03 June 2019

A Few Thoughts About Devotions

Bible reading, study, and thinking about the passage should be a daily blessing to every believer.
I started my own plan about 1.5 years ago. I read through the Old Testament once every 3 years and though the New Testament once a year. Every 3 years I read through the Old Testament once and the New Testament 3 times.
I ask myself 2 questions for every devotion.
  1. What does this mean?
  2. How do I apply this to my life?
Here is an example from 29 May 19.
2 Chronicles 2
What does this mean?
King Solomon is finalizing plans to build the Temple. Nearly 154,000 men are hired. Their job is to transport things, finish cut the stone, or supervise. When I read verses 4-5, I am blessed by Solomon’s attitude and desire to worship. Solomon looks to the King of Tyre to supply a gifted craftsman to assist. King Hiram gives a strong statement, too, concerning God and praising Him.
How do I apply this to my life?
I cannot worship in that Temple, but I can still offer spiritual sacrifices of myself, songs, my goods, and my will. We can read and listen to what gifted men and women have learned in their study of the Scriptures. Am I willing to praise God in private and in public?
Acts 18
What does this mean?
Paul and companions move on to Corinth to preach the Gospel. Paul finds Aquila and his wife Priscilla. They worked making tents to earn money for their support. They used the Sabbath to worship God by testifying about the Messiah, Jesus. The effect was limited as most Jews resisted God’s grace, but a large number of Gentiles believed. Paul is encouraged by God to continue. Paul stayed and taught the Word of God (the Bible) for 1.5 years but finally faced severe Jewish opposition. These unbelieving Jews lied to get Paul in trouble. Then the Apostles went to Antioch. Leaving there, Paul made a vow in Cenchreae and traveled to various other cities. Apollos, a believing Jew, who knew the Scriptures began preaching the Gospel. He had one error though, an error of ignorance and was corrected by Aquila and Priscilla. Apollos then used the Scriptures to prove that Jesus is Messiah.
How do I apply this to my life?
Study the Bible to know Christianity. We must also study apologetics. Use the Scriptures to show the reason we believe.
Let me encourage you to also read, study, and think about the Scriptures. Use whatever plan you wish but do study daily. We need it daily.

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