29 September 2016

In Training

Theme: God raised up a deliverer

Know: From birth, God was training Moses to be the deliverer of the Israelites from Egypt.
Think: Be conscious of God's intentional leading and presence in my life.
Do: Use what you have learned and experienced to serve the Lord as He leads you.

Scripture: Exodus 2:1-25

Notes and questions
B1 Outline
  • Moses' birth Exodus 2:1-10
  • Moses flees from Pharaoh Exodus 2:11-17
  • Moses gets married Exodus 2:18-25
B2 This chapter deals with some of the background of Moses.
B3 God trains His servants (compare Hebrews 12:8). After educating, God tests (Genesis 22:1, Psalm 66:10, John 6:6). All good teachers test. How have you been tested?
B4 What are some ways that God trains His people today?
B5 Think of some examples of God's training in your life.
B6 Consider the timing of the incidences in Moses' birth, Pharaoh's daughter, Moses' sister being there, etc. Can you look back in your life and see how God worked in your life? Please share.
B7 Exodus 2:1-4
  • Is there any significance to the fact that Moses' parents are of the tribe of Levi?
  • What does the description of Moses by his mother mean? "And the woman conceived and bore a son. And when she saw him, that he was beautiful, she hid him three months." (Exodus 2:2, mkjv1962). It is believed that his mother saw not only a beautiful, perfectly born child, she also understood that God had a plan for him. Compare Hebrews 11:23 and Acts 7:20.
B8 Exodus 2:5-6, did God cause baby Moses to cry and move the Pharaoh's daughter with compassion? Was the timing of this an accident? Any application for our lives?
B9 Exodus 2:7-10, what would Moses remember about this time? Were prayers answered?
B10 Exodus 2:11-14
  • Why did Moses go out to the Israelites?
  • What did Moses see?
  • What was his reaction? Was it correct for him to kill the Egyptian?
  • Why did the Israelites ask Moses this question?
B11 Exodus 2:15-22
  • Why was Pharaoh angry?
  • What did Moses do?
  • Why did Moses go to Median? (They were near relatives and still worshiped the true God. Exodus 2:16)
  • Was Reuel, the father of the daughters that Moses helped, surprised that an Egyptian helped them?
  • In what ways was Moses life changed?
B12 How would these incidents in Moses life prepare him for being used by God?
B13 What training has God been doing in your life?
B14 How can we serve God?

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