18 April 2020

Devotional Notes Psalm 120+John 8

Blogging will be rather sporadic as we are selling the house and moving.


Psalm 120
B1 What does this mean?
C1 Deliver me from my lying lips and more likely those who lie about me/us.
C2 Compare Jeremiah: Jeremiah 20:10 NLT I have heard the many rumors about me. They call me "The Man Who Lives in Terror." They threaten, "If you say anything, we will report it." Even my old friends are watching me, waiting for a fatal slip. "He will trap himself," they say, "and then we will get our revenge on him."
C3 For many people the solution for a problem is murder.

B2 How do I apply this to my life?
C1 Turn to God for help.
C2 Know the truth.
C3 People will lie about us, and it hurts.
C4 Revenge is not for believers. Reporting a crime is not revenge.


John 8
B1 What does this mean?
C1 Jesus and the Woman Caught in Adultery
D1 Some do not consider this to be genuinely Scripture, but for what it’s worth, Wilbur Pickering commenting on this verse: ...But why was the story omitted? Leading church father and theologian, Augustine (about A.D. 430), answers: “Certain persons of little faith, or rather enemies of the true faith, fearing, I suppose, lest their wives should be given impunity in sinning, removed from their manuscripts the Lord’s acts of forgiveness toward the adulteress, as if He who said ‘sin no more’ had granted permission to sin.” (See Augustine, “Adulterous Marriages” [2.7] trans. by Charles T. Huegelmeyer, in Saint Augustine: Treatises on Marriage and Other Subjects [New York: Fathers of the Church, 1955], p. 107.) [I took this material on Augustine from Living Water: The Gospel of John—Logos 21 Version, Absolutely Free Incorporated, p. 74.]
D2 Note how Jesus is desiring the crowd to acknowledge their own sins. The woman’s sins are now known, but the crowd was hiding their own sins. Sins can be committed in thoughts, desires, words, and deeds.
D3 From verse 4 it almost seems that this case was set up. Also note: Leviticus 20:10 NLT If a man commits adultery with his neighbor's wife, both the man and the woman who have committed adultery must be put to death.
D4 Note Jesus adhering to the Law (2 witnesses needed) and His mercy. He also warns her not to sin anymore so acknowledging her actions to be sinful. Deuteronomy 17:6 NIV On the testimony of two or three witnesses a person is to be put to death, but no one is to be put to death on the testimony of only one witness.
C2 Pharisees Accuse Jesus of Having No Witnesses
D1 The Pharisees are correct about needing witnesses, but note how they reject Jesus’s witnesses.
D2 Verse 18, if nothing else see 2 Peter 1:17-18.
C3 Jesus Identifies Himself as God
D1 The Bridgeway Bible Commentary has this:
E1 Because the Jews could never get their minds above earthly things, they could never accept Jesus' claim that he came from God. By rejecting him they lost all chance of having their sins forgiven. They would die in their sins and thereby be excluded from heaven, the place to which Jesus would return after his death and resurrection (John 8:21-26).
E2 Most of the people still did not understand how Jesus could be the Son of God, but one day in the near future they would have clear proof. They would see Jesus die on the cross, but then, by the power of God, rise from the dead. This would be an unmistakable demonstration of the unity between the Father and the Son (John 8:27-29). Some who heard Jesus speak did not wait for the events he spoke of, but put their faith in him immediately (John 8:30).
D2 In reading the various witnesses from the 4 Gospels, we see a clearer picture of who Jesus is. Also, many prophets have spoken of Him.
C4 Jesus Exposes the People’s Sins
D1 The Scriptures are the only source of 100% truth.
D2 Sin is addictive. It is the natural state of humans to be sinners.
E1 Romans 3:23 EMTV for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God,
E2 If our sin is not exposed, we will continue to believe that we are good people and are doing more good than evil. We must face the truth.
D3 The actions of Abraham are his believing God and how this believing is seen in the actions and decisions in his life.
D4 Barclay (be aware!) writes: Jesus' closeknit indictment goes on. He asks "Why do you not understand what I am saying?" The answer is terriblenot that they are intellectually stupid, but that they are spiritually deaf. They refuse to hear and they refuse to understand. A man can stop his ears to any warning; if he goes on doing that long enough, he becomes spiritually deaf. In the last analysis, a man will only hear what he wishes to hear; and if for long enough he attunes his ears to his own desires and to the wrong voices, in the end he will be unable to tune in at all to the wavelength of God. That is what the Jews had done.
D5 Verse 44 shows one reason people reject Christ Jesus. It is their love of sinful pleasures.
D6 Verse 46, Abraham did believe.
C5 Jesus Is the Great I AM
D1 I AM is the identity, character, and name of God.
D2 Passing through their midst, that is, they could not seize Him, should show them something special about Jesus.

