24 August 2015

Daily Bible Study—1 John 1:1-4

1 John 1:1-4

daily bible study


A1 Outline

B1 Scripture:

C1 "That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have gazed upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life— and the life was manifested, and we have seen and testify and proclaim to you the eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us— that which we have seen and heard we proclaim to you, in order that you also may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. And these things we write to you that our joy may be complete." (1 John 1:1-4, EMTV)

C2 "That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon and have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life— the life was made manifest, and we have seen it, and testify to it and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was made manifest to us— that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. And we are writing these things so that our joy may be complete." (1 John 1:1-4, ESV2011)

C3 "We write to you about the Word of life, which has existed from the very beginning. We have heard it, and we have seen it with our eyes; yes, we have seen it, and our hands have touched it. When this life became visible, we saw it; so we speak of it and tell you about the eternal life which was with the Father and was made known to us. What we have seen and heard we announce to you also, so that you will join with us in the fellowship that we have with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. We write this in order that our joy may be complete." (1 John 1:1-4, GNB92)

B2 Word of Life John 5:26

C1 The Person

D1 Which

E1 Was from the beginning John 1:1, Genesis 1:1

E2 We have heard Acts 4:20

E3 We have seen John 1:14

E4 We have gazed upon

E5 Was manifested

D2 We

E1 Have touched Luke 24:39, John 20:27

E2 Have seen John 1:14, 2 Peter 1:16

D3 Manifested by

E1 Being seen John 19:35

E2 Being heard Acts 1:3

E3 Being testified

E4 Being proclaimed

E5 Being with the Father

C2 The Message

D1 Seen

D2 Heard

D3 Proclaimed

C3 Purpose

D1 To have fellowship

E1 With us

E2 With Father

E3 With His Son, Jesus Christ

D2 To have full joy

A2 Notes

B1 John states that he was an eyewitness.

C1 He saw Jesus

C2 He heard Jesus's message

C3 He touched Jesus

B2 Jesus is called the "Word of Life."

C1 Because

D1 He has the principle of life in Himself, that is, He was not given life but gives life.

D2 Word

E1 Concept

E2 Speaker for God

E3 God's message

E4 God's messenger--Jesus Christ

D3 Life

E1 Creator

E2 Re-creator as in the one who does the recreation of the soul after a person places faith into Jesus

C2 Since Jesus is life, it also implies no beginning and no end, that is, He, as God, is eternal.

A3 Questions

B1 Did John really see, hear, and touch Jesus?

B2 Have we?

B3 Why was it important for John to write?

B4 Who is he writing to?

B5 Why would fellowship with God be important?

B6 Why is there joy when there is fellowship with God?

My Lord Keeps a Record

Beautiful song done acapella by Grandpa's Neighbors.

[video width="426" height="244" mp4="http://lenoson.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/MyLordKeepsARecord.mp4"][/video]

My Lord Keeps A Record

Words and Music by Carl Story & William York

What a wonderful beautiful picture I have / Of a place without sorrow or fear / And I'm going to live in that city someday / For my days are all numbered down here./

Chorus: My Lord (yes my lord) keeps a record ( keeps a record)) / Of the moments I'm living (living) down here (living down here) / He knows (yes He knows) all about me(all about me) all my troubles, my sorrows, my fears (my sorrows, my fears) / I live (yes I live)/ each moment (every moment) through the mercies of God's loving grace (God's loving grace) / And some day, (yes some day) / He will call me (he will call me) / To that wonderful beautiful place (marvelous place).//

Now I want to be doing the will of my Lord / As I travel this wearisome land / So I'll not be ashamed of my record up there / When I stand at the Saviors right hand.//


I will walk on the streets of that city of gold / I will bask in that heavenly light / And I'll look on the face of my Savior so dear / In that city that cometh no night./

My Lord (yes my lord) keeps a record ( keeps a record)) / Of the moments I'm living (living) down here (living down here) / He knows (yes He knows) all about me(all about me) all my troubles, my sorrows, my fears (my sorrows, my fears) / I live (yes I live)/ each moment (every moment) through the mercies of God's loving grace (God's loving grace) / And some day, (yes some day) / He will call me (he will call me) / To that wonderful beautiful place (marvelous place).//

21 August 2015

Daily Bible Study—1 John

I'm going to try to have a Bible for each day. Try not guarantee. The plan is to start from the general and go to the specific. In doing this the student will at first read the whole portion, then the next day or so we will be reading by paragraphs, and finally, we will read by a single verse. It will not always be this way, but that is the general plan. Who knows how much this might change in the future. So let us start.


daily bible study


Read all of 1 John


A1 1 John


A2 Notes

B1 Main idea--God has rules. We break rules, that is, we sin. God has a rule for Christian who sin--confess and ask forgiveness. Jesus is the Messiah for all our needs.

