04 September 2015

Sunday School Lesson—New Heaven and New Earth

New Heaven and New Earth

new heaven new earth

Theme: God is faithful to His promises.

A1 Objectives

B1 Explain what will happen to the earth we live on.

B2 Describe what God has planned for believers and unbelievers.

A2 Scriptures

B1 2 Peter 3:1-13

B2 2 Thessalonians 1:9

B3 Revelation 21:1-8

B4 Revelation 21:22-22:25

A3 Notes

B1 2 Peter 3:1-13

C1 Outline

D1 God's promise for a new heavens and new earth 2 Peter 3:1-7

E1 Remember 2 Peter 3:1-2

E2 Scoffers 2 Peter 3:3-4

E3 Willful ignorance 2 Peter 3:5

E4 God's promises are fulfilled 2 Peter 3:6-7

D2 God's timing is difference than ours. 2 Peter 3:8-9

E1 Time has no effect on God 2 Peter 3:8

E2 The patience of God is long 2 Peter 3:9

D3 God's Day of the Lord 2 Peter 3:10-13

E1 Day of the Lord--Destruction described 2 Peter 3:10

E2 Call to a holy life 2 Peter 3:11

E3 Hastening the Day 2 Peter 3:12

E4 The new heavens and earth 2 Peter 3:13

D4 God's patience should be ours as well 2 Peter 3:14-16

D5 God's wish--continue in the faith 2 Peter 3:17-18

B2 2 Thessalonians 1:9--The punishment for rejecting the Gospel

B3 Revelation 21:1-8

C1 New heaven and new earth Revelation 21:1

C2 New Jerusalem Revelation 21:1-2

C3 The living conditions of the New Jerusalem Revelation 21:3-4

C4 The offer of the Gospel Revelation 21:5-8

D1 To those who believe Revelation 21:5-7

D2 To those who do not believe Revelation 21:8

B4 Revelation 21:22-22:25

C1 The physical features of the city Revelation 21:22-22:5

C2 The angel messenger's words--God's words are true Revelation 22:6

C3 Jesus's words Revelation 22:7

C4 John's words Revelation 22:8

C5 John's actions towards the angel messenger and their actions Revelation 22:9-11

C6 Jesus's words Revelation 22:12-16

C7 The Spirit's and bride's words Revelation 22:17

C8 John's warning Revelation 22:18-19

C9 Jesus's words and John's response Revelation 22:20

B5 Definitions

C1 New heavens and new earth

D1 Opinions differ

D2 Some references—here,

C2 Day of the Lord refers to the times God gives His judgment and punishes sin with a special emphasis for the Judgment at the end of the tribulation. See here, here,

A4 Questions

B1 2 Peter 3:1-13

C1 Why is it necessary to remind ourselves of doctrine?

C2 2 Peter 3:2--whose words are we to remember?

C3 2 Peter 3:2--the words of the Apostles are equal to what other writers?

C4 2 Peter 3:2--what Apostles does Peter refer to?

C5 2 Peter 3:3--what is one characteristic of the last day mockers?

C6 2 Peter 3:4--what is the one main problem the mockers have in understanding God's promises? (They feel it must happen according to their timeline).

C7 2 Peter 3:4-7--what are the mockers overlooking? (In the time before Noah's flood, the people then living had 120 years to get right with God, but they refused. They were probably mockers as well, but the flood did happen just as God said it would. Be prepared)!

C8 2 Peter 3:8--is this passage teaching Bible timing one day = one thousand years? (No, it is a figure, an expression, otherwise the word day would have no meaning. Matthew 6:11 ("give us this thousand years our daily bread?), Matthew 7:22, Matthew 24:19, 22, and 29, etc.).

C9 2 Peter 3:10--what does thief in the night mean? (Suddenly without warning)

C10 2 Peter 3:11--knowing that judgment is coming, how should we live our lives?

C11 2 Peter 3:12--how do we hasten the coming of the Day of God? (faith (believing that it will happen) and prayer ("Come Lord Jesus." Revelation 22:20).

C12 2 Peter 3:13--what is a characteristic of the new heavens and new earth? (righteousness). How is this different from today?

B2 2 Thessalonians 1:9

C1 2 Thessalonians 1:9--who are the these in this verse? (See verse 8).

C2 What two things will that group of people miss out on?

C3 Does destruction mean annihilation? (No, see Proverbs 15:11 and Proverbs 27:20. Compare Matthew 25:26 with 2 Thessalonians 1:9. See also Matthew 7:13, Hebrews 10:33 (back to destruction)).

