03 July 2020

Devotional Notes Romans 1

B1 What does this mean?
C1 Salutation & Purpose
D1 Paul is an Apostle chosen and commissioned by Jesus Christ.
D2 Jesus Christ meets all the OT prophecy identifiers of Messiah especially so by His resurrection.
D3 Paul is to preach, and people are to repent.
C2Paul’s Desire to See the Believers in Rome
D1 Does Gospel (Good News) of or about His Son (God's Son, Jesus)? Most likely of, for it is the Good News that Jesus preached.
D2 Paul's purpose in desiring to visit them is to grow both his and their faith.
D3 Note Paul's evangelistic desire.
C3 Paul States His Boldness in the Good News
D1 Salvation is given to the one who believes that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and His message.
D2 It is an ability brought by God's grace alone in opening our hearts and minds to be freed in order to believe.
C4 The Downward Path of Sinful Humanity
D1 All are sinners by nature. This has been passed down from Adam.
D2 God initiates salvation by giving grace to understand the Gospel. He frees our will. With our will being freed, we need to believe. The decision is ours.
D3 Most refuse to believe, so they continue their descent into sin and incurring a greater punishment.
D4 Note how people suppress the truth. It is “in unrighteousness,” that is, they show their suppression of truth by doing unrighteousness.
D5 God reveals His character. People understand these truths. Most reject them.
D6 Verse 21, people refuse to give God the credit for what He has done and is doing. They also are not thankful for what He has done and is doing.
D7 Note that the punishment for sin is God allowing them to sin even more.
C5 Questions
D1 What are some proofs that Jesus is the promised Messiah?
D2 Is Christianity reasonable? Why?
D3 Why is the resurrection so important?
D4 How does “everyone know God?”
D5 Why does God punish sin by allowing a person to sin more?
D6 Does anyone HAVE TO sin?
D7 What is the solution?
B2 How do I apply this to my life? Repent and believe.

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