02 May 2016

Sunday School Lesson--The truth, and nothing but the truth

The truth, and nothing but the truth

sunday school

Theme: Confronting worldly wisdom.


Scripture: Job 13:1-28


A1 Outline

  • B1 Job tells his friends (?) to shut up Job 13:1-5

  • B2 Job tells his friends (?) their speeches are stupid Job 13:6-13

  • B3 Job tells God to stop hurting me Job 13:14-28


A2 Notes and questions

  • B1 Is Job angry?

    • C1 In general how does a person's anger differ from God's anger?

      • D1 Person's anger

        • E1 With passion

        • E2 Seeks punishment and revenge

        • E3 Often based on perceptions rather than truth

        • E4 Based on personal offenses whether right or wrong

        • E5 we are to set aside our anger (1 Timothy 2:8, Ephesians 4:26)

      • D2 God's anger

        • E1 With passion (Revelation 19:15)

        • E2 Seeks repentance and reconciliation until repeatedly rejected then seeks punishment and revenge (Romans 1:18, Romans 2:5, Romans 12:19, 1 Thessalonians 5:9)

        • E3 Based on truth (Colossians 3:6)

        • E4 Based on a standard--God's standard (Romans 2:8)

    • C2 Would we be angry? Consider all that has happened. Job doesn't know all the background of why these things happened. Job's friends keep assuming that Job has committed horrible, vile sins and needs to repent.

  • B2 What is truth?

    • C1 Philosophically there are many theories. Consider this chart.

    • C2 Basically truth is reality.

      • D1 Examples

        • E1 Financial issues. When people deal with money issues whether taxes or buying and selling, they want exactness.

        • E2 Pain management. When people are in pain as after surgery or in an accident, they are facing reality and want pain control. Reality wins.

      • D2 People often put faith in something or someone so strongly that when their chosen does something evil or stupid, they still believe what he/she says. Often they also become defenders and will harangue others, bullying them into correctness (as they see it). Most often this is seen in politics and to a little lesser way in "spiritual" leaders.

      • D3 Reality. What is reality?

        • E1 Groups and people make presentations promoting their view(s).

        • E2 They present this as reality.

        • E3 Often it is selective.

        • E4 It is usually called fraud.

      • D4 Everyone should be a little skeptical.

      • D5 No one should have blind faith.

      • D6 Christians need to have and practice a reasonable faith. Instead of just believing because someone makes claims, we need to find evidence that is most reasonable. Sources: Cold Case Christianity, Who moved the stone?,

    • C3 Give some examples of truth.

  • B3 What is wisdom?

    • C1 Some definitions

      • D1 Knowledge--knowing facts as in 1+1=2

      • D2 Understand--knowing why 1+1=2. ☺+☺=☺☺

      • D3 Wisdom--knowing facts, understanding why, then how to apply it.

    • C2 Worldly wisdom (wisdom, James 3:15)

      • D1 If we adopt the definition that wisdom is knowledge plus understanding, then using this according to a person's own standard.

      • D2 Example--Today's politicians

    • C3 Godly wisdom (wisdom from above, James 3:17)

      • D1 If we adopt the definition that wisdom is knowledge plus understanding, then using this according to God's standard.

      • D2 Example--The Lord Jesus (John 7:46, Luke 20:27-40).

    • C4 Give some examples of worldly wisdom and godly wisdom.

  • B4 Job's 3 friends gave Job reasons for his calamity. The main idea they had was, "You have sinned. God is punishing you. You need to confess your sin and ask God for forgiveness." Was this an example of worldly or godly wisdom? Support your answer.

  • B5 Because of the difficulties with his 3 friends, Job then wishes to take his case to God. Is this wise?

  • B6 Job's friends spoke many words. Were these words inspired by God? Does inspiration mean all words in the Bible are the words of God? (No, it does guarantee that the words recorded are 100% accurate).

  • B7 What kind of wisdom is best for all? (Godly wisdom).

  • B8 How do we apply godly wisdom for...

    • C1 Being falsely accused?

    • C2 Slandered?

    • C3 Libeled?

    • C4 Insulted and reviled?

    • C5 Screaming in our face?

    • C6 Threats of violence if we continue to believe, teach, and preach as we do?

    • C7 Loss of family due to sickness or accident?

    • C8 Financial loss?

    • C9 Threats of divorce for ourselves or others?

    • C10 Church members who drift into doctrinal or lifestyle errors?

  • B9 Where do we find wisdom? (In prayer, Bible reading, Bible study, godly counsel, and faith in God).

  • B10 How do we know God's wisdom in circumstances? We can know God's will by...

    • C1 The Scriptures that tell us we MUST do something.

    • C2 The Scriptures that tell us we MUST NOT do something.

    • C3 Principles to do or not to do.

    • C4 Examples/illustrations of those who did or did not so something and what happened.

    • C5 What examples might we give on

      • D1 Who should I marry?

      • D2 Should I buy this house?

      • D3 Should I take this job?

      • D4 Should I quit this job?

      • D5 Should I retire?

      • D6 Should I go to college or not, and where should I go?

      • D7 Should I be a pastor, missionary, etc.?

  • B11 How do we know someone's advice, beliefs, or anything someone tells us is true?

  • B12 Was it right for Job to take his complaint and judicial case to God?

  • B13 Job 13:1-5, what was Job's main argument against his friends? (He knew as much as they did. He was not stupid).

  • B14 Job 13:6-13, what was Job's accusing his friends of? (lying about the reason for his suffering and his character).

  • B15 Job 13:14-28

    • C1 Job 13:14-18, what is Job saying? ("I've lost all hope, so I'm going to make my appeal directly to God").

    • C2 Job 13:19-21, what is Job saying to God? ("Are you going to come and accuse me? Secondly, please stop hurting me).

    • C3 Job 13:22-23, what is Job saying to God here? ("What have I done wrong? What is my sin)?

    • C4 Job 13:24-25, what is Job saying to God? ("I'm don't understand why you are treating me like an enemy)?

    • C5 Job 13:26-28, now what is Job saying? ("I know that I'm a sinner. I sinned in my youth. Now, I am rotting away).

  • B16 Do we believe that God is the source of truth?

  • B17 Why do people turn to worldly wisdom instead of godly wisdom?


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