01 December 2015

Sunday School Lesson—6 December 2015

D-6 Fusion 6 December 2015

(Our Sunday School Class is now studying out of the D-6 Fusion series).

A Different Kind of Temple

Sunday school lesson

Theme: The Holy Spirit lives in us.


Isaiah 63:10-14

Psalms 139:7

1 Corinthians 3:16-17

1 Corinthians 6:19-20


Holy Spirit exists (understood).

Holy Spirit is omnipresent.


Holy Spirit present and active in the Old Testament

Isaiah 63:10-14

What are the terms of personality showing the Holy Spirit to have personhood?

How was the Holy Spirit active in the life of Israel?

Psalms 139:7-12

Can anyone hide from the Holy Spirit?

In Psalms 139:10, is the Holy Spirit interested and active in the lives of believers?

In the lives of Judge Samson and King Saul, we see the Holy Spirit working in them to accomplish tasks that God wanted them to do. It appears that the Holy Spirit did NOT permanently indwell believers.

For more about the Holy Spirit see here and here.

Believers do have permanently the indwelling Holy Spirit and are the Temple for the Holy Spirit.

In 2 Chronicles 7:1-3 we see the glory of God in the Temple.

This is after Solomon's prayer of dedication. This is an illustration of God's presence in His church, which is the New Testament body of believers.

Believers in the Old Testament met at a physical building, but New Testament believers can gather wherever they are located.

1 Corinthians 3:16 tells us that we are the temple of God.

1 Corinthians 3:16 is that the church is God's temple. 1 Corinthians 6:19 the individual believer is God's temple.

1 Corinthians 3 deals with our service to God. The first 15 verses mainly deal with service and rewards. Starting with 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, Paul speaks of the temple of God being all believers.

The word you is plural. The word refers to these believers specifically but in application to all believers of the New Testament dispensation.

In the warning passage (verse 17), how do we destroy this temple? Sin destroys this temple. The word for destroy is φθείρω phtheiró. It means destroy as in corrupt, deteriorate, and used figuratively for moral deterioration and the "corrupting influence of sin."

How does sin destroy this temple?

How does God destroy this person?

How does sin destroy the church?

What are we to do to prevent this destruction?

What is the state of the church today?

Let each ask him/herself, "What state is my temple in?"

What is the importance of forgiveness?

1 Corinthians 6:19

The Greeks and many today feel that the spirit of a person is different from the body, so if I sin with my body, it does not stain my soul. The Bible teaches the opposite. It teaches that we are a whole, so if I sin with my body, it does stain my soul. Moreover, the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

The word your in this passage is singular, while in 1 Corinthians 3:16, it is plural.

What does the Holy Spirit do in an individual believer's life?

Is He always with us?

Is He the Helper, Comforter, the one who chastens, strengthens, guides?

According to 1 Corinthians 6:20 what is one of the biggest motivators why we must live as God wants us to?

Are there any rules in the New Testament for believers?

Interestingly the words "and in your spirit, which are God's" are not in most translations but are in 96.3% of all Greek manuscripts. Just saying!

Why do we need the Holy Spirit's help? (He teaches, counsels, comforts, strengthens, inspires (as in the writers of the Bible), convicts of sin, and intercedes in prayer). He also exalts Jesus, regenerates believers, lives in us, seals us, gives us strength to witness, and helps us to understand the Bible.

Is temptation sin? Matthew 4:1, Hebrews 2:18, Hebrews 4:15 Read 1 Timothy 1:12 (For which cause I also suffer these things; but I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I have been persuaded that He is able to guard that which I have committed to Him until that Day. (2 Timothy 1:12 EMTV) and Jude 1:24 (Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to present you faultless Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, (Jude 1:24 NKJV).

Other questions

Where do you (I) need His help the most?

How are we to know He is helping us?

How will knowing these things helps us this week?

How does the Holy Spirit help the church (the people)?

Does that make a difference in how we, the church, minister?

Is this different then applying the world's business practices to grow the church?

What are some things that hinder the work of the Holy Spirit? (Sin in thoughts, desires, words, and deeds).

How can God be glorified here?

What can we do to be a healthy church and healthy Christians?

Since the Holy Spirit lives in us, how should we live this week? Will we need to make any changes?

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