B3 Revelation 21:1-8

C1 Revelation 21:1-2--what are three new things?

C2 Revelation 21:3--from what heaven is the loud voice coming from?

C3 Revelation 21:4-5--why is everything new?

C4 Revelation 21:6--when God says beginning and end, it means His eternity. What does Alpha and Omega imply?

C5 Revelation 21:7--what is it that we must overcome? (Evil, satan, falling away from God's words and way).

C6 Revelation 21:8--what are the things we must not do?

C7 Revelation 21:8--is the fire and brimstone a real place or just imagination and stands for something else?

B4 Revelation 21:22-22:25

C1 Revelation 21:22-27--what is the importance of the Lamb's Book of Life?

C2 Revelation 22:1-5--what will those who have placed faith, trusted, in Jesus Christ be doing?

C3 Revelation 22:6-11--what is the importance of the Book of Revelation?

C4 Revelation 22:12--what is the work that we do to receive a reward? Are there different rewards for different works?

C5 Revelation 22:13-14--are there any rules for Christians to follow?

C6 Revelation 22:15--what are some actions that break God's rules?

C7 Revelation 22:16--how does Jesus describe Himself? Why?

C8 Revelation 22:17--is God giving a genuine offer of salvation to all?

C9 Revelation 22:18-19--what is the danger of adding or removing words to the Bible and in particular the Book of Revelation? How do people do this? Why would they do it?

C10 Revelation 22:20--does God keep His promises? Why is it important to believe this?

C11 Revelation 22:21--why does John end this book with this blessing?

01 September 2015

Daily Bible Study—1 John 1:4

Daily Bible Study 1 John 1:4

"And these things we write to you that our joy may be complete. " (1 John 1:4, EMTV)

daily bible study

A1 Outline

B1 Action--we write

B2 What--these things

B3 To--you

B4 Purpose

C1 What--our joy

C2 Action--may be complete

A2 Notes

B1 We

C1 John is the only writer. He is writing a letter to an unknown person or church.

C2 We refers to the consensus of the Apostles or possibly the local church where John is Bishop (Ephesus).

C3 So we is probably editorial.

B2 Our

From Wilbur Pickering's comments on 1 John 1:4: "The manuscript evidence is badly divided between 'our' and 'your', roughly 60:40%. The best line of evidence, in my view, is with the majority in favor of 'our'; it is easy to see how many copyists could make the change (a change in only one letter). The more people we bring into the fellowship, the greater our joy."

B3 Joy

C1 The word means

D1 English--"the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation:

She felt the joy of seeing her son's success." joy. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Retrieved September 01, 2015, from Dictionary.com website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/joy

E1 Happiness is typically a short lived emotion.

E2 Joy is thought of as being longer lasting.

D2 Greek--χαρά

E1 Joy and gladness

E2 Some things about joy

F1 Joy is a characteristic of God. It is part of His emotional self.

F2 God wants people to have joy.

F3 To have God's type of joy, we have to do things God's way. Psalm 16:11, John 15:11

F4 Human joy fades Ecclesiastes 12:1-11

F5 Godly joy does not fade away John 16:33, John 17:13

F6 Is a fruit of the Holy Spirit Galatians 5:22

F7 Joy in God Isaiah 61:10

F8 In Jesus Christ 1 Peter 1:8

F9 In the Bible Psalm 119:162

E3 George Morrish in his Bible Dictionary writes:

"Joy, or gladness, is what man craves and is set upon finding; and he does find it when he finds God, and only then. He retains it too in proportion as he grows in the knowledge of God. God is the author of true joy as of every good and perfect gift. Being Himself perfectly good and above all evil, He is even represented as finding His own joy in the repentance of the sinner who returns to seek Him. Sin having come in, and man being thus, alas, alienated from God, his idea of joy is to be as happy as he can make himself without God and away from Him. (See the prodigal in Luke 15.) But disappointment and bitterness here and eternal sorrow hereafter alone can result from such a course as that. When however, on the contrary, the light of God's love, revealed in the gift and the death of His Son, breaks upon the heart, it is filled at once "with joy unspeakable and full of glory.'"

A3 Questions

B1 What are these things mentioned in the passage we read today?

B2 How can we increase our joy?

B3 How is joy made complete, as full as possible?

