Theme: God provides for His people
Know: God arranged events that promoted Joseph to a prominent position in Egypt to provide a way for Israel and his descendants to survive the famine.
Think: Be constantly aware that God provides for His people on His terms, sometimes in ways we would never expect.
Do: Do what you know is good and right, and expect God to provide the rest.
Scriptures: Genesis 45:1-28
Notes and questions:
- What's happened since Joseph was sold as a slave?
- Joseph interprets various dreams--Genesis 40
- Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams--Genesis 41
- Joseph's brothers go to Egypt and return the first time--Genesis 42
- Joseph's brothers go to Egypt with Benjamin and have a feast with Joseph,--Genesis 43
- Joseph's keeps Benjamin from returning to Israel and Judah's plea to Joseph for Benjamin's release,--Genesis 44
- Joseph would have been about 32 years old at the time of Genesis 45. See Genesis 41:46 and Genesis 45:6.
- Joseph had spent about 13 years as a slave.
- What happens in Genesis 45?
- Joseph reveals to his brother who he is--Genesis 45:1-2
- Joseph explains what has happened, how his being in Egypt is good, and that Israel must come to Egypt--Genesis 45:3-15
- Pharaoh hears of Joseph's brothers--Genesis 45:16-20
- Joseph does as Pharaoh instructs and gives gifts and instructions to Joseph's brothers--Genesis 45:21-24
- The brothers tell Israel all that has happened to them--Genesis 45:25-28
- Up until Genesis 45 what would Israel and Joseph's brothers think happened to Joseph?
- Why did Joseph hide his identity from his brothers?
- Could God have kept Israel's family alive by other means that Joseph being sold as a slave?
- Genesis 45:1, why did Joseph send everyone out of his presence except for his brothers?
- Genesis 45:3, what was the response of Joseph's brothers to his true identify? Can truth be shocking?
- This passage speaks of deliverance. Who are all those who are being delivered?
- What is the worst bondage of all? (Sin. And having been freed from sin, you became enslaved to righteousness. (Romans 6:18 EMTV).
- What is the best slavery there is? (Righteousness)
- Who is our deliverer?
- If we find ourselves as a slave, what should be our attitude? (To be the best slave ever).
- Joseph had worked for Pharaoh about 2 years at the time of this story. Why didn't he leave to visit his father?
- Genesis 45:9, who made Joseph lord (prime minister under Pharaoh) over all Egypt? Who has the ultimate authority? How does this authority affect our lives?
- Genesis 45:13, is Joseph bragging, boasting?
- Genesis 45:17-20, does Joseph obey Pharaoh?
- Genesis 45:24, why did Joseph tell his brothers not to argue?
- Genesis 45:36, it would have been enough to tell Israel that Joseph was still alive, but what do you think was going through Israel's mind when told Joseph was ruler?
- What is the difference between what the world gives and what God gives?
- God has restored our relationship to Him through faith in Jesus Christ's Gospel. In what ways are we to restore fellowship with others?
- Does God always provide the life we want? What are some ways, that if we are willing, God's way is best?
- In our Christian life how does God provide deliverance, sustenance, and restoration?
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