthew 24:42; Matthew 25:13; Mark 13:35, [Mark 13:37]; Revelation 16:15; or lest one be led to forsake Christ, Matthew 26:41; Mark 14:38; or lest one fall into sin, 1 Thessalonians 5:6; 1 Corinthians 16:13; 1 Peter 5:8; Revelation 3:2f; or be corrupted by errors, Acts 20:31; ἔν τινι, to be watchful in, employ the most punctilious care in a thing: Colossians 4:2.
C2 Another Greek word is ἀγρυπνέω agrypnéō. This is the word in Mark 13:33, Hebrews 13:7, Luke 21:36, and Ephesians 6:18. It means (according to BDB and Thayer:
1. to be sleepless, keep awake, watch
2. to be circumspect, attentive, ready
B5 There is a strong tendency for people to stop reading and studying their Bible. I’ve been told:
C1 “The letter [meaning the Bible] kills, but the spirit gives life.”
C2 “This is the old word [meaning the Bible]. We seek the fresh word.”
C3 “That book [meaning the Bible] is a translation by people. I get my guidance directly from god.”
C4 “You don’t believe anything in the Book of Acts. Just rip it out of your Bible.”
C5 “This is real. You just don’t understand.” [They call me a liar when I tell them I know it is real and why].
B6 I have asked people, if they are sure they are not deceived and is it possible to be deceived? Most will say they are not deceived but in pressing them, they will admit that it is possible: Most tell me:
C1 “I know this is god.” The reasons are
D1 Psalms 46:10 NRSV Be still, and know that I am God! I am exalted among the nations, I am exalted in the earth.
E1 Be still, here means to be quiet, shut up, relax, calm down.
E2 It is translated (in the KJV) as abate, cease, consume, draw (toward evening), fail, (be) faint, be (wax) feeble, forsake, idle, leave, let alone (go, down), (be) slack, stay, be still, be slothful, (be) weak(-en).
E3 Another translation: Psalm 46:10 CSB Stop your fighting, and know that I am God, exalted among the nations, exalted on the earth.
E4 Exodus 14:13 AMPC Moses told the people, Fear not; stand still (firm, confident, undismayed) and see the salvation of the Lord which He will work for you today. For the Egyptians you have seen today you shall never see again.
E5 Let God take action. It doesn’t mean be mindless.
D2 Habakkuk 2:20 CSB But the LORD is in his holy temple; let the whole earth be silent in his presence. (Also Zephaniah 1:7 and Zechariah 2:13).
E1 Here, the word silent means to not talk as Judges 3:19 CSB At the carved images near Gilgal he returned and said, "King Eglon, I have a secret message for you." The king said, "Silence! " and all his attendants left him.
E2 It does not mean to be passive, to bypass the brain, mindless (or in mindfulness), etc.
D3 John 10:4, 27 KJV And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. ... My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
E1 The Greek word hear is ἀκούω akoúō. It means to hear with the physical ears, not internal ears or spiritual ears. The summary of BDB and Thayer is:
1. to be endowed with the faculty of hearing, not deaf
2. to hear
a. to attend to, consider what is or has been said
b. to understand, perceive the sense of what is said
3. to hear something
a. to perceive by the ear what is announced in one’s presence
b. to get by hearing learn
c. a thing comes to one’s ears, to find out, learn
d. to give ear to a teaching or a teacher
e. to comprehend, to understand
E2 Cross references
F1 John 3:29 NET The one who has the bride is the bridegroom. The friend of the bridegroom, who stands by and listens for him, rejoices greatly when he hears the bridegroom's voice. This then is my joy, and it is complete.
F2 John 18:37 NET Then Pilate said, "So you are a king!" Jesus replied, "You say that I am a king. For this reason I was born, and for this reason I came into the world - to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.
E3 This passage does NOT have anything of seeking guidance or fellowship. It is Jesus’s style of leadership. It is of leading, not driving. We must be alert to know who is speaking to us.
E4 Consider the words of Warren B Smith (references are at the bottom of the links’s page)[The following quote is edited in form for easier reading]:
5) The Voice of a Stranger (John 10:4-5)