B4 If we are having a bad day or incredible problems, how can we have joy? See Luke 2:10-11, Jeremiah 15:16, Psalm 32:11 (for all that the Lord has done=glad in the Lord), 1 Peter 1:8, James 1:2-4, Hebrews 10:34, Acts 16:34, and Jude 1:24,

Fortification Against Apostasy


Fellowship: Fortification against Apostasy



Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone? And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

- Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Warning against apostasy in our day seems to be akin to alerting Christians to the potential coming of a flood when they are already up to their knees in incoming tidewater. Sadly, for many, not even floating objects (i.e., the very obvious corruptions of Scripture) seem to get their attention. Nevertheless, we keep hoping and praying that the message will reach those who have eyes to see and ears to hear what the Word of God clearly foretells. For those who do acknowledge things happening as the Bible describes, it can be a bittersweet experience. The unhappy part is the recognition of the overwhelming, destructive consequences of the apostasy that is taking place in the world, in the church, and among our friends and loved ones who have succumbed to the increasing deceptions and seductions. Yet, on the other hand, we can rejoice that the Bible is confirming its miraculous prophetic nature, as it is in truth the Word of God! Furthermore, the fact that such events, long ago foretold, are taking place indicates that our blessed hope, the return of our wonderful Savior for His saints, is drawing closer, although no man knows the day and the hour.

From the Berean Call September newsletter.

28 August 2015

Daily Bible Study—1 John 1:3

that which we have seen and heard we declare to you, in order that you also may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.

(1 John 1:3 EMTV)

Daily Bible Study

daily Bible study

A1 Outline

B1 Evidence

C1 We have seen "that which"

C2 We have heard "that which"

B2 Action--we declare to you

B3 Purpose--fellowship

C1 With us

C2 With the Father and His Son Jesus Christ

A2 Notes

B1 That which is the neuter relative pronoun. It is in the accusative or direct object. The Apostles have seen and heard something. The something is Jesus Christ.

B2 Seen and heard is direct, eyewitness evidence

B3 The purpose is fellowship.

C1 Fellowship is

D1 Togetherness

D2 Something that ties people/things together

D3 Loyalty

D4 Shared goals, interests, plans, methods, friendship, support, etc.

D5 In the Bible sense includes enjoyment of togetherness

C2 With

D1 God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) 1 Corinthians 1:9, 2 Corinthians 13:14

D2 Holy, elect angels 1 Timothy 5:21, Hebrews 12:22

D3 Other Christians 1 John 1:7, compare 2 Corinthians 6:14, Galatians 2:9

A3 Questions

B1 Some experts question eyewitness testimony because of memory/recall issues. What about many eyewitnesses who see and heard over a period of at least 3 years?

B2 Is there any significance that is 1 John 1:1 evidence is listed as heard and seen, but here it is seen and heard?

B3 What is the purpose of all this eyewitness evidence?

B4 Why is fellowship important?

B5 How do we have fellowship with God in this life?

B6 What aspect of fellowship are we to do or not do in the following passages?

C1 Hebrews 10:23-25

C2 1 John 1:5-6

C3 1 Corinthians 10:20-21

C4 Ephesians 5:20

27 August 2015

Daily Bible Study—1 John 1:2

"and the life was manifested, and we have seen and testify and proclaim to you the eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us— " (1 John 1:2, EMTV)

Daily Bible Study—1 John 1:2

daily Bible study

A1 Outline

B1 Life was manifested

B2 We

C1 Have seen

C2 Testify

C3 Proclaim

D1 The eternal life

E1 Which

F1 Was with the Father

F2 Was manifested to us

A2 Notes

B1 Life refers to verse 1--the Word of Life

B2 Manifest means

C1 Greek

D1 φανερόω phaneroō

D2 "to make manifest or visible or known what has been hidden or unknown, to manifest, whether by words, or deeds, or in any other way" (Thayer)

C2 English

D1 "to show something such as a feeling or ability, so that it is easy to notice. Jane manifested an unwillingness to sit and talk to Lydia." Link

D2 Something that is not seen is in a state where it will be quickly and easily seen.

C3 Read Romans 16:25-26, 1 Timothy 3:16, Acts 10:41.

B3 Eternal can mean

C1 Starting now and never ending

C2 No start and no end

C3 Read John 17:3, 1 John 5:20, Revelation 1:8

A3 Questions

B1 What point is John emphasizing about Jesus again?

