15 September 2019

Prayer lists and spontaneous prayer

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

I’m just going to mention two things about prayera prayer list and spontaneous prayer.

Prayer list
B1 A written or memorized list of people and issues prayed for every day.
B2 We need to be faithful.
B3 Our motivation is not a reward from God but is because of our love for others. We pray for our fellow believers because we love them; thus, we continue in prayer. Sometimes we don’t even feel like praying, but we pray because we love our brothers and sisters.
B4 Remember that others believers have prayed for us sometimes for years. We can mention them to God for years too, if need be.

Spontaneous prayer
B1 This is when someone comes to mind, we can pray for them. We don’t need to even know, for God knows. If John comes to mind, we can pray, “Dear Father please be with and help John now.”
B2 Our motive for this is we are our brother’s keeper and our love for our brothers and sisters.

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