25 September 2016

Just a little patience

Theme: Godly attitudes

Know: We are to patiently endure suffering, waiting for God's deliverance.
Think: View suffering as a temporary condition that will one day be done away with.
Do: Patiently live for Christ, praying in all circumstances.

Scriptures: James 5:7-20

Notes and questions:
B1 Outline
  • Money James 5:1-6
  • Patience James 5:7-12
  • Sickness James 5:13-18
  • Brother's keeper James 5:19-20
B2 Give some examples of patience.
B3 Give some examples of perseverance.
B4 Why is patience important for a Christian especially?
B5 Why is perseverance important for a Christian?
B6 The word for patience in our lesson is more of a perseverance. The saints are under pressure and suffering. James urges them to continue faithfully. Suffering may be in thoughts, desires, words, and deeds. It may be spiritual, emotional, or physical.
B7 James 5:7,
  • What the reason for the word therefore?
  • What are the saints told to wait for?
  • What is the importance of the coming of the Lord?
  • Why is the farmer mentioned here?
  • The word for wait is an expectant wait, an anticipating wait.
  • The early rain is in October to November and latter rain is in March to April.
  • The Lord's coming is the Rapture for living and dead saints.
  • We wait patiently. Why is it important to wait for the Rapture?
B7 James 5:8
  • The word for patience is the same as above. The word for establish means to stabilize, strengthen, set firm. We have to make up our minds that we will be true to God and His word. We need to pray for each other as well.
  • What is reason given for staying patient and stabilizing our hearts?
B8 James 5:9
  • The word grudge or murmur is not a loud in-your-face type of complaining. It is more of a mumbling quietly complaining. Often it would reflect our impatience at waiting for something.
  • Why is this wrong?
  • What does God think of this type of complaining?
  • Is there a proper, acceptable, type of complaining? Give some examples.
  • Standing before the doors (doors is plural) is a Hebrew term referring to something near or happening soon. The Judge is ready to enter the courtroom. Compare "If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.” (Genesis 4:7, NKJV)
B9 James 5:10-11
  • Why are these two examples given for us?
  • How did the prophets suffer?
  • How did Job suffer?
  • What can we learn about patience in suffering?
B10 James 5:12
  • Should we really need to take an oath to show we are telling the truth?
  • Shouldn't our reputation be such that people would understand that we are telling the truth?
  • Why is truth important?
  • What should you say if your wife asks if you like her dress but you don't?
  • Is having a reputation of being honest and trustworthy important? Is it more important for the Christian?
B11 James 5:13-20
  • The word afflicted means someone is going through a hardship of any type.
  • If we are afflicted, what are we to do? How long are we to pray? Does God always do what we ask? "Now this is the confidence that we have toward Him: if we should ask anything according to His will, He hears us." (1 John 5:14, WPNT)
  • If we are happy, what are we to do? Do we have to do this?
  • What else are we to do, when we are sick? Do we still anoint with oil? Why the phrase "... in the name of the Lord?"
  • Is every sickness healed? If not, does it mean that we do not have faith? What might be some reasons God would not heal?
  • What is the purpose of this type of confession?
  • Why is it good to pray for each other?
  • Did Elijah have a special connection with God for answered prayer? If he did, should we ask the saints or the virgin to intercede for us?
  • How can we follow the instructions of James 5:19-20 if we do not know Christian doctrine?
B12 Next week
  • In training
  • Theme: God raised up a deliverer.
  • Scripture: Exodus 2:1-25

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