01 September 2015

Daily Bible Study—1 John 1:4

Daily Bible Study 1 John 1:4

"And these things we write to you that our joy may be complete. " (1 John 1:4, EMTV)

daily bible study

A1 Outline

B1 Action--we write

B2 What--these things

B3 To--you

B4 Purpose

C1 What--our joy

C2 Action--may be complete

A2 Notes

B1 We

C1 John is the only writer. He is writing a letter to an unknown person or church.

C2 We refers to the consensus of the Apostles or possibly the local church where John is Bishop (Ephesus).

C3 So we is probably editorial.

B2 Our

From Wilbur Pickering's comments on 1 John 1:4: "The manuscript evidence is badly divided between 'our' and 'your', roughly 60:40%. The best line of evidence, in my view, is with the majority in favor of 'our'; it is easy to see how many copyists could make the change (a change in only one letter). The more people we bring into the fellowship, the greater our joy."

B3 Joy

C1 The word means

D1 English--"the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasure; elation:

She felt the joy of seeing her son's success." joy. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Retrieved September 01, 2015, from Dictionary.com website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/joy

E1 Happiness is typically a short lived emotion.

E2 Joy is thought of as being longer lasting.

D2 Greek--χαρά

E1 Joy and gladness

E2 Some things about joy

F1 Joy is a characteristic of God. It is part of His emotional self.

F2 God wants people to have joy.

F3 To have God's type of joy, we have to do things God's way. Psalm 16:11, John 15:11

F4 Human joy fades Ecclesiastes 12:1-11

F5 Godly joy does not fade away John 16:33, John 17:13

F6 Is a fruit of the Holy Spirit Galatians 5:22

F7 Joy in God Isaiah 61:10

F8 In Jesus Christ 1 Peter 1:8

F9 In the Bible Psalm 119:162

E3 George Morrish in his Bible Dictionary writes:

"Joy, or gladness, is what man craves and is set upon finding; and he does find it when he finds God, and only then. He retains it too in proportion as he grows in the knowledge of God. God is the author of true joy as of every good and perfect gift. Being Himself perfectly good and above all evil, He is even represented as finding His own joy in the repentance of the sinner who returns to seek Him. Sin having come in, and man being thus, alas, alienated from God, his idea of joy is to be as happy as he can make himself without God and away from Him. (See the prodigal in Luke 15.) But disappointment and bitterness here and eternal sorrow hereafter alone can result from such a course as that. When however, on the contrary, the light of God's love, revealed in the gift and the death of His Son, breaks upon the heart, it is filled at once "with joy unspeakable and full of glory.'"

A3 Questions

B1 What are these things mentioned in the passage we read today?

B2 How can we increase our joy?

B3 How is joy made complete, as full as possible?

B4 If we are having a bad day or incredible problems, how can we have joy? See Luke 2:10-11, Jeremiah 15:16, Psalm 32:11 (for all that the Lord has done=glad in the Lord), 1 Peter 1:8, James 1:2-4, Hebrews 10:34, Acts 16:34, and Jude 1:24,

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