B2 Chapter one

C1 An introduction that the author, John the Apostle, knew Jesus personally. 1 John 1:1-4

C2 God is light and has no darkness. This means that God has no evil--ever. 1 John 1:5-7

C3 Christians sin, and the conditions needed for forgiveness. 1 John 1:8-10

B2 Chapter two

C1 Jesus Christ is the forgiver. 1 John 2:1-2

C2 Another test to know if we are a true Christian--obedience to God. 1 John 2:3-6

C3 Another test to know if we are a true Christina--a life of love. 1 John 2:7-11

C4 How we live and think, and what we love show our spiritual condition. 1 John 2:12-14

C5 Another test to know if we are a true Christian--if we love the world or not. 1 John 2:15-17

C6 Another test to know if we are a true Christian--if we lack the attitude of the anti-Christ. 1 John 2:18-19

C7 The role of the Holy Spirit in us, for us to know the truth. 1 John 2:20-21

C8 Another test to know if we are a true Christian--if we accept or deny the Jesus is the Messiah. A true Christian will affirm that Jesus is the Messiah. 1 John 2:22-23

C9 Another test to know if we are a true Christian--if we are steadfast to the teachings/doctrine of the New Testament. 1 John 2:24-25

C10 All true Christians can read and study the Bible with understanding. 1 John 2:26-27

C11 The need for perseverance. 1 John 2:28-29

B3 Chapter three

C1 The blessing of being God's children. 1 John 3:1-3

C2 Another test to know if we are a true Christian--do we continue to practice that same sins we had before we were a Christian? 1 John 3:4-10

C3 Another test to know if we are true Christians--love for other Christians. 1 John 3:11-12

C4 Another test to know if we are true Christians--what does the world (non-Christians) love us or not? 1 John 3:13-15

C5 Another test to know if we are true Christians--do we love others? 1 John 3:16-18

C6 Another test to know if we are true Christians--clear conscience. 1 John 3:19-24

B4 Chapter four

C1 The test of true Christian vs false convert, false prophet. 1 John 4:1-6

C2 How and why we should love as God loves. 1 John 4:7-12

C3 Another test to know if we are true Christians--we want to preach the Gospel. The motivation is love. 1 John 4:13-21

B5 Chapter five

C1 Another test to see if we are true Christians--obedience to the rules Jesus gave us. 1 John 5:1-5

C2 The witness that Jesus is truly the Messiah. 1 John 5:6-8

C3 Another test to see if we are true Christians--eternal life through Jesus Christ. 1 John 5:9-12

C4 Another test to see if we are true Christians--do we believe in the Son of God 1 John 5:13

C5 Answered prayer based on if it is God's will. 1 John 5:14-15

C6 Helping each other in this life when we sin. 1 John 5:16-17

C7 Another test to know if we are true Christians--do we keep us sinning or is there a change? 1 John 5:18

C8 Who the true God is. 1 John 5:19-20

C9 What to avoid--idols. 1 John 5:21


A3 Questions

B1 What is the relationship between Jesus and John?

B2 Why do the Scriptures say that God is Light? (See John 1:9, John 8:12, John 9:5, John 12:35-36. Light in this sense deals with truth and purity).

B3 What is sin?

B4 What is the main theme of 1 John? It is repeated over and over.

B5 How do we know if we are a true Christian?

B6 How are we to live?

B7 Who is Jesus?

B8 Is Jesus truly human? Does He truly have human flesh?

B9 How are Christian to help non-Christians?

B10 How are Christians to help other Christians?

Bible Interpretaion

Chapter 2 outline/notes of Methodical Bible Study by Robert A. Traina


literal figure of speech



A1 Purpose of Interpretation and Function of Interpreter

A2 Major phases of interpretation

B1 Definitive Phase--defining terms, words, phrases

B2 Rational Phase--why these terms, words, and phrases used instead of others

B3 Implicational Phase--besides the obvious meaning are their facets that are not obvious. For example, "And blessed is he who is not offended because of Me" (Matthew 11:6, NKJV) implies that one who is offended at and by Jesus is not going to be blessed.

A3 Specifics

B1 Interpretative Questions

C1 Defined--asking questions. "What does this mean?" "Why did he say this?" "Why did he say it this way?" These are but a few of the type of questions that could be asked.

C2 Types

D1 Who or what is involved in this passage?

D2 How is ________ accomplished?

D3 When does it happen?

D4 Where does this happen?

C3 Some will have a short answer and some will need a much longer answer.

C4 What is happening here? This is the main, underlying question.

C5 Example, "Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: "Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You," (John 17:1, NKJV).

