07 January 2015

A Changed Life

This is a brief about a man named Louis Zamperini. He was full of bitterness and rage. He was torn up with addictions to alcohol. He rage had affected his marriage. All this came about in part because of the severe abuse he suffered as a Japanese prisoner of war. Here is part of his story. Read the full article here: Louis Zamperini's Story of Survival and Redemption.

When 94-year-old Louis Zamperini opened his mailbox a few months ago, he found a letter he will always treasure.

"Dear Louis," wrote Billy Graham, "My associate read me parts of the new book about you yesterday. What a life you have lived. What a description you have in the book of your conversion to Christ in 1949, and the great part that [your wife] Cynthia played in it, which I was aware of, but not in such detail. I had tears in my eyes and praise in my heart for what God has done through you."

Mr. Graham's letter is one of thousands that have poured into Zamperini's mailbox since the release of the New York Times No. 1 bestseller "Unbroken." The story about Zamperini's remarkable journey from Olympic runner to World War II hero has been hailed by TIME magazine as the best nonfiction book of the year.

And Billy Graham isn't just a consumer of "Unbroken," he plays a pivotal role in the book.

As his letter said, the year was 1949. The city: Los Angeles. Louis Zamperini was adrift and struggling with alcoholism and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder following savage abuse as a prisoner of war in Japan. Cynthia was ready to saddle him with divorce papers.

It was around…

Some say there cannot be a change as this but there is such a change as mentioned in the article. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17, EMTV).

Changing the political scene does very little if anything, but when God changes the person into a new creation, then society changes.


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