13 February 2020

My Devotions on 13 Feb 20

  Mark 4
What does this mean?
Why parables instead of just telling it plain and simple? Because the people who listened, in general, wanted the show, the healing, and the food. They did not want to believe that Jesus was THE Messiah. People reject Jesus as their Messiah because of pride ("I'm a good person.") and they love sinful pleasures and did not want to give them up.

Parables are a punishment to withdraw understanding. Those who wanted would have to come and ask Him to explain it. He tests those who ask by saying, “Don’t you see what this parable means? How will you understand any parable?” Why? Because He was testing their genuineness to want to learn. So, He explains.

The word is sown by people. God will bless the growth of the word, but the reception is different.

The parable of the Lamp is transparency. We are not to hide our faith (pretend we are not Christians), not to hide our sins (we are to confess and repent), and/or lie. Truth is important to God.

He also warns us about judging. We must use God's standards, not ours. Judgment, that is, testing is important; we are required to do so, but if I use the wrong standard, then I might be judged by that same standard, too. I will be found out to be a hypocrite. We must judge and test, because otherwise we will be deceived by trusting wrong people.

The more we listen to Christ's ways and teachings, the more we will learn. The more we apply and live, the more we will be able to live.

We don't understand spiritual growth. We plant; God increases. We tend; God blesses. We harvest; we are thankful and enjoy. It is the providence of God.

We are to do spiritual work as preaching, teaching, and living. God gives the increase and brings it to maturity.

God's kingdom continues to grow. This is a spiritual kingdom, not a human kingdom on earth. We are to mature in the faith and not stagnate.

Finally, the Lord Jesus wishes to go to the other side of the sea. While the men work to sail there, a violent wind storm arises, threatening the ship, for it is “full of water.” The men near to panic awake the Lord Jesus, who is sleeping. He arises, rebukes the wind and sea, that is, telling it to be calm and at peace. It complies, for Jesus is the creator. He then teaches the men, that they should have had faith. If Jesus was not worried and fearful, neither should we. Only God can give real, lasting peace. There is no peace to the wicked.

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