D1 What does the word "glorify" mean?

D2 What does it mean for Jesus to be glorified?

D3 How is Jesus to be glorified?

D4 When?

D5 Why Him?

C6 What form is this?

D1 Poetry

D2 Prose

D3 For a fuller list see here, here (a shorter list with an assignment),

C7 What attitude/tone is present (Traina uses the word "atmosphere")?

D1 Happy (Luke 24:41, for example)

D2 Sad (Psalm 3, for example)

D3 Condemning (Psalm 7, for example)

D4 Historical (Ezra 1, for example)

D5 Thanksgiving (Psalm 136, for example)

D6 Teaching (Psalm 1, for example)

C8 Rational/logic/defensive/apologetics, etc.

D1 These different words describe the argument the Bible writer employs to prove his statement. See Hebrews 1, for example, where the author states that Jesus Christ is superior and lists the reasons why.

D2 Sometimes is found in a cascade of "why" questions?

E1 Why did this happen?

E2 Why did they make the choices that they did?

E3 Where is God in this passage?

E4 What does this say, then why does it said it this way, then what does it mean? One could go on with another "why" question that builds on the previous one.

D3 Example Psalm 23

E1 What does "Lord" mean?

E2 Why is this word for God uses instead of another?

E3 Why is God compared to a shepherd?

E4 What are sheep in this passage?

E5 Many other questions come from the rest of the verses.

B2 Interpretative Answers

C1 Subjective

D1 The Bible is a spiritual book and must be understood thusly.

D2 The Bible is a book to be read and studied with common sense. If something is obvious, then it is obvious. Don't try to find some hidden meaning in an obvious passage.

D3 Illustrations by a teacher (Jesus used illustrations a lot) must be understood as illustration. Statements must be taken as statement. We cannot change the plain, obvious sense of a passage into an image. For example see here especially Test question #2. Also see Matthew 16:5-12. The phrase "leaven of the Pharisees" was understand as the yeast that Pharisees use, but Jesus uses it as an illustration, in a figurative sense.

"When the plain sense of Scripture

makes common sense,

seek no other sense;

Therefore, take every word

at its primary, ordinary,

usual, literal meaning

Unless the facts

of the immediate context,

studied in the light

Of related passages and

axiomatic and fundamental truths

indicate clearly otherwise." Dr. David L. Cooper

D4 We cannot let our life experiences interpret or have a bearing on our interpretation. We are not to say, "What does this passage mean to you?" We are to say, "What does this passage mean?"

C2 Objective

D1 Language

E1 Our own mother tongue. This deals with translation. Words rarely translate with the exact definition.

E2 Original language.

F1 Reference source such as "Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Abridged in One Volume."

F2 See how the word is used in other passages and how other translations have it.

F3 When it is a compound word, do not place too much weight on the root word. For example ἐπίγνωσις epignosis does mean something different than its root word γνῶσις gnosis.

D2 Tense

E1 This is referring to the Greek tense as present or aorist, for example. For more information on tense, mood, and etc. see here, here, and here

E2 What do these various tenses mean?

E3 What effect do they have on the passage?

D3 Hebrew (aspect. There is no idea of tense in Biblical Hebrew). For information see here, here, and here

D4 Literary forms--simile and so on

D5 Mood--the tone of the writing as happy, warning, praise, etc.

D6 Historical setting

D7 Interpretations of others--Important because if I am the only one to come up with an interpretation since the New Testament was written, then it is most likely to be a false interpretation.

A4 False Kinds of Interpretation--Errors in Interpretation

B1 Fragmentary

C1 Approaches Scriptures as a bunch of isolated texts without any relationship to each other.

C2 Ignores context--especially the greater context

C3 Often happens in preaching where a text is chosen, a topic decided upon, and preached out of context.

B2 Dogmatic

C1 A certain doctrine is a well-established belief to that person.

C2 Any doctrine that does not seem to fit the said belief is ignored or changed.

C3 This is the idea of theology preceding Scriptures, that is, doctrine/theology is more important and of higher authority than the Bible.

B3 Rationalistic

C1 Some incidents in the Bible cannot be true because they cannot be explained with logic.

C2 Miracles are not accepted so are explained away.

C3 The feeding of the 5,000 could not happen the way it is recorded in the Gospels, so it must be every one brought their own sack lunch.

B4 Mythological

C1 Some things in the Bible cannot be explained.

C2 These passages then are considered to be a myth of ignorant people.

C3 Some teach what the Bible teaches about salvation is truth, but not necessarily science and history.

B5 Historical

C1 The Bible is only the historical writings of an ancient people.

C2 It is studied only in that sense.

C3 The spiritual implications and purposes are ignored.

B6 Allegorical

C1 This is often applied to parables, those all passages are open for their imagination.