Sarah Young’s “Jesus” says he wants to be the “boss” so he can “control your mind,” “reprogram your thinking,” and “take full possession” as he seeks to “invade more and more areas of your life.” Pray for wisdom and then ask yourself—do the following statements sound like something the true Jesus Christ would really say?
  • Approach this day with awareness of who is boss.26
  • Let Me control your mind.27
  • My main work is to clear out debris and clutter, making room for My Spirit to take full possession.28
  • Sit quietly in My Presence, letting My thoughts reprogram your thinking.29
  • While you relax in My Presence, I am molding your mind and cleansing your heart.30
  • Your relationship with Me is meant to be vibrant and challenging, as I invade more and more areas of your life.31 (emphasis added in all the above quotes)

The Bible Warns About the Voice of a Stranger

If truth be known, it is more likely that the Devil and his evil spirits are the ones who want to “control your mind,” “take full possession,” “reprogram your thinking,” and “invade more and more areas of your life.” The true Jesus stated that His sheep know His voice and do not follow the voice of a stranger. The voice of Sarah Young’s “Jesus” is that of a stranger.

And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers. (John 10:4-5)
B7 Angel of light
C1 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 NIV For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.
C2 satan is not an angel of light or god. He pretends to be God to seduce, trick, influence, control, and recruit followers and to turn true Christians from worshiping Jesus and obeying the Scriptures.
C3 Consider some points made by Martin H. Manser in his Dictionary of Bible Themes:
4123 — Satan, as deceiver
  • Satan’s character is deceitful, devious and cunning as in a variety of guises he seeks to influence people for his own ends.
    • Satan’s deceitful character
    • He is evil Matthew 6:13 See also Matthew 5:37; Matthew 13:19; John 17:15; 2 Thessalonians 3:3; 1 John 2:13-14; 1 John 3:8, 1 John 3:12; 1 John 5:18
    • He is a liar John 8:44 See also Genesis 3:4-5; Job 1:11; Job 2:5; Revelation 3:9
    • He is devious 2 Corinthians 11:14 See also 2 Corinthians 11:3; Ephesians 6:11; 2 Thessalonians 2:9; 1 Timothy 3:7; 2 Timothy 2:26
    • He is scheming Ephesians 6:11 See also 2 Corinthians 2:10-11
    • He is a slanderer Job 1:9-11 See also 1 Timothy 5:14-15; Revelation 2:9
  • Satan’s deceitful work
    • He deceives individuals 1 Timothy 2:14 Eve was deceived by Satan the serpent. See also Daniel 8:25; 2 Timothy 3:13; Revelation 12:9; Revelation 20:3, 10
    • He works counterfeit miracles 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 See also Exodus 7:11-12, 22; Deuteronomy 13:1-2; Matthew 24:24 pp Mark 13:22; Revelation 13:13-14; Revelation 19:20
    • He appoints false prophets Matthew 7:15 See also Deuteronomy 13:5; Jeremiah 23:26; Jeremiah 28:15; Jeremiah 29:21; Ezekiel 13:6-10; 2 Peter 2:1-3, 2 Peter 2:18-19
    • He misuses Scripture Matthew 4:6 pp Luke 4:10
    • He blinds unbelievers 2 Corinthians 4:4
C4 If the perfect woman, Eve, could be deceived, think how much easier it is for us to be deceived.
B8 Some other verses
C1 We need to actively seek God. God has opened their eyes and heart, but they closed it. They were not alert: Acts 28:25-27 NET So they began to leave, unable to agree among themselves, after Paul made one last statement: "The Holy Spirit spoke rightly to your ancestors through the prophet Isaiah when he said, 'Go to this people and say, "You will keep on hearing, but will never understand, and you will keep on looking, but will never perceive. For the heart of this people has become dull, and their ears are hard of hearing, and they have closed their eyes, so that they would not see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and turn, and I would heal them.
C2 Unless we are alert, we will not be able to test all things, to know what is good or evil.
D1 1 Thessalonians 5:21 NRSV but test everything; hold fast to what is good.
D2 1 John 4:1 NET Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to determine if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
B9 We are in a war, a spiritual war. We have to be alert: Ephesians 6:12-18 NLT For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Therefore, put on every piece of God's armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God's righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.

Lighthouse Trails Blog is a good source for finding out the dangers of this practice. Don’t be a fool like I was for many years.

