12 August 2016

First Four Messages Part D


General info
  • Author--Holy Spirit
  • Writer--John Mark (Marcus) via Peter
  • Time and place--Dates range from 50 to late 60s AD. The place is unknown. Caesarea and other places varying from Rome to Egypt.
  • Main topic--The life of Jesus Christ.

Mark 1:1-8 John prepares
Mark 1:9-11 Jesus's baptism
Mark 1:12-13 Jesus's temptation
Mark 1:14-15 Jesus preaches in Galilee
Mark 1:16-20 Jesus calls first disciples
Mark 1:21-28 Jesus casts out demon
Mark 1:29-34 Jesus heals Peter's mother-in-law
Mark 1:35-40 Jesus teaches throughout Galilee
Mark 1:41-45 Jesus heals leper

Mark 2:1-12 Jesus heals paralytic
Mark 2:13-17 Jesus calls Levi
Mark 2:18-22 Jesus teaches about fasting
Mark 2:23-28 Jesus teaches about the Sabbath

Mark 3:1-6 Jesus heals on the Sabbath
Mark 3:7-12 Jesus teaches by the sea
Mark 3:13-20 Jesus appoints the 12 Apostles
Mark 3:21-27 Jesus teaches against false accusations
Mark 3:28-30 Jesus teaches about the unpardonable sin
Mark 3:31-35 Jesus teaches about who is the family of God

Mark 4:1-9 Parable of the sower
Mark 4:10-12 Purpose of parables
Mark 4:13-20 Jesus explains the parable of the sower
Mark 4:21-25 Parable of the lamp
Mark 4:26-29 Parable of the seed
Mark 4:30-34 Parable of the mustard seed
Mark 4:35-41 Jesus stills the wind and waves

Mark 5:1-20 Jesus heals the demon possessed
Mark 5:21-43 Jesus heals Jairus' daughter and the sick woman

Mark 6:1-6 Jesus rejected at Nazareth
Mark 6:7-13 Jesus sends out the 12
Mark 6:14-29 John the Baptist killed
Mark 6:30-44 Jesus feeds the 5,000
Mark 6:45-52 Jesus walks on water
Mark 6:53-56 Jesus heals at Gennesaret

Mark 7:1-13 Jesus teaches about tradition
Mark 7:14-23 Jesus teaches about defilement
Mark 7:24-30 Jesus heals the Syrophoenician woman
Mark 7:31-37 Jesus heals deaf, mute man

Mark 8:1-10 Jesus feeds 4,000
Mark 8:11-13 Jesus teaches Pharisees about signs
Mark 8:14-21 Jesus teaches about the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod
Mark 8:22-26 Jesus heals a blind man
Mark 8:27-30 Peter makes a confession of Messiah
Mark 8:31-33 Jesus prophesies about His death and resurrection
Mark 8:34-38 Jesus calls for all to follow Him

Mark 9:1-13 The transfiguration
Mark 9:14-29 Jesus heals demon possessed boy
Mark 9:30-32 Jesus prophesies about His death and resurrection
Mark 9:33-37 Jesus teaches about humility
Mark 9:38-41 Jesus teaches about who is for Him, not against Him
Mark 9:42-50 Jesus teaches about influencing someone to sin

Mark 10:1-12 Jesus teaches about divorce
Mark 10:13-16 Jesus blesses the children
Mark 10:17-31 Jesus and the rich, young ruler
Mark 10:32-34 Jesus prophesies about His death and resurrection
Mark 10:35-45 Jesus responds to the request of James and John
Mark 10:46-52 Jesus heals Bartimaeus

Mark 11:1-11 Jesus's triumphal entry
Mark 11:12-14 Jesus curses the fig tree
Mark 11:15-19 Jesus cleans out the Temple
Mark 11:20-26 Jesus teaches about the cursed fig tree
Mark 11:27-33 Jesus has His authority challenged

Mark 12:1-12 Jesus teaches the parable of the wicked tenants
Mark 12:13-17 Jesus teaches about paying taxes
Mark 12:18-27 Jesus teaches the Sadducees about the resurrection
Mark 12:28-34 Jesus teaches about the greatest commandment
Mark 12:35-37 Jesus teaches the He is the Son of David
Mark 12:38-40 Jesus teaches about the errors of the Scribes
Mark 12:41-44 Jesus teaches about the widow's offering

Mark 13:1-9 Jesus prophesies about the Temple's destruction
Mark 13:10-13 Jesus teaches about spreading the Gospel
Mark 13:14-23 Jesus prophesies about the Abomination of Desolation
Mark 13:24-31 Jesus prophesies about His return
Mark 13:32-37 Jesus teaches against date setting

Mark 14:1-2 The plot to kill Jesus
Mark 14:3-9 Jesus anointed at Bethany
Mark 14:10-11 Judas agrees to betray Jesus
Mark 14:12-21 The Last Supper
Mark 14:22-25 Jesus teaches what the Lord's Supper means
Mark 14:26-31 Jesus prophesies Peter's denial
Mark 14:32-42 Jesus prays in Gethsemane
Mark 14:43-52 Jesus betrayed and arrested
Mark 14:53-65 Jesus before the Sanhedrin
Mark 14:66-72 Peter denies Jesus