C2 Sometimes greatly distorted definitions are given for objects in a lesson.

C3 There is only some spiritual truth to be taught.

B7 Literal

C1 Sometimes called wooden literalism.

C2 When the plain sense shows a passage to be an illustration/simile, but the interpreter understands it as literal.

B8 Typological

C1 Scriptures contain types.

C2 An example would be the Israeli sacrifices of Leviticus which point to the ultimate sacrifice of Messiah--Jesus Christ.

C3 Since C2 is true, then all Scripture is forced into this idea. Not much is taken in its plain, normal sense.

B9 Predictive

C1 Some Scriptures are predictive, that is, speaks of future events.

C2 Since some do, we must interpret all Scriptures speaking of the future.

B10 Systematized

C1 A New Testament passage deals with a particular action that we are to do.

C2 Then all the Bible is interpreted in light of that one action.

B11 Cross-reference

C1 Cross references are important to help understand a passage.

C2 But the cross references are not examined in their context.

B12 Encyclopedic

C1 The Bible has answers for many situations that arise in our life.

C2 Thus every single situation that happens to us has an answer in the Bible.

C3 The danger is that passages will be twisted/wrested to force an interpretation not fitting the context.

B13 Literary

C1 The Bible is great literature.

C2 It is nothing more.

B14 interpretation other

C1 Misinterpretation--the wrong interpretation

C2 Sub-interpretation--not getting the FULL interpretation from a Scripture verse/passage.

C3 Super-interpretation--getting more out of a passage than is really there.

C4 Grammatical-historical

C5 Traditional--a passage is not examined for its meaning because it is interpreted already by a denomination or church authority.

C6 The Bible author interprets a passage. This happens in some of the parables of Jesus where he interprets that passage.

A5 Further resources

B1 Bible Interpretation

C1 Bible Interpretation by Cooper Abrams III

C2 Inductive Bible Study

B2 Bible Interpretation Errors

C1 Nine common errors in Bible Interpretation

C2 Common Errors

Sunday School—Becoming Like Jesus

come follow me--jesus


Becoming Like Jesus


Theme: God works in believers to accomplish His purpose.


A1 Objectives

B1 Describe Jesus as the standard for our holiness of life.

B2 Explain the connection between the "armor of God" and holy living.

A2 Scriptures

B1 1 Peter 1:13-16

B2 Matthew 22:34-40

B3 Ephesians 6:10-20

A3 Notes

B1 1 Peter 1:13-16

C1 Therefore

C2 Three actions

D1 Gird up loins of mind

D2 Be sober

D3 Rest

E1 Two things for our rest

F1 In hope

F2 On grace

E2 In a future blessing/promise--the return of Jesus Christ

C3 Two contrasts

D1 Obedient children

D2 Disobedient children

E1 Natural state of all humans which is to be conformed to our fleshy lusts

E2 Natural state of all humans done because of ignorance

C4 God's character/our character

D1 God is holy

D2 God's will is for us to be holy in the same way/conduct

B2 Matthew 22:34-40

C1 But (showing contrast with what was said preceding this).

C2 When (showing timing of what is to follow).

C3 Pharisees (who were they and what they believed).

C4 Heard (showing the action that happened).

C5 That He had silenced the Sadducees (dependent clause showing what they had heard).

C6 They gathered together (fulfills the time word "when" and shows the result of the previous words).

C7 The lawyer's question--"Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?"

C8 Jesus answer

D1 The first and great commandment

E1 You

E2 Shall love

E3 The LORD your God

E4 with all

F1 Your heart

F2 Your soul

F3 Your mind

D5 The second

E1 You

E2 Shall love

E3 Your neighbor

E4 As

E5 Yourself

D6 All the Law and Prophets are based on that foundation

B3 Ephesians 6:10-20--The Armor of God, or God's provision for our protection (mainly spiritual).

C1 Command

D1 Be strong in the Lord

D2 Be strong in the power of His might

D3 Put on the whole armor of God

C2 Reason

D1 Be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

D2 The spiritual fight

E1 We do not wrestle against flesh and blood

E2 We do wrestle against

F1 Principalities

F2 Powers

F3 Rules of darkness of this age

F4 Spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly.

C3 Equipment

D1 We need the whole armor

E1 To be able to stand in the evil day

E2 After doing everything to still stand

D2 Truth

D3 Righteousness

D4 Prepared with the Gospel of Peace

D5 Faith

D6 Salvation

D7 Word of God (Scriptures)

D8 Prayer

E1 Alertness

E2 Perseverance

E3 Supplication

F1 All Christians

F2 Paul

G1 To preach Gospel

G2 To preach boldly and as he ought

A4 Questions

B1 1 Peter 1:13-16

C1 Therefore

D1 What does the word therefore indicate/ask of us? (The Scriptures preceding have given material/teaching on a topic. Because of that material we are not called to applied it. It would indicate "because of what has been said, we are not required to..."