Thoughts on Discipling Part 3 Doctrine Part L

E7 Omniscience—Knowledge (including foreknowledge and middle knowledge)
F1 Definition
G1 Knowledge
H1 The English word gives this as one definition:
1. a particular or specialized form of understanding or skill.
2. Webster’s Dictionary Unabridged 1828 has
a) A clear and certain perception of that which exists, or of truth and fact; the perception of the connection and agreement, or disagreement and repugnancy of our ideas.
b) We can have no knowledge of that which does not exist. God has a perfect knowledge of all his works. Human knowledge is very limited, and is mostly gained by observation and experience.
H2 An example of some Bible words
I1 One of the Hebrew words is דַּעַת daʻath. It means knowledge, perception, skill, discernment, understanding, wisdom. Referring to God, it would have the meaning of knowing everything.
1. God gives this knowledge when necessary: Exodus 31:3 NET and I have filled him with the Spirit of God in skill, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all kinds of craftsmanship.
2. The amount of God’s knowledge is impossible for us to understand: Psalm 139:6 NET Your knowledge is beyond my comprehension; it is so far beyond me, I am unable to fathom it.
3. Whatever knowledge and skill is needed for creation, God has: Proverbs 3:20 NLT By his knowledge the deep fountains of the earth burst forth, and the dew settles beneath the night sky.
4. He knows everything about us: 1 Samuel 2:3 NRSV Boast no more so very proudly, Do not let arrogance come out of your mouth; For the LORD is a God of knowledge, And with Him actions are weighed.
I2 One of the Greek words is γνῶσις gnōsis. It means general intelligence and understanding.
1. God’s knowledge is so vast that we cannot examine it or understand it: Romans 11:33 NET Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how fathomless his ways! 
2. Note “all:” Colossians 2:2-3 PickNT That their hearts may be encouraged, being united in love and into a great wealth of confident understanding, into a real knowledge of the mystery of the God and Father and of the Christ, 3 in whom all the treasures of the wisdom and the knowledge are hidden.
G2 Foreknowledge= knowledge of the future. The English definition: knowledge or awareness of something before it occurs or exists. This is not a decreed action that is rendered certain. It is truly knowledge of the future. It seems to me that the Calvinist doesn’t believe that God truly knows the future. They believe that God exhaustively decrees the future and renders it certain. They believe the only way God knows the future is to decide what it will be, have a perfect memory, and ensure that it takes place. To me that makes God a superman but not one who truly knows the future without decreeing it. The following article might help to understand the Arminian view: Ed Jarrett, “Arminianism: Foreknowledge, Predestination and Election
H1 Acts 2:23 NRSV This man, handed over to you according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of those outside the law.
H2 1 Peter 1:2 ISV The people chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through the sanctifying action of the Spirit to be obedient to Jesus, the Messiah, and to be sprinkled with his blood. May grace and peace be yours in abundance!
G3 Natural knowledge= All that can happen. God knows all that can be known whether it will exist or not. The usual example given if God was going to make a universe, He would have to know everything, how they would interact, how they would respond to stimuli (both pleasurable and noxious), and if rebellion occurred, how it would occur and its results. Perfectly and exhaustively know math, chemistry, physics, decisions, etc.
G4 Middle knowledge= All that would happen. God knows exactly how a person will choose or respond in any given circumstances. The usual example is Peter choosing to deny that he knows Jesus. It is the middle between a person’s free will and God’s sovereignty.
G5 Free knowledge= All that will happen. This is not just what science and math know and predict. It is what is the unknown as well. God knows the future perfectly. He knows every response, every decision, every action, every word, and every thought.
F2 Bible verse
G1 Luke 10:13 CSB Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles that were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes.
G2 Matthew 26:24 CSB The Son of Man will go just as it is written about him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been better for him if he had not been born.
G3 Exodus 9:14-15 NLT If you don't, I will send more plagues on you and your officials and your people. Then you will know that there is no one like me in all the earth. By now I could have lifted my hand and struck you and your people with a plague to wipe you off the face of the earth.
G4 People making choices different from God’s choice.
H1 Matthew 23:37 CSB Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her. How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! 
H2 2 Peter 3:9 CSB The Lord does not delay his promise, as some understand delay, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance.
H3 Isaiah 30:1 CSB Woe to the rebellious children! This is the LORD's declaration. They carry out a plan, but not mine; they make an alliance, but against my will, piling sin on top of sin.
E8 Perfect
F1 Definition: without any flaw.
F2 Words
G1 The Hebrew word is תָּמִים tâmîym. It means complete is various applications such as completely well, time as complete, morally complete (sinless), completely meeting the standard of truth and justice.
H1 God’s law is perfect: Psalm 19:7 NIV The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.
H2 His lifestyle: Psalm 18:30 NIV As for God, his way is perfect: The LORD's word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.
H3 All that He does: Psalm 111:7 NIV The works of his hands are faithful and just; all his precepts are trustworthy.
H Note the contrast with the devil: Ezekiel 28:15 NKJV You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, Till iniquity was found in you.
G2 The Greek word is τέλειος téleios. It means much the same as the Hebrew word. It is complete, finished, not lacking anything, so morally, intellectually, spiritually, etc. perfect.
H1 God’s standard of life is perfect. It lacks nothing and meets the standard of perfection is every possible way: Matthew 5:48 NIV Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
H2 God’s will is perfect: Romans 12:2 NIV Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
H3 The Law of Jesus is perfect (in contrast with Mosaic law. If one tried as hard as possible to obey the Mosaic law, it would not save from God’s wrath, but if one follows Messiah’s law, it does): James 1:25 CSB But the one who looks intently into the perfect law of freedom and perseveres in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer who works—this person will be blessed in what he does.
H4 God’s love is perfect, and we should have this same type of love: 1 John 4:18 ESV There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.
H5 God’s words are perfect, ours are not, but that is God’s standard: James 3:2 NIV We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.