B2 Manifested in Greek is the aorist tense, which indicates past action without showing completion or continuation. It is used translated in the past tense. Why is manifested in the past tense (English)?

B3 Have seen is in the perfect tense which indicates completed action. Why is this tense uses?

B4 Testify (speak about truthfully) and proclaim are in the present tense. Why is the present tense used for these words?

B5 Who was with the Father?

B6 When was He there? John 1:1

B7 This passage uses the word "life" twice. The second time it is used there is the adjective "eternal." Why is this adjective used?

26 August 2015

Daily Bible Study—1 John 1:1

daily Bible study

"That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have gazed upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life— " (1 John 1:1, EMTV)

A1 Outline

B1 Main sentence "who was"

B2 Who

C1 From the beginning

C2 Which we have heard

C3 Which we have seen with our eyes

C4 Which we have gazed upon

C5 Our hands handled

B3 The "who" identified as the Word of Life

A2 Notes

B1 Beginning

C1 From eternity past. Before the creation of anything. It would the beginning in the sense of the whole era before creation. John 1:1, Acts 15:18, and Revelation 21:6

C2 Creation Isaiah 64:4 and Hebrews 1:10

C3 Start of Jesus's ministry John 15:27

C4 Start in the walk/life of wisdom Proverbs 1:7

C5 The greatest person Colossians 1:18

C6 Most likely it is referring to the creation. At the point when creation started, Jesus, the Word of Life, was already there. He is the creator, not created. Colossians 1:16-17, John 1:3, Hebrews 3:9, Hebrews 1:2

B2 Word of Life

C1 Jesus

D1 Because He is the source of life. He has life in Himself. We need to have life given to us, but Jesus does not; He is life. John 1:1, John 1:14, John 6:63

D2 As the Word He is

E1 Eternal John 1:1

E2 God John 1:1

E3 Part of the Trinity. He is God but is a distinct person. John 1:1

C2 Gospel

D1 It is called this because believing and obeying the Gospel brings life. Acts 5:20, Philippians 2:16, James 1:18

D2 The Gospel is the message that reveals to us our condition (we are sinners and not good), our punishment (hell), our savior (Jesus), and how to have forgiveness of sins and be reconciled to God. Romans 1:16, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4

C3 Word is defined as something said or thought that has meaning. If I say apple, you know what that means. I have conveyed a sound that has meaning. If I said hot, you know what that means. The context is important to know the shade of meaning, but it is a thought, a message. Jesus as the word means that He is the expression of God, since He is God. Whatever He does shows us what God is like. Whatever He says shows us what God thinks.

A3 Questions

B1 Is John the Apostle a reliable witness? Why?

B2 Is John's witness more reliable than today's scholar's witness about Jesus?

B3 Why does John use the words "from the beginning?"

B4 Why does John go into detail about hearing, seeing, gazing, and handling Jesus? (Docetism. See here, here, and here

Sunday School Lesson—Jesus’s Return

Jesus will return

God is faithful

Theme: God is faithful to His promises.

A1 Objectives

B1 Describes the certain aspects of Christ's return.

B2 Explain the hope Christians have in light of the Second Coming.

A2 Scriptures

B1 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18

B2 Matthew 24:15-31

B3 Revelation 20:1-10

B4 Titus 2:11-14

A3 Notes

B1 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18 (Start reading, however, as verse 13).

C1 Speaks of Jesus's return

C2 The main statement is in verse 13.

C3 Following this there are 3 points amplifying the main statement. These are verse 14,15, and 16.

C4 Next is a verse that starts with the word "then." This signifies a result from the previous 3 verses (14-16).

C5 Lastly there is verse 18 which starts with the word "therefore," which indicates an application for us.

B2 Matthew 24:15-31

C1 Speaks of Jesus coming at the end of tribulation.

C2 This passage speaks of the tribulation period. See here.

B3 Revelation 20:1-10

C1 Tells us what will happen to

D1 satan

D2 Nonbelievers

D3 Believers

C2 Tells us about the end

B4 Titus 2:11-14

C1 Teaches us the effects of the grace of God.

C2 Teaches us to look towards the return of Jesus Christ.

C3 Teaches us why Jesus gave Himself.

A4 Questions

B1 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

C1 What is the main doctrine taught in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-15?

C2 Is doctrine important? Why? See here, here, and h

C3 1 Thessalonians 4:13-What was the motive to write this portion? (Paul didn't want them ignorant).

C4 What did Paul not want them ignorant of?