D2 What are the three actions we are not required to do? (Gird, be sober, and rest)

D3 What are loins of the mind? (There is no such thing, so it is a word picture of something physical. Physically it refers to picking up the bottom edge of the robe/tunic and tuck it in so we will not trip over it/stumble while we are doing some demanding work or action. Applying this to the mind would mean to be ready for action without something getting in the way).

D4 What are some ways we can "gird up the loins of our mind?"

C2 What is being sober? (Not drunk)

C3 What do this imply? (Our minds must be clear and ready for action).

C4 What about those who say we must use centering prayers, still the mind, quiet, empty the mind and other such terms? (The mind is not active in these situations. Those types have an inactive mind and are disobedient to God's teaching/will in this passage).

C5 What are we resting in? (The return of Jesus Christ).

C6 Why is this a rest?

C7 How does being sober affect our mind? How does not being sober affect our mind?

C8 What is the difference between an obedient and disobedient child?

C9 What type of children are described here? (Spiritual children)

C10 In what ways are Christians spiritual and physically disobedient?

C11 What kind of obedience is God's calling us to?

C12 What is holiness?

C13 Does God ever sin?

B2 Matthew 22:34-40

C1 What had the Pharisees heard? (Jesus's clear teaching about the resurrection to the Sadducees).

C2 Why did the Pharisees gather together?

C3 What is a lawyer? (See here. "The work of the "lawyers," frequently spoken of as "scribes," also known as "doctors" of the law (Lk 2:46 margin), was first of all that of jurists. Their business was threefold: (1) to study and interpret the law; (2) to instruct the Hebrew youth in the law; (3) to decide questions of the law. The first two they did as scholars and teachers, the last as advisers in some court." From "Lawyer" in ISBE.

C4 Why would a question test Jesus?

C5 Why would the lawyer want to know if Jesus know the first and great command?

C5 How do we love God?

C6 How do we love ourselves?

C7 How does this apply to loving our neighbor?

C8 What is the foundation for all the Law and Prophets? Why?

C9 Why would the Pharisees want to "test" Jesus?

B3 Ephesians 6:10-20

C1 Why do we need protection?

C2 How will this armor help us be successful or a failure in the Christian life.

C3 Let us look at some people in the Bible and see how they were successful/unsuccessful in God's eyes.

D1 Lucifer/Satan (Isaiah 14:12 (Some say this refers to the "King of Babylon" or since the title refers to Messiah, the anti-Christ usurped it, but can such a description here refer to any man?), 2 Peter 2:4, 1 John 3:8, Zechariah 3:1, 1 Thessalonians 2:18).

D2 Adam

D3 Eve

D4 Cain

D5 Able

D6 Noah

D7 The world before the flood

D8 Abraham

D9 Lot

D10 Citizens of Sodom/Gomorrah

D11 King David

D12 King Solomon

D13 Zachariah (father of John the Baptist)

D14 Mary

D15 Joseph

D16 Peter

D17 Judas

D18 Paul

D19 You

14 August 2015

Methodical Bible Study

Methodical Bible Study

Methodical Bible Study by Robert A. Traina is published by Zondervan Publishers of Grand Rapids, MI and is copyrighted by them.

You can buy the book from many places including Christian Book, Barnes and Noble, and Amazon.

The following is an outline from Chapter 1. It is written in my style and varies from the book form. It is for teaching purposes only with no explanation. If you need that, you need to buy the book.

methodical bible study

Chapter 1




A1 Definition and Purpose of Observation

B1 Definition

C1 Taking notice

C2 Mentally aware (Perception/awareness)

B2 Function

C1 Observe so carefully every term and phrase.

C2 Totally aware of the every term and phrase.

A2 Requisites of Observation

B1 The will to observe

B2 The exactness in observation

B3 Persistence in observation

A3 Analysis of Observation

B1 Terms

C1 Definition

D1 Of each word in context

D2 Mainly one meaning for each word in context even though the word itself may have many meanings

C2 Kinds of terms

D1 Routine and non-routine terms

E1 Routine as "an" though sometimes it may be. Good observation is developed over time.

E2 Non-routine

F1 Difficult to understand

F2 Crucial terms

F3 Those not crucial but significant

F4 Those which express profound concepts as "transfigured" and "appeared" as in Mark 9:2-4.

D2 Literal and figurative terms

E1 Literal as in the plain, normal sense of the word. For example, the word "tree" in Genesis 1:12 is literal.