B2 How do I apply this to my life? As noted above.

I hope to have a devotional every day on John’s Gospel starting with the last chapter of Luke’s Gospel. This is the way I do my devotions. You may notice grammatical and spelling errors. It is my hope you will also start or continue in your daily reading and thinking about the Scriptures. I do this Monday through Friday. It is a 3 year plan of reading and thinking on 1 chapter in the Old Testament, which takes 3 years, and reading and thinking on 1 chapter in the New Testament once a year for a total of 3 times. So, I read through the Old Testament 1 time and the New Testament 3 times over a period of 3 years. I do this Monday through Friday and use Saturday and Sunday for other devotions.

17 April 2020

Devotional Notes Psalm 119+John 7

Blogging will be rather sporadic as we are selling the house and moving.


Psalm 119
B1 What does this mean?
C1 This Psalm plus Psalms 1 and 19, teach much about Scripture.
C2 Psalms 119:1-3 OEB Happy they whose life is blameless, who walk by the law of the LORD. 2 Happy they who keep his charges, and seek him with all their hearts; 3 who have done no wrong, but walk in his ways.
D1 Blameless because we are not and cannot be sinless. Philippians 2:15 OEB so as to prove yourselves blameless and innocent—‘faultless children of God, in the midst of an evil-disposed and perverse generation,’ in which you are seen shining like stars in a dark world,
D2 Walking equals living our lives and having a worldview and lifestyle that God approves.
D3 Keep equals obey.
D4 Seek Him is to ask for wisdom, guidance, help, deliverance, etc. It is communicating with God.
D5 All their hearts refers to reality instead of faking it.
D6 There are 2 ways to liveGod’s way or not God’s way.

B2 How do I apply this to my life? Help me to elevate your word, your teaching, your ways above my ways or any ways of any teacher.


John 7
B1 What does this mean?
C1 Jesus At the Feast of Tabernacles and Teaches
D1 Verse 1, think of all the blessings that never happened because of the attitudes. What blessings do we miss by our rebellion?
D2 Verse 3&4, I think Jesus was very open. What are they thinking?
D3 Verse 7, the reason Jesus’s brothers did not believe in Him, nor most people, was because He exposed their sins. Exposing sins is something God does, in order that we will repent.
D4 Verse 14, we can have the fear of humans or the fear of God. Fear is a fear of judgment. These Jews did not want their evil religious leaders judging them, condemning them, and throwing them out of Temple life. Their fear should be the God’s judgment in His judging them, condemning them, and throwing them out of the Kingdom of God. Let me be wise, O God.
D5 Verse 18, how many religious speakers are promoting themselves instead of God. I’ve seen standing ovations for some preachers. I know others that make much money promoting their books.
D6 Verse 19, these people knew the Law, but they did not do it.
D7 Verses 20-24, note how no one answers His questions. I need to ponder on how would I have answered, if I lived then? A principle is taught here that we must make righteous and true decisions when judging someone’s character and actions. There may be another explanation for what we think they are doing.
C2 The Attempted Arrest of Jesus
D1 Verse 25, they knew people was trying to have Jesus killed. Those who wanted it were the religious leaders. We see the method of how these religious leaders solve a problem; it is to murder. Do we still see this solution being carried out today? If not kill, then try to destroy their character, their business, etc.
D2 Verse 30, maybe incidents like this gave Judas Iscariot a false hope when he betrayed Jesus.
D3 Verse 34, the reason these people could not come with Jesus is because they are evil. They refuse to repent of their evil, acknowledge their evil, or believe Jesus’s teaching.
D4 Verse 38, these blessings are the result of the Holy Spirit’s work in us.
D5 Verse 39 refers to everything from the Resurrection and beyond.
D6 Verse 42, they either had been wrongly instructed or believed in error. They could have searched the Scriptures to find out.
C3 The Jewish Leaders Do Not Believe
D1 Verse 48, Nicodemus and Joseph were secret believers for many years.
D2 Verse 49, the Scribes taught and interpreted the Scriptures and the Pharisees were the ones who lived it out in their lives.
DVerse 52, I wonder if Nic went and searched the Scriptures.

