10 September 2015

Daily Bible Study--1 John 1:6

Daily Bible Study


1 John 1:6

"If we claim to have fellowship with Him, and we are walking in darkness, we are lying, and are not practicing the truth. " (1 John 1:6, EMTV)

A1 Outline

B1 If

C1 Claim to have fellowship with Him

C2 We are walking in darkness

B2 Main clause

C1 We are lying

C2 We are not practicing the truth

B3 Remember that one of the main reasons the Apostle John wrote 1 John is for us to know if we are a Christian or not.


A2 Notes

B1 This is a conditional sentence

C1 Condition--if part of sentence

C2 Main clause--what will or will not happen

B2 Conditional

C1 We claim to have fellowship with Him (God)

C2 We are walking in darkness

B3 Main clause

C1 We are lying

D1 We can lie by

E1 Words

E2 Actions

D2 God wants reality

E1 Hypocrite--say and do differently

E2 True--say and do the same

D3 God wants truth

C2 We are not practicing the truth

D1 We are lying to ourselves and others.

D2 We can't lie to God, for He knows. We just think we are fooling Him.


A3 Questions

B1 How does 1 John 1:6 show we must talk and walk consistently?

B2 How are we to walk and talk?

B3 Why is this important to God?

B4 Why is this important to our fellow humans?

B5 Compare the following verses to our/your life?

C1 1 John 1:8

C2 1 John 1:10

C3 1 John 2:4

C4 1 John 4:20

C5 Matthew 7:22

C6 James 2:4


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