E2 Figurative as in symbolic, for example, the word "tree' in Romans 11:24 is not literal.

D3 Identity and inflections of terms

E1 Parts of speech as nouns, etc. We need to know and recognize them and their function.

E2 Inflections refers to "In grammar, inflection or inflexion is the modification of a word to express different grammatical categories such as tense, mood, voice, aspect, person, number, gender and case. The inflection of verbs is also called conjugation, and the inflection of nouns, adjectives and pronouns is also called declension." (Inflection. (2015, July 23). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 23:48, August 13, 2015, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Inflection&oldid=672662751

C3 Homework--See if each word is routine or non-routine, literal or figurative, and inflections.

D1 Mark 10:13-52

D2 Romans 6

B2 Relations

C1 Structure

D1 This is how the sentence is put together. For help see here.

D2 For sentence subunits as clauses, etc. see here.

C2 Importance of seeing the structures parts as even in diagramming. See here and here or even for help.

C3 Types of structure

D1 Structure may be understood at the phrase, verse, chapter, or book level.

D2 Surface and subsurface

E1 Surface is more obvious as Romans 1:18-32 where the pivot/hinge of the passage is "therefore" in verse 24.

E2 Subsurface is less obvious as the contrast between Joseph and his brother Judah in Genesis 38-39.

E3 Knowing the structure helps see the general flow of the writing.

D3 Primary and secondary structure--primary has the greater importance in the passage.

C4 Specific laws of structure

D1 For Bible interpretation the paragraph should be the starting place for observing structure.

D2 There is a need for observing what is the subject and predicate.

D3 Connectives

E1 These short words that give relationships to various clauses and phrases or even paragraphs.

E2 A few examples are before and after (showing time), where (geological), because and for (logical), so (result), so that (purpose), although and but (contrast), likewise and also (comparison), first (series of facts), if (condition), and only (emphatic).

E3 Some of those connectives can used in more than one way.

D4 Structure shouldn't be used so carefully that the parts are analyzed more than the whole sentence or paragraph.

D5 Whereas the above points look at clauses and phrases within a sentence or paragraph, one should also view the structure of greater portions of Scripture as paragraphs, sections, and books.

E1 Comparison as in Hebrews 5:1-10 which focus on similar things. Note the words "so also" in Hebrews 5:5.

E2 Contrast as in Romans 4.

E3 Repetition as in Leviticus that uses the word "holy" often.

E4 Continuity as in Luke 15 when a number of parables are grouped together.

E5 Continuation as in two or more chapters are really speaking about the same topic. It is as if it were only one chapter.

E6 Climax which shows the build of topics to the climax of the book.

E7 Cruciality as in 2 Samuel where chapters 11-12 show a definite turn of events.

E8 Interchange as in 1 Samuel where there are repeated contrasts between Eli and his sons with Samuel.

E9 Particularization and generalization as in Matthew 6:1-18 where the text flows from general to specific.

E10 Causation and substantiation as in Romans 1:18-32. Here the verses show a cause and effect.

E11 Instrumentation as in John 20:30-31. John reveals the purpose for his writing this book.

E12 Explanation or analysis as in Mark 4. This type something is written and then interpreted.

E13 Preparation or introduction as in Genesis 2. This is an introduction to the events of Genesis 3.

E14 Summarization as in Joshua 12 which summarizes the previous material. It is a repetition of sorts.

E15 Interrogation as in Romans 6-7. A question is asked and then answered.

E16 Harmony as in Romans 1:18-3:20 and the agreement in Romans 3:21 and the following passages.

E17 Sometimes there is more than one type. These rules just show the possibilities that we need to be aware of when interpreting.

E18 Be aware that there may be more than one opinion.

C5 Materials for effecting structure

D1 Biographical--who are the people in this passage? What does Scripture show us about their character in other passages where they are mentioned?

D2 Historical--what was happening in secular and Biblical history of that time.

D3 Chronological--What happens before and after the passage? When did the events occur in the ministry or life of someone or country, city, or world (compare The Gospel of John)?

D4 Geographical--what is the weather or terrain like?

D5 Ideological--what are the main ideas of a passage or book?

C6 By combining the Laws of structure (comparison, repetition, etc.) with the materials effecting structure (biographical, etc.) help us to understand and interpret the passage with greater clarity. An example would be Climax/Historical as Exodus or also Climax/Ideological as Ecclesiastes.

C7 Selectivity and Structure

D1 Defining selectivity--a purpose or the purpose the writer of Scripture had in mind.

D2 Selectivity and structure relationship--the purpose and method of expressing their message.

D3 Kinds of selectivity

E1 Quantitative--how many chapters are devoted to a particular topic or time span. For example Genesis 12-50 deals with only four lifespans (from Abraham to Joseph), but Genesis 1-11 deals with many hundreds of years.