24 September 2019

Thoughts on Discipling Part 3 Doctrine Part K

E6 Omnisapience
F1 Definition: Literally, this means all wisdom or complete wisdom. God’s wisdom is perfect. He cannot learn, for He knows all. He cannot learn wisdom, for He can apply knowledge perfectly and without any flaws. He knows every possibility.
F2 His communication is perfect. He knows how to word what He does, what He thinks, what He plans perfectly and without flaw. His decisions are perfect. His words and communication are perfect. Yet, so many will not interpret the Bible in its plain, normal sense.
F3 Knowledge and wisdom are related, but they are separate. One can have knowledge but not be wise; likewise, someone may be wise but not have much knowledge. Knowing facts is something different then using knowing how to use them wisely. We see that in making decisions.
F4 Some of the difference can be seen from this verse: Proverbs 2:6 NLT For the LORD grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
G1 Wisdom:
H1 Hebrew word for wisdom is חׇכְמָה chokmâh. It means skillful. This is seen in many ways from creative ability, to making decisions, to living life. It is practical and in many cases life saving.
H2 We see this in
I1 Contrast between pride and humility: Proverbs 11:2 NLT Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
I2 Contrast between bullying and fighting and receiving advice: Proverbs 13:10 NLT Pride leads to conflict; those who take advice are wise.
I3 Contrast between “following my heart” and truth and God’s insight and advice: Proverbs 28:26 NLT Those who trust their own insight are foolish, but anyone who walks in wisdom is safe.
G2 Knowledge:
H1 The Hebrew word is דַּעַת daʻath. It means having facts on any subject or situation.
H2 God knows everything we do and think: Psalm 94:10 NLT He punishes the nationswon't he also punish you? He knows everythingdoesn't he also know what you are doing?
H3 God knows everything about creation, how to make it, sustain it, and dissolve it: Proverbs 3:20 NLT By his knowledge the deep fountains of the earth burst forth, and the dew settles beneath the night sky.
H4 We have to know something before we can make a decision: Proverbs 19:2 NLT Enthusiasm without knowledge is no good; haste makes mistakes.
H5 Knowing God is more important than human wisdom: Proverbs 30:3 NLT I have not mastered human wisdom, nor do I know the Holy One.
H6 God knows how to do this: Isaiah 44:25 NLT I expose the false prophets as liars and make fools of fortune-tellers. I cause the wise to give bad advice, thus proving them to be fools.
H7 God knows who is true and who is fake: Isaiah 58:2 NLT Yet they act so pious! They come to the Temple every day and seem delighted to learn all about me. They act like a righteous nation that would never abandon the laws of its God. They ask me to take action on their behalf, pretending they want to be near me.
G3 Understanding:
H1 The Hebrew word is תָּבוּן tâbûwn. It means knowing the “whys” of how something works, thinks, acts, etc.
H2 Proverbs 14:29 NLT People with understanding control their anger; a hot temper shows great foolishness.
H3 Proverbs 18:2 NLT Fools have no interest in understanding; they only want to air their own opinions.
H4 Speaking of wooden idols: Isaiah 44:19 NIV No one stops to think, no one has the knowledge or understanding to say, "Half of it I used for fuel; I even baked bread over its coals, I roasted meat and I ate. Shall I make a detestable thing from what is left? Shall I bow down to a block of wood?"
F5 God gives wisdom to those otherwise impossible to have it: Exodus 31:3 NLT I have filled him with the Spirit of God, giving him great wisdom, ability, and expertise in all kinds of crafts.
F6God is the source of great wisdom: 1 Kings 4:29-30 NLT God gave Solomon very great wisdom and understanding, and knowledge as vast as the sands of the seashore. In fact, his wisdom exceeded that of all the wise men of the East and the wise men of Egypt.
F7 God’s creative ability shows His great wisdom: Psalm 104:24 NLT O LORD, what a variety of things you have made! In wisdom you have made them all. The earth is full of your creatures.
F8 Wisdom is something that is to be coveted, asked for, and grateful when God grants it: Proverbs 23:23 NLT Get the truth and never sell it; also get wisdom, discipline, and good judgment.
F9 An example: Ecclesiastes 9:13-15 NLT Here is another bit of wisdom that has impressed me as I have watched the way our world works. There was a small town with only a few people, and a great king came with his army and besieged it. A poor, wise man knew how to save the town, and so it was rescued. But afterwards, no one thought to thank him.
F10 Another example: Ecclesiastes 9:13-15 NLT Here is another bit of wisdom that has impressed me as I have watched the way our world works. There was a small town with only a few people, and a great king came with his army and besieged it. A poor, wise man knew how to save the town, and so it was rescued. But afterwards, no one thought to thank him.
F11 God has all power and understanding: Psalm 147:5 NLT How great is our Lord! His power is absolute! His understanding is beyond comprehension!
F12 He has all wisdom. There is no one who can give wisdom, advice, counsel, what is right or what is just: Isaiah 40:13-14 NLT Who is able to advise the Spirit of the LORD? Who knows enough to give him advice or teach him? Has the LORD ever needed anyone's advice? Does he need instruction about what is good? Did someone teach him what is right or show him the path of justice?
F13 Jesus Christ is God, God the Son, and so has the same omniscience and omnisapience as the Father: 1 Corinthians 1:24 NLT But to those called by God to salvation, both Jews and Gentiles, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God.
F14 God is so wise that we cannot understand: Romans 11:33 NLT Oh, how great are God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his ways!

