26 October 2020

Devotions on Proverbs: Proverbs 1:8-19


B3 Proverbs 1:20-33

C1 Wisdom is personified pleading for those without wisdom to come and learn wisdom.

C2 Being wise in not automatically known.

C3 Parts

D1 Announcement and invitation in Proverbs 1:20-21.

D2 Her message in Proverbs 1:22-33

E1 People naturally love being simple. Proverbs 1:22

F1 Love is to desire and long for hence love in many different applications as spouse, family, friend, ideas, philosophy, etc. In our passage, it seems to refer to lifestyle and worldview.

F2 Simple: The basic verb idea is “be open, spacious, wide,” and might relate to the immature or simple one who is open to all kinds of enticement, not having developed a discriminating judgment as to what is right or wrong. (TWOT 1853a).

E2 Wisdom pleads for all to turn around, stop being that way, learn wisdom. Turn means to turn around, repent, turn from living in simpleness to return to God, etc. Proverbs 1:23 GW Turn to me when I warn you. I will generously pour out my spirit for you. I will make my words known to you.

E3 Rejection of wisdom in Proverbs 1:24-25 has consequences. A foolish past can be changed to a glorious future. Repeated rejection eventually results in lost opportunity to repent. This itself is a consequence of foolishness.

E4 The consequences of rejection in Proverbs 1:26-27. Choosing foolish decisions instead of wisdom leads to sad and painful consequences. It results in calamity, fear, desolation, destruction, distress, and anguish. Proverbs 1:26-27 GNB So when you get into trouble, I will laugh at you. I will make fun of you when terror strikes—27 when it comes on you like a storm, bringing fierce winds of trouble, and you are in pain and misery.

E5 Proverbs 1:28-31 gives the reason for not helping them. They repeatedly rejected wisdom and consequently made bad choices. They can’t blame God for what happened to them.

F1 Proverbs 16:16 GW How much better it is to gain wisdom than gold, and the gaining of understanding should be chosen over silver.

F2 Compare Moses in Hebrew 11:24-26.

F3 A few of the notes from Constable's Expository Bible Study Notes 2016 Edition Thomas L. Constable, Th.D.:

G1 Choices-the wise teachers bring us back to that familiar theme: the choice between wise behavior and foolish, between righteous conduct and wicked, has consequences that boggle the mind. [Note #71: Hubbard, p. 319.]

G2 The fool is one by his own fault, not by fate (vv. 30-31). [Note #72: Kidner, p. 60.] Wisdom laughs at the fool's calamity (v. 26), not because she is hard-hearted but because it is so absurd to choose folly (v. 26).

G3 The figure of laughing reveals the absurdity of choosing a foolish way of life and being totally unprepared for disaster. [Note #73: Ross, p. 910.]

E6 Being simple, that is, foolish always leads to bad outcomes. Proverbs 1:32-33 NCV Fools will die because they refuse to listen; they will be destroyed because they do not care. 33 But those who listen to me will live in safety and be at peace, without fear of injury.

C4 We learn the principle that when God initiates and offers, we do not resist.

C5 Wisdom comes from God, but we must read, study, apply. We will be tested.

C6 How can wisdom help us?

C7 Why do people resist God and His offer to know wisdom?

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