Mark 15:1-5 Jesus brought before Pilate
Mark 15:6-11 The crowd wants Barabbas not Jesus
Mark 15:12-15 Jesus delivered to be crucified
Mark 15:16-20 Jesus mocked by the soldiers
Mark 15:21-32 Jesus is crucified
Mark 15:33-41 Jesus dies
Mark 15:42-47 Jesus is buried

Mark 16:1-8 Jesus rises from the dead
Mark 16:9-13 Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene
Mark 16:14-18 Jesus gives the Great Commission
Mark 16:19-20 Jesus ascends to heaven

The outline shows the most common subject involves "Jesus."
  1. Jesus is His earthly name.
  2. Messiah or Christ is His title.
  3. He is the anointed one.
  4. Only one person is THE anointed one.
  5. Kings, priests, and Christians may be anointed, but only Jesus in THE anointed one.

The Gospel is written to inform people of the life of Jesus Christ.
His life, teaching, death, and resurrection all prove the He is God the Son, the Passover  Lamb, the redeemer of Israel and any who will call out to Him.

Throughout the Gospel it is noted that Jesus had authority over everything.
When Jesus died, it was because He voluntarily died.

Jesus teaches doctrine and how to approach life.
  • He spoke and dealt with friends and enemies.
  • He healed those who followed Him forever and those who deserted Him.
  • He was always the victor.

Let us take a closer at two passages--Mark 3:1-6 and Mark 16:1-8.

Mark 3:1-6
  • Mark 3:1-6And He entered again into the synagogue. And a man was there who had a withered hand. And they were observing Him, whether He would heal him on the Sabbath, so that they might accuse Him. And He said to the one who had the withered hand, "Step forward." Then He said to them, "Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?" But they kept silent. And looking around at them with anger, being grieved at the hardness of their hearts, He said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." And he stretched it out, and his hand was restored as whole as the other. Then the Pharisees went out with the Herodians and immediately conspired against Him, how they might destroy Him. Mark 3:1-6 (EMTV).
  • Terms:
    • Synagogue. This is different than the Temple. The synagogue is a "gathering" of the people to worship. The Jewish term, I believe, is Beit K'nesset. It is the local place of worship. The Temple was the national place to worship. The synagogue was a place of prayer. It is also a school, a place of study. It is not only a place for teaching the children but also the adults. It is life long study. At the time Titus entered Jerusalem it is estimated that between 394-480 synagogues existed in Jerusalem. Some were Jews from different areas. In Acts 6:9, some of these are mentioned. The man in charge with the synagogue ruler. Next in charge was the executive officer who had charge of the details. The main furniture was a cabinet called the Ark. This held the scroll of sacred Scripture. Those Jews who attended could read the Scriptures and offer prayers. The elders sat in front. The men and women sat separately.
    • Withered hand. The would have been from accident or disease. Some diseases today as various arthritis, ALS, muscular dystrophies, etc.
    • Sabbath. From sunset Friday to sunset Saturday.
    • Pharisees. Basically they were separatists to whom it was important to not be stained with any contamination of sin, unclean people or animals, or nations. They were zealous for the law, but they had additions based on decisions and Jewish philosophy. The believed in the resurrection, angel, and spirit. (For the Sadducees say there is no resurrection or angel or spirit, but the Pharisees acknowledge them all.) Acts 23:8 LEB
    • Herodians. These were a political party supporting the Herods.
  • Evidently these Jews felt that healing on the Sabbath was sinful. Jesus was going to correct them. Their misunderstanding of what the Sabbath really was for had corrupted to almost be lost. This oral tradition is the Talmud, which interprets the Law of Moses.
  • The attendees seem to have one purpose. This was to watch him closely for any deviation of what they thought the Sabbath was to be, what could and could not be done, and pure tradition. Watching closely is in the imperfect tense, thus it was a continuous action. They wanted to accuse him of evil, so they could destroy him.
  • Jesus asks the elders and the attenders a question. He knew both their answer and the truth. "Is it OK with the Law to do good or harm, to save a life or destroy it?"
  • They refused to answer, because they wanted to destroy him.
  • Jesus wanted them to know the truth. They wanted their own way, their own tradition, and their own authority instead of truth.
  • Is it wrong to be angry? No, it is a normal emotion. Here we see Jesus angry, yet without sin. He grieved (was in sorrow) at their hardness of heart. Hardness of heart means they were stubborn and unyielding to truth.
  • Jesus commanded to stretch out his hand. His obedience showed faith (Numbers 20:7-13). The healing showed that Jesus was creator, for He created health. No physician can do this.
  • Was making plans to kill someone who had done such a wonderful thing wrong to do on the Sabbath? I guess these people didn't care.
  • What we can learn from this.
    • Truth is important.
    • Truth must be the priority.
    • Truth has a standard.
    • Truth can be rejected.
    • Truth must be this important to us.
    • The Bible is the ONLY source of 100% truth.
    • May the way we live and think this week be in accordance with God's truth.

Synagogue here and here and here  

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