23 September 2019

Thoughts on Discipling Part 3 Doctrine Part J

E4 Omnipotence
F1 This unlimited power relates to what God’s character is. Since He is a God who tells the truth, He cannot do illogical things as make a rock so huge that He cannot lift it, a square circle, 2+2=5, or make Himself not exist.
F2 Isaiah 43:12-13 NLT First I predicted your rescue, then I saved you and proclaimed it to the world. No foreign god has ever done this. You are witnesses that I am the only God," says the LORD. "From eternity to eternity I am God. No one can snatch anyone out of my hand. No one can undo what I have done.
F3 Matthew 19:26 NLT Jesus looked at them intently and said, "Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible. (Vincent’s Word Studies notes: Not the salvation of rich men, but salvation in general. It is in answer to the question, who can be saved? Man cannot save himself nor his fellow. God only can save him).
F4 Some comments from other writers
G1 Adam Clarke on Exodus 4:21 regarding the revealing of God’s omnipotence:
Pharaoh made his own heart stubborn against God, Exo 9:34; and God gave him up to judicial blindness, so that he rushed on stubbornly to his own destruction. From the whole of Pharaoh’s conduct we learn that he was bold, haughty, and cruel; and God chose to permit these dispositions to have their full sway in his heart without check or restraint from Divine influence: the consequence was what God intended, he did not immediately comply with the requisition to let the people go; and this was done that God might have the fuller opportunity of manifesting his power by multiplying signs and miracles, and thus impress the hearts both of the Egyptians and Israelites with a due sense of his omnipotence and justice. The whole procedure was graciously calculated to do endless good to both nations. The Israelites must be satisfied that they had the true God for their protector; and thus their faith was strengthened. The Egyptians must see that their gods could do nothing against the God of Israel; and thus their dependence on them was necessarily shaken. These great ends could not have been answered had Pharaoh at once consented to let the people go.
G2 Precept Austin website on God’s omnipotence. An example: Seven Stages of God's Power
H1 In his commentary on Ephesians (God's New Society, pp. 139-140), John Stott shares a delightful analysis of Paul's famous benediction at the end of Ephesians 3:
H2 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. (Ephesians 3:20, 21)
H3 I am going to retrace his comments, with one or two slight changes. Let's call this the Seven Stages of God's Power.
1. He is able, for he is the true and living God.
2. He is able to do, for he is neither inactive, idle, nor dead.
3. He is able to do what we ask, for he hears and answers prayer.
4. He is able to do what we ask or imagine, for he reads our thoughts, and sometimes we imagine things for which we do not dare to ask. But he can do those things anyway.
5. He is able to do all that we ask or imagine, for he knows it all and can perform it all.
6. He is able to do more than all we ask or imagine, because his expectations are higher than ours.
7. He is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine, because his power is unlimited.
H4 As a simple summary statement we may say that there are no limits to what God can do because there are no limits to GOD.
E5 Omnipresence
F1 This is somewhat related to His trait of infinite. There is no place in the universe or outside it that He is not there. He knows our hearts and minds perfectly; we cannot hide. He knows every situation. He always knows where we are. Truly, He is the perfect leader, savior, comforter, source of all wisdom, knowledge, love, and assurance.