E2 Non-quantitative--referring to a onetime event.

B3 Observation of general literary forms

C1 Discourse--as in the sermons of Jesus in the Gospel of John

C2 Prose--this is general writing as the book of Genesis.

C3 Poetry--as Psalms

C4 Drama--describing an event is dramatic terms with the reader being able to picture those events clearly.

C5 Parabolic--parables

C6 Apocalyptic--passages as found in Daniel and Revelation

B4 Atmosphere

C1 This is the tone of the passage. Some examples may be joy, thanksgiving, desire, etc.

C2 In any particular passage there may be a variety of tones.

A5 Some basic pointers.

B1 Read and understand the passage in its plain, normal sense.

B2 Note the time and circumstances that a passage was written.

B3 Note the terrain if it is mentioned.

B4 Who are the people mentioned.

B5 Observe the passage by individual words and by clauses and phrases.

B6 Consult other writers. We do this to prevent an interpretation that has been ruled out in previous generations.

A6 Read John 3:1-21, Jesus's conversation with Nicodemus and apply the above principles.


13 August 2015




availing prayer


Pray without ceasing


God works in believers to accomplish His purposes.


A1 Objectives

     B1 Describes what the Bible teaches about prayer.

     B2 Describe the types of prayer using the ACTS model.


A2 Scriptures

B1 Philippians 4:6-7

B2 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


A3 Notes

B1 One of the privileges of being a Christian is prayer.

C1 Prayer is talking to God.

C2 It includes many discussions as

D1 Praise

D2 Thanksgiving

D3 Requests for others and ourselves

D4 Complaints

D5 Confession of sins

D6 Seeking guidance/wisdom/help

D7 Blessings (as in ""The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace." (Numbers 6:24-26, NKJV).

C3 Both verbal and nonverbal

D1 Example of verbal

E1 Tone (harsh, pleading, sad, etc.)

E2 Emphasis

E3 Diction (The way we pronounce words. It may be clear or slurred).

"1. usage, language. Diction, phraseology, wording refer to the means and the manner of expressing ideas. Diction usually implies a high level of usage; it refers chiefly to the choice of words, their arrangement, and the force, accuracy, and distinction with which they are used: The speaker was distinguished for his excellent diction; poetic diction. Phraseology refers more to the manner of combining the words into related groups, and especially to the peculiar or distinctive manner in which certain technical, scientific, and professional ideas are expressed: legal phraseology. Wording refers to the exact words or phraseology used to convey thought: the wording of a will." (diction. (n.d.). Dictionary.com Unabridged. Retrieved August 13, 2015, from Dictionary.com website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/diction

D2 Types of nonverbal include

E1 Facial expressions

E2 Tone of voice

E3 Movement (gestures)

E4 Eye contact, movement, and expression (as tears)

E5 Postures (as standing, arms crossed, fighting stance, humble stance, etc.)

B2 Outline Philippians 4:6-7

C1 Don't worry about anything

C2 Ask God

D1 For needs

D2 With thankfulness

C3 God's peace

D1 Beyond anything we understand

D2 Will keep our safe

E1 Hearts

E2 Minds

D3 Because of Jesus

B3 Outline 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

C1 Always rejoice.

C2 Always pray.

C3 Always be thankful.


A4 Questions

B1 Does God always answer prayer?

C1 The answer might be yes, no, wait, yes with some differences.

C2 List some things why God refuses to grant our requests?

D1 "Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered. " (1 Peter 3:7, NKJV) (Mistreating wife).

D2 "Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter toward them. " (Colossians 3:19, NKJV) (Bitterness towards wife)

D3 sin

D4 "But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways. " (James 1:6-8, NKJV) (Lack of faith. Faith is believing God, not working up some feelings, ignoring logic or common sense).

B2 What is the difference between worry and anxiety?

C1 Worry is not knowing what the future holds about anything. It involves thinking about a problem that may happen in the future.

C2 Anxiety is a mental distress causing physical effects. The anxiety is caused by worrying about something or fearing something that may or may not happen.

B3 Why do we worry?

B4 Does worrying do any good?

B5 Why does a Christian worry?

B6 What are some things we worry about?

B7 What does prayer consist of? What do we say in prayer?

C1 Worship

C2 Praise

C3 Thanksgiving

C4 Confession

C5 Requests

B8 Why do we pray?

C1 God is the source of wisdom.

C2 God is the source of power.

C3 God is the source to change circumstances.

B9 What do we acknowledge in prayer?

C1 Our weaknesses and inability.

C2 God's superiority

B10 Is there any way to manipulate God?

C1 Is there some type of price tag on prayer, that is, if we pray 326 times for Joe to be saved, then God saves Joe?