C5 In verse 13 what does "so that" refer to? (what has been said leads to a conclusion. In this case it refers to Paul not wanting the people to be sad about those Christians who have already died).

C6 Who are the two groups of Christians spoken of here? (Saints dead or alive).

C7 Why is the term "fall asleep" used?

C8 Is this teaching the lie of "soul sleep?" Soul sleep is the belief that the body dies, but the soul/immaterial part of a person sleeps until Jesus comes and calls him from the grace.

D1 Mainly taught by Seventh Day Adventists.

E1 Humans are mud/dirt/dust with the "breath of life" that God gave.

E2 When a person dies, the body/person becomes compost, and the "breath of life" returns to God.

E3 The "breath of life" is not a person, or soul, or nonmaterial part of the person, that is, the emotions, mind, attitude, etc. It is only the thing that animates the body.

E4 At the resurrection, those who had faith in Jesus Christ are raised from death with a new body and the return of the "breath of life" to live forever with God. Those who did not have faith in Jesus Christ are destroyed , that is, annihilated after they are resurrected.

D2 Problems with the concept

E1 Makes us a sophisticated robot. Something turns it on and off

E2 Enoch-Genesis

E3 Elijah--2 Kings 2:11

E4 Transfiguration--Matthew 17:3

E5 Rich man--Luke 16:19-31

E6 There is a soul/spirit that is separate from the flesh. Job 32:8, Isaiah 26:9, Matthew 10:28, Matthew 26:38, 1 Corinthians 2:11-12, 1Corinthians 6:20, 2 Corinthians 5:8.

E7 For more information see here,

C9 In verses 14 and 15 the word "for" is used. The Greek word is "gar" and in used in presenting points in an argument. What are the 2 points in Paul's presentation?

C10 In verse 14 what are 2 things that Paul states that we believe?

C11 In verse 14 who is coming back? (God). What does God refer to in this verse? (Jesus).

C12 In verse 14 who is coming back with God?

C13 In verse 15 who is going to be with God first?

C14 Who is next?

C15 In verse 16 where is the Lord?

C16 In verse 16 what two voices are heard?

C17 What is the order in meeting the Lord in the air?

C18 Does the Lord touch the earth?

C19 What is the therefore refer to? (Comfort one another with these words).

B2 Matthew 24:15-31

C1 Speaks of the tribulation period.

C2 What to look for.

C3 What to avoid.

C4 Matthew 24:30 When does the sign of the Son of Man appear? (After the horrible signs about the moon and sun).

C5 Matthew 24:30 Who sees Jesus return? (Everyone).

C6 Matthew 24:34 What generation does Jesus refer to in His statement, "...this generation will never pass away until all these things take place!" Does it refer to the generation that Jesus is talking to or to the generation who see the signs that He has just spoken about? (The generation of those who see the signs that He has just spoken about).

B3 Revelation 20:1-10

C1 Revelation 20:1-3

D1 Who keeps chained up?

D2 How long is the devil to be locked in prison (abyss)?

D3 What is one of the devil's main activities? (Deceive)

C2 Revelation 20:4

D1 Who is honored by Jesus?

D2 What had the anti-Christ done to the believers during the Tribulation period?

D3 Who reigns with Christ according to this passage?

C3 Revelation 20:5-6

D1 These believers had their resurrection just after the return of Jesus Christ.

D2 When did the nonbelievers have their resurrection?

D3 Would it be better to not have been killed by the anti-Christ or those who were killed by him?

D4 What is another blessing for the believers? (Second death has no effect on them. The Second Death is being sent to hell).

C4 Revelation 20:7-9

D1 What happens after the 1,000 years are over?

D2 Is the 1,000 years literal or figurative? (Literal just like everything else in this passage)

D3 After satan's release from his prison, what does he do?

D4 Is he successful?

D5 Where do those who believe satan go? (Revelation 20:9)

C5 Revelation 20:10

D1 What happens to the devil?

D2 How is hell described?

D3 Who is already there?

D4 How long will they be tormented?

B4 Titus 2:11-14

C1 What has appeared?

C2 Who is the one who preached this grace? (Jesus Christ)

C3 Is salvation for a few or offered to all?

C4 What three participles describe what the grace of God does? (Bringing, training, looking for).

C5 What are we to look for?

C6 Is it a blessed hope to go through the tribulation or be delivered before it happens?

C7 Titus 2:14--What important teaching is written here?

C8 Who is the Great God and Savior?