F2 Psalms 139:7-13 GW Where can I go to get away from your Spirit? Where can I run to get away from you?  8 If I go up to heaven, you are there. If I make my bed in hell, you are there. 9 If I climb upward on the rays of the morning sun or land on the most distant shore of the sea where the sun sets, 10 even there your hand would guide me and your right hand would hold on to me. 11 If I say, "Let the darkness hide me and let the light around me turn into night," 12 even the darkness is not too dark for you. Night is as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to you. 13 You alone created my inner being. You knitted me together inside my mother.
F3 God lives in the most inner place of the believer’s being: 1 Corinthians 3:16 NRSV Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?
F4 A question arises, then, is God’s presence in hell?
G1 I believe hell, the place of eternal torment is a literal place.
H1 I read and interpret the Bible in its plain, normal sense.
I1 Matthew 5:29 NRSV If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away; it is better for you to lose one of your members than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.
J1 The body of unbelievers will be thrown into hell.
K1 What body is this?
K2 It is a resurrected body. It is resurrected, in this case, for punishment.
K3 Daniel 12:2 NLT Many of those whose bodies lie dead and buried will rise up, some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting disgrace.
K4 Revelation 20:12 NLT I saw the dead, both great and small, standing before God's throne. And the books were opened, including the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books.
K5 John 5:28-29 NLT Don't be so surprised! Indeed, the time is coming when all the dead in their graves will hear the voice of God's Son, and they will rise again. Those who have done good will rise to experience eternal life, and those who have continued in evil will rise to experience judgment.
J2 We have a choice according to God’s decree. If we obey the Gospel, we go to heaven. If we disobey the Gospel, we go to hell.
I2 Matthew 10:28 NET Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Instead, fear the one who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
J1 Body and soul are distinct from one another.
J2 Destroy does not mean annihilation. The Greek word is ἀπόλλυμι apóllymi. It means lose, kill, mar, ruin, and even misery. Some interpret this word as destroy to mean annihilation, but what it really means is to render useless, and by application to kill, lose, mar, ruin, etc.
I3 Where God is there is light, love, warmth, etc. In hell, there is no light, love, comfort, etc.
J1 Light or darkness
K1 1 John 1:5 NET Now this is the gospel message we have heard from him and announce to you: God is light, and in him there is no darkness at all.
K2 2 Peter 2:17 NET These men are waterless springs and mists driven by a storm, for whom the utter depths of darkness have been reserved.
J2 Love, comfort, etc. versus no love, discomfort, etc.
K1 2 Thessalonians 2:16 NLT Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope,
K2 Revelation 14:11 NIV And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name."
I4 There are Greek different words for presence.
J1 Revelation 14:10 CSB he will also drink the wine of God's wrath, which is poured full strength into the cup of his anger. He will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the sight of the holy angels and in the sight of the Lamb, [Emphasis is mine. It is the Greek word ἐνώπιον]
K1 The Greek word for presence is ἐνώπιον enṓpion. It means is sight of.
K2 Thus, God can see all, know all, etc.
J2 Revelation 22:4 NLT And they will see his face, and his name will be written on their foreheads. [Emphasis is mine. It is the Greek word ]
K1 The Greek word for presence (see His face) is πρόσωπον prósōpon. It means the face.
K2 Thus, God’s face is there.
H2 So, there is a difference with God’s presence seeing and God’s presence being there. He is seeing hell and its inhabitants, but not physically present.
G2 God is in hell, in the sense of knowing, seeing, etc. but not in hell.