C2 Is there something we can do like cut ourselves to have God answer to prayer.

B11 Does God have to answer us instantly, that is, we pray, and bam! God answers our prayer.

B12 When are we to pray?

B13 How long are to pray? (Seconds to hours, depending on the need and our emotions)

B14 When do we quit praying for someone?

B15 Does God want us to worry?

B16 What is His motivation why He does not want us to worry? (His love for our wellbeing).

B17 Why doesn't God want us to worry?

B18 Philippians 4:4-7

C1 Three types of requests

D1 Prayer--more or less making a request to one who is more powerful than us, in this case God.

D2 Supplication--requesting something for our necessity.

D3 Request--asking for a particular thing.

C2 Why do this with thanksgiving? Why are we supposed to be thankful? How can we be thankful for hard things like death, disease?

C3 What is the promise we have in verse 7 in reference to worry? (The promise is God's peace).

D1 What is God's peace?

D2 Why don't I always have peace after I pray?

C4 Philippians 4:7 What does God's peace do?

B19 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

C1 Is there something different about the Christian life?

C2 Always rejoice

D1 Are we to rejoice at our difficulties, sicknesses, and bankruptcies? Are we to rejoice when the brethren are killed and tortured for their faith? Are we to rejoice when an unbeliever dies and goes to hell?

E1 No

E2 The gladness spoken of here refers to spiritual blessings.

F1 "Most assuredly I say to you that you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice; and you will be grieved, but your grief will be turned into joy." (John 16:20, EMTV)

F2 "In which you greatly rejoice, though for a little while now, if need be, you have been distressed by various trials,"

(1 Peter 1:6, EMTV)

F3 "And He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying out; neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things have passed away." (Revelation 21:4, EMTV)

F4 "For this is admirable, if because of conscience toward God someone endures pain, suffering unjustly."

(1 Peter 2:19, EMTV)

E3 God himself grieves.

F1 "Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief. When You make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days, And the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in His hand." (Isaiah 53:10, NKJV)

F2 "Jesus wept." (John 11:35, EMTV) (This deals with the death of Lazarus, whom he shortly later rose from the dead).

F3 "And as He drew near, seeing the city, He wept over it, saying, "If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things pertaining to your peace! But now they have been hidden from your eyes. For the days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and hem you in from every side, and they will level you to the ground, and your children with you; and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not know the season of your visitation." (Luke 19:41-44, EMTV)

D2 Always pray.

E1 Does this mean to pray 24/7, 365? (No. It is an attitude to be ready to pray and to continue to pray until the answer is an obvious no. We are not to give up).

E2 How do we live this attitude?

E3 What are some things we are always to pray for?

F1 "Then He spoke a parable to them, that one must always pray and not lose heart," (Luke 18:1, EMTV)

F2 "Watch therefore, praying always that you may be counted worthy to escape everything that is about to happen, and to stand before the Son of Man." (Luke 21:36, EMTV)

F3 "Be devoted to prayer, keeping alert in it with thanksgiving;" (Colossians 4:2, EMTV)

E4 Are we to pray FOR our enemies? (Yes, "But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and persecute you," (Matthew 5:44, EMTV)

E5 Are we to pray for our leaders, even if those leaders are vile and wicked? (Yes, "Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made on behalf of all people, on behalf of kings and all those who are in authority, that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity." (1 Timothy 2:1-2, EMTV)

E6 How about this situation and prayer? "And it came to pass in the month of Nisan, in the twentieth year of King Artaxerxes, when wine was before him, that I took the wine and gave it to the king. Now I had never been sad in his presence before. Therefore the king said to me, "Why is your face sad, since you are not sick? This is nothing but sorrow of heart." So I became dreadfully afraid, and said to the king, "May the king live forever! Why should my face not be sad, when the city, the place of my fathers' tombs, lies waste, and its gates are burned with fire?" Then the king said to me, "What do you request?" So I prayed to the God of heaven." (Nehemiah 2:1-4, NKJV)

D3 Always be thankful

E1 How can we be thankful for everything?

E2 Why should we be thankful for everything?

E3 Why is this God's will?


C1 Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication

C2 Some use this as a help to a successful prayer life. I'm not much for these types of things, because I end up being a slave to it, as, "I have to do each one of these points."

B21 Why do people not pray or not pray as often as they probably should?

B22 How do we answer someone who says that we are doing nothing more than talking to an invisible and non-existent being?

C1 Jesus prayed to God. "He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, "O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will." (Matthew 26:39, EMTV)

C2 God, Yahweh, does exist and is personal.

D1 Based on evidence as in Cold Case Christianity. See website.

D2 Based on philosophical/theological reasons as here.