B2 How do I apply this to my life? As above.

hope to have a devotional every day on John’s Gospel starting with the last chapter of Luke’s Gospel. This is the way I do my devotions. You may notice grammatical and spelling errors. It is my hope you will also start or continue in your daily reading and thinking about the Scriptures. I do this Monday through Friday. It is a 3 year plan of reading and thinking on 1 chapter in the Old Testament, which takes 3 years, and reading and thinking on 1 chapter in the New Testament once a year for a total of 3 times. So, I read through the Old Testament 1 time and the New Testament 3 times over a period of 3 years. I do this Monday through Friday and use Saturday and Sunday for other devotions.

14 April 2020

Devotional Notes Psalm 118+John 6


Psalm 118
B1 What does this mean?
C1 Mercy is something received by us from God. We receive not what we deserve but what God offers us.
C2 God’s mercy is because of His love, so the word means.
C3 The Psalmist was hurting and in distress. God delivered him. God is the greatest Counselor. Even if we are not delivered but die for the faith, our souls are safe for eternity.
C4 Verse 8-9, we must seek God’s advice first before any other advice. God may use others to give good advice, but we need to seek God and His kingdom first. James 1:5-6 EMTV If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it shall be given to him. 6 But let him ask in faith, doubting nothing, for he that doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.
C5 The chastening (disciplining) is noted by the Psalmist. It is for our good, not harm.
C6 This is an important prophecy: Psalms 118:22 NKJV The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone. Compare Matthew 21:42 and 1 Peter 2:4-8. Note how this is God’s doing. The cornerstone is the stone that is the perfect standard for all measurements, so Jesus is the perfect standard for Christianity.
C7 This is important for all of us to do. Psalms 118:28-29 NKJV You are my God, and I will praise You; You are my God, I will exalt You. 29 Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.

B2 How do I apply this to my life? As written above.


John 6
B1 What does this mean?
CJesus feeds the 5,000
D1 It appears from verse 5 that the large crowd was following Him only for the miracles. So I guess they just wanted a show.
D2 The didn’t accept Him as Messiah, just a miracle worker. We should be careful about what reasons we follow Him. For me, Christianity is reasonable and also is based on conviction.
D3 Verse 6, to test him. Jesus said this because all good teachers teach, then they test. Jesus knew what both He and Phillip were going to do. Jesus tests us, too. Many of the things we go through in life are a test. Will we respond God’s way or some other way? We are all in God’s school. God gives grace to help us.
D4 Jesus does give the thanked and blessed food to the disciples to distribute to the crowd. Wilbur Pickering notes: Perhaps 3% of the Greek manuscripts, of inferior quality, omit the reference to the disciples here and have Jesus distributing directly to the crowd (as in NIV, NASB, LB, TEV, etc.), making John contradict the other three Gospels.
DWe should remember God’s provision for us. These Jews should have remembered how God provided food during the 40 years of Wilderness Wandering.
D6 Note how Jesus is careful to not waste foodAlso, this shows the people had all they needed, not just a bite.
D7 Note how the people did not want God’s ways. All they wanted was God’s provisions. John 6:15 WEL When Jesus knew that they would come and take him by force to make him king, he withdrew to the mountain alone.
D8 Jesus will set up His own kingdom, not trusting the setting up the kingdom to others.
C2 Jesus Walks on Water
D1 Notice their fear, and Jesus’s calming words. Let us remember.
D2 Why did Jesus walk on water? Perhaps to show the He is Messiah, the God/Man, not just a man, not just a prophet, but God the Son. They also learn a few things about His character and style of living. He is a much different king that those we see today.
D3 Verse 24, looking for JesusThese people were not looking for Jesus in order to worship Him, that is, accept that He is THE Messiah, or even thank Him. It seems that they wanted miracles, food, and welfare of their lives instead of welfare for their souls.
C3 Jesus Is the Bread of Life
D1 Verse 29: Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in the one he sent.”
E1 Certain people take this to prove that faith is God’s work, that people cannot exercise faith, only do what God decrees.
E2 But notice the context. It states that they wanted, that is desired, to do God’s works, that is, miracles. Jesus replied that they needed to believe God, that is, Jesus and His teaching. Reading 28 and 30 show plainly what is meant, and how the people understood what Jesus was telling them.
E3 Adam Clarke adds: This is the work of God, that ye believeThere is nothing you can be employed in more acceptable to God than in yielding to the evidence set before you, and acknowledging me as your Messiah and the Savior of a lost world.
E4 Whedon writes: 29. Believe on him—Faith in Christ is the great saving work. Faith is work. Faith and work are one. Faith is the work in which all works is embodied. Be there a true perfect faith, and all works of righteousness will come into it and be one with it. Upon such a faith God forgives; by such a faith a man is graciously held just; consequent upon such a faith is present and eternal salvation.
To these men it was an explanation, too condensed to be overlooked, and too clear to be misunderstood. Fresh from the great miracle under whose influence they were confessedly acting, he places the offer of divine life, through faith in himself as God’s own Son, before their acceptance so plainly, that they completely see it —and finally REJECT it.
D2 Jesus is the true bread sent by the Father. It is through Him, we can have forgiveness of sins and be reconciled to our Creator.
D3 In verse 36, Jesus tells them plainly that they do not believe.
D4 The Father’s conditions for people being given to Jesus is believing the Gospel.
D5 In verse 38, we need to imitate Jesus and have an attitude that doing God’s will is more important than doing our will.
D6 Verse 40, these people do see Jesus. Today we see Jesus through the testimony of the Gospel writers.
D7 Shouldn’t the people have known. They had the prophets speaking about the Messiah?
D8 Verse 44 teaches us that God initiates salvation. We do not and cannot reach out to God until He reaches us to us first.
D9 Verse 50 is not referring to the bread of the Lord’s Supper. It refers to Jesus Himself, His teachings, His ministry, and His sacrifice as the Passover Lamb.
C4 Many Disciples Leave Jesus
D1 These people did not believe. They just wanted physical food, not submitting to Jesus’s authority, ways, beliefs, etc.
D2 Verse 62 refers to Jesus’s Ascension.
D3 Verse 63 refers to Jesus prophesying about Judas, though Judas is not named until later. It should have been the warning to Judas to repent. Judas Iscariot loved money instead of God. He is just like those who wanted to take Jesus by force and make Him king.

B2 How do I apply this to my life? As noted above.

hope to have a devotional every day on John’s Gospel starting with the last chapter of Luke’s Gospel. This is the way I do my devotions. You may notice grammatical and spelling errors. It is my hope you will also start or continue in your daily reading and thinking about the Scriptures. I do this Monday through Friday. It is a 3 year plan of reading and thinking on 1 chapter in the Old Testament, which takes 3 years, and reading and thinking on 1 chapter in the New Testament once a year for a total of 3 times. So, I read through the Old Testament 1 time and the New Testament 3 times over a period of 3 years. I do this Monday through Friday and use Saturday and Sunday for other devotions.

12 April 2020

A Few Thoughts on John 20:8 The Empty Tomb

This Blood Landmark Baptist Church Shelby NC featuring Ashley Blanton

John 20:8 GW Then the other disciple, who arrived at the tomb first, went inside. He saw and believed.

Happy Resurrection Day

The setting
B1 Jesus was murdered by crucifixion by the Romans with the blessing of the Jewish leaders.
B2 Despite all protections by the Roman guard, the tomb is empty.
B3 Now it is early Sunday morning.
B4 The eastern sky had just begun to show its glow of the coming sun.
B5 Mary Magdalene came to the tomb.
B6 She saw the stone which had been covering the opening to the tomb rolled away.
B7 Not entering, she ran to find Simon Peter and John.
B8 Mary was confused and perhaps distraught.
B9 She told Peter and John, “They have removed the Lord from the tomb, and we don't know where they've put him."
B10 Peter and John left her and started running towards the tomb. Note, they knew where it was.
B11 John was faster than Peter. Arriving, John looked in, saw the linen clothes, but did not go in the tomb.
B12 Peter arrives and goes into the tomb.
B13 Peter sees the folded cloth that had been on Jesus’s head.
B14 John then goes in, sees the empty tomb, and believes.
B15 They didn’t understand the Scriptures which spoke about the resurrection of the Messiah.
B14 They left.
B15 Mary stayed and looking in starts to weep, not understanding the resurrection.

The empty tomb
B1 Foretold
C1 Soul in Sheol and body not decayed: Psalm 16:10 NASB For You will not abandon my soul to Sheol; Nor will You allow Your Holy One to undergo decay.
C2 We learn: Isaiah 53:10-12 ESV Yet it was the will of the LORD to crush him; he has put him to grief; when his soul makes an offering for guilt, he shall see his offspring; he shall prolong his days; the will of the LORD shall prosper in his hand. 11 Out of the anguish of his soul he shall see and be satisfied; by his knowledge shall the righteous one, my servant, make many to be accounted righteous, and he shall bear their iniquities. 12 Therefore I will divide him a portion with the many, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong, because he poured out his soul to death and was numbered with the transgressors; yet he bore the sin of many, and makes intercession for the transgressors.
D1 It was Yahweh’s decision for Messiah to be crushed (suffer disfigurement).
D2 It was Messiah’s soul that was an offering for sin. My sin, your sin, everyone’s sin. Forgiveness comes when conditions are meet, namely, if we believe and trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.
D3 Even though Messiah goes through all these things, He will see His offspring, that is, He will be raised from death and see those who did believe and trust in Him.
D4 Messiah’s soul suffered anguish.
D5 He is righteous, that is, sinless.
D6 He is the satisfactory payment for the penalty of sin. Either each individual suffers eternal torment or Messiah.
D7 Messiah died, dead.
D8 Messiah was considered as evil. He carried our sins and the punishment for our sins.
D9 Bore the sin of many, that is, the multitudes of all humans. It is clear from this statement that Messiah did not bare (punished) for his sins; He did it for the sins of all other humans.
D10 He is the Mediator between God and humans (makes intercession for the transgressors).
B2 Fulfilled (Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20)
B3 Significance of
C1 Proves His deity. He is God. Romans 1:2-4 ESV which he promised beforehand through his prophets in the holy Scriptures, 3 concerning his Son, who was descended from David according to the flesh 4 and was declared to be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord,
C2 Proves God’s power, ability, is the life-giver. Acts 3:14-15 BSB You rejected the Holy and Righteous One and asked that a murderer be released to you. 15 You killed the Author of life, but God raised Him from the dead, and we are witnesses of the fact.
C3 Proves Jesus is the Messiah: John 20:30-31 BSB Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book. 31 But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.
C4 Proves His salvation is true salvation: 1 Corinthians 15:14-15 BSB And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is worthless, and so is your faith. 15 In that case, we are also exposed as false witnesses about God. For we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead, but He did not raise Him if in fact the dead are not raised.
C5 Proves His death completed the punishment for sins and His resurrection granted justification: Romans 4:25 ESV who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification.
C6 Proves He is the intercessor for believers: Romans 8:34 NIV Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who diedmore than that, who was raised to lifeis at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.
C7 Proves He is the resurrecting power for believers. The believers will be resurrected. 1 Corinthians 15:20-23 NIV But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21 For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. 22 For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. 23 But each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him.
C8 Proves He is lord of both the living and the dead: Romans 14:9 NLT Christ died and rose again for this very purposeto be Lord both of the living and of the dead.

Romans 5:1 NLT Therefore, since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.

Peace with God

Jesus Christ is risen. Yes